Chapter 23: What your child really wants

It was a rainy day as we see Mayday and Y/n inside of their homes while Mayday watches as the rain pours down from the sky as she breaths a sigh of boredom while we see Y/n watching some TV and seeing if there is any crime happening out there but there was nothing going on at the city which Y/n tells Mayday.

Y/n: Seems like crime ain't gonna commit in thr rain.

Mayday: Yep, seems like it. Say should we call over to the Sakurada family and hang out with them?

Y/n: Unfortunately we can't.

Mayday: Why not?

Y/n: They're sick.

Mayday: All of them? Whoa guess the rain must have making all sick or something.

Y/n: Actually it's not a normal kind of sickness your thinking of.

Mayday: Huh?

Y/n: You see when it comes to their powers, there is a chance they can't control their powers so they needed to wait until they regain their powers again.

Mayday: So they lose control their power for a day or something?

Y/n: Two or three days yeah. It's like a sickness accept it's infecting their powers. For example Akane can't control her gravity so it leaves her floating around the room, Sho can't stop teleporting, Hikari is stuck in her adult age and Kanade can't stop summoning things so in hopes for her not lose money she summon rocks because they are free.

Mayday: That sucks. Guess they needed yo wait until they gain control their powers.

Y/n: Yeah but it's nothing dangerous about but it's best we leave them be for a bit until things are calm down.

Mayday: (smile) Good thing our powers don't go out of the control.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess so.

Then they hear a doorbell ring which they turn to the door so Y/n leaps off from his couch and walks over to the door and opened.

Y/n: Hello who is- Brielle!?

Mayday peeked over to see Brielle with wet clothes and her she was crying as she look up at Y/n and then suddenly hugged him while she burst out crying.

Brielle: (tears) Y/n!

Y/n: Brielle what's going on? Why are you here?

Brielle continues to cry so they took her in so she can calm down and explain why she is did. After they give her a blanket and some tea, Brielle calmed down and tell them something that shocked then.

Mayday: (shocked) You were kicked out?!

Brielle: Yeah (sniff) By my idiot father.

Y/n: But why?

Brielle: He told me that I should be a lawyer but I argue back at him, telling him I can choose what goals I like and so we argue and before I know it he......he kicked me out of the house.

Mayday: That's horrible.

Y/n: What about your mother?

Brielle: My mom try to stop him but it was too late. The next thing I hear from mom was her and my father arguing while I ran away. I can't believe any father would have kicked out their own daughter outside in the rain.

Y/n: I'm really sorry about that Brielle. You can stay here as much as you like if you want.

Mayday: Yeah ask us anything you please.

Brielle: Thanks. Right now I just need some rest.

Mayday took her to the guest bedroom so she can get some rest and soon she came downstairs and tell Y/n as she enter the living room.

Mayday: I can't believe her own father would have kicked her out of the house.

Y/n: Yeah. At first it was none of my business to get involved into family issues but now this has gone on long enough.

Mayday: What are you going to do?

Y/n: I can't do anything about it, but Spider-man and can do something about it.

(Next day)

At the police station we see Daniel leaving the police station to grab some coffee as he get into his police car and start to drive off. He was slince in the car until his phone start to ring which he picked it up and it was his wife.

He growl a bit and hang up while he keeps on driving until something land on top of his roof which startled him but then Spider-man land his head over which stocked Daniel as Spider-man ask him.

Spider-man: We need to talk.

Daniel: Spider-man?! What are you doing here?

Spider-man: Just want to talk to you about something. Can you pull over for a minute.

Daniel: Is this some kind of a joke?

Spider-man stare at him and then Daniel sigh and park his police car to the side and got out of the car as Spider-man sat down on the roof of his car as Daniel turn to him ask him.

Daniel: So what dose the great hero myself wants to talk about?

Spider-man: I know it's none of my business to get involve of your family but I can't sit by and let you do anything you want after what you did.

Daniel: What did I do?

