Car's sound was echoing in the quiet street, the laughter of two boys never ending.
It was a nice and beautiful night, the night of one of the boys birthday which they were celebrating in their own way.
The red car stopped sooner than the black one, they've made it to their destination and it seemed the winner of the race was one but not the only, the red shinny car.
Two drivers got out of their cars, the diver of the red car was as much as beautiful as his shinny car. Wearing a thin white cap-top shirt with black shorts, gorgeous jewelries like a beautiful black diamond necklace and some rings on his both hands' fingers with two different earrings in his ears with two colors red and green, having a very lovely red dyed hair.
Black car's driver was way much more dominant, peach black hair with piercings on his eyebrows and one on his tongue let alone his ears were full of silver and black earrings and piercings, not having a lot of jewelry just one red diamond necklace and one bracelet on his right wrist, wearing a black and white shirt with a black-ripped-jean.
"You know you cheated!" The black-haired one said. Other boy giggled flipping his hair, smirking answered. "Sorry not sorry, Jun-seo. If you could've put your attention on the road and not me maybe you would've got the chance to win."
Junseo just rolled his eyes and walked towards his lover. " yah! Stop messing up with my love for you, Seo-jun! You know you're too gorgeous to not to look at." Junseo warped his arms around his Seojun's waist with Seojun chuckling popping his nose.
Seojun reached his arms around Junseo's neck, their faces were only few inches away from each other. " so, what's your surprise for me Mr. loser?" Junseo laughed at the nickname, he whispered. "Just wait a little more.." their eyes were locked into each other until they heard some loud sounds.
Seojun got shocked , he let go of Junseo's embrace but when he looked up he noticed the loud sounds are for the fireworks, showing 'Happy birthday Seojun' and then 'I love you my love'.
Seojun got emotional that he slowly started see blurry because of the tears roaming his eyes.
He looked at his boyfriend who was looking at him with a calming smile. "Y-you did this..?" He stuttered, of course he would stutter he literally was crying so hard. Junseo walked towards him and placed a small kiss on his forehead, getting him back in his strong embrace.
"I do everything for you my love.. happy birthday.." Junseo said with a smoothly voice. Seojun giggled and looked up at him placing his hands on his cheeks. "Promise you won't leave me.." Seojun pleaded.
Junseo looked at his beautiful chocolate eyes. "I promise by my heart, that nothing will separate us..and I will always love you.."
And with that they kissed under the moonlight...
The door war slammed open by Jimin with having a wide smile on his face. The poor boy jumped out of his bed, groaning of the pain in his ass, looking up at his best friend and giving him a 'are fucking crazy' look.
" you really didn't have to do that ya know!?" The boy lazily yelled at Jimin while getting up and put his blanket on the bed. "Oh shut up Taehyung, you know so well what day is today and you really think I can control my excitement?" Jimin crossed his arms leaning at the wall behind him.
Realization hit Tae so hard, today is the day that new drivers for the street races will be chosen. We let me explain more for you;
For so long street racing was so popular in both Japan and Korea but Korea's new terms didn't let the streets races to be continued so for this most racers in Korea had to race illegally until a day Japanese and Korean racers decided to put a big race in Japan that both Korean and Japanese can race in it without any worry.
The event got so much more supported than expected, so they decided to keep the event but after years they decide to choose new drivers for racing, —no one knows how long they just say it when they find it needed— like if they see the people who are racing are getting too old for it they suggest them to retire and be replaced with new ones but it's not like the racers can retire any time they want, if they want to leave the race it's ok but not retiring, it only happens at the event.
Taehyung's father was one of the best racers in their car's backstreet races history, and like father like son, Tae wanted to be like his dad. The best of the bests.
He had been racing illegally in Korea and not gonna lie he was just great as his dad. But since their identity has to be hidden he named himself 'V' , first letter of victory, showing everyone that he never loses.
His dad had no problem with his son continuing his path, he promised himself to support his son no matter what he wants to be, he was rather so happy knowing his son will be a racer like him.
The event starts from today and they have to go to Japan for it, the event takes 1 month; 3 different races will be there and whoever wins the last race will be known as 'golden racer' but others who made it till last part of the race will be the ones who replace the old ones.
