Chapter 2: Meet the royal family
We see the CEO of Next Generation Inc named Soma Baba walking through the Sakurada Castle while he reads through the news paper about Spider-Man stopping a crime as his female assist named Reo walks with him as he tells Reo while waving the News paper towards her.
Soma: A masked Vigilante in this city? We never have this Vigilante in this city and we never need one in the first place.
Reo: We all due respect sir he was the one that saved the Sakurada families children and the one that stop many crimes in the city.
Soma: That is why the police are here, not this Vigilante swinging around our city like he is the law.
Reo: This is words from the king after all and he fully trusted this masked Vigilante.
Soma: Right. He needs to understand that this nation don't need masked heroes fighting crime for us. We needed strong and loyal police force to protect this city or better yet machines to help this nation from crime.
Reo: Do you like me to inform the king about your dislike of this Vigilante sir?
Soma: No point, he's just gonna do his speeches again. Just keep it shut for the time being alright.
Reo: Yes sir.
They walk towards a trash bin which Soma throws the news paper in while continues walking as he straighten his suit to meet and the king and discuss about business stuff.
On a roof of the building we see Y/n wearing his Spider-Man suit with his mask up as he eat his toast while he set up a timer on his watch.
Y/n: Okay I woke up around 6:30 so it will take 3 hours and 30 minutes for me to get to school before class will start. Sounds good to me.
He finished his toast and stood up as he pulls down his mask and looks around the city as he takes a deep breath in and out as he looks at the city once again and said.
Spider-Man: Time for a patrol around the city and see that everything is alright. Now let's start the music for this montage for this great day.
(Music start)
Spider-man: Ah now that's some music to my ears. Okay let's go!
Spider-man leaps off a building and fire a Web as he swing through the city as people down below spotted Spider-man and waved to him with some saying good morning to him. He then stop small crimes such as a guy stealing soke money from the store as we see him making a run for it as Spider-man swings over him and land in front of him.
Spider-man: Hey man can you hold this? Thanks.
He hand him his Web and then shoot his webs at his chest as he was sent flying up while Spider-man catch the money as the store owner race up and Spider-man give back his money which he thanks him.
Then we see three thugs at the alleyway threating a women as they ganged up on her as she calls up for help. Then two thugs were sent flying from the webs before Spider-man appears behind the thug while he tells the guy.
Spider-man: Dose your mother not tell you it's not nice to be mean to a women?
The thug try to swing his knife at him but Spider-man catches his arm and then slam him into the wall while fire his webs at him and stuck him on the wall. The woman thanks Spider-man which she nod to her and swings off.
Then there was a child and his mother walking out of the mall after buying as the kid see a some birds walking on the ground so he runs over to them and they fly away, while the large window above where the boy was standing snaps and fell as the mother cried out for hid son while the boy looks up and webs catches the mirror from before as the mother takes his son away while everyone see the webs.
They look over to see Spider-man as he wave to them before he swings away while the mother smiles that Spider-man saved her sons life.
He also help the city rather then saving lives or fighting crime, he helps lost people to find a way to their location, help children crossing the road to get to school on time, help give the homeless some food from stores so they can eat and other good stuff as the people in the city start to open up to Spider-man of his good deeds as Spider-man swings through the street as he lands on a roof as he sat down and take a breather from all the work he just did.
(Music ends)
He pulls up his mask a little as he can breath properly as he sighs and looks around to see things are looking alright for now.
Spider-man: Man who knew doing hero work could be hard work then taking a test in school. Well that's what being a hero really is.
He then lend his head back and look at the sky as he thinks to himself for a while and remember the tales that his father told him and his sister when they were kids and they were amazing to him. He then reopen his eyes and looks back at the ground as he look at his hands and thinks to himself.
Spider-man: (thought) Guess this what it feels like to be a hero. No wonder my sister likes being a hero, it's actually fun and good.
Then his spidy senses kick off as he look down at the street to see a cat crossing the road while a truck is going too fast while Akane suddenly appear out of the alleyway to save the cat. Spider-man sees this and pulls down his mask and swings down as the truck is aboit to ran over Akane and the cat but Spider-man swings down and grabs Akane just in time as the truck immediately stop as Spider-man set Akane down.
