Chapter 18: The royal beach day

It was a nice day as we see many students walking down the hallway while we see Y/n in class gathering his stuff ready to head home and once he gather his stuff he make his way out of the class room and make his way through the halls to make his leave. He overheard many students talking about Shuu's name being cleared and they were glad for it while Y/n is also glad as he breath a sigh of relief.

Y/n: (thought) It's good Shuu's name was cleared. This nation would have been different if Shuu was sent to jail. Still who ever hired Chameleon to frame Shuu may have plans to ruin this nation. Bad news for him, we're going to stop him no matter what.

Then he accidentally bump into someone by the shoulder as Y/n stumble a bit and turn to see a teenage boy walking along while he said to Y/n while walking about.

???: Watch where your going.

Y/n: Oh um sorry.

He just walk off while Y/n realised he must be a new student because he never seen him around here before but he looked to bee serious and might get mad easily so he keep his distances.

Brielle: Oh hey Y/n. How's things?

He turn to see Brielle walking up to him which he smiled and tells her.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Brielle, pretty good as always. How's things with you?

Brielle: Been better. H-Hey I was wondering. Would you like to come by at my house and meet my family?

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing, that sounds nice.

Brielle: I've been talking about you to my parents and they ask me to invite you so they can get to know you more.

Y/n: (smile) Guess telling them about me ain't gonna do it?

Brielle: Guess you can say that. So if your free, meet me at the exit once your done.

Y/n: Well I'm already done with things so yeah, I'm free.

Brielle: Oh cool. Then let's go.

The two head off making their way out of the school and make theie leave while we see the same teenage boy looking through the window at the second floor and then turn and make his leave.


They arrive to Brielle's home that looked nice as she open the door and they enter Brielle's home.

Brielle: We're home!

Y/n look around to see family photos that looked pretty nice as they enter the living room when Grace peek over to see Brielle and Y/n and give her a smile to them.

Grace: (smile) Welcome home Brielle and I see you've brought a boy along.

Y/n: (smile) Names Y/n Parker. Its very nice to meet you ma'am.

Grace: (smile) So your Y/n that our daughter has been talking about. Well nice to meet you, I've just cooking dinner for us all. Please make yourself comfortable.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you ma'am.

Brielle: Is dad taking the night shift again?

Grace: I believe he might be home soon.

Daniel: Honey I'm home!

Then Daniel enter the living room and walk over to Grace as she kisses her on the cheek and turn to Y/n and Brielle.

Daniel: So your must be Y/n, well the names Daniel. It's very nice to meet you.

Y/n: (smile) Same here sir. I've heard about you and your encounter with Spider-man a few times.

Daniel: Oh yeah that guy. He is a helpful but I rather have him deal with other things while we do our jobs.

Y/n doesn't say anything as they sat in the living room as both Brielle and Y/n sat on the couch together while Daniel sat on a chair across of them and look at them and ask Y/n.

Daniel: So Y/n you've got a job?

Brielle: Dad!

Y/n: It's alright and yes I have. I assist music actors on backstage and making sure things are working well while the show is going on.

Daniel: I see. That must be some hard job.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah but I'm not afraid for a challenge.

Daniel: Alright then. So where were you before you've moved here?

Y/n: New York. A loud city but pretty nice.

Daniel: Really? Huh because a few years ago our family took a trip to New York with our daughter when she was just a baby. You should have seen her, she was crying when it comes of cars beeping around us while we try to get through New Yorks streets.

He lend out a chuckle while Brielle blush in embarrassment while Y/n find it to be cute. They talk a bit more until Grace is done with dinner and we see them sat around the table eating the meal which was delicious. Soon they were done as Y/n breath in a sigh.

Y/n: (smile) Wow that is soke good meal.

Grace: (smile) I'm glad you like it. So how long have you and Brielle been together?

Y/n: (smile) A few months now. I've been helping her around the club and other stuff.

Daniel: she's still taking on history club then?

Brielle: Dad it's my choice. If i want to take on history then it's okay.

Daniel: I know but our family have a line of justice and working for the police. Being a history teacher or anything that involves around history isn't going to do much. I mean history is just information that we've already known.

Brielle: That maybe so but I just feel being a lawyer or police doesn't suit me. I just find history less stressful.

Daniel: Every work is stressful which is why you need to learn to be a lawyer or as a police scientist like your mother.

The two argue a bit while Grace and Y/n just sat here and listened to them argue. Once they were calm down we see Y/n and Brielle outside of door as Brielle tells Y/n.

Brielle: I'm sorry about my father. I should have argue I front of you.

Y/n: Oh no it's fine, but say at least your father and mother are nice right?

Brielle: Yeah guess so. Say are you free tomorrow?

Y/n: Oh sorry no. For someone Shuu text us, asking me and my sister to get ready for something tomorrow.

Brielle: Really what is it?

Y/n: No idea but probably have to wait.

Brielle: Well it's getting dark now. So I'll see you later?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah for sure.

