Chapter 15: A siblings visit
We see the stadium as many people are gathered as the lights turns on with different colours flashing around while we see Sachiko and Hikari on stage as they start the show and sing in front of many crowd while the crowd cheers I joy qhile on the second floor we see Y/n watching the show as he watch the two idol girls sing and dance which made him smiling knowing that his work along with the rrst of the back stage people have work perfectly.
He watch the show when Riri came up next to him and see that the show is going well.
Riri: (smile) We did a great job setting things up.
Y/n: (smile) Yep and the show is going well and the crowd seemed to enjoy it.
Riri: (smile) Agree. I'm so glad we work so hard, thank you for getting things ready Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Riri, just glad the fans are enjoying it including Sachiko and Hikari.
Riri: (smile) Yep. So what are you and Hikari gonan do after this?
Y/n: I promise her to take her somewhere to eat after the show.
Riri: (smile) Aawww so you two are going to a date after the show?
Y/n: (little blush) G-Guess you can say that.
Riri: (smile) Oh that is so adorable, it reminded me on my furst date many years back. Do you know that 15 guys ask me out when I was in high school.
Y/n: Well I think I may know why they want to ask you out.
Riri: (smile) Yep but anyways, enjoy the rest of the show and take care Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) You too Riri.
She left while Y/n enjoy the rest of the show and during Sachiko and Hikari's dancing and singing Hikari glance over to Y/n and wink at him which made him blush a little but smile back at her while the show continues and after a long while the show ended with the crowd cheered as Sachiko and Hikari bow as the curtains close while the crowd clap while Y/n smile and make his way to back stage.
Once there he move by several back stage workers who were cheering and high fiving while he reach to Hikari and Sachiko as Hikari hugs Sachiko while tell her.
Hikari: (smile) That was the best thing we ever did! It was perfect.
Sachiko: Y-Yeah can you please let go.
Hikari: Oh sorry. Silly me.
She let go while Y/n approach the two and said.
Y/n: (smile) Nice job you two. Bet the fans are gonna go nuts on the Internet after what they watch.
Hikari: (smile) Yep I can't wait for it.
Sachiko: Come on let's get change before we leave.
Hikari: (smile) Sure thing! We be right back Y/n~!
The two head off to get changed while Y/n smile and waited for Hikari to come as he check his phone and look through the news seeing that everything had been quiet.
Y/n: (thought) Huh there has been no crime for a while. Guess news about Spider-man has been well heard across this nation. But how long until crime will burst out from the shadows. Probably not for a long while.
Hikari: All done~!
He looked over to see Hikari walk up to Y/n changed by to her normal clothes.
Y/n: (smile) Ready to head out?
Hikari: (smile) Yeah I'm so hungry right now, let's get something to eat!
Y/n: (smile) Cool I know one place.
They arrive at a nice café that sells good hot drinks amd food as the two order a drinks and their meal and once their drinks came they take a sip while Y/n noticed that Hikari user her powers to make herself order which she noticed him staring at her so she smirked and ask.
Hikari: (smirk) What is it Y/n? Like what you are seeing~?
She place down her chest onto the table while Y/n blushes a bit more and looked away while she decided to move next to him and wrap her arms around Y/n's and press her breast at his shoulder.
Y/n: (blush) H-Hikari d-do you really have to move next to me?
Hikari: (smirk) I don't mind, I just want to get close to my handsome boy if you know what I mean.
He blushes even more while Hikari smirks even more while the cafe's doors open and a women walks over to their table and once there she said.
???: (smirk) Looks like I came in here at the wrong time, ain't that right bro.
They look over and Y/n was surprised as the women wave to Y/n while she Cheerfully said.
???: (smile) Hey there Y/n, been a while hasn't it.
Hikari: Um do you know her Y/n?
Y/n: (surprised) Yeah I do! Hikari this is my sister Mayday Parker, Sis this is Hikari Sakurada.
Mayday: (surprised) Wow so you are dating one of Sakurada's daughters. Man our father wasn't kidding when he told me you were dating Princesses.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah no kidding.
Mayday sat across from them just as the waiting brought both Hikari and Y/n some food while the waiter turn to Mayday to which she just have a drink of coke which he node and once her drink came the three start to chat.
Hikari: I never know you have a sister. How come you never tell us?
Y/n: (nervous chuckle) Guess I haven't mentioned about my sister. Just things have been crazy since I moved here.
Mayday: (smile) That's okay bro, I know what you mean. So according to our father your Hikari and you have the power to grow anything even you as well.
Hikari: (smirk) Yep bet your impress.
Mayday: (smile) Very impressed.
Y/n: So what brings you here sis?
Mayday: Just helping dad with his work while also looking for a job since my last job was annoying.
Y/n: Let me guess, Jameson?
Mayday: Yep. Still I might find a new job here.
Y/n: That's pretty cool to here. Hey if you can't find it, maybe you can work at my job if you like?
Mayday: (smile) Thanks. So are you two on a date?
Hikari: (smile) Yep! This is our first date and it's very romantic isn't it Y/n?
