Cred: to the rightful owner.^

Warning, I know you all came here by accepting the genres of this book but I thought to put a little warning on this chapter so prepare yourself because this chapter is under 'abusive parents' tag.

Remember this is fictional, fiction, it has nothing to do with the real ones and has no disrespect or harmful action against anyone.

Please ignore the mistakes.

Thanks for reading this, continue with the story...

       Both boys shoot their eyes from where they heard the yelling. Taehyung widened his eyes when he looked at the familiar face who was fuming in anger. He doesn't know why but that look the boy was giving him kinda scared the shit out of him.

     "J..J-Jeongguk..?" He hesitatingly asked while trying to let go of Sunbim's embrace. He kept taking glances at both Sunbim and Jeongguk face and both faces showed a different reaction. Sunbim was so confused, having a dumbfounded face while Gguk was on the edge of killing someone.

     Before Tae could register what happened his wrist was hardly grabbed and was being taken by Gguk to— to wherever he was taking him. Taehyung took a look from Sunbim and the boy only gave him a reassuring smile.

     After a few minutes of Jeongguk taking Tae to nowhere finally Tae was tired of this and stopped walking, when he stopped his action Gguk also stopped but didn't look at Tae, his back was facing the younger but his hand was still holding the other.

      Taehyung sighed in frustration, harshly letting go his hand from Gguk's grip looking at him with a annoyed face. There was silence between them no one sharing a word to the other, too much into thoughts to speak up about anything.

     Finally the younger broke the silence. "Seriously Gguk? What the actual fuck was that?? Are you outa your mind?" Tae spatted, really can't understand why Jeongguk stopped them, one, second he doesn't know why the heck out of millions of hotels in Japan Gguk has to be here.

      In was again silence, Tae was getting frustrated when he wanted to talk again he was interrupted by the elder. "Who kisses the boy who you just met?" Gguk with a frown asked, turning around facing Taehyung. The younger could see elder's eyes on him, the emotions in his eyes weren't something he'd could guess.

     Tae huffed. "And What does it have to do with you? So what I just met him maybe it's love in first sight..but anyway it was just a action by a accident. I'm sure we wouldn't kiss that easily.." he mumbled the last sentence, literally even his own words don't make sense to himself how can he hope Gguk believed them—

     Jeongguk only let out a tiredness sigh, facepalming. "Tae you can't trust anyone just because they're charming and so kissable, how do you know he's not a bad person?" He said with having both serious and soft tone in his voice, something that Tae didn't notice in their both meetings. The ravenette started to slowly walk towards the red haired one while the other stayed still.

      Tae tried to come up with words but there was nothing, until he thought of changing the subject. "Yah! Stop talking like we're close or something, actually same goes for you Jeongguk-si. We just met two times by accident, let me say it again, accident—" He crossed his arms across his chest while Gguk stayed still his serous feature.

      "So there should be no different between you two!" A wide smirk made it to Jeongguk's lips, he kept on breaking the space between them until he came too close, Tae on other hand was pure shocked but still didn't dare to move, no way in the hell Taehyung loses his —even a little— dominance here.

     "If you say so, then kissing me out of blue wouldn't be something bad huh? Since he and I are at a same stage.." he whispered with his husky voice while Tae was sweating so much. He took some time to actually understand what the ravenette meant but as soon as he realized he took big steps back.

    "Just stop this flirting shit will you! And by the way, why in the world you had to choose here to stay? I thought streets had enough space for you to stay" his arms were still crossed to each and a playful smile came to his face, but it was gone as soon as Jeongguk chuckled.

      The younger showed a confused reaction, loosen his arms he looked around to see what made the other chuckle. When Jeongguk noticed that no, Tae really wasn't joking, He coughed to clear his throat and stated, "genius, this is my dad's hotel."

     The colors on Tae's body started to fall away, he was pale as Snow White, How the fuck this idiot has such a luxurious life? I thought he was in plane for a accident or he was kidnapped- okay not kidnap because no one could be as relax as him if they were kidnapped, but for real, he couldn't guess such thing.

