Chapter 1: Moving in to a new nation

It was night time within a city as we look over to a building that belongs to a company called "Next Generation Inc" as we cut to a office as we see a man standing up qnd looking out of his window just looking at something while he gently move his wine around while the door behind him open and two men enter his office and walk up to his desk.

The two men were not normal office people, their like Mercenaries as the figure turns to the two men while he take a sip of his wine and throw down a file onto tge table in front of them while he tells them.

???: These are his kids. I want you to capture them alive, I will pay you a lot of money if you complete this job for me is that clear?

The men pick up the file and open it and read through the information and look at the pictures of the kids that their client is talking about. They whisper to each other until they close up the file and nod to him.

Once the two leave his office he turn back to the window wine still in his hand while we see him staring at a castle as he take another drink of his wine.

???: You didn't listen to me, I could have built a new future for this world but now.....your giving me no choice, sire.

(Next day)

The sun rises as we looked over to a house and we cut to a bedroom where we see someone underneath the covers snoring with his arm sticking out of the cover as his alarm clock start to go off.

He moaned a bit as he moved his hand to his alarm clock and try to hit the button but he hits around the alarm clock for a while until he managed to hit the stop button.

Then he moved the clock as he looks at the time to see it's 8:30 in the morning as there was silence for a while until he quickly sat out from his bed and calls out.

Y/n: Crap! I'm gonna be late for my first day!

He rushes out of his bed to get changed when he trips on a box and he fell face first onto the floor. He sigh as we see many boxes around his house because he jutted moved yesterday so it was the reason why he was soo tired.

Still he stood up and hurry to get changed as we see him putting on his shirt on, hop around while trying to get his socks and trousers as he fell a few times while putting them on. After that he puts on toast while he head to the downstairs bathroom to brush his teeth and once that the toast pops out and he grabs it and gather his stuff.

Once he load his school stuff to his bag he quickly exit out his house and shut the door behind him and lock it.

Y/n: Hope I get there soon.

He grab his skateboard while he puts on his headphones and playes a music on his phone while he ride his skateboard to his school hoping he get there just in time.

(Music start)

To all those wonder who this boy is and what is this large city? Well this boys name is Y/n Parker, a teenage boy who uses to live New York until he decided to moved to start a new life and this nation is a great choice since this nation is one of the greatest nation he ever lived. Everywhere he gose people greet him in the street like this whole city is his family and there have been less crime so this nation is very much peaceful because it's ruled by the King of this nation.

He ruled this nation for many years and there hasn't been any problems just as long he is here. He only know about who rules this nation nothing else. Y/n wants to start a new life because his family has a large history which he just want to live as a normal teenager boy living in a peaceful nation and making new friends while living here.

He skate his way to his school as we see him grabbing the back of the truck getting school more faster as he let's go and changed lines by grabbing another vehicle that is going the same road as he is. Soon he make his way to a park as he leap up and grind his skateboard onto the rails and land perfectly onto the path and skate through the park while people are there doing their morning jogging or taking their kids to the park before going to school.

Once he exit out out of the park  and across the street he arrives at his new school as he skate through the gate and once through he leaps off his skateboard and picks it up as students walk pass him as he look at his new school as he takes a deep breath and a sigh as he tells himself.

Y/n: Okay Y/n, let's start your normal life. Let's do this.

He fold his skateboard and slide it into his bag and make his way inside the building while we see a black car with a window rolled down as the man inside take pictures of the school and then nod to his partner as he rolled up the window and they drive off so no one will not see them.

(Music ends)

We see the students in class talking to each other while standing around as their teacher named Mister Nick enter the class as the students sat down as he looks at his class and tell them in a Cheerful tone.

Nick: (smile) Hello class, today we have a new student who came all away from New York he's here to be apart of our class.

The students whisper to each other on who this person might be when Y/n enter the class as he wave to everyone and walks up next to Nick as he clear his throat and then tells the class.

Y/n: (smile) Hey everyone my name is Y/n Parker and I be looking forward being apart of this school and your classmate.