Spider-man: Brielle, your own daughter. You kicked her out of her own home.

Daniel: How did you know about that?

Spider-man: It doesn't matter how I know about it, what I do know is that you have abusing your family for your own selfish decision.

Daniel: You gonna be kidding me. Look Brielle is q very intelligent girl and she be better of as a lawyer like her mother then being a history teacher or anything other useless subjects.

Spider-man: Unless subjects? Really dude?

Daniel: What?

Spider-man: Sir all subjects are important in school and even if she wants to be a lawyer, she needed the subjects she needed to be one.

Daniel: Name one subject that can help her being a great lawyer?

Spider-man: Well to start you need English so you can write and read notes, maths to calculate time and history so she can know the locations of the areas to boost her chances to win. Look I don't know what Fairy tale like world your living in but you can't just be a lawyer because you follow the law. People can choose their own paths and you need to respect their choices.

Daniel:.......Look I very appreciated with what you are saying but I am the man of the house and I can decide what is necessary for my families education. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to get some coffee.

He was about to open his door but Spider-man leaps over and holds the door shut as he tells Daniel.

Spider-man: Listen, don't make your families life ruin everything. Because one day things will get even worse if you ignore your own family.

Daniel: Move back or I will arrest you.

With no choice Spider-man step back and once that Daniel climb into his car and drive off. Spider-man just watch him leave and before he swing away his spidy senses kicked in and turn back around and realising Daniel is endanger.

Spider-man: Daniel! Daniel!

He shoot his webs and swing over to save him but it was too late because seconds later there was a huge explosion in front of Daniel that flipped his police car back and crashed upside while Spider-man was hit by the explosion and was sent flying back and land hard onto the ground.

Spider-man slowly get up and looks over to see flames follow by screaming people as Spider-man gets up after that explosion and rushes over to Daniel's police car and once there he ripped off his driver side door and drag the unconscious Daniel out of the car and once that he tried to wake him up.

Spider-man: Daniel! Wake up! Daniel!

Then he can hear more explosions that is coming from all over the city as he realised this was not an accident but rather an attack by someone.


We see the injured people who was hurt from the explosion at the hospital as nurses and doctors were taking them to get patched up while nurses were going around and making sure that everyone is alright.

We then cut to the unconscious Daniel laying in bed and was not waking up while we see Grace and Brielle sat around him and soon Y/n and Mayday enter the room and came up to them.

Y/n: How is he?

Brielle: He's alive but he's not waking up. The doctors are going to find out if he's alright.

Mayday: I'm so sorry for both of you.

Grace: That's alright. He would have been killed if it wasn't for Spider-man. We wish he was here so we can thank him.

Y/n: I'm sure he knows.

Soon a doctor enters their room as they turn to him as the doctor have a serious look on his face as he clear his throat and informs them on Daniel's situation.

Male doctor: I have some bad news. It seems Daniel's is in a coma and it's unknown when he will wake in.

Grace: (tears) Oh god no.

Grace start to cry including Brielle as she slowly touch Daniel's hand while Y/n asked the doctor.

Y/n: Is there anything we can do?

Male doctor: All we can do now is to prey that he can wake up soon. However it maybe possible he may have suffered some memory lost after that explosion.

Brielle: You mean.....there is a chance he won't remember some memories?

Male doctor: Actually we did a X-ray scan on his brain and it seems his brain have suffered incredible brain damage when the car flipped over and crashed on its back. The impact must have injured his head pretty badly.

Mayday: So how much of his his memory he has lost?

Male doctor: Possibly 43% of brain memory but it could be lower. I'll leave you be to sorrow your sadness.

The doctor leaves the room while Y/n and Mayday turn to see them crying as Y/n also tells them.

Y/n: We....also leave you be as well.

Brielle: Hey Y/n, Mayday.

They turn to her as she tell them.

Brielle: Thanks for coming. I'll see you guys later.

They node and they leave the room and walk down the hall as Mayday wonders to Y/n.