      No sign of shocked or surprised reaction should be shown and seen by the ravenette or he would tease the younger more. He shook his head and brought back his facial expression. "O-of course I've sh-should've guessed a spoiled b-brat like you is born in a luxurious family." Why should I stutter.. Now!?
For fuck's sake I'm dead..

      "A-anyway, I'm going! And don't ever think of talking to me again, Mr. mother fucking Loser.." he mumbled the name underneath his breathe but it was still loud enough for Gguk to hear it. He saw how fast Tae dismissed himself from there and that made the older laugh.

     Ravenette kept his eyes from where the red haired one disappeared in while having his gentle smile. "Well well well, no lie this was a sweet moment between two, um..what would you call it..oh right, enemies." Gguk was startled by a voice behind him.

     He turned around and was met with his stepbrother's angry face, he had his hands inside his pocket while walking towards him. "Seriously Gguk? You really want to get in trouble?!" He kinda asked a bit harshly.

     The younger of them gave a confused look, but still not sparing a word. Namjoon sighed. "Grandma was looking for you, if it wasn't for me she would've seen you two!" Jeongguk's eyes widened, he knew how strictly his family is about such stuff. Loving the same gender is a illness, usually teenagers have these thoughts in their age just because they want to know what is it but when the time passes everyone will see how sick loving the same gender is. Yep, so strict.

         Gguk sighed and started walking, Joon following him both going to elevator. Today he had too much freedom, guess today's freedom should be over. But still he didn't regret pulling apart Taehyung and that boy, doesn't know why but he couldn't let Tae kiss him. Call it whatever you want but something deep inside Jeongguk wasn't happy with the scene, maybe he just didn't want anyone catch them kissing right in the hotel's lobby? He doesn't really know nor wanna think about it. At least he saved two pair of those kissable lips from the strawberry boy, yeah he's gonna thank him later..

    I'm for sure not going to thank that shithead.

    Taehyung wasn't sure of where he was going after he left the older boy, he never was in this hotel so it's normal to get lost in it but to his luck he found the pool signs showing him the way to the pool. So with no worries he made it safely to his destination.

     But on his way to pool he kept cursing the poor ravenette, 'that bitch literally stole my first kiss from a gentleman!' 'What does that dickhead know about kisses? Oh of course he keeps on kissing people's asses how can he not know how kissing is-' 'I fucking hate you stupid bunny tooth loser'.

      Time passed and Tae was already in swimming pool chilling out, swimming wasn't his extremely favorite sport but he kinda enjoyed it. It made Tae to actually chill and stop overthinking about every single thing that was happening around him.

     He let out a sigh while he was swimming back to the edge of the pool, putting his both arms on the edge of it then resting his head on them. Tae was about to close his eyes until he heard some footsteps coming closer to him.

     "Oh, Tae you were here! Dad was looking for you everywhere." Taehyung heard a familiar voice, he turned around and noticed Jimin was walking forward to him with a small bag in his hand.

    The younger nodded taking his Look away from the elder again closing his eyes and resting his head on his arms. "Yeah I really needed some time alone.." he mumbled, Jimin nodded even tho it wasn't noticed by the younger. Jimin took a place near the pool and sat down there.

      "Mom and Dad's work was finished sooner than they thought, when they arrived they couldn't find you same for me.." he paused and when he was assured that Tae was listening he continued. "Next week is the opening ceremony, Any reactions?"

      Tae finally put his attention on Jimin, a smile made it on Taehyung's face while gets out of water, he sat down next to Jimin grabbing his arm still having his smile on his lips.

      "Duh of course I am! Just imagine finally racing in such a historical place! Gosh did I tell you I met Jung Sunbim!?" Jimin gave the boy a dumbfounded face. "Jung Sunbim? The son o—" Tae cut off him off. "Yes! The son of Jung Hanchool!! Isn't it fantastic? I'm sure he's also here for the race"

      While Taehyung was fanboying in his own world and was changing into a comfortable pair of clothes, Jimin was awfully quiet about the situation. "I'm not sure about this Jung family, didn't you hear their second son disappeared out of nowhere with no decent reason?" He asked as he stood up and walked toward Taehyung.