Crazy huh? Like, it's street race not one of those legal ones so why there should be such a rule? Well this event is for the best racers it's not like all the racers will be there.
Just the ones who are truly a good racer.
Taehyung was always looking up to this because his dad promised him that if he wins the race he can have his car. His father's golden car? The one who he almost won every race with it? Hell yeah he has to win it.
About our cute vmin friendship;
Tae met Jimin when he was stealing something but to his bad luck the police officers caught him and Tae offered him to run away with him and who was Jimin to not to agree?
Jimin was a orphan and when Tae and his family found out about this they couldn't let him live in that cruel world alone anymore so yeah, he started living with Kim's family. Lemme put it here that Tae's parents really loved Jimin so maybe this is another reason for not letting go of Jimin.
They started to race together, soulmates in the race? Hm yeah...
" why the fuck I forgot it!? Come on why didn't you wake me up sooner!" Jimin's mouth was wide open, ready to swear at the younger but Tae got out of the room faster than a light, going to the shower.
"Aish.. this asshole" Jimin uttered. "You did not just call my son asshole?" Taehyung's mom , Aera , came in the room with a tray of breakfast for his son.
Jimin panic, shaking his head. "N-no Ms——" Jimin was cut off by Aera glaring at him. "You little brat, it's been years you're with us how many times do I have to tell you call me mom?" Aera paused washing away her glare and smiling lovely at Jimin. "And it's ok, Tae is my son so i know what a asshole he can be some times"
Jimin snorted, laughing quietly while nodding. "Again I'm sorry Ms——" he shut his mouth noticing Aera's glare. "——Mom! I'm sorry mom yeah! Also I have to help Mr.— DaD! To help dad pack the last stuff in the car!" Jimin dashed out of the room leaving a chuckling Aera behind.
"Kids these days.." Aera whispered to herself while putting her son's breakfast on his desk and pouring some juice for him. She heard a click knowing that Tae was finished showering, Tae entered the room meeting his mom smiling at him standing next to his bed.
Tae giggled. "Good morning mom! You didn't have to take my breakfast here but thank you so much!" Aera cooed at how adorable Tae is when he gets happy over such small things. "I did nothing my bear, now come sit eat your breakfast while I do your hair.
Tae nodded and walked towards his desk, sitting on his chair started to eat the delicious breakfast his mom made for him, god Aera's cooking is way much better than anyone even the best cooks in the world.
While Tae was eating his mom took Tae's hairbrush and brushed his hair, humming a song , a song that she especially made for Tae. Red-haired boy couldn't enjoy his morning more, a delicious breakfast, his favorite song singing by his mom, going to Japan, having a big race with so many new people he had never seen or heard before and hopefully by the end of the month winning and getting his dad's car. Oh how wonderful it is..
"Taehyung.." Tae hummed while sipping in his juice, looking at his mom through the mirror in front of him. "Did you know your dad's hair used to be red too?" With Aera's question Tae literally chocked on his juice. Dad? Red dyed hair? He literally hates having that color on his hair!! I remember he was scolding me why I choose to dye my hair red..at first I thought it was because of dying my hair , maybe he was against me dying it, but when I dyed it to any other color than red he didn't say anything, even he phrased me how good they looked on me! Even after I choose that I want my hair to stay red again he scold me.
Tae turned around looking at his mom with wide eyes. "But..he hates it.." he said hesitantly. Aera chuckled. "When we hate something is because we have a bad memory of it.." she said while putting two diamond earrings on Tae's ears.
" how can a hair color have a bad past for dad?" The young boy mocked, turning away and standing up, walking thro his closet for a good outfit. Aera just smiled, sat down on the bed. " your dad has a very exciting past that you don't even know Tae.." and I have some guts that this one month will change everything, and will open some old wounds..
Tae sighed, picking up the right outfit and wearing it in a hurry so they don't be late for their flight. Coming out of the closet, Aera whistles looking at his beautiful son.
( ^ I never healed from red Tae—)
"So how do I look?" Aera pretended like she was thinking. " total deaths will be more than 100 I'm sure of it." Tae just laughed at his mom's joke, rolling his eyes picking up his shoes with his small Gucci bag. Pointing at the exit of the door. "I think we should leave"
His mom nodded calling for a maid to clean Tae's room and bring the breakfast dishes to kitchen. Aera walked outside of the room that found his husband in front of him with his arms crossed.
