Chapter 16: The sudden change from Zach
It was a nice day at Glenwood as we see Y/n and Peter talking at the cafeteria as the two talk about what they have been doing as Y/n tells his father about the concert that Hikari and Sachiko has finished and how it was a huge hit which made Peter proud.
Peter: (smile) I'm soo glad for that son. You did a great work helping those people out.
Y/n: (smile) No problem dad. Besides at least I find another use to my super strength while as not Spider-man.
Peter: (smile) Guess so.
Y/n: Say dad can I ask you something?
Peter: Sure what is it?
Y/n: I know it might be some secret thing or something but is there some sort a lab that turn students in Glenwood to have animal like appears?
Peter: Well yeah there is and all the work of combining animal DNA to humans is successful....Well except for one.
Y/n: One?
Peter: Well you've seen Zach and his animal appears right?
Y/n: Yeah he has two tails.
Peter: Well not only he has two tails but he also have extreme hight and senses and he's twice as fast then any normal wolf would have.
Y/n: (smile) That's awesome to here!
Peter: Yeah but there is a downside to it. He easily gets angry so I have to watch him and make sure he doesn't get too angry about something or someone.
Y/n: That sucks. Is there any way to fix it?
Peter: Unfortunately no, once you have the animals DNA but it's mutated then your stuck with it. There is no way to fix it.
Y/n: Well at least Zach is alright with his wolf like appears right?
Peter: (smile) Yeah, say I need to get back to work but do you mind checking up on Zach and the rest at their dormitory?
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. I haven't spoken to them a while, it's good to catch and get to know them more.
Peter: (smirk) Well here's a little spoiler about Finn, he is addicted to his pool table and (whisper) I think he has a crush on it.
Y/n chuckles a bit once Peter left and once he have his breakfast he head out ti see he can find Zach and the rests dormitory to have a catch with, soon he arrive and he step inside and find their dormitory very nice and wishes he can go to college and have a dormitory like this one.
He wall over to the door that is underneath the stairs and he enter to see Zach, Will and Finn playing with the pool table as Zach and Will turn to see Y/n while Finn was focused getting his hit.
Zach: (smile) Hey Y/n, been a while hasn't it.
Y/n: (smile) Hey guys, playing the pool table on the weekends I see.
Will: Yeah and I think Finn is addicted to it.
Finn: Shut your mouth! She is my beauty table and you shouldn't talk about here!
Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah I can see. Say Zach, like your black jacket, where did you get it?
Zach was wearing a black jacket that Y/n has never seen so Zach explains.
Zach: No idea. It was a few days ago after that robbery and I woke up and realised I was wearing this jacket. I never recall wearing it but I must have gotten cold and put it on.
Will: Though I never seen that jacket before when we first saw it.
Zach: Must have tugged it inside my closet but it's pretty cool.
Y/n: (smile) Same. So what are you boys feel like doing today beside playing with a pool table all day?
Will: We can take a dip in the Glenwood swimming pool.
Y/n: You think they allow me in?
Will: Your father works here right, I think they accept you anyways.
Y/n: (smile) Cool.
Suddenly theie door breaks as Revan came into the room follow by Taylen while Y/n sep back in surprised.
Revan: Hear you guys going to take a dip in the pool. Mind we join.
Y/n: (surprised) How can you break through doors without injuring yourself?!
Revan: Because I can.
Zach: Sure that sounds great.
Taylor: (smile) Awesome, let's go and take a swim.
They head out as Finn hugs the pool table while he saying to the pool table.
Finn: I'll be back, don't you worry.
Then he left as we see Peter watch through his window as they head off which made him smile until he noticed the black jacket Zach is wearing and feel like he seen it before but he shrugged it off and continues his work while Zach's black jacket moved a bit like its alive.
We see Mayday at the Sakurada House as we see Akane laying on the couch as she breaths a sigh of tiredness with Mayday with her as she ask Akane.
Mayday: (smile) Tired day?
Akane: You have no idea. Even if we have a weekends there is still some work to be done.
Mayday: (smile) Guess that's the royal family dose.
Akane: (smile) Yeah guess so.
Then Borscht came over and leaps onto Akane's chest and lay on her chest and falls asleep which made Mayday smile.
Mayday: You have such a cute cat. Dose he always lay on you when ever you lay on the couch?
Akane: (smile) Yeah I think it's because I've been giving him some treats.
Mayday: (thought) I think there is another reason but I rather just be quiet and not say it.
Mayday: Say Akane can I ask you something?
Akane: Sure about what?
Mayday: I wanna know what you think about my brother. You know, before I came here what was he like?
Akane: (smile) Very friendly. He's very nice to everyone he encounters, very intelligent, caring, honest, very cute, handsome and a lot of things. He gose out of his way to help others and help us reach our true goals and that's the reason we love your brother.
Mayday: (smile) I'm glad for that. He deserves someone around him, even if there is many of his girlfriends but he really dose deserve people around him after what happened many years ago.
Akane: What do you mean?
Mayday breath in a sigh and tells Akane.