      The younger frowned, paused his actions and took a glance at his hyung. "I-...I don't know but he was such a gentleman.." he blushed at his own statement. Jimin on other hand only giggled and showed the exit to Taehyung.

      "Okay okay you loved fairy! Don't you dare to daydream about him in front of me!" Jimin spatted at the younger that was followed with a laughter. "Ohh did I tell you about his kind of fashion?" Tae put a devilish smirk and started chasing Jimin. "NOOO MY SINGLE ASS CANT TAKE ITTT" and the whole hotel was filled with those two's laughter.



        The only thing that could break the silence in that miserable night was sound of the echoed slapped.

         They weren't alone but who was there to help? No one. Just like how useless the screams are in such a soulless forest, even the dead wind won't help you.

        The woman in front of him was fuming in anger, her finger prints were shown on the boy's face, angry mark left on his soft cheek as blood dripped from a thin scar that was created because of the slap.

        Still silence, no one daring to talk only the fumes of the lady was talking about the everything she wanted to say in words but couldn't. Ashamed she was? Yes, she truly was. The slap calmed her down? No, the anger inside her was like a volcano that was so close to explode its' lava.

      The poor boy stayed still in his position, head down exactly where after the lady had slapped him. Rule number one, no eye contact; it only shows how disrespectful you are. Number two, no talking back even if it's you who is right and is telling the truth; it only causes more anger because they can never be wrong at anything. Number three, never show you're hurt by that action; they may get angry because they think you're faking it.

     "You know what sin you had done, right?" The boy stayed silent, no words neither are in his head nor are to talk out. He was just——silence. When you are not allowed to talk back then answering this question with honesty is talking back? Is even answering the question talking back in this concern? He doesn't know and doesn't want to know.

      Even if the Poor boy was way much taller and stronger than her, the trauma that was left in him was way much stronger than him. Each memory makes the trauma stronger and each new scar makes it bigger, that's why under that big strong body, there's a scared soul who just wants to be free without labeling him free then keeping him in a cage.

     He's just...scared, injured,hurt...mad, angry, sensitive, short tempted. He was everything but fine.

     "Answer me." Her voice was demanding, power was flooding in it. Taking a few steps forward she grabbed the boy's chin and made him look up, the nails of the lady was digging deeply in his cheek. He felt his eyes were watering because of how much painful it was, but held them back, crying is for weak ones and he's not supposed to be weak.

      "I didn't do anything.." he mumbled but instantly regret it as the next second he felt a sharp pain in his left knee. He groaned and when he took a look at his knee his eyes widened. He couldn't feel his knee, he tried to move it but nothing worked. He saw blood slowly started to drip down, when he tried to stand up it was still useless. He believed his knee was at least broken.

     "You think I didn't see it Jeon Jeongguk? Flirting with another boy when you know it's a sin?" She didn't yell nor raised her voice, she was talking so calmly and this was much more scarier than any yell and shout.

      "I was just joking around with him" he whispered but it was loud enough to hear. Then again he went silent, another hit was met on his skin this time on the back of his shoulder. He now saw a big stick fallen on the floor with some blood on it, he supposed this was the thing she hit him with.

     "Talking back? I see you got brave" She challenged him, letting go of his chin a dirty smirk coming along on her face. Poor Gguk couldn't register anything that was happening when he felt sharp pains keeps on shooting into his body, he felt like a truck keeps on driving on him.

     Hit after hit was met by his skin, this routine kept on going until he felt it was finished because he couldn't feel any more hits. That was until when he looked up and his face was met with another harder slapped that now made both of his cheeks glowing red with a hand red print on his cheeks.

      He felt something like liquid making itself in ,his body, up to his throat until he noticed the liquid tasted so gross, it tasted so bitter meanwhile disgusting. There he was welcomed by blood coming out of his mouth, his eyes were about to popped out, his mouth was agape open. This had never happened before..

     The taste didn't really suited well on his tongue, he started coughing with the aim of the bitter taste start to disappear even a little. The woman above him scoffed, took a few minutes for her to take the action but nevertheless she grabbed his arm and stared at him in his eyes.