" oh honey! I thought you were with Jimin I was——" she was cut off by her husband hugging her tight, Aera sighed patting his husband's back . "It's going to be ok alright?"
She said lowly while softly pushing her husband back caressing his cheek. Her husband nodded leaning into the touch, letting out a big breathe.
" let's go?" He asked. "Oh of course you big idiot I really can't wait to see Japan so sho sho lemme get in the car!" Aera said running out of the house shouting at two younger boys to not to sit in the passenger seat.
The old man couldn't do anything except chuckling at his wife's childish behavior, walking out of the house going the car in the driver's seat.
Poor man didn't get time to breathe just when he entered the car he was welcomed with such a scenario; Taehyung's foot in Jimin's mouth while Jimin was pulling Tae's hair with Aera yelling 'go on Jimin' and Tae yelling back ' aren't I your son' , such a calm and lovely family indeed indeed, of course no one is insane here.
He rolled his eyes giggling at them, going in the car ready to drive. Even when the car start moving nothing changed about the war in the car. This was going to be a long ride until the airport..
"Dude dad is going to be so mad! You think he won't know about this?" The tall handsome boy said with his arms crossed around his chest leaning on the wall. He looked at his little step brother sitting on the floor next to his luggage with a annoyed face.
" Namjoon Can you shut up?! To our luck Dad's meeting was hold in Japan so I didn't have to sneak out for going to the race! You know I always loved racing and this is my only chance to shove it to dad's face! So stay quiet like you don't know anything.." younger boy huffed pushing his hair back, looking at the ceiling.
Namjoon huffed, shook his head in disbelief then looked around looking for his parents. "You know how much mom and dad hate cars backstreet races..especially grandma." Namjoon firmly said looking at the boy sitting under him.
He sighed and looked up at Namjoon with disappointment eyes. "Please don't give me such negative vibes,okay..? They won't find out I do my work carefully.." he paused and took his eyes away from Namjoon. " if I win the race..dad will finally notice my passion and love for racing..not just dad but also all the family!" He let out a shakily sigh. "If grandpa was here he would support me.."
Namjoon looked at his younger step brother with sad eyes, kneeling down on his both knees and putting his both hands on younger's boy shoulder. "Look Jungkook, maybe grandpa isn't here anymore but remember I am and if no one in this world supports you then I will, understood?" Jungkook stared at him with glossy eyes but took a deep breathe not letting the tears be dropped, at least not now.
He held one of Namjoon's hand which was on shoulder, putting a victory smile on his face and said. " Understood Hyung, I won't let you down." Namjoon smiled. " no Jungkook, you don't have to let your dreams down.. fight for your tendencies and show everyone no one can stop you. Just like how they stopped me.."
Namjoon let go of Kook's shoulder and sit next to him looking at the ceiling.
Jungkook pouted but nevertheless didn't say anything, he knew he only can say empty hopes when they both knew very well that Namjoon's passion was long enough gone.
Let me introduce more;
Jeon Jungkook ; 20 years old, studying math. Son of the Ceo of the Jeon's company — and you know where this is going, being forced on doing the stuff you never liked —
Has a bigger step brother named 'Namjoon' , 'Kim Namjoon' if I must say by his full name.
No, for your information Namjoon isn't by-blood-son of the family, I think now everyone knows that he's a adopted son and Jungkook has no problems with it.
Jungkook never liked anything related to business, he really disliked studying. All he always loved was experiencing new stuff in the things he loves; like if he loves art, he wants to try any new tools in drawing, if he loves dancing he loves to try new kinds of dance..
But this hothead loved something that was forbidden in this family let alone doing different types of things like it.
Backstreet races or in other words, cars races. He once was lost in the dark side of the city and that was when he saw it, he saw how fast the cars were passing each by the other and it was so memorizing for him.
From then he started to sneak out and get his own car to race, he was just 18 and everything with getting his own car was going so well until his grandmother found out about this, to his bad luck exactly the day when he wanted to get his car. Jungkook never thought his family would hate races so much, he was planning to tell them about this actually, thinking they would at least support him in this. But no, let's not talk about what happened that day , too painful to even talk about, but in the end he saw how much his parents are against it and with the fear of the same thing happening again, he stopped sneaking out.
