Chapter 21: Recovering
It was a nice day as we see Spider-Girl swinging through the city doing her patrol and taking Spider-man's place for today since he needs to recovery from his injuries when he fought Vemon.
He swings through the city and then land on top of the roof and looking down at the city when her phone start to ring so she pulled out her phone and it was from Y/n so she answers and put her phone onto her ear.
Spider-girl: Hey there Y/n! Doing alright?
Y/n: (phone) Yeah I'm doing fine. Just need to take it easy for a bit and let my wounds heal up.
Spider-girl: Well that's good. This city doesn't want to see a injured Spider-man swinging around.
Y/n: (phone) Yeah but you gonna be fine on your own?
Spider-Girl: Don't worry I'll be fine. Besides everything seems to be alright so I'm just gonna swing around and making sure all things are alright and then head home. You want anything while I'm out?
Y/n: (phone) No thanks. Akane, Kande, Aoi, Sophie, Sophie, Hatsu, Hikari, Misaki, Youko and Brielle are gonna come by with some snacks.
Spider-Girl: Seems like your gonna have pretty girls in our home huh?
Y/n: (phone) It's not like that!
Spider-Girl: (giggle) I know. I know. Hey I'll call you later okay. Take it easy and take care.
Y/n: (phone) Same to you.
After the call ends she fire her webs and swings through the city doing her patrol and everything seems to be normal. Of course there is some store robbies, cat stuck on a tree and other cliche thing which Spider-Girl find it a bit boring.
She continues swinging around in hopes a super villain or something will pop out and attack the city but nothing. We then see her on a roof of the building laying on the ground while looking up at tne sky as she sighs to herself and then sat herself up and says.
Spider-Girl: Whoa this is really boring today. There is nothing interesting going on today. No super villain attacks, no rampaging monster attacking, it's just nothing going on. (Sigh) There have to be something this Spider-Girl can do.
She sighs once more while she looks around the city just thinking for something to do when she spotted something in the distances. She sees someone on the roof leaping onto roof to roof which Spider-Girl sees True judge making his way to roof to roof and then disappeared into the alleyway.
Spider-Girl: That was True Judge. Looks like he's up to no good. Time for this girl to see what he is planning.
She fired her webs ans swing off as she followed True Judge and find out what he is planning.
The girls arrived at Y/n's place as they sat around in the living having some snacks while talking to each other. We see Y/n have some bandages covering the wounds on his face and arms which is behind his shirt as Aoi and Hatsu were sitting with Y/n on the couch as Aoi says to Y/n.
Aoi: It's ashame that you were in an accident. I couldn't imagine how hurt you felt.
Hatsu: Are you gonna be alright.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry I'll get better for sure.
Kande: Well if you need anything just call one of us.
Hikari: (smile) Or me if you like!
Y/n: (chuckle) I will. So how's things going on?
Misaki: Oh nothing much. Just organising my clones in clubs at my school.
Y/n: Oh yeah I remember you have your clones to be apart of clubs. How is that going?
Misaki: Hard but good.
Brielle: You know I've never seem to met your clones. Do you mind you can show us them?
Misaki: (smile) Sure thing.
She summon her clones which they appear. Brielle and the other girls were impressed as Misaki's clones walk around and look around Y/n's house.
Shaura: (smirk) Hello Y/n. Been a while hasn't it~?
Shaura is sitting on Y/n's lab as she gently hugs his head which made him blush.
Misaki: (sigh) Shaura can you please get off of him.
Sophie: Wow that's so cool!
Sophia: It's like you have twin sisters like me and Sophie!
Misaki: Yeah but sometimes they are kinds stressful to keep an eye on.
Then she realised there was six of them and we see Bubu in the kitchen eating some food as Misaki called out.
Misaki: Oh come on Bubu!
Soon the clones disappeared just as the door knocks so Y/n walks over and opens the door and once open he was surprised to see Taylen, Will, Raven and Finn.
Taylen: (smile) Hi Y/n! Doing alright?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I'm doing well. What brings you all here?
Raven: Here to check up with you of course.
Finn: And possibly hang out with you and keep you company but we can see you already had some company.
Y/n: Yeah they arrivehere before you guys but sure you can come in and talk to them.
They came in as Y/n let's the in. He looks over and was surprised to see Zach there as he look at Y/n in shame on his face as Y/n smiles a bit and ask.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Zach. Feeling alright?