And once that Y/n make his leave while Brielle watches him leave. We then see Grace and Daniel looking out of the window and watching Y/n make his leave.

Grace: (smile) What a nice young boy. What do you think Daniel?

She turn to him as Daniel stare at him and then lend back and tells Grace.

Daniel: I don't know why but I feel like I've heard that voice before.

Grace: Where?

Daniel: No clue.

Daniel just make his leave along with Grace as Brielle open the door while he Heart skip a beat as she blushes and soon she enter inside and shut the door behind her.

(Next day)

We see Mayday and Y/n at home and in the living room they were wearing swimming gear with Y/n wearing shorts while Mayday wearing a bikini as Y/n ask Mayday.

Y/n: So tell me again why Shuu wants us to wear this?

Mayday: No clue but that's what he texted me on the phone. You think they are up to something?

Y/n: Maybe but who really knows. Still it's been a while so do you think they-?

Suddenly a beep is heard on Mayday's phone as she takes it out and got a text from Shuu. She text back and once she sent it Y/n ask.

Y/n: What did he say?

Mayday: He ask if we are ready and I just respond back saying yes.

Y/n: Huh. I wonder what is-

Suddenly Shuu appear between them which scared them to see him here.

Shuu: Oh sorry about that but grab on.

He was also wearing swimming shorts so they shrugged and they grab his shoulder and the trio were teleported to a beach. Once there they step back and look around to see beautiful and nice beach.

Mayday: (surprised) Wow! Now this looks amazing!

Y/n: Oooohhhh that would explain about the shorts and bikini.

Souichirou: (smile) Ah I see you both are here.

They trun to see Souichirou and Satsuki walking over to them also wearing theie swimming gear as they walk up to them.

Y/n: (smile) Hey there Souichirou and Satsuki. We were surprised when Shuu came and teleported us here.

Souichirou: (smile) We've figured we invite you two here since you help Spider-man and his hero friends to clear Shuu's name.

Y/n: (smile) Oh its no problem just glad Shuu's name was cleared. But you all really don't have to invite us here, i mean is this beach a private place?

Souichirou: (smile) True but your apart of us and it's far we invite you both here to have fun with us.

Mayday: (smile) Awesome! This is going to be the best!

Kanade, Akan and Aoi: Hey Y/n~!

They look over to see the trio of girls wearing their bikinis and looking at Y/n.

Y/n blushes red which Mayday sees this and lend out a smirk while she sees Haruka with the rest so she make her way over and appear behind Haruka while he reads a book and wrap her arms around him, surprising him as she said.

Mayday: (smile) Hello there Haruka~! Your looking fine today~!

Haruka: (surprised) Mayday! Don't scare me like that.

Mayday: (giggle) Aaaww but your soo cute when you blush like that.

He blushes while Y/n sees this and just lend out a sigh but smile a bit when Misaki and Hikair appear as Misaki and Hikair hugged him.

Misaski and Hikair: (smile) Hello Y/n~!

He blushes once more as Akane, Aoi, Kanade, Misaki and Hikair were around Y/n while Mayday is with Haruka as Souichirou, Satsuki and Shuu sees this as Souichirou chuckles and said.

Souichirou: (smile) It looks like they are going well over there.

Satsuki: (smile) Indeed. They are soo cute getting along like that.

Shuu: Still let's have some fun.

Souichirou: (smile) Agree. Let's enjoy while the sun is up.

And so they did have some fun as they enter the ocean and play around in the sea. They splash each other while they laugh. Most of them like Haruka were at shore having fun there. The girls on the beach have a water fight as they laugh and splash each other and soon they return back to shore to play another game.

Kanade used her powers to summon a volleyball bet between them and three volleyball balls ad Kanade, Aoi, Akane and Mayday can play. They start their match while Y/n looks over to see Hana helping out Satsuki making some hotdogs and burgers so he walk over to talk to them.

Y/n: (smile) Hey there you two. See you're cooking some tasty hotdogs and burgers.

Satsuki: (smile) Yep, they be ready soon.

Y/n: (smile) Awesome. So Hana how's things with you and Shuu?

Hana: (smile) Pretty good just glad Shuu's name was cleared and we can lice the rest of our normal lives now.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I agree. So what doss it feel like to live in the castle? Must be pretty nice.

Hana: (smile) Yeah it's pretty nice but Shuu is thinking of buying a home for me and Shuu.

Y/n: So he's doing judt like his father dose. That's pretty good Hana.

Hana: (smile) Yep. We got a nice home that isn't far to our neighbourhood. I can't wait to be there.

Y/n: (smile) Well I'll come by and visit when you both have moved.

Hana: (smile) No problem.

Shuu: Hey Y/n?

He turn to see Shuu as he look at him and ask.

Shuu: Can we talk in private?

Y/n: Sure. See ya you two.

They node with a smile as Shuu and Y/n take a walk along shore and once they were far Y/n ask Shuu.

Y/n: So how's things?

