Chapter 13: A new day as Spider-man

It was the middle of the night as we see a black car driving through the city and we see a lawyer straighten up his tie while he smirk to himself after another successful job as he puts on the radio inside his car to listen to some song. He make his way through the city while we see a mysterious figure on a roof top watching him as we cut to the lawyer has he arrive home and park his car and once parked he exit out and shut the door.

He walks over to his front door and pulls out his keys to unlock the door. During this time I suddenly feel like he is being watched so he turn around only to see nothing but a street light. He smirks to himself as he unlock the door and open the door and step inside while a figure came into veiw behind the lawyer as the door shuts.

We see the lawyer in the kitchen making his tea before he gose to bed as he was in the middle of making his tea when suddenly he heard something like a door being open so he turn and peak over the hallway and see the door slightly open which creep him out as he walk over and shut the door.

Once that he turn back and then calls out.

Lawyer: Hello? Hello? Is anyone here?

There was no answer she he figures it was just his imagination as he return to the kitchen to continue making his tea. Once that he take his cup of tea to the living and once there he turn on the lights and suddenly gasp in fright while he drop his tea which shattered at the floor.

He was staring at someone and we see a figure wearing a mask and some armor underneath his coat as he look up to the lawyer and stood up.

???: So how was your trail huh? Feel great after you ruin those families lives for what you did.

The lawyer stood there in fear as he quickly gose over to his desk and pulls out a box and open it but it was empty.

???: Your looking for this?

He slowly turn to see him holding his pistol as he throw it aside as he make his way towards him and grab his shirt and slammed him onto the wall.

Lawyer: (scared) Pl-Please let me go! Please! I beg of you!

???: Is that so? Did they also beg you after you give fales evidence to thier son!

Lawyer: Wh-What?

He show him a picture of a boy that he was in a trail with as he tells him.

???: He was only 9 years old and he was framed of killing someone in a store even though the evidence were clear that he didn't do it but you make fales evidence which cost that boy to be sent to jail!

Lawyer: W-Why do you care?

He then pulls out his own gun and point it at the lawyer's head as he tells him.

???: I hate lawyers that use their power just to ruin peoples lives. People like you doesn't deserve to go to a trail like that boy. They deserve to die.

Lawyer: (scared) J-J-Just who are you?

True Judge: Call me True Judge and I sentences death.


Blood splatter onto the wall as True Judge drops the lawyer to the ground as he stare at the body and make his way out as he walk through the neighbourhood street as rain start to pour down as True Judge disappeared from the area before anyone can investigate the gun shot they just heard.

(Next day)

It was a nice and beautiful day as we see many people walking by enjoying the nice warm weather around them. We cut to two kids and a mother crossing the road with the mother keeping sure both of her kids are with her. Then they hear screams and she and her kids turn only to see a rampage truck speeding through the the street and heading towards them. The mother quickly take her kids away when one slipped and fell onto the ground as the mother turn to see her son as he turn to see the truck right in front of him as the mother screamed.

Then suddenly something swing over and grab the kid before he gets ran over as the truck drive by as Spider-man land on the other side and turn to the mother as she rushes over and hug her son.

Spider-man: That was close. Good thing I made it here just in time.

Mother: Thank you so much Spider-man.

Spider-man: No problem ma'am. Take care.

He leaps up and fire his webs shooter and swings off as many people cheer to see Spider-man as he chase after the truck which is controlled by a criminal.

Spider-man: (thought) Yep that's me. Y/n Parker aka Spider-man here to save the day. It has been three months since I became Spider-man and it feels great. Everyone in the whole nation open up to me as their hero and they even place down many posters and other cool stuff about me, ain't that cool or what?! My normal life is also great as well, still work as a back stage assistant and many people respect me due to my hard working and my sense of humour which they laugh when ever I make a joke. School life is also great, I became one of the smarties students ever since Shuu is still king along with Hana as his Queen, what a lucky guy. True I also might be lucky as well because not only I have one girlfriend but a harem of many other girls. Yep, a nerd like me just gonna a lot of girls as my girlfriends, nuts right? But I don't mind, if they are happy I'm happy. Well gonna stop this criminal before he ran over anyone else before he ran over anyone.

Spider-man dose a back flip as he land on top of the truck as we cut to the criminal driving a rampaging truck when a knock of a window his heard and Spider-man's face appear as he ask to roll up his window which he did.

Spider-man: Hello Mister criminal you can call me Spider-man is that good? Good! Now I like you to pull over the vehicle please.

He swings a punch at Spider-man which he dodge and he figured he is gone but he look at his front to see Spider-man as he tells him.

Spider-man: See your not must as a talker huh? Are you a hugger or......?

Male criminal: I'm killer!

He pulls out his pistol and fire several bullets which he dodges as he land on the roof and before he could do anything his phone start to ring so he answered it seeing that Kanade is calling him.