Zach: Yeah I'm doing.....fine. Look I'm really REALLY am sorry for what I've done. I....I don't know what happened to me. It's like I lost control and next thing I know.....I was in the hospital. The doctors told me I was infected by some kind thing and attacked you. I...I don't know what I did or say but I'm really am sorry and-
Y/n: Zach, Zach! It's okay. None of us blame you because it wasn't your fault. That thing controlled you not the other way around. Listen, I'm sorry for what you have to go through with your parents and I understand why you never want to talk about them. But you don't always have to be with them, instead you can be with us, your true family. (Smile) So what do you say Zach, friends?
He reach out his hand while Zach is surprised by his words as he smiled and nodes as he take his hand and shakes it.
Zach: (smile) Friends.
Y/n smiled as well and the two head in to enjoy their party as they talked and share some laughs as they tell each other some stories as they enjoy themselves.
We see True Judge within a building and was at the roof of the building with a rifle in hand as he lay down at the edge of the tower and take aim at his scope as he has aim at the court house and sees a corrupted lawyer shaking hands with many other people while a innocent woman was being taking by her children for something that she didn't do.
True Judge: I here by sentence death.
He aimed his rifle at the lawyers head and have his finger at the trigger and was about to pull it when suddenly webs stuck onto the rifle and his rifle was pulled out of his hand as he turned to see Spider-Girl.
Spider-Girl: We have meet again True Judge, for the last time!
True Judge: What?
Spider-Girl: Sorry, Toy story 2 reference. (Clear throat) Alright there buddy, it's probably be best you stand down now or we'll do this the hard way.
True Judge: You have no idea whose your real enemy do you?
Spider-Girl: My real enemy is the person right in front of me. Which is you!
She fires webs which landed on True Judge's chest but he quickly slice the webs off with his knife and roll forward to dodge another Web attack and throws smoke bombs at her which blown up right in front of her.
She coughs whike her spidy senses go off and she immediately dodges True Judge's blows and strikes as the two battle. True Judge leaps up and kicks Spider-Girl back, sending her flying and crashing into a wall.
She quick gets up and fire webs which he dodges as he start to make a run for it as he leaps off a building and fire a grapple that he swing onto another building and lands onto thr roof of the building and runs away.
Spider-Girl: Oh no you don't!
She leaps off the building and swing off as True Judge turns to see Spider-Girl right behind him so he turn and throws smoke bombs to blind her. They go off but Spider-Girl gose through them and land a kick, sending him flying and landing hard at the other side of the roof.
He gets up while the two look at each other as Spider-Girl call out to him by asking him.
Spider-Girl: I don't understand why your doing this?! Killing Lawyers and for what?
True Judge: For justice. They are nothing but selfish, corrupted and greedy people they will do whatever they want and never care about innocent people that were wrongly accused! These people need to pay!
Spider-Girl: Looks what about talking to police or-
True Judge: Do you honestly think they will listen? Do you honestly think they will listen to "criminal" as they drive them towards their nightmare!
Spider-Girl: But is killing them really necessary? What your doing isn't healthy and costing a lot more trouble then what they are doing. You really don't have to do this.
True Judge: It's already too late for that! I will not stop until I will find Makoto and end his life for sure!
Spider-Girl: (thought) Makoto?! He's that jerk lawyer that try to pick the blame on the school and our father.
Spider-Girl: Why him? What did he do?
True Judge: None of your business!
He tosses more smoke bombs which blinded her a bit whne they go off but she swing out from the smoke and sees him getting away so she chase after him while she call out to him.
Spider-Girl: Wait! I can help you! Just give me a chance!
True Judge: Leave me alone!
He fires ninja stars at her which she gets behind a wall as the ninja stars stabbed onto the wall as Spider-Girl was fine as she leap over the wall and continues on chasing him as they leap onto roof to roof until True Judge stopped to see no more roofs to jump on as Spider-Girl catch up to him as she catches her breaths and stood up straight and said.
Spider-Girl: Whoa you really are fast. Ever try taking part in running races?
True Judge pulls out his ninja stars and was about to throw them when she called out while she wave her hands in front of her.
Spider-Girl: Wait! Can we not just talk! Please! We don't have to fight each other you know. We can talk like normal people would.
True Judge: Why should I trust you?
Spider-Girl: Because I know something hurt youdo badly that you cannot recover. Something that you want revenge but in a wrong way. I know your not some super villain or a murder. Your just someone who doing all od this because you wanted revenge is that right? You just didn't realise what true justice really is until it's too late. Just please.....just calm down and let's talk.