Spider-man: That was close. You okay there?
Akane: (surprised) Your Spider-man?
Spider-man: The one the only. That must be twice I've saved you.
Akane nods while being nervous a bit while Kanade also came out of the alleyway and hugged Akane to see she is alright.
Kanade: You need to be careful Akane. You may have powers but your not invisible.
She nods while Kanade turns to Spider-man and tells him.
Kanade: Thank you for saving my sister again Spider-man.
Spider-man: That's what a hero dose. Anyways gonna go now, catch you two later.
He leaps and swings off while the two watch him leave as Akane can't believe Spider-man saved her life twice and hope to meet him again.
Y/n arrived in school as he take off his Spider-man suit and stuff it into his bag, once that he rush inside the school building and gets into class just in time.
He sat down on his table as the bell rang while at the same time his watch rang which he shuts it off.
Y/n: (sigh) Made it. Just in time. Looks like I'm the only family who isn't late for anything.
Shuu: What do you mean?
He jump to hear Shuu beside him which cost him to fell on his chair and land on the floor. He stood up and asked Shuu.
Y/n: Where did you come from?!
Shuu: Oh sorry I have a power to teleport anywhere I want.
Y/n: Oh yeah I heard that in the news during your challenge until it was ruined by some armed men.
Shuu: Yeah but this Spider dude came and saved my sisters and Akane's as well.
Y/n: (thought) It's Spider-man but I can leave it a slide.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's a good thing he came just in time to save the day.
Shuu: Guess so.
Soon Nick enter the class while Y/n sat back down as Nick start the class off with some maths which everyone hates except Y/n who gets all the answers right which impress Shuu a bit to see his intelligence.
The school bell rang as we see Shuu and Y/n outside and sat on a bench as Shuu ask him something which Y/n respond back with a question.
Y/n: There is clubs in this school?
Shuu: Yeah, they are a few but they are fun to join. What type of club do you like to join?
Y/n: Good question. Not too sure what club to join, what type of clubs are there to join?
??? And ??? 2: There is the research and history club!
Y/n jumps out of the bench in a fright as he turn to see two girls that looked similar as they continue on saying.
??? and ??? 2: (smile) You can join the Reseach and history club and have lots of fun!
Y/n: Um okay?
Y/n: (thought) Is everything gonan try to jump me out fo nowhere!
Shuu: Oh these two are Sophie and Sophia, their twin sisters who are apart of the research history club. They do research about stuff and do history on this nation and the world as well.
Sophie: (smile) Yep and since you look smart-
Sophia: (smile) We want you to be our new member!
Sophie and Sophia: (smile) So what do you say! You wanna join?!
Y/n thinks about it and he kinda do like history and he needs to learn more about this nation and it's origin and it be fun so he tell them both.
Y/n: (smile) Sure sounds fun, where do I sign up?
Sophie: (smile) Great! We inform our club president aboit this and you can start tomorrow!
Sophia: (smile) It be between classes so don't be late!
Y/n: Sure I will be there.
The two girls leave as Shuu and Y/n watch them leave.
Y/n: Their pretty Cheerful around people.
Shuu: Trust me, they are very Cheerful around people. It's the reason why Akane is very shy around them.
Y/n: I see why.
Aoi: Hello you two.
They turn to see Aoi walking up to them as Aoi turns to Shuu and ask him.
Aoi: Hey Shuu, did you tell Y/n about tonight.
Shuu: Oh yeah I forgot about that.
Y/n: Forgot about what?
Shuu: Our father wants to invite you for dinner at our place tonight.
Y/n: (surprised) Really? You mean you and your whole family?
Shuu: We told our father about you and he wants to meet you in person. Figured it be nice to introduce a new person to our nation.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow I-I don't know what to say. I'm honoured by this you two.
Aoi: (smile) The honor is all ours Y/n. We can guve you our address so you can know where we lived.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. This is go be great meeting the rest of your family and it be a real honor.
We see Y/n outside of their place as he have q confused look as he look at the address on a piece of paper and look at the house and find it confused and wonder he may took a wrong turn.