Spider-man: Hey there, how is things.

Kanade: (phone) I'm good but can you do me a favour and babysit Shiori for us? We're all busy and we have no idea who to pick up Shiori. Can you pick her up and take care of her please?

Spider-man: Sure no problem Kanade, I'll take care of her for you guys.

Kanade: (phone) Thank you...wait what is that noise?

Spider-man: Oh nothing just watching a action movie.

Kanade: (phone) It sounded a bit loud?

Spider-man: Well....can't find the remote but gonna go now but I'll take care of her for you guys, see ya.

Kanade: (phone) Okay, see you two later.

The call end as Spider-man thinks it's time to wrap things up so he leaps over, open the side door web the criminal and pull him out of the truck as he leaps at the front of the truck and use his strength to stop the truck as the truck start to slow down. After a while tge truck slowed down and stop on a red light above him as he dust off his hands while we see the criminal hanging upside down webbed up as police officers arrived to arrest the criminal while two walk over to Spider-man.

Male officer: (smile) Thanks for the help Spider-man. We've been trying to chase down this criminal for a while.

Spider-man: No problem officer and next time, try not leave the keys near a desk next time.

A fre chuckle as Spider-man swings off seeing that his super hero joh is done and now it's time to do his normal job which is taking care of Shiori.


We see other children at Shiori's school as Y/n arrived to see all the animals here as children is around petting the animals and having some fun while Y/n smile as a teacher walks over to him.

Female teacher: Um excuse me but who are you?

Y/n: (smile) Oh I'm sorry, the name is Y/n Parker. I'm sent here to pick up Shiori.

Female teacher: (surprised) Oh yes, your friends with the Sakurada family. Forgive my rudeness sir.

Y/n: (smile) Oh no that's alright it's okay to ask.

Y/n: (thought) Totally forgot ever since I became friends with Sakurada family and dated Akane, Kanade, Hikari, Aoi and Misaki, they start treating me like my royalty.

Y/n: So what's going on over there?

Female teacher: (smile) Oh the farmer came here to show his farm animals to the kids. They really liked it.

Y/n: (smile) Same. I like animals (mutter) and for reason they don't like me back.

Female teacher: I can show you to Shiori if you like?

Y/n: (smile) Sure, lead the way.

The teacher leads Y/n through the kids who were running around having fun and soon they arrived to where Shiori is at as the farmer looks surprised while Y/n smile to see Shiori with many animals while others children were amazed by how much animals like Shiori more.

Male farmer: (surprised) Never seen like this before. They must of really like her alright.

Female teacher: (smile) Her powers is to understand them and talk to them so I see why they like her.

Y/n: (smile) She's very kind to many things either alive or just objects. She likes everything.

Shiori looks over to see Y/n as he wave to her which she smile and wave to him back. Soon it was the end of the day as parents take their children home and soon we see Y/n and Shiori making their way home as Y/n ask Shiori.

Y/n: (smile) So Shiori, how was your time at school?

Shiori: (smile) Pretty good. Thank you for picking me up.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Shiori. This is gonna be a fun afternoon. What do you want to do first?

Shiori: Can we bake some cupcakes?

Y/n: (smile) Sounds great. Let's head to the store and get some ingredients.

Shiori: (smile) Yay!

Y/n smile ad they head to a store to grab some ingredients and once that they exit out of the store only to met up with Hatsu who spotted them.

Y/n: (smile) Hey there Hatsu! What brings you here?

Hatsu: (smile) Oh hello Y/n and Lady Shiori, nothing much just having a nice walk. So are you taking care of Shiori?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, Kanade and the rest are busy so they ask me to take care of her. We're gonna make some cupcakes for everyone.

Shiori: (smile) You wanna join us?

Hatsu: (smile) That sounds funs of course I can join.

Y/n: (smile) Cool let's go!

(Short while later)

They arrived to the Sakurada house hold qs Hatsu was surprised since this is the first time she ever been inside their home before. They set the ingredients onto the kitchen table, wash their hands and once that they were ready to make some cupcakes.

Hatsu came wearing a nice apron which made Y/n blush a bit as Hatsu see the blush and smile in a cute way. Once that they get started as they follow the instructions that was on the receipt book. They have some laughs when Y/n try to do a better way to mix the liquid only to get some on his face when some of it spill. Shiori and Hatsu share a laughter which Y/n laugh as well.

After a long while they finally done it as Hatsu pulls out a tray of cupcakes and set them on top of the heat tray as Shiori and Y/n dose the cream which the colour they chose was purple and once that they waited for the cupcakes to cool off and while they wait to cool down they watch some TV which during that time Shiori fell asleep as Hatsu smile as she gently hug Shiori.

Hatsu: (smile) She's very cute.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah she is.

