Chapter 24: A gift just for you

Snow slowly falls from the sky, the street, roads and walkpaths were covered with snow as winter  has come and not only that but Christmas has come as well within the nation. Christmas decorations has been set up around shops, streets and homes as everyone is celebrating a bright jolly Christmas this year.

We then cut to Peter, Y/n and Mayday setting up theie decorations at their home as we see the trio finishing up setting up the decorations around the house and now they set up a Christmas tree with bulbs around it, candy canes and finally they placed a Christmas star on top of the tree just to finish their work.

The trio step back and look at the amazing tree they have done as Peter wrapped both of his arms around his two kids as he tell them both.

Peter: (smirk) Nice work you two, this is gonna be a great year for us.

Y/n: (smile) I think so as well.

Mayday: (smile) Same dad.

The trio smiled as they stare at the Christmas tree when their door rang which Y/n walked over and open the door to see Akane wearing a cute Santa outfit with a hot on her as she pulls out a gift for Y/n and said.

Akane: (smile) Merry Christmas Y/n~!

Y/n: (smile) Merry Christmas Akane and thanks for the gift.

She smiled while blushing as Y/n takes the gift as he let her inside to let her see their Christmas decorations they have set up as she look at their Christmas tree and it looks great.

Akane: (surprised) Whoa nice decorations you three set up.

Mayday: (smirk) Thanks. Bet your family did the same as well for Christmas.

Akane: Yeah, ours is very notifiable.

Soon after the four were standing in front of Sakurada home to see they went overboard on the decorations as it looks like a huge light show that could be see from out of space.

Then Souichirou, Satsuki and Aoi came out with the two girls wearing elf outfits while Souichirou wearing a Santa outfit as well but with a white beard and hat.

Souichirou: (smile) Hello there! What do you think aboit our decorations! Ho Ho Ho!

Aoi: (smile) Sorry if the decorations may annoy you.

Satsuki: (smile) We'll turn them off when night comes.

Peter: (smile) That's alright, you got some nice decorations Souichirou.

Souichirou: (smile) Thank you. Say how's about you all come inside and have some tea and cookies.

Peter: Sure thing, hey Y/n you go do your "thing" and be back as soon as you can.

Y/n: (surprised) You sure?

Peter: (smile) Yeah we're sure, go do your thing.

Y/n: Um okay? Sis, you wanna join?

Mayday: Sorry I have my own thing going on.

Y/n: Oh, Akane?

Akane: Sorry same.

Y/n: Okay then? Guess I'm off, see you all later.

He heads off to do his "thing" and as soon he's gone the Petee, Mayday and Akane rush inside with Souichirou so they can begin their plan this year.


At the mall, we see a line up of children wishing to see Santa for this year and wanna ask him what they wanted for Christmas. Then a female employee wearing a elf outfit was asking the other employees were the person who is suppose to be dressing up as Santa went.

Female employee: He quit!

Male employee: Yeah, apparently he had a argument with our boss about the payment for this year and when our boss refuse, he quit and left.

Female employee: Oh no, this is not good.

She turn to the kids and parents as she let out a sigh and inform them all the bad news.

Female employee: I'm so sorry but i afraid Santa will not come today. I'm very sorry for that.

The kids were very sadden by this, thinking they will never tell him what they wanted for Christmas.

???: That's right! Because he sent me to write up your wishes!

Suddenly everyone looked up as Spider-man came down and land in front of Sana's seat and puts on a Sanat hat on his head.

Spider-man: Your friendly Neighbour Spider-man has come to see what you all want for Christmas and I'll sent them to Santa himself!

The children cheered while the employees were amazed and surprised but they allow this as each children take turns sitting on Spider-man's lap and asking him what they wanted for Christmas to which he wrist them up and then takes a photo with the kids as they leave happier then ever to meet their favourite hero.

This gose on for hours on end as Spider-man stay on that seat, listening to the children's wishes and writing them down onto a list and refusing to take any break. Soon the last children leave, thanking Spider-man as he stood up while a female employee walked up to him.

Female employee: (smile) We.....We don't know what to say.

Spider-man: It's alright, you don't have to say anything, I just want to lift the spirits of everyone for thie year.

Other employees were glad for this as Spider-man heads outside and then swings off. The next time we see him he is seen picking up food from the homeless centre and once that he swings off ans search for any homeless people living on the street.

When he dose spot a few homeless people living on the street, in the cold and coughing as people were walking by. He land in front of them and hand them not just food but a wamr blanket to keep them warm throughout the winter. They were surprised and thankful for hid kindness and even some tear up to see someone dose care for him.

Spider-man swings off after that as we cut to a singal mother with two kids living in a cold house without any food as they are short with money and life seems to hit them hard for them. Then they heard a door bell at their door bell their mother was worried it was the landlord about to kick them out but when she open the door, she noticed five huge bags filled with food, toys and other things as the kids sees them and they were jumping for joy.

Little boy: Santa came to help us!

Little girl: Thank you Santa!

Their mother tear up and we see Spider-man outside and attached to the wall as he sees them being happy and then he swings off.

We then see him standing on top of the roof of the building as he looks down at all the people walking by as he sat down and takes a breather as he thinks to himself.

Spider-man: (thought) Man I not have time to get back and rejoin with everyone else. Still I wanna spread joy ti everyone as Spider-man. I know I should just call it a day and leave but no, I wanna make everyone happy and make theie wishes come true.

Then his spidy sense kicked in and he looked over to see a group of teenagers walking while messing around and not paying attention where they are going.

One accidentally pushes the other teen too hard which he stumble into the road just as a truck drive towards the teenager and sound its horns as the teenager looks over, thinking he ie dead when Spider-man swings over and grabs him before the truck ran him over.