Mayday: Who could have done such a thing?

Y/n: That explosion wasn't on accident. Someone must have pleased a explosion underneath the roads.

Mayday: But what dose this even mean?

Y/n: It means someone wants our attention. Someone who may want Spider-man to find him by any means necessary.

Mayday: Any ideas who?

Y/n: No idea but I'm gonna find out either way.

Then Y/n's phone start to ring which he pulled out his phone and answered it.

Y/n: Hello, who is this?

Zach: (phone) Y/n you wanna come here and see this!

Y/n: Why, what's going on?

Zach: (phone) The police are st our school and they are searching around the whole school. They believed this school has something to do with those explosion.

Y/n: We be right there!

(Hours later)

Y/n and Mayday arrived the Glenwood prep and they see many police officers around the school and looking around for any clues while they enter the halls and see more police officers inside the building as well.

Mayday: Why would they believe this school have to do with those explosions?

Y/n: No idea. Something tells me someone did this to throw the police attention.

Then they see their father with Hailey talking to the police and answering their questions. The two rushed over and as soon the police officer left Y/n asked their father and Hailey.

Y/n: Dad, Principle Hailey what's going on here? Why is there police officers here?

Peter: They believe those explosions were cost by one of the students in this school.

Mayday: (shocked) What?! How come?

Hailey: Apparently someone tipper odd the police about a student with animal like ears and tail have a huge bad and was entering the sewer which is connected to the roads that were blow up. They suspected the student in this school has something to do with it.

Y/n: That's crazy!

???: Crazy or not this school must be involved of those attacks.

They turn to see Makoto as he approaches them as he tells Hailey.

Makoto: Those explosions were no accidents. They were set up by someone in this school and I'm gonna do in my power to find who ever is responsible for this.

Mayday: But aren't you a lawyer?

Makoto: (smirk) I was also a detective and I'm still am.

Peter: There is no way one of our students would have done such horrible thing. All we know it could be someone else dressing up as a animal to frame this school.

Makoto: (smirk) Like what, a furry could cost the roads to blow up? Get real Peter this is no normal crime but a terrorist attack.

Hailey: I can assure you that none of my students would never do such a thing.

Makoto: (smirk) Or really? You sure their animal instincts didn't kick in and figured killing multiple people would satisfy their hunger of violence.

Hailey: They would never do such a thing!

Peter: Principle Hailey please calm down.

Makoto: (smirk) Yes calm down Principle Hailey otherwise you might be a witness to our case.

Hailey just glare at him and soon a police officer walks up to Makoto and tells him.

Male police: We couldn't find anything and all officers check the students dorms and there is nothing.

Makoto: (smirk) Alright then. Return back to the police station and as for you Hailey, you were lucky this time but we will find out one way or another.

And so they leave while they watch them leave as Mayday fold her arms and says.

Mayday: Yeah I really don't like that guy.

Hailey: Sorry but I gonna see there is some phone calls of the children's parents and asking about police officers at their school. This is gonna be a long day.

She walked off while Y/n suddenly have the world "terrorist" in his head and suddenly remembered a van filled with weapons which he mutter out.

Y/n: (mutter) Can those guys be responsible for those explosions?

Mayday: What was that?

Y/n: Remember a few days ago when those criminals got away with a van of mysterious cargo? What if that's what they were carrying?

Mayday: You mean they were carrying some explosions?

Y/n: That and possibly more deadly weapons. Still whoever they are, Vulture seemed to be working with them.

Peter: That's bad news. Who knows what they are planning but why would they pick the blame on this school?

Y/n: No idea. Dad let us take care od this. We'll find out who those guys are and put a stop to it.

Peter: Okay, stay safe and good luck. I'll go and check up with the other students.

Y/n: Right.

And so the two head off home as they start their own investigations and seeing who those guys from the docks where and if it's possible they have something to do with those explosions that injured a lot of people. Either way they need to find out what their next plan maybe before something even worse will happen.

To be continued.....................................

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