Nick: (smile) We're honoured you being here. Since your new here I think you need someone to show you around this school. Will anyone show Y/n around the school during break.

???: I will sir.

Then a hand is raised as Y/n can see a another teenager boy  that looks kinda serious but seems chilled.

Nick: (smile) Thank you Shuu now Y/n how about you grab a seat and let's start this class.

Y/n nods and finds a seat next to shuu. He sat down as he take out his stuff while Nick starts the class up as Shuu looks at him and for some reason he find Y/n a bit interesting to tall to.

After a while break time came as we see Shuu showing Y/n around the school and answering Y/n's questions.

Y/n: Man this is some school. So many people here as well.

Shuu: It's one of the famous school in this nation. Your like it.

Y/n: Cool. So Shuu what things do you like outside of school?

Shuu: Nothing much. Staying at home and helping my brothers and sisters.

Y/n: You have siblings?

Shuu: Yeah and there is two are in this school but in a different class. Speaking of which, there they are.

Y/n looks over to see a female student with long blue hair approach the two and Y/n thinks she is beautiful and a type of girl you see in romantic anime shows.

???: (smile) Hello Shuu. See we have a new student here.

Shuu: Yep. This is Y/n Parker, he's a new student to thsi school. Y/n this is Aoi, one of my sisters in our family.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you Aoi.

Aoi: (smile) Same to you. I apologise for my other sisters she is very shy around new people.

Y/n: Your other sister?

Then he see movement behind Aoi as a girl with red hair with two pony tail peaks out and stare at Y/n while Y/n blushes a bit to see her cute face.

???: (nervous) H-H-Hello.

Y/n: (thought) God she is so cute. Both her and Aoi are just too cute. I hope i didn't stumble into a anime like cliche that I go on a date with many girls? Well either way I might have jinxed it.

Aoi: (smile) This is Akane and I apologise again for her. She is very shy when it comes to new people and even large crowds.

Y/n: (smile) It's cool. I understand how it feels like ti shy around new people.

Akane peaks once more and stare at him while Y/j stare back at her and smile at her which she blushes a bit while Shuu said.

Shuu: We should keep going before the bell gose off.

Y/n: Right. Catch you two later.

Aoi: (smile) Same here.

Akane: (nervous) See ya.

Shuu and Y/n left to continue on the tore around the school before the bell rings for the next class.


School was over for the day as we see Y/n waiting for the traffic to turn green. He was whistling to himself just minding his own business when Aoi and Akane appear beside him as he turn to see them.

Y/n: Oh hey there you two. Guess we're both taking the same street together.

Aoi: (smile) Seems like it. You live here?

Y/n: Yeah and I need unpack my stuff. It's a huge mess trust me.

Aoi: (smile) I see why.

Akane: (nervous) S-Sorry a-about before?

Y/n: (smile) Hey no need to apologies Akane, I understand why your shy around new people and I respect that.

Akane blush even more while Aoi smiles by this while a guy rams at Y/n's shoulder making him drop his stuff. The guy continues on running while the women behind him calls out for help.

Women: That guy took my purse!

Y/n: (thought) So a robbery huh? Not in my watch.

Y/n: Be right back.

He spinted off after the robber as the robber see him s he turn around the corner. Once he get to the corner his head tickled like he was warning him of a incoming attack attack he duck down as a fist fly by him as he slide to the ground and turn to thr robber.

Y/n: (smirk) What's wrong? Not fast enough to blow a punch at me?

The robber charge and try to punch him but he moves like he can sense his attacks as he dodges his fist before the robber try to swing him one last time but he moved out of the way as the robber stumbled and hit his head onto a lamp post and fell on the ground unconscious while Y/n grabs the women's pures as Aoi, Akane and the women came around the corner to see the robber being g taking care off.

Y/n: Here you go miss. Your purse is good like it was.

Women: (smile) Thank you so much.

Aoi: (surprised) Are you alright? Did he hurt you?