She hug him even more which Y/n can feel her breast squeezing his arm while Mayday lend out a giggle. After a while they pay for their meal and exit out of the cafe as Mayday asked.
Mayday: (smile) Hey would it be fine if I get to know the rest of the Sakurada family?
Hikari: (smile) Sure thing. They are gonna be surprised to see that Y/n has a sister.
Y/n: Yeah bet they will.
Mayday: (smile) Awesome let's go!
They arrive to the Sakurada house and Y/n introduced everyone to Mayday Parker which they were surprised while Mayday smile and now we see them at the living room getting to know about Mayday.
Misaki: (smile) So your also from New York like your brother? That's pretty cool.
Mayday: (smile) Yep. I used to work as a news photographer before I came here.
Kanade: (smile) Guess your job didn't go well?
Mayday: You have no idea.
Teru: (smile) Hey do you ever heard of Spider-man in this nation!?
Mayday: (smile) I believe I heard about him from many people when I came by here also I heard about him having a sidekick as well named Scarlet Bloom.
Akane blushes and hide behind Y/n which he smiled while Mayday realised something and ask.
Mayday: Say was there an older brother being here?
Kanade: You mean Shuu? He is at tbe castle but kinda busy with something so he won't be here until the next day.
Mayday: Boomer. I was actually hoping to meet him since I heard he is a guy who is calm as heck.
Kanade: You haveno idea.
Shiori: So are you and Y/n gonna stay here?
Mayday: (smile) Yep. Figured I help my bro around and even try to embarrass him as best I can.
Y/n: I heard that!
Mayday: (giggle) I know~!
Haruka: Still nice to get to know one of Y/n's family.
Mayday: (smile) Thanks same to the rest of you as well. Especially you Haruka.
She winked at him which made Haruka blush a little while Mayday lend out a giggle when Satsuki and Souichirou enter the living room.
Satsuki: (smile) Nice to meet your sister Y/n. Do you both care to stay and have dinner with us?
Y/n: (smile) We love to but we need to head off and do some other stuff but maybe next time.
Satsuki: (smile) Sure thing, take care you two.
Mayday: (smile) Same here. Nice to meet you all.
The two make their leave but Hikari stops Y/n and guve himma kiss on the lip and after that a wink ad Y/n stumble back while blushing as he was caught by Mayday who lend a out a giggle once more.
Mayday: (smile) That was adorable.
Y/n: (blush) Y-Yeah. Anyways let's go.
Mayday: (smirk) Right, let's roll partner!
(Sometime later)
Night hits as we see Spider-man standing on the roof of the building waiting for Mayday to arrive with her suit and then she land on the roof with her female version of the spider suit.
Spider-girl: Nice new suit but can't beat the classic.
Spider-man: I'm surprised you still have yours.
Spider-girl: Actually this one is new since I have torn a few of them during my battles with super villains at New York.
Spider-man: That sucks. Anyways shall we start swinging?
Spider-girl: You know it!
The two leap off the building and they swing off across town doing their patrol and while they swinging through town Spider-girl remembered something and tells Spider-man.
Spider-girl: Hey speaking of villains I need to tell you something about them?
Spider-man: The fact they are even more easy to beat down? Yeah I've noticed.
Spider-girl: Not that. I mean the villains in New York are gone. Like...all tne villains in our father's rogue's gallery are gone.
Spider-man: Like they are retired or-?
Spider-girl: No all of them. Like is it weird that Rhino was here and rampage throughout the city.
Spider-man: Yeah I thought he was working for Mysterio.
Spider-girl: Mysterio?
Spider-man: Long story but why is that a problem? Dose that mean all villains from our fathers rogue's gallery that are missing is a good thing?
Spider-girl: Well yeah but I think there is something up. I mean one by one villains are disappointing and all of sudden you have getting seme villains from this nation for no reason.
Spider-man: True that is weird but most of them were working for someone and besides, I think the streets are quiet since there is no-
Suddenly there was a scream which the two stuck onto the wall and hear the scream even more before it was stop.
Spider-girl: You were saying about the streets being quiet?
Spider-man: One thing at the time. Come on, let's see what's up.
Spider-girl node as the two swing off and soon they land onto the alleyway where they see a dead lawyer laying on the floor which shocked them as Y/n gets close to the body and see that he was stabbed many times.
Spider-girl: (shocked) Who could have done this?
Spider-man: No idea but who ever it was, he was mad at something.
Then they heard something and they see someone running and turning the corner.
Spider-man: You go high while I'll chase him!
Spider-girl: Got it!
She swing off while Spider-man chase after him as he follow the figures footsteps and soon he turn a corner and spotted him as he chase after him.
Spider-man: Hey you! Stop! I'm just want to ask some questions and then we you up if you don't mind?!
The figure turn a corner and Spider-man was about yo but his spidy sense go off and he dodge a incoming fist once he turn around the corner and so he gire his webs but the figure cuts them and grabs Spider-man by the suit and throw him which he crashed through the metal fence and rolled in the middle of a basketball court.