Well..he stopped just for a while until his parents forget about the accident, then he started sneaking out again. Namjoon warned him a lot, when I say a lot I mean it but we all know Jungkook..being too stubborn to even listen for his own sake.
The next sneak outs became more carefully, he used masks for entering the races and never introduced himself, the races he entered was just the ones that some small group of friends would do so he really wasn't even much known in the racing's world.
Let's say it was somehow a hobby for him, but who said Jeon Jungkook wants to keep this as a hobby..
He still had a slight of hope that his family will know what's his likelihood after the big competition so he was planning on going to the Japan without telling his parents the real reason but to his luck —that for once wasn't against him— his dad's meeting was attended in Japan because of the new cooperation with the new Ceo of a company.
Jungkook promised himself he will , no matter what, win or at least be one of the racers who made it up to the last level. So he can prove himself to not only his family but to all the world that he's capable of doing anything! But he's still scared what if one of his family's members caught him, by family members I mean his Dad, mom and sadly or not his grandmother.
Kim —Jeon— Namjoon; 27 years old, working with his , step, father in the company even tho he didn't have to do this but he couldn't see his father giving Jungkook this position to work beside him until he retires and Jungkook becomes the new ceo. Maybe the Jeons ruined his life and dreams but he's not letting anyone takes Jungkook's dreams away from him.
You see Namjoon was adopted before Jungkook's birth because the Jeon family thought they couldn't have a child, that's why they adopted him so at least if they can't have a child at least there'd be kid to grow up and become their heir and continue their way.
All of these was before the day that Ms.Jeon , Akira , finds out that she's pregnant. That was such a happy news to the Jeons even for Namjoon but poor boy didn't know now that they have their own blood heir they don't need him. It was Jungkook's 1 year old birthday that the Jeons told him that they didn't want him anymore, that day was full of crying and fights until Mr.Jeon , Their grandfather, decided that he wants Namjoon to stay no matter what.
With so many struggles finally Namjoon remained to stay but promised himself to never be a Jeon.
He never showed any hatred towards Jungkook, no, he actually loved him and literally raised him. When their parents weren't there — 90% of the time they weren't with them so I guess it means every single time of their life — Namjoon always took care of his lil brother, He never saw Jungkook as his step brother but he saw him as his own brother and never failed to support him, He didn't let his father make Jungkook to work with him and become the next ceo.
It's a very long story literally took the Jeons years until they agreed to pass the ceo level to Namjoon.
It's not like Namjoon always carved for being a ceo, no, he loved rapping and writing poems and songs, he loved to sing every single feeling that he had put on the song, he just loved making music and also share his feelings to people... but sadly he couldn't reach to that dream because he couldn't let Jungkook drop his passion. To Namjoon, Jungkook is still too young to be caged in such a life, he still has time to experience, hate, love, get hurt and ...
Jungkook doesn't deserve to be someone who he doesn't want to.
The atmosphere between the two boys was too thick, none of them knew how to start a conversation with each other, just waiting for their parents to arrive.
Until Jungkook finally broke the silence.
" hey let's not think about bad stuff , yeah? I'm going to do my best I promise!" The little boy said with showing his rare bunny smile.
Namjoon chuckled and Pat kook's head. "Just don't die— that would be the only prize I want from you." Both of the started to laugh as lowly as they can.
After a few minutes the joy seemed to fade away as Namjoon notified Jungkook that he needs to uses the restroom, leaving The little bunny alone sitting on the ground looking at nothing.
Jungkook sighed and got himself more relaxed, taking a small chocolate from his mini bag then taking a small bite on it. He hums as he enjoys the delicious taste of the chocolate under his tongue.
He was too busy enjoying his chocolate not noticing a lost gorgeous boy literally standing right in front of him, but after a few bites he noticed a shadow on him then when he looked up he saw something way more delicious than his chocolate that literally mouth watered him.
A big and plump ass literally a few inches away from his face, he could swear those plump peaches looked too soft and big that he only wanted to squeeze them, spanking those peaches making a art with his hand prints on them. Gosh what a sight..
His hand automatically , slowly, started to move on the plump ass but stopped when the booty was going far away from him. Noooo what the hell! I want my booty!