Y/n: (thought) They are suppose to be royal right? Then why do they live in a normal home? Let's knock and see.
He knock at the door and waits for a while until the door open and he was met with a man who looks down at Y/n as he ask.
???: (smile) Hello, how may I help you?
Y/n: Sorry for disturbing you sir but I was wounding if this is a right address of the Sakurada families home?
He hands him the address which he looks at it and Y/n was suspected him to say no and tell him the right direction but he was caught off guard when he said.
???: (smile) Yep this is our address. You must be Y/n Parker that go to school with Shuu, Akane, Kanade and Aoi.
Y/n: (surprised) Y-Yes sir and thqt means your their father and king then?
???: (smile) Yep, thats right.
Y/n: (shocked) Seriously?! I'm sorry for my rudeness sir.
Souichirou: (chuckle) It's alright and stop with the sir or king thing. You can call me Souichirou if you like.
Y/n: (smile) Sure sir.
Souichirou let's him in which he dose as he walk inside and see their house is a lot nicer then his as he stumble to the living room with Souichirou behind him.
???: Hello there, you must be Y/n Parker I'm I right?
Then a women walks over to him as she guve him a nice smile.
Y/n: That's right. You probably know me from your children right?
Satsuki: (smile) It's nice to meet you. My name is Satuki and is see you qlso met my husband as well.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, actually I was confused because I wasn't sure this was the right house.
Satsuki: (smile) We don't blame you. We decided to buy a nice normal house and have our kids have normal lives as well.
Souichirou: (smile) It was most my idea. Kids come down here for a minute here.
Then their children came down and enter the living room as they see Y/n.
Souichirou: To some who may not know this is Y/n Parker, he'll be joining us for dinner since he is a friend to Shuu, Akane and Aoi.
Y/n: (smile) Niceto meet you all and it's a honor.
Misaki: (smile) Nice to meet you, must be existing to have dinner with the royal family.
Y/n: (smile) You have no idea.
Kanade: I've seen you around school and see you talking to Shuu a lot so if your friends with him, your friends with us.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Kanade.
Kanade blushes a bit and looks away from him as Satsuki gets dinner done and they sat around the table and they start to eat while they ask Y/n some questions.
Teru: Hey I saw you on the news that you took down a dirty criminal who took a women's pures. How did you do it?!
Y/n: I just learn some defense skills from my father before I moved here.
Teru: (surprised) Whoa your the awesome person in the world!
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.
Souichirou: (smile) So Y/n what is your daily life after school? You go out somewhere?
Y/n: Well i mostly get things done by at home while also trying to get a part time job to pay the rent. I also join a club in school today.
Souichirou: (smile) That's good. You'll fit right in this little nation.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I loved it already.
Hikari: It's lucky that Akane is being saved by Spider-man once again.
Souichirou: (smile) Yeah, he truly is a hero to this nation.
Y/n: Yeah I saw what happened on the news. Must be a miracle that he suddenly arrived.
Souichirou: (smile) Indeed. I wish I could have meet him in person and thank him for his heroic deeps.
Y/n: (smile) I think he already knows.
Souichirou: (smile) Anyways Y/n, which girl you may not on a date with in our family.
Y/n: (blush) Huh?!
Kanade: (little blush) Really dad!
Souichirou: (chuckle) Just messing with you Y/n. I know your just waiting for the right mounting to go out with one of my daughters.
They chuckle while Y/n also chuckle a little and continue eat his food. After a while of getting to know the family and see their powers in person we see Y/n leaving the house as Souichirou takes Y/n hand and they shake on it.
Souichirou: (smile) I'm very happy to have you here and your always welcome back anytime you like.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you sir and I will.
Once they let go Y/n look at his hand to see 500,000 cash on him as he looks up to Souichirou as he smiles at him while he tells him.
Y/n: (surprised) I-I don't think I can take this. It's your money.
Souichirou: (smile) Please it's my welcome gift, I assist you take it.
Y/n: (surprised) Really. Thank you for this.
Souichirou: (smile) No problem Y/n. Have a goodnight.