The truck went pass them as Spider-man lands on the ground and set down the surprised teenager as his friends rushed over and see he is alright.

Spider-man: Pay attention in the road, especially in this year alright?

They agree and thanked Spider-man as he shoot his webs ans swings off while many people who saw it cheered for Spider-man as he swings off and stop by the Orphanage and we see him inside with children gathering around him and cheering and being happy to see a super hero here.

Spider-man smiled underneath his mask and then noticed one kid sitting at the far end of the bed and looking depressed and sad. Once the other kids head off to eat dinner, Spider-man walks over to the depressed kid and sat next to him.

Spider-man: Hey Kiddo, you okay?

He shake his head no which Spider-man looks over to see his name was "Ben" placed on his cup as Spider-man ask Ben.

Spider-man: You wanna talk to me about it?

Ben: It's just.......Its just that.......I feel like I'm useless and was not suppose to be here.

Spider-man: What makes you say that?

Ben: It's just (sniff).....My parents never loved me, no matter how many times i want to make them proud, they only ignore or tell me to go into my room. They never loved me, no one dose.

Spider-man: I'm very am sorry for that. But, if there is anything you want for Christmas, anything you could think of?

Ben: I just want to be loved. I just want someone to love me, but....I guess that will never happen.

He leave his bed and walks off to eat dinner while Spider-man wants to help him and then have an idea. He leaves the Orphanage and swings off, looking around as he remembered something not too long ago and to hid luck he found it. He land underneath a bridge and walked inside and sees what looks like a small puppy sleeping on a flat cardboard box being alone and wants to be loved as well as Ben.

Spider-man picks up the small puppy and once that he swings off and waits till all the kids were asleep. Once that he sneak inside and walks up to Ben's bed where Bed is sleeping and place the puppy next to him as the puppy noticed Ben's tears and licks which cost Ben to wake up and sees the puppy as he lick him more which he smiled.

He hug the puppy and then looked over to see a open window with a Christmas card next to Ben as he takes it and opens and it said "Merry Christmas Ben, signed Spider-man."

Ben: (smile) Thank you Spider-man. Thank you.

(Hours later)

Night came and Spider-man arrived back to Sakurada house hold as he takes off the suit and changes to his normal outfit and then rushed over at the door and opens and calls out.

Y/n: Sorry I was late! I was-

Then he realised the house was dark and there was no one in sight. He enter inside and look around but there was no sign of anyone as he enter the living room and sees no one but a dark and empty house.

Y/n: Where is everyone?

Suddenly the TV turned on which he turn to see the TV shows a title which said "A Gift just for you" Then Souichirou appear on screen as he said.

Souichirou: (video) What do I think about Y/n? Well for one he is one of most intelligent and most kindness person I have ever met. I get along with him like he was another son and I'm so glad to meet him.

Y/n is surprised and then it keep chances to each person who knows which are his friends and family as he sat down on the couch, facing the TV and continue on watching.

Satsuki: (video) He's such a sweet boy and our children enjoy having him around when he come by. One time he helped me and Aoi clean around the house and when we offer to pay him, he refused and left. He's a wonderful person!

Shuu: (video) When i first met him, he seems like a normal teenager like me but soon after we were like best friends. I know i was not around him more often when I became king but I really do appreciate with the support, care and friendship I have with him.

Aoi: (video) I know I've said this a lot but I can't describe anything but how nice he was. He helped me go through the problems I have including about my real powers. I was worried when I become queen, I sure will use my powers to control people and I don't want to do that but i worry if i refuse, my parents will be upset. But Y/n told me to not to worry and give me the courage to refuse tyr throne and everyone clapped and my parents were even more proud. It was thanks to you Y/n, thank you.

Kanade: (video) I don't care what others say about Y/n if he is a nerd, loser or anything, he's the person that helps anyone he needs no matter what. One time I saw a bully messing with a student and I was about to do something but Y/n appear and protected that student. True, he was beaten up but he defend that student like a Knight. I'm very proud for that.

This continue on for hours with Y/n looking at the TV as everyone said good things about Y/n, saying "How cool he was", "how nice he was" and even tell stories of the good things Y/n has done this year. Then it reach the last three videos.

Mayday: (video) I have the best brother I could ever have! We both have similar likes, goals and got along very well. I love you bog bro.

Peter: (video) My son will risk or sacrifice anything for his friends and family. You all have no idea how much good he has done for those he care for. I'm proud of both my children and I'm proud at you son. Have a merry Christmas.

Akane: (video) Hi Y/n. When we first met i was shy around you, nervous because of the trauma I've been through with Karen but....instead of ignoring me or not bother to talk to me, you try so much to help me out of my shyness and help me meet new people and now....I feel great all thanks to you. I can now help more people while not feeling nervous all thanks to you. You were that person that helped me escape the trauma of my past and show me the nice people you have met. I'm so glad we met and I love you, we all do Y/n. Merry Christmas Y/n and....have a happy new year.

The video ends and Y/n sat there in slince when the lights turned on which he turn around in surprised as everyone jumped out and called out.

Everyone: (smile) Merry Christmas!

Y/n: (surprised) You.....You all did this......just for me?

Peter: (smile) Of course we did son.

Hikari: (smile) Because we love you!

Misaki: (smile) And you helped us so much so we made all this just to say thank you.

Teru: (smile) Your the best person ever Y/n!

Shioro: And your the nicest person ever.

Akane: (smile) So this is our way to thank you and show our love and care towards you. So, have a merry Christmas Y/n.

Y/n is surprised by all of this and tears came out of his eyes but they were tears of joy as he smiled and then called out to everyone.

Y/n: (smile) Merry Christmas to you all and thank you all for this.

They smiled and they start their party as they party throughout the night as they celebrate Christmas together as they have a jolly and good night.

To be continued............................................................

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