Mayday: Many years ago when we both were young, our mother worked as a news reporter and she been doing that for years. Y/n have grown attached to us and even our mother. I remember one time we he beaten up at school and he was crying but she hug him until he stop crying and she patch him up, till that day he spend every time with her and the two were happy together and we were all happy....until.....
Akane sat up and turn to Mayday as she look down of the floor and finally turn to Akane and tell her.
Mayday: She was killed in the explosion at the place she worked. Everyone made it out there alive but some lives were token....especially our mothers. We were all sadden and Y/n not wanted to remember her death decided to move to here to start a new life and forget the lost he have many years ago.
Akane: (shocked) I-I'm so so sorry for your lost. It must be very hard for Y/n to lose his mother like that.
Mayday: Yeah it was. He's very lucky to have people like you to care with and help him, he really dose care you and everyone here and he even say he promised to never let anyone's families die ever again.
Akane noded her head while feels bad even more whrn Aoi, Hikari and Haruka came back from the store and enter the living room.
Haruka: We're back from the store.
Mayday: (smile) Nice to see you guys again, especially you my cute nerd.
He blushes a bit while Aoi asked Mayday.
Aoi: So I got this outfit that you requested me to get but I wanna know what's your plan?
Mayday: (smirk) Let's just say this may surprise my bro once he returns him. Trust me.
Aoi blushes a bit while Hikari and Akane wonder what is Mayday's plan while both Aoi and Mayday head to Y/n's House to get ready and wait until Y/n returns home.
We see the swimming pool as we see Zach and the rest waiting for Y/n to come and soon he did as he walk out wearing a red swimming short that was given by the office.
Y/n: Think this is a bit tight on me?
Taylor: (smile) You look fine, besides red suits you.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Say there are a lot of students here.
Finn: (smile) Guess they like to come here as well.
Y/n: So.....who's taking a the first dip?
They were silent as they slowly look each other and then back to Y/n which he ask in a nervous torn.
Y/n: (nervous) Why you guys looking to me?
Seconds later he was thrown into the pool with a splash ashe was under water for a second and then emerged out as he wipe his wet face while Zach and the rest laugh and so dose Y/n.
Y/n: (laugh) Next time you all better watch your backs!
Finn: (smile) What ever you say man. Heads up!
Soon Finn take his turn as he splashes onto the pool follow by everyone else as they dive into the pool and soon they play around as they splash each other soon after they tall to each other while in the pool. Soon zach met eyes on a female student with rabbit ears and soon Y/n noticed this and said.
Y/n: (smirk) Looks like someone has a crush on someone.
Zach: Dude shut it!
Finn: Who?!
Will: Is that Mia.
Y/n: You guys know her?
Will: Yeah, Zach told us about her during our talk at the pool table.
Zach: Yeah I have this crush for a long while but too afraid to ask her out.
Y/n: Really? Well maybe it's your chance to ask her out.
Zach: (little blush) I-I can't. S-say can you do it?
Y/n: (surprised) Me?! Why me?
Zach: Because your smart, maybe you can tell her that if she wants to go out with me. Please?
Y/n: I guess I give it a try. I mean, what can it go wrong.
He swam over to Mia sitting by the pool and once he swam over he gets her attention.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Mia, sorry to disturb you.
Mia: (smile) Not at all, hey your the son of Peter Parker, it's nice to meet you. What brings you here?
Y/n: Just came by to visit my father and then hang out with Zach and the rest. Say speaking of Zach you know him?
Mia: Yeah he's the student with the tails. Why?
Y/n: (smile) Well Zach really has a crush on you and he was wondering you want to go out with him?
Mia: I would but......
Y/n: But what?
Mia: Unfortunately he's not my type.
Y/n: Really I think you two will get along very well.
Mia: True, he is pretty cute but I don't think so.
Y/n: But why?
Mia: He's a freshmen, he's got two tails and he wasn't even brave enough to come and ask me himself.
Y/n: (thought) I thought girls find it more cute to someone who are too shy to ask?
Y/n: Sure he may not be brave enough to ask you but he is very nice and I promise you he cares a lot about you.
Mia: Still he's not my type. I like men like that student over there.
Y/n turn to see a blonde male student talking with a few students while Mia tells him.
Mia: He's incredibly strong, fussed with a lion, he's a senior and doesn't have a defect.
Y/n: W-Well that maybe so Zach isn't a defect.
Mia: Yeah whatever, look can you bug off please.
Y/n dose so as he swam back to Zach and the rest and once there Zach ask.
Zach: So what did she say?
Y/n:....Um...Yeah....okay so....she told me that she's....she's not attractive towards you.
Zach: You''re joking right?
Y/n: Sorry man but it's best you don't ask her yourself. She's a bit....mean about your "two tail" problem.
Zach: (anger) So your saying it's because of my appears that she rejected me?!
Taylor: Zach!
Y/n: I'm not saying that I'm just saying that she''s just.
Zach: (anger) Just what?!
Y/n:.....I don't know what to say. Sorry man.
Zach: (anger) I think you did quite enough Y/n. Thanks a lot.