He slowly gets up while he looks over to see the figure stepping into the light which Spider-man can see he is wearing a suit but not as friendly as his or his sisters.
???: You should stay out of my way Spider-man. This ain't your business.
Spider-man: Dude my business is to beat the guy who murdered a lawyer for no reason. So how's about you tell me your villain name and let's get this over and done with.
True Judge: My name is True Judge and i judge those who are using their power of justice against those who are innocent. I will be the man who will decide their fates.
Spider-man: So yoru half Red hood and half Robocop except robocop kills corrupted lawyers.
True Judge: You will be wise to stay away otherwise you will be Judge.
Spider-man: Duds the only thing i ever done is being a friendly spider who dose nothing more then fighting crime.
True Judge: Then you are innocent.
Spider-man: True but you murdering someone without a fair trail is guilty. Underoos!
Then Spider-girl leap off the building behind True Judge and gire many webs around him which True Judge gets hit by and soon he was stuck while Spider-girl lands at the basketball court while Spider-man rush up to Spider-girl and the two fist pump.
Spider-man: Nice webbing.
Spider-girl: Thanks but I think he is gonna break out in 3...2.....1.
Then two swords stab through the webs as True Judge slice the webs open and glare up at them as the two get into a battle stand.
Spider-man: Let's take him together.
Spider-girl: Don't worry I'm sure he isn't that strong. Watch this!
Spider-girl rushes over and throws punches at True Judge but he keeps dodging her fist until he grab her fist and tossed her away which she slammed onto a fance amd land onto the floor while Spider-man sighs to himself.
Spider-man: Haven't you watched any of the Star wars movies? Especially Attack of the Clones?
True Judge: You both are acting like children.
Spider-man: Talk to the guy who is trying to be Shadow the Hedgehog.
True Judge growls in anger and charge at Spider-man which he dodges his blows and dose a backflip kick as he kick him in the face while he shoot out his web onto his chest but he pulls out his knife and cuts the wrb while he web the cut web and pulls Spider-man towards him but Spider-man slide onto his knees while True Judge swing his sword which the sword gose under Spider-man in slow motion.
Then Spider-man was behind True Judge as he fire both webs behind his back amd pulled him towards him and then double kicks him up into the air while doing a back flip and try to web him but True Judge throws down Grenades at Spider-man which he back flips away from the explosions while True Judge lands on his feet and took out three ninja stars and throws them at Spider-man.
Spider-man dodges the ninja stars while Spider-girl rolled behind him and fires a web at his arm just before he was about to throw a grenade. He turn to see her so he was aboit to pull out his gun but Spider-man webs his holster.
Spider-man: Together!
The two shoot webs at True Judge while True Judge gets hit by webs many times as he try to escape but the webs were too strong and after a while he was trapped within a ball filled with webs while Spider-man and Spider-girl high fived to each other.
Spider-girl: Looks like one bad guy done for!
Spider-man: Yep. Let's see what's underneath the mask and-
Suddenly the web ball exploded sending both of them back and land onto the ground hard. They slowly get up and look over to see nothing blue flames burning the webs and True Judge has escape.
Spider-man: Well he got away.
Spider-girl: Yeah, say let's get out of here before the police show up and blame us for the damage.
Spider-man: Good idea.
Thwy swing off just as tbe police arrive after they heard the explosion and we see the two on a roof of the building as they hang around as Spider-man shows Spider-girl some videos of him and the Sakurada family and lend out some chuckle to watch some funny moments on it.
Spider-girl: (chuckle) Man Akane must felt really embarrassed was she.
Spider-man: (chuckle) Yeah but I did help her, can't help myself how cute she was when she was embarrassed. Speaking of cute this is photo I've token when I was with Aoi and Shiori to the pet store.
He finds the photo and soon he finds it amd show the picture of Shiori with some cats to Spider-girl.
Spider-girl: Aaaawwww that is sooooo cute~! You know, from all the family within the Sakurada family I think that both Shiori is the adorable one.
Spider-man: Yeah don't blame you. Still I'll do anything to protect them including this whole nation from anyone who try to harm them.
Spider-girl smiles underneath her mask and place a hand on Spider-man's shoulder.
Spider-girl: I'm so proud of you Y/n. Our mother and father would have been proud of you.
Spider-man: (smile) Thanks sis. And thanks for helping me.
Spider-girl: (smile) No problem. Glad to be fighting crime along side with my bro.
Spider-man: (chuckle) Yeah. Say I'm kinda hungry, you wanna grab some Pizza.
Spider-girl: (smile) Heck yeah! Let's go!
She leaps off the building and swings off whioe she calls out .
Spider-girl: IT'S PIZZA TIME!
Spider-man lend out a friendly chuckle and he too leap off the building and swing off after her as the two siblings swing off to get some food for their stomachs while we see True Judge watching them for a bit before he disappear from sight thinking theyare one of the most pathetic heroes he have ever seen and will not have them ruin his vengeance against corruptive lawyers.
To be continued.......................
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