Shuu: Pretty good. Guess Hana told you about us buying a new house for us to stay?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, it be great! You both be like husband and wife.

Shuu: (little blush) Y-Yeah speaking of which I would like to ask you something.

Y/n: Sure what is it?

Shuu turns to Y/n being nervous a bit and soon he take a deep breath he tells Y/n.

Shuu: (little blush) I was thinking about marrying her after we got our new home.

There was silence from the two and then Y/n calls out in excitement.

Y/n: (surprised) Really?! Dude that sounds amazing! You two will be great parents for sure!

Shuu: (nervous) Th-Thanks but I'm kinda nervous. I never thought to thinking about marrying her so I need aome advice from you. What should I do?

Y/n: (smile) Well I understand your reason to be nervous but my advice for you is to ask her when you think you have the opportunity. Maybe take her to a place she likes or surprise her or do anything that will surprise her. Once you've surprised her pop up the question and she will say yes.

Shuu: You sure? When if I mess up?

Y/n: How can you mess up? You can literally go anywhere across the world so take our to a country she likes or somewhere that has a perfect veiw. I'm sure she'll be surprised and then pop up the question and she will say yes.

Shuu: I guess I can give it a try when the time comes. Thanks Y/n, your the best.

Y/n: (smile) No problem man. Always.

Once that Shuu make his leave while Y/n stay here and look at the veiw when a voice surprised him from behind.

Akane: Hey Y/n.

He turn to see Akane as she smile at him as she walk up towards him.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Akane. Having a great time?

Akane: (smile) Yeah just finished a round of volleyball?

Y/n: Did your team win?

Akane: (smile) Yeah, your sister is very good at it. Guess I'll be on her side at all times.

Y/n: Agree she is pretty good as volleyball.

Akane: (smile) Hey thanks for everything you did for us. When Shuu was framed, we thought that no one would not believe us but you and your sister not only believed us but help Spider-man and his friends to clear his name. Your really brave and kind.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem Akane. No one and I mean no one will not frame anyone from your family on my watch.

Akane: (smile) Your soo sweet. Thanks.

She lend over and kissed him on the lips which Y/n kissed her back as they wrap each other while Kanade, Aoi, Hikair and Misaki were a bit jealous by this and soon the afternoon came and they sat around on a long table and start to eat. Teru ask Y/n questions about Spider-man which he smiled while Mayday was sitting next to Shiori as she smiled and pet her on the head with a smile.

Hana and Shuu share each others foods as Y/n smile and then Souichirou stood up and everyone stop talking and turn to Souichirou.

Souichirou: (smile) We've been through a lot throughout the months. Super villains attacks, crime and many things but we came through them and came out strong and I'm proud of each and every one of you staying strong and achieved your goals and dreams. You all should be proud of yourself for all the hard work you all have gone through.

They all clapped as Souichirou turns to Y/n and Mayday and tells them both.

Souichirou: (smile) An I want to thank two favourite citizens for not only being friends of our family but also go through the same situation as us and came out also strong and ever. You both are strong and I'm proud of you both to be our friends and help us when ever we needed. You both are always be apart of us no matter what.

They clap for them as well which Mayday and Y/n smile and noded to him to say thanks. Souichirou nodes back with a smile as he rasies his cup and says.

Souichirou: (smile) To the future to our family and to our nation!

They all did the same as they raised their drinks and cheered. Once that they continue on eating and having a good time as Y/n feels great and felt like nothing will not go wrong.


???: Let your anger our Zach.

Zach suddenly wakes up and look around at his room and see no one there. It was the middle of the night as he look around to see no one but sees his black jacket hanging on the door so he decided to take a walk. He leave his bed and puts on the jacket and head it outside.

Once outside he walk through the campus with a massive headache that hurts as he take a few steps and then fell onto his knees. Then suddenly a few students that have qolf like appears appear out of normal and surrounded him. Zach look up to see them.

Male wolf student: You should have join the pack Zach.

Zach: Just leave me alone.

He try to go pass them but they pushed him back onto the ground and they start to kick him and leave while they done it. Zach was just laying there letting this happen while he felt pain all of a sudden as the students laugh and call him names.

Then Zach's jacket starts to move and wiithin second a black web came out and stuck one student onto the wall. The other students were in shock as Zach was in rage as the black jacket started to changed him while he stood up while he grown. Once that was done the wolf students were in shocked as he turn to see them.

Male wolf student: (shocked) What the hell is this?

???: I see you've come just to beat me huh? Well that is pathetic to you humans to even trying. Soo pathetic indeed.

Male wolf student: (scared) J-J-Just what are you?

Then the large figure step into the light as we can see what the jacket have turned Zach into as he growled and then said.

Vemon: We are....Vemon. and you are....our meal.

The students were scared and run away while Vemon watches them leave and then lend out a roar that is almost like a wolf howling as his howling echoing throughout the city as a new and dangerous threat.......... is coming soon.

To be continued....................

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