He swam away and climb out of the pool while Finn follows him to try to calm him down while Y/n says.
Y/n: Sorry for this. I didn't to make him mad.
Will: That's alright man. We don't blame you.
Taylor: I've never seen Zach get this easy mad before.
Revan: Must behis wold DNA. You know how wolfs are when they get angry.
Y/n: I guess. Still hope he'll be alright.
We then cut to Zach getting changed and once he gets his shoes on he garb his black jacket and puts it on while Finn enters and walls over to him.
Finn: Zach wait!
Zach: (anger) What is it Finn?!
Finn: Look you need to calm down.
Zach: (anger) Calm down! He ruined my chance to ask Mia out!
Finn: You know it's not his fault. I mean you did ask him to ask Mia.
Zach: (anger) Yeah but he might have agreed to her about my twin tails.
Finn: You know that's not true. He's really a nice guy.
Zach: (anger) How can you know?! I feel like he's a jerk and only cares about himself more then anyone else.
Finn: You know that's not true.
Zach: (anger) Whatever just....just leave me alone!
His black jacket starts to move while Finn didn't notice ad he sigh and tell him.
Finn: Okay. I'll leave you be but you need to understand that it's not his fault. He's our friend and even if he is not from this school....he's still apart of our group.
Finn leaves and once that the black jacket start to move even more as Zach slowly closes his fist and spoke like there is another voice inside of him.
Zach: We hate him. We hate him so much.
Then Zach storm off out of the changing room as he dig his hands into his pockets and leaves while the black jacket moves even more as if he loves the taste of his anger inside of him.
We see Y/n walking home as Y/n look through his messages to see if Zach replayed but there was nothing as he sigh as he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Damn I really screw it up. I'm sure Zach will apologise, after all it's just his wolf DNA right? It's not his fault getting so angry right? Still that black jacket, for some reason I feel like that jacket is bad news but I don't know what.
He arrives home and once there he sees Mayday watching some TV as Y/n walk up behind the couch and ask her.
Y/n: So any news about some crime?
Mayday: Nope. Looks like things are all clear. How was dad?
Y/n: Pretty good. Still busy at his work but good.
Mayday: (smile) That's good to hear. Say Aoi is at your room, she wants to see you.
Y/n: Is everything alright?
Mayday: (smile) Yeah, best you go up and see her.
Y/n agree and head up the steps and once up at the second floor he enters his room and ask Aoi.
Y/n; (smile) Hey Aoi, what brings you here to our ho-
Once he shut the door and turn around he froze in place to see Aoi wearing what looked like a cat outfit while she sat on his bed as she looked at him and said.
Aoi: (little blush) M-Meow.
Y/n face turn red and blood start to come out from his nose which he cover while Aoi leaves the bed and walks over to him and gently pinned him onto the door whike she gets too close towards him as he breast was pressed onto his chest making him blush even more.
Aoi: (little blush) W-welvome home Y/n. What do you think, y-you like it, Meow?
Y/n's mind doesn't know what to respond which a smile appear on Aoi's face and gets close to Y/n's as the two look at each other as Aoi tells him.
Aoi: (smike) You look like your tired. Allow me to help you feel more... relaxed.
She then gently kissed him on the lips which made Y/n blushed even more while she wrap her arms around him as she kisses him. Soon Y/n kiss he'd back and wrap his arms around her as the two make out for a while as the two fell onto the bed and the two make out all afternoon until night came as we seethe two still making out and soon the two stop kissing and look at each other with love in their eyes as Y/n cuddle with Aoi as he smiles.
Y/n: (smile) Bet this is my sisters plan isn't it?
Aoi: (smile) Yeah.
Y/n: (light chuckle) She's always try to find ways to get me in these types od situations.
Aoi: (giggle) Still she dose so because she cares for you, like all of us.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Aoi, I love you.
Aoi: (smile) Love you too.
The two were about to kiss so they can continue their love when the door swing open and Mayday called out in worry.
Mayday: Guys! You need to come downstairs right now!
They sat up and lucky Y/n was still wearing his clothes so Mayday was glad while Y/n and Aoi ask.
Y/n: What's going on?
Aoi: What happened!
Mayday: It's Shuu! He's been arrested for murder!
Aoi: (shocked) What?!
They race downstairs and they watched the news as the male news tells the people.
Male news: (TV screen) To those who is seeing this now we have such a sudden and shocking news report. Our newest king, Shuu Sakurada is arrested for murder of 30 people at an abandoned warehouse and we believe he is apart of a criminal gang qho organised this killing. Police say both Shuu and Hana deemed innocent but FBI and detectives believe otherwise. We will have more updates but until then, stay tuned.
They were all leaving shocked by this and didn't believe Shuu would never do such a thing, believing they must have gotten the wrong guy or it must be a mistake.
Y/n: (thought) Damn it. Not only Zach probably hates me but now Shuu is arrested?! Still looks like it's the job for Spider-man to figure this out and clear Shuu's name. I may have made a mistake once but I won't make mistake again, for Shuu's sake!
To be continued...................
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