Hatsu: (smile) You know, your maybe one of the luckiest boy in this nation to ever be so close to the Sakurada.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I get that a lot. Besides I'm friends of everyone in this nation and I don't want anything change it for a bit.

Hatsu: (smile) Agree. So you miss Shuu and Hana?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Shuu is my best bro including Hana as well. Still if anyone is the luckiest person ever, it's Shuu.

Hatsu: (smile) Agree. Shuu is very lucky to have anything he dreamed for.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah and I'll be there to help both of them.

Hatsu: (smile) That's very honourable of you.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks.

Hatsu looks down at Shiori who have her head resting on her shoulder as she smiled and to Y/n's shock, tears start to come out from her eyes.

Y/n: Wow hey Hatsu you okay? Your crying.

She realised she was and wipe the tears away.

Hatsu: I'm sorry. It's not like me to cry like that. It's just.....this reminds me of my parents when I was a child.

Y/n: Really. Who were they if you don't mind me asking?

Hatsu: Before you came my parents have the same job which they work for a company who make high tech suits to help the elderly. The technology is a suit that allows elderly to be like when they were only adults so they can be an adult for a short while. They were really trying to make them happy and they were the loving parents to me. But one day....they were killed by an assassin and soon their company was brought by someone.

Y/n: I'm so sorry for your lost. Any idea who this person might be who took over the company?

Hatsu: No but I do know the now current CEO named Adam Johnson. He runs my parents company now and still is to this day.

Y/n: Well I'm very sorry for your parents lost.

Hatsu: (smile) Thank you. I'm just glad I can get to meet a nice boy beside me.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing Hatsu. Glad i can meet a nice girl like you as well.

Hatsu smile and lend over and kiss Y/n on the cheek which made Y/n blush while she giggle. Soon Shiori woke up from her nap just as the whole family came in with Souichirou with two boxes of pizza.

Souichirou: (smile) It's pizza time!

Satsuki: (smile) Looks like we got a guest in our home.

Hatsu: My apologies for being here. I can leave if you like.

Souichirou: (smile) Don't worry, come amd stay with us. It's nice to have another person here to enjoy some pizza with us.

Hatsu: You sure?

Kanade: (smile) Sure thing and thanks for taking care of Shiori for us you two.

They node as they all sat around and have some pizza as Satsuki look over to see the cupcakes and asked.

Satsuki: (smile) See you three made some cupcakes. How wonderful.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah We have lots of fun right Shiori.

Shiori: (smile) Yep.

Aoi: (smile) How wonderful. I'm glad you thee have some fun while we were away.

Shuu: Sorry we're late.

Then Shuu and Hana arrived as Y/n walk over and hugged Shuu and pet him on the back.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to see you Shuu and Hana. Glad you both can made it.

Shuu: (smile) Same to you.

Hana: (smile) It's glad we're all here and enjoy a meal like a family.

Y/n: (smile) Same, now let's have some pizza.

They sat down and they talk while having some slice of pizza as they share a laugh as Y/n smile to see everyone happy since things have been quiet down as he knows that he will protect them and this nation no matter what happens.


We see a small company building as we see the CEO named Adam enter the balcony to take a smoke break as he lend on the metal railing while a very attractive women came up behind him and cuddle him.

Female person: (smirk) That was some "fun", care to do round two?

Adam: You know it. Come here sexxy.

The two make out as they share some moans while the women was facing the veiw so when she open her eyes she saw something behind her and stop and ask.

Female person: what is that?

Adam doesn't know what she is talking about until he turn around and spotted something that looks like a gaint bird hovering over the city and staring at the building almost like he is staring at them.

Suddenly he flies towards them and once close he gets over them as the wo,en scream and runs back inside as Adam was along qs he look up to be faced with the gaint bird like creature.

He grabs him by it's claws and carry him across the city as he yell and try to punch the creatures claws but this doesn't phase it as he gose on to yell at him.

Adam: Let me go! Do you know who I am! You will pay for kidnapping me you son of a-

???: Quiet or I will drop you.

Adam shuts up as he take him away from his building and into an abandoned warehouse as Adam was throne onto the floor inside the warehouse as the creature lands as Adam crawl back while the creature walks towards him.

Adam: (scared) Wh-What the hell are you?

He walks up to Adam and pick him up by the throat as he glare at him before telling him.

???: I am the hunter.....and your my prey.

His wings form what looked like a blade which terrified Adam as he pulls back thw wing blade and he tells Adam.

???: Enjoy your afterlife Mister Adam.

He then stabs Adam as he scream through the abandoned warehouse but with no one to hear his screams as his screams gone silent as we see the creature drop the dead Adam on the floor as he open up his coms within his helmet and tells the person at the other side.

???: The CEO is done. Time to go with phase two of my plan.

Male henchmen: (coms) You get I boss.

???: Get ready boys.....the world is changing's time we change as well.

To be continued...........................

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