Y/n turns to leave while Souichirou turns to head home and shut the door. Y/n looks at the money and can't believe he give him this much money for him. He smiles a hit when suddenly her hears an explosion in the distance as he turn to where the explosion was at as he knows it's hero work time.
We see criminals inside the bank as they are seen opening the Vault with some cutters and soon they get it open and rush inside start stuffing tge money inside while Spider-Man arrives and walk to the Vault to see the criminals busy and haven't noticed him yet.
Spider-man: Whatcha Doin'?
They all turn to see Spider-Man as Spider-man shoot his webs to grab the money out of the criminals hand and pulls it towards him as he grab it and throw the bags away while he tells them.
Spider-man: You know the bank workers is gonna pay for the damages you did to this Vault right?
One criminal who have a gun open fires at him which Spider-man leaps up and grabs hold on the ceiling as he shot his webs once more at the criminals chest and swing him across the room and he slammed onto a wall and fell back.
Spider-man lands on tbe floor with his feet while one criminal try to swing his crowbar qt him but Spider-man dodges the crowbar and he throws q punch at the criminals face while he dodge more bullets as he leaps while he spone around as he fire his webs at two criminals and drag them towards Spider-man as he hits them with his arms as they fell on the ground.
The last criminals searches his bag and pulls out a hightech grenade as he pull the pin and throw it. Spider-man sees this and fire and Web and throws it away.
Spider-man: Really? A grenade, you know the can see that coming to-
While he was talking a grenade suddenly stop mid air and flies back towards Spider-man as his spidy sense go off as he turn to see the grenade flying towards him. He was aboit to dodge it when the grenade blows up and send Spider-man flying and crash onto the wall and land on the floor.
The criminal smirks as he take the rest of the money and exit out of the Vault while Spider-man slowly stands up and chase after the criminal. Outside the criminal gets inside the van and start off it's engines and drive off with Spider-man exit out to see him getting away so he fire his webs at a building and swings off after him.
Spider-man was on the criminals tail as suddenly another criminals from the back kicks the back of the van open and fire his high tech machine gun at Spider-man which he dodges the shot before he few a Web at the machine gun and pulls the machine gun out of the criminals hand while he webs him and pulled him out of the van and hang him over a lamp post as we see him upside down while Spider-man swings after the last criminal and land on the hood of his van and tell the criminal.
Spider-man: So where did you get the fancy toys huh? Got a buyer I must know about?
The criminal respond by open fire at Spider-man which he dodges the shot and then Web the front window so the criminal can't see as he immediately stop and get out running. But Spider-man Web him and pulled him up as we see him stuck on a wall of a building while Spider-man lands at the back of the van as he look inside.
Spider-man: Okay let's see what you have here.
He looks at all the weapons and realised thqt these criminals have more fancy weapons that are high tech that can deal with a the Swat team. He then hear a phone ringing and see a phone at front so he webs the phone and pulls it towards him as he catch it and answer it.
Spider-man: Hello your reaching your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, please leave your location so I will come and stop your heist.
Then the person from the other said responded in deep lioe voice which he must be using a voice chnager to mask his real voice.
???: (phone) This ain't a heist Spider-man. It was a warning to the Sakurada family.
Spider-man: A warning huh? Well too bad because I'm gonna make sure that will not happen.
???: (phone) You don't understand, you haveno idea who you're talking to right now. I'm a very powerful man with a lot of equipment and money to take over this city and I can even take you down.
Spider-man: What do you want with the Sakurada family?
???: (phone) I want what "he" didn't give me. I want him to hand over what I want or I will turn his peaceful little nation into a nation filled with crime and chaos.
Spider-man: What is it do you want from them?
???: (phone) That's very simple.....I want their Children....I want their powers. Have a nice day Spider-man.
Then the phone hang up leaving Spider-man shock that this person not only threating the Sakurada family but he wants their royal children and their powers.
Soon the police arrived to take the criminals away while we see Spider-man on the roof of the building as he fire is webs and swings home while he thinks to himself.
Spider-man: (thought) Okay who ever that guy is wants the Sakurada families children and their powers. What for though, who is that guy on the other side of the phone? I need to figure this out. I can't allow him to take Akane and the rest away, I'll make sure I will keep them safe no matter what.
To be continued................
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