He huffed, needed to work on his little bud down there later but when he looked up he was met with the most beautiful angel that has fallen on earth. He had a rosy red dyed-hair with such a fashionable clothes, that seems to be Gucci, and many shiny jewelries. Damn..even the owner of the peaches is handsome..
The red-haired boy felt for a sec that someone might be behind him and when he turned around he saw a boy sitting right down him. The young boy smiled nervously and bent down a little, reaching to Jungkook's level.
"I'm sorry mister.." his voice.. gosh it was the deepest yet the most beautiful voice he has ever heard. "I'm kinda lost, I think I've lost the way to my gate. Is it possible for you to show me the way?" He said looking at Jungkook right into his eyes.
They didn't know how long they were staring at each other and Jungkook didn't care if the boy found him crazy because damn it, those shiny brown eyes, those soft yet addicting lips, the mole beauty under his eye , nose and lip..all of these could make anyone crazy.
Okay I forgot to mention that Jungkook can't keep his mouth shut. "Yeah beauty I can help but can ya turn around? I wanna enjoy those peaches for a bit longer" yeah, it came too much for a tease—
The red haired didn't understand it at first but then *bing* it hit him so hard what Jungkook meant by his words. He slightly gasp, standing up crossing his arms , huffing loudly while looking at the whipped boy down him. Not even showing any shame after saying such stuff to him.
"You shameless!! I know I got a big ass but are you even for real?! How are you not embarrassed by saying such thing! You pervert.." he mumbled the last part while looking away from Jungkook with a glare and a pout on his lips. Even when he's angry , he's so cute..
Jungkook, still being a whipped cream, didn't care less about the insults The young boy gave him, he was too busy admiring the beauty in front of him. the poor chocolate has been forgotten for so long.
Jungkook wanted to tease him again but suddenly someone called him.
"KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG!" The boy which seemed to be named Taehyung looked at the voice's direction and found a small angry boy who was running towards him. "Are you out of your mind! You really didn't leave us behind exactly when dad told us to stand by each other!"
Tae pouted as his eyes saddened a little, looking down still having his arms crossed his chest. "But I smelled strawberry cake jiminie.." he said with such a low voice.
Both Jimin and Jungkook cooed at his cuteness but nevertheless Jimin was way too angry and worried to continue his cooing. He grabbed Tae's wrist and pulled him away from there.
Jungkook dumbfounded stayed there while staring at two boys disappearing from his sight . He sighed leaned on the wall behind him . 'not gonna lie..instead of his sexy booty he had such a cute personality.. meh whatever I can't be with boys anyway..'
He closed his eyes for a moment but he heard someone calling him from afar, opening his eyes he saw his grandmother yelling his name, calling him to pick up his stuff and go with them it seemed that their plane landed on.
Jungkook sighed yelling back a ' Ok I'm coming' and ran to his family with his luggage and mini bag packed. It's been minutes that the Jeon's family got into the line which led them to the plane, but something felt way too odd.. Namjoon kept throwing him worried glances and this literally creeped him out.
He was staring at his shoes until a voice interrupted him. "Do you know him?"
"Huh?" Kook looked at his grandmother, Jeon Soo-Jin, with a very confused face. "Excuse me Grandma?"
Soojin chuckled, taking off her sunglasses, seriously you're not a celebrity why would you wear sunglasses in a airport— she looked up at her grandchild , taking a good look at him.
"Why so shocked? I just asked a question.." she paused, making sure the Jeon Parents and Namjoon weren't listening. "The boy you were talking to, Is he your friend?"
Jungkook kept his calm but also a little confused look but inside he was shocked as hell. He knew if he showed any weakness —even if it means showing any kind of reaction like being scared or...— his grandmother will , without any hesitation , understand that something is fishy, and he doesn't want to put a innocent boy's life in danger with pushing him in Soojin's trap. Was she stalking on me? Did she send a spy on me? What the actual fuck!
Soojin came out of bathroom and was about to go and inform Namjoon and kook that they should get ready but when she got closer to Their place she heard something.
" You shameless! I know I got..."
Soojin couldn't hear the rest of it, she took some steps closer and saw a boy standing up in front of Jungkook while Kook was sitting on the floor, chuckling at the young boy huffing in anger.
"KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG!" she heard another boy shouted a name while he was running to the boy who was stood up. She didn't care less about what they were saying, too focused on Jungkook's expression which seemed didn't satisfy her, Kook was still smiling fondly at the boy and it didn't make Soojin happy.
That was when Namjoon came and noticed what was his grandmother doing, he put on a act that he accidentally fell down and Soojin immediately took a look at him, but as we all know this grandmother doesn't even like Namjoon she just told him to get up and goes to his parents. The tall boy could feel that this grandma wouldn't leave this aside.
Then when the two strange boys went away she called Jungkook to join them, but her mind was filled with the boy's name..
Soojin was waiting for her answer but it was running thin because the line was getting smaller and it meant they were getting close to the plane. Jungkook just sighed and looked anywhere but not at her. "No, he wasn't my friend, he was just lost so he came to me for some help."
Soojin took awhile until she nodded, after that it was pure silence with them. Few minutes passed until they reached to their plane, were seated and ready to take off.
Jungkook sighed as the plane started to move, he took out his headphones and connected them to his phone, choosing the exact song he wants.
He choose to play ' Tomorrow ' by his favorite boy band, Bt21. He literally adores the group and can't stop fan-boying to their every new song. His bias is cooky, the one with light pink hair who is the maknae of the band. Jungkook owes his abs to Cooky since he always adored cooky's build body.
He also loves to ship Cooky x Tata, Tata is two years older than Cooky, he thinks their love is so pure, the way they're not afraid to show affections to each other even when they're in front of the camera.
Kook can't get over how Cooky looks at Tata, his eyes are always on him whether he's doing something or not, Cooky always looks at Tata with adoration, always support him and helps him ; when they're being teamed up and they aren't together they still help each other. Jungkook can talk about their love for his whole life but all in short, anyone can see and feel the love between them and if you don't wanna believe in it, then sorry you're missing such a beautiful love story.
Jungkook just wishes he would have someone like Tata in his life too, someone who he can relay on, someone who can comfort him and doesn't judge him, someone who..truly loves him..
maybe all of these are just in stories or only lucky people can have such a partner but Jungkook never gave up, actually, he didn't want to just have a simple crush on someone and didn't want anyone to just has a crush on him, he wanted a pure and true love, and if waiting for that true love means he should put aside every romantic thing just to find his true love, then he got no problems.
But his family seemed to have many problems with this. The Jeon's family rules; 1-Do Not be in lgbt.
As if being in lgbt is chosen by our Own self.
2- Do not get any bad grades or you will get punishments .
Let's not talk about how abusive this family can be..or should a say just a person.
3- Don't go angst Grandma.
What a devil, huh?
4- No making friends because it only makes you weak.
Heh funny, literally just say stay alone.
5- Do not dirty family's name by ; hook ups, falling in love with any other person that is arranged for you, car's racing, doing any kind of art, partying, going out, choosing a different job.
What the hell is living then-?
Yeah, poor Joon and kook had to live in such a family.
Jungkook looked out of the window humming with the song, watching how slowly the clouds are passing each by.
While behind him was a gorgeous red-haired boy who was reading his favorite book which was about two princes having a forbidden love.
Taehyung and Jungkook were just about to start their story, not knowing this month is going to be full of adventures for them..
Full of love and hate, secrets that should've never been revealed are going to be tell, going to lose the ones they love, true colors will be shown And true love will happen between the ones who never thought it would...
To be continued....
This story contains:
A lot of angst
Old love
Arranged marriages
Abusive family
Harsh words
Sassy Taehyung
Jungkook is older than Tae
* please if you're not comfortable with these then drop this book, every hateful comments will be reported *
English isn't my mother language so please ignore the mistakes
These are just FICTIONAL CHARACTERS and this is a FANFIC , no harm or hate towards the real idols because all of the characters in here aren't related to the real ones.
To be honest I always loved the idea of Red haired! Taehyung with Black haired! Jungkook in backstreet races but I never find any fic with this idea so I thought I write one on my own🥺🤧
Not gonna lie but this fic is going to be one of my most favorite ones that I've ever written uahakshkauag I'm so excited 🤧🤍
Please vote, comment and share it would means a lot to me 🥺🎐🤍
Creditor of the book; GqcciKV
Creator of the cover; GqcciKV
Enjoy and see ya on next chapter 🫐🍃
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