True Judge stare at her for a bit as if he was thinking and after what seemslike forever he lowee his ninja stars and put them away.
True Judge: What is it you want to talk about?
Spider-Girl: Let's start by Mr Makoto. From all tne corrupted Lawyers in this city, why him?
True Judge: He was the one that ruined my families life. He ruined everything and I need to find him and make him pay.
Spider-Girl: Well.....I've met him.
True Judge: (surprised) You have?!
Spider-Girl: Yes. He was against GlenWood Prep before Zach's father came and stopped the trail.
True Judge: So he's here. Good.
Spider-Girl: But wait! Maybe there is another way to bring justice to you and to your family.
True Judge: How?
Spider-Girl: Here's the deal. I'll gather any evidence about his corrupted things during the pass few years and expose I to everyone. In return, I want you to stand down and stop your revenge and killing.
True Judge: Do you honestly think that will work?
Spider-Girl: Maybe. Who knows really. Besides if you kill him then how can your family be proofing innocent? If he is dead then your family will still suffer ever more even after his death. Your family will never be free unless he will confessed to his crimes.
True Judge sees her point and after a while of thinking he walk up to her and pull out his hand which she takes and they shake on it.
True Judge: Deal. But if you fail then I'll kill him and the rest of the corrupted Lawyers for sure.
Spider-Girl: Deal.
Then True Judge turns and make his leave as Spider-Girl tells him before he leaves.
Spider-Girl: You know. You could be great on our team if you clean up your act and become a hero then a anti hero.
True Judge:.......We'll see.
He leaps off the building as Spider-Girl sighs, seeing enough of this action as she fired her webs ans swing off back home.
Mayday arrived back home as she open the door and was surprised to see Zach and the rest here among Y/n and the others as they say "Hello" to her as she walk in.
Mayday: (smile) Hey there everyone. See we have some guests.
Finn: (smile) Yep! Welcome to the party!
Y/n: (smile) How was you?
Mayday: (smile) Pretty good. Actually I should have stop by the pizza town to get some pizza so we can have a great party.
Kande: (smile) Say no more. I got this.
Then she summons ten pizza boxes which smelled delicious while Zach, Taylor, Raven, Will ans Finn were amazed to see her powers in person.
Y/n: (smile) Guess it's Pizza time!
Mayday: (smile) You can say that again! Let's dig in everyone!
They cheered and they have a good time as that talked to each other and sharing some laughs while the afternoon came and we see Y/n stsp out onto thr backyard to get some fresh air as he as he watch the sun setting down as Akane came out of the back and said.
Akane: (smile) Hey Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Akane. Sorry it's a bit crowded for you.
Akane: (smile) That's alright.
Y/n: Really? Your not nervous there is too many people in the party or anything?
Akane: (smile) Guess not. Ever since I've met you and feel like I've changed all thanks to you.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah you have grown. To be honest, you were really cute when your all nervous and shy.
Akane: (giggle) Oh stop it.
The two laughed as Akane look at him and then tell him.
Akane: (smile) Hey....thank you for everything. No matter what happens....I'm always with you.
Y/n: (smile) Right.
The two were close as they smiled at each other and they were about to kiss when suddenly Kande called out.
Kande: Oh no you don't!
They look over to see Kande, Aoi, Misaki Hikari, Brielle, Sophie, Sophia, Hatsu and Youko as Kande called out.
Kande: You have enough kisses from Y/n! Let us have a go at him!
Hikari: Yeah! Let one of us have one!
Y/n: Oh no.
They then gather around him and start to kiss around him whike Zach and the other watched as Zach asked Mayday.
Zach: Are you okay with this?
Mayday: (smirk) I don't mind really. It's funny if you ask me.
Finn: Whoa such a lucky guy having all of those girls. (Tears) Such a lucky guy.
Will: Due your crying.
Raven: Well that's something new to me
Taylor: (smile) I think it's really cute.
They enjoy the rest of the afternoon as the sunsets down while in the city we see True Judge within his apartment as he remove his helmet and set on on a table.
He then enter into the kitchen to wash his face as we see his face in the reflection of his mirror as a young man with white and black hair with a scar on his right eye as he look at himself in the mirror for a bit and then says to himself.
???: You will pay sooner or later Makoto. will pay.
To be continued................................
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