Y/n: (smirk) All good Aoi.

Soon the police arrived to take the robber away while news reporter take pictures of the trio while Akane buried her face with her school uniform.

Akane: (nervous) Please stop starting at me.

Aoi: (smile) Poor Akane.

Y/n: (smile) Well at least that criminal got what he deserves.

News reporter 1: Princess is it true that he singal handley take down a robber.

News reporter: Princess can you guve us the details on what happened?

Y/n: Princess?

Aoi: (smile) Oh I guess you didn't know.

Y/n: Didn't know what?

Aoi: (smile) That we're royalty to the nation and our father is the king of this nation.

Y/n:...........Say what now?


After the news reporters got all they needed Y/n arrived home as he shut the door behind him and breaths in a sigh of relief. Still the work isn't done as he looks around to see boxes that he needs to open.

He sigh and gets to work. He unbox them all and place them around his house. After a while of unboxing and placing the items he needed around his house, he sees a suitcase whidh he walks over and stare at it.

He knows what's inside as he place a hand on it and he this you all know what's inside but to some you may not know is that Y/n isn't your normal teenager. He actually have powers just like his father Peter Parker which gives him abilities of a spider. His sister has one as well and still use them to fight criminals while Y/n feels like he can't be a hero since he fears he might mess up.

In case he changed his mind his father places a suit in a suit case when the time is right.

Y/n: (thought) I do want to make the world a better place but....I feel like I might mess up.

He leaves the suit case be and continues on sorting things out with his home before he heads off to bed to get some good night sleep.

(Next day)

Since this is Saturday and there is nothing else he can do so he sit back and change through the channels on his TV. After a while whiching to different channels he gets to one channel that holds some kid a royal family challenge.

Y/n: (thought) Huh guess that Ao, Shuu and Akanes family. They are interesting but how can they rescue many stuff animals from the highest building to the ground floor?

His question was answered when they show off their powers which surprised him while the news people explains about their names and powers.

First was Shuu and he can teleport to one place to another. Next is Kanade who can summon anything but the cost his her bank account will drain a bit in which item she thinks of. Then there is Hikari who can make things grow including herself. Then there is Haruka who can calculate a plan and it never fails. Then there is Akana who can make her body float so she can fly. There is Misaki whi can make clones of herself as each clone are apart of her personality. Then there is Teru who can make himself stronger then any  adult. Lastly is Shiori who can talk to any items or animals and understand them.

Y/n: (thought) Wow so not only they are royalty to the nation but also has powers. Their lucky! But wait, what is Aoi's powers? They didn't say what are powers are. Maybe they didn't get to her let. Let's see and-

Female news: (Tv) Hold on! I just reports of a attacked of the royal family!

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

Female news: (Tv) Indeed. A group of armed men arrived on top of the building and place them on gun pinned. Police are on their way but it who knows how long.

Then the sense turns to the roof as armed men have their weapons point at Akane, Aoi, Shiori and Haruka. Y/n see her they are scared by this and can't sit here and do nothing. He looks over the suit case and opens it up to look at the suit and looks at it and the TV as he tells himself.

Y/n: With great power, comes great responsibility.

He made is decision and puts on the suit and heads out to do like he family a hero.


Police cars arrived at the bottom floor as they rush inside but it will take a long while to get up their. Meanwhile the armed men have Akane, Aoi, Shiori and Haruka being hostages as the armed men keeps an eye on them while their leader finished his call and order his men.

Armed man leader: Alright get them ready. Our chopper will arrive here soon.

They nod and they grab them by the arms and get them moving to the edge of the building.

Haruka: Where are you taking us?

Armed man: Shut up or else.

Akane: (scared) I wanna go home.

Aoi: We be fine Akana, don't worry.

Armed man: I said shut up! Or you wanna get knocked out.

Aoi: Please sir let us go.

Armed man: Alright knock out it is then.

He moved his rifle to hit Aoi then suddenly his rifle gets pulled away out of his hand and he noticed this ad he looks around.

