Chapter 1

It was just 8:00 a.m. at the Mega Pizzaplex and the four Glamrock Animatronics were prearing for the big stage performance in their rooms.

Roxanne the beautiful animatronic wolf stood in front of her star-shaped mirror.

"You will make your performance perfect because you always make your performance perfect. You are the best. You are the most beautiful." She said to herself, admiring herself in the mirror. Roxy loved to compliment herself.

Roxy combed her beautiful long silver hair neatly and put on a little make-up because it was very important to the beautiful animatronic wolf that she always looked pretty.

While Roxy was combing her hair, putting on makeup and admiring herself in the mirror, she didn't notice how Freddy carefully opened her room door and entered the room.

"Um, hello Roxy, are you ready? We have to go on stage now." The always friendly animatronic bear said and walked over to Roxanne.

Roxy's eyes widened in shock and she dropped the comb in shock then turned to the bear with her ears flattened. "Freddy! Why do you have to startle me so much?! My system almost shut down in shock!" she growled angrily at him.

Freddy looked at Roxanne and twitched his ears in embarrassment. "I'm very sorry Roxy, I didn't mean to startle you, I just wanted to ask you if you were ready." said the bear.

Roxy rolled her eyes then picked up the comb from the floor. "I'll be ready when I'm ready! Now get out of my room before I kick your ass!" She replied growling and then began to comb her beautiful silver wolf tail.

"Um..okay Roxy." Freddy said nodded briefly and then left Roxy's room. Roxy was still a little angry at the bear because he had a huge system error during the stage performance last night and collapsed and therefore the performance had to be ended.

Roxanne finished combing her beautiful silver wolf tail and put the finishing touches on her makeup by applying some purple lipstick. Then she grabbed her keytar and made her way to the large hall. There were many visitors to the Pizzaplex and everyone was exicted to see the big glam rock show.

Monty, Freddy and Chica were already in the large hall when Roxy came into the hall. The animatronic alligator adjusted his yellow star sunglasses and gave the animatronic bear a quick, cold look. Monty seemed to have a rivalry with Freddy and this revalry grew stronger every day.

"So let's go buddies, we're going to rock the stage now. Let's rock." Chica said happily, jumping up and down briefly.

Freddy nodded. "Yeah let's go buddies." he said.

"Why do you always have to put on makeup Roxy?! We're always late for the stage because of you!" said the animatronic alligator to the beautiful animatronic wolf.

"Shut up you ugly stupid lizard!" Roxanne said back, baring her teeth growling.

Roxy would have like to give this stupid alligator a hard slap in the face so that his jaw wobbled, but the white animatronic chicken stood between the two with a sigh. Roxy and Monty almost always had arguments and Chica was the mediator disputes.

"Can you two please stop arguing? We have to go on stage now." Chica said.

Roxy and Monty nodded.

The four animatronics entered the stage elevator.

The elevator went up. You could already see some of the nice neon lights.

Chica did a little stretching, to make sure she was completely ready. Monty looked at his bass guitar and gave it a quick check. Freddy looked at each of his three friends with a happy smile. Roxanne closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and exhaling.

When the four animatronics were on the big stage, the visitors began to cheer. Roxy, Monty and Chica started playing their instruments while Freddy started singing. Chica kept an eye on the animatronic bear because she was worried and afraid that it might suffer a system error again.

Freddy managed to pull himself together and continued singing. Roxy enjoyed the spotlight.

Monty jumped up and down while playing his bass guitar.

When Freddy and his band members finished the performance, the four animatronics bowed and walked off the stage.

"We did great with the stage performance." said Freddy.

Roxy wagged her tail and smiled. She was glad that Freddy hadn't ruined the performance again. "Well done Fazbear." she said. Freddy almost seemed to blush in embarrassment.

"I'm so glad you didn't have another system error Freddy." Chica said and hugged the bear. Freddy smiled.

Monty got a playful fight with four of his fans.

Roxy gave a little boy an autograph, smiling. "I'm the best. I'm the favorite animatronic of all the children." she said proudly. Suddenly the beautiful animatronic wolf saw a girl sitting at a table all alone and sad. The girl wore a colorful party hat on her head.

Roxanne continued to look to the sad girl. She noticed tears in the girl's eyes.

"What kind of birthday is this? A sad birthday? Where are all her friends?" Chica asked, standing next to Roxanne.

"She...she looks so sad." Roxanne said, her ears drooping. "So lonely."

Chica nodded.

"Maybe she doesn't have any friends who can come to party." Monty said. One of his fans climbed onto his back.

Roxanne narrowed her eyes at the animatronic alligator and growled softly.

Freddy was surrounded by all his biggest fans. "You all get an autograph from me." The animatronic bear said with a smile and he signed an autograph for each of his fans.

Monty looked to the animatronic bear. "Stupid braggart!" he growled angrily and softly.

"Who is the coolest glam rock animatronic?" one of Monty's fans said with a smile.

"Of course I'm the coolest glam rock animatronic." Monty said back.

Chica smelled pizza and quickly ran to follow the smell. She ran into the kitchen. "Pizza! Pizza! Pizzaaa!"

Roxanne twitched her right ear then walked over to the sad girl. "Hey little one, happy birthday." she said in a soft voice. "Why are you crying?"

The girl looked at Roxy and wiped away her tears. "None of my friends are showing up to my birthday party." she replied sadly.

"Oh little one, I'm sure your friends haven't forgotten you. Don't be sad. I'm sure all your friends showing up." Roxanne said and sat down at the table next to the girl. "You shouldn't be sad on your birthday. What's your name?"

"My name is Cassie." said the girl.

"Cassie. Cassie is a very nice name." Roxy said, then looking at the cake that was on the table. "You like carrot cake?"

Cassie nodded and said. "This is my favorite cake."

Roxy smiled softly. "Oh mine too. I like carrot cake too." she said.

Cassie smiled. Because Roxy was with her she wasn't so sad anymore.

The girl shared a piece of carrot cake with Roxy.

"Do you want to go to the Glamrock gift shop with me Cassie? There are lots of great fan merchandise there. Would you like a plush Roxy?" Roxanne said to the girl.

Cassie nodded. "A Roxy magnet and a Roxy plushie would make great birthday gifts."

Roxanne and Cassie got up from the chairs and made their way to the glam rock gift shop.

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