Armed man: What the heck?

???: Yo catch!

Then a rifle hits him in the face and then two webs stuck on the man's chest and he was pulled as he was punched by a masked hero as they all turn to see this masked hero as he stare up at them.

Spider-man: Sup.

The armed men were shocked by this but they open fire at him but he leaps up qnd armed his Web-Shooter and fire a Web at the first armed men as his weapon was pulled out of his hand while Spider-Man throws it away and fires a Web at his chest as he pulls his towards him as he kicks him which sent him flying and he crashed onto the ground.

They continue to open fire at them while Spider-Man dodges the shots while rushing towards them and then leaps over fire another Web at the the guys feet and he pulled him making him fall on his back as Spider-Man shoot webs at him and stuck him in place.

One guy try to hit him with his rifle but Spider-Man dodges it and grabs his rifle out of his hand and tossed it away before he fires webs around him as he fell on the ground  stuck.

There was only three armed men left as he gets into a battle stand when Helicopter flies over them and lands behind the armed men.

Armed men leader: Just grab one and let's go!

They grab Akane and load her inside the Helicopter while she scream out for help. Spider-Man sees this and rushes over just as the Helicopter was about to go offbut Spider-Man shoot out as many webs as he can to stop the Helicopter from leaving.

The shake cost Akane to fell of the Helicopter and fell to the ground. The crowd down below gasp while Spider-Man rushes over and leaps off the building and dive down to Akane. Once close he grabs her and turn to shoot us Web at the wall and the two stop falling. The crowd cheered as Spider-Man lower down and the two touch bottom ground and let Akane go.

Kanade: Akane!

Then Kanade and the rest of her siblings rush Iver qnd hugged her to see her alright. Spider-Man watch this with a smile underneath his mask while Kanade looks at Spider-Man.

Kanade: You saved our sisters life. Just....who are you?

Spider-Man: I'm just your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.

Akane: Spider-Man?

Spider-Man looks up at the still stucked Helicopter as he leaps up and runs up to the building and leaps underneath the Helicopter and appear at the side of the Helicopter as the armed men try to escape but they turn to see Spider-Man as he aim his web-shooter at them.

Spider-Man: Hello there, meet your pain in the butt Spider-Man.

He shoot his webs at them just as the police arrived at the roof and see that the royal family were fine and the Helicopter landed on the roof. They rush over and open it to see the armed men stuck in webs as the police were shocked by this.

As they take the armed men away we sew Spider-Man on another roof watching this as he fire a Web and swings back home.


The news was all over the nation about this masked Vigilante saving the royal family kids named Spider-Man. People were talking about it on the news while we see Y/n looking at his mask and he feels relieved that the royal family are safe but he also feels the thrill of being a hero and feels very good helping people.

He looks at the news as the screen changed to the king of the nation and the father of Akane and her siblings named Souichirou appears as he gose on to tell Spider-Man.

Souichirou: (news) When I heard my kids were in danger I was worried about them. I sent as many police force as I can while me and my wife worry for our kids. Then all of a sudden you came Spider-Man and saved my kids especially Akane from her death. This family owns your heroic actions and I know you can do more help to this nation and help those who are needed. I hope we can see each in person in the future Spider-Man and thank you....your really are a hero to thid nation and to our family Spider-Man.

Y/n was silent by this and can't believe he gain trust to this city and to the nations family so quickly. He looks at his Spider-Man mask and smirks as he knows he realised...he is ready for this responsibility and now....he must get to work.


It was night time as sirens of police go off as we see police cars driving by while on a roof of the building we see Y/n wearing a new suit he made as he pulls down his mask and we can see his new suit.

Spider-Man: Alright spidy, let's do this.

He walks back from the building and he take a deep breath and then he runs towards the edge and leaps off the edge of the building.


He fire his new Web-Shooer at the wall and he swings through the street following the police cars as he start off his new free time job as this nation greatest hero of all time, his Spider-Man.

To be continued..................

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