     "You know I gave some mercy on you, otherwise I've wouldn't gone so easy. Go wash yourself, you stink." She spatted and disappeared out of the room. Gguk sighed and tried his best to stand up, even if it was too hard for him but he finally did it. He first wanted to calm himself down, the pain in his heart was more painful than any hit he was taken.

      Having a abusive person or parents in your family is like a nightmare, maybe only the ones who had really been suffered from it understand it way much better than the others who never experienced, but anyone can say that being abused will only put scars on your both mentally and physically conditions.

     It breaks you in any kind of way you can think of, you will question many things in your life that you really shouldn't even think of. Am I a bad person? Do I really deserve to take such a punishment for something I've never done? Why are they doing this to me? Do they enjoy watching me suffer in their own hands? Maybe if I'll die they can have a easier life..

      Yeah, being abused only breaks you and it shouldn't be taken as a joke or be ignored. Such topic needs to be talked about, needs to be solved, not only making it worse by ignoring it or letting them abuse them more.

      When someone is being's not like they can talk about it freely and openly to everyone. They have to be silent, for their own good, for not being abused more. It's not that easy to even talk about to anyone; friends, family members other than parents, teachers, psychologists...there's no one they can talk about because they feel ashamed, they feel just how that abusive person wants them to feel. They feel too lost that won't even remember who they truly were..

        In the meantime if the action of being abused, you shouldn't talk back. Why? Because even if you're right or not, talking back only makes the abuser angry in that moment and makes them feel humiliated, makes them feel that the person who they are abusing is stronger than them and this is the last straw for them.

      They get trauma and it's horrible, they show reaction to each movement that is close to any abuse that person did even just a simple high five can be triggering for some people. The endless tears of them is really endless, they think their tears have ended but no, they just keep it down in them until the bricks of it finally breaks and let the no ending tears come down again.

      It will get so hard for them to keep up, some might believe that this pain will end and they'll take every hit as a step of getting stronger, yeah it might hurt a lot but they don't care because they know everything will be alright, so they'll live their life the fullest. While the other side of the story is bit dark, there might be people who can't take it anymore, they just can't take the scoffs and the pain that is given to them, sadly they'll just the end the pain in ending their own selves.

      No one really can understand them fully unless they had taken such a pain like them, because they don't anyone's pity on them, they really don't someone saying 'you're still young you don't understand the reason of everything' 'it's normal in your ages it will be over soon' 'but you really can't hate them because they're your family and of course they have a good reason for it' .

      No, they don't really need such a stuff to only makes their condition worse and trigger them more by not straightforwardly telling them that they're the mistake here not what their family is doing. They just need someone with them and truly understands them, telling them that it's okay, this hurts but it's ok. We will be better and this cage won't hold us any longer.

     These are exactly what Jeongguk is feeling, right now all he wants is just to sleep but he knows he'd better take a look at his wounds or else people will notice them and make a big deal out of it— I mean, why wouldn't anyone? Gguk was like this since 6, his grandmother would've done such things to him in such a young age and poor boy never knew the real reason. Maybe sometimes he knew because it was the times he disobeyed at least one of the family rules and his grandmother would've showed him his punishments, other than that he never knew why he deserved to be served like this.

     If it wasn't for Namjoon he would've ended his life sooner around his 12-13, but Namjoon never let him do it. He found out about Jeongguk's misery and he even wanted to take some actions but Gguk told him not to, he knew it will makes the situation worse. So the only person who knew about Jeongguk's real pain was Namjoon.

      Gguk groaned with so much difficulty finally laying on bed, he took some time for himself to get adjusted to the pain or else he has to fill the room with his groans. He closed his eyes and let a sigh out, he was just tired, so tired that he only wanted to close his eyes and never wake up again.

      Life is never easy on you huh? Never can go the way you want even for once, just once. Gguk slowly with so much care got himself to finally reach to the phone. Agh..every move was like someone kept on stabbing him, no matter where, it was just stabbing and stabbing until he stops his movements.

      He dialed the number he wanted and waited for his answer. "Hey Joonie..I——" Gguk tried to a little to adjust more in his position but sadly the pain wasn't washing away. He paused for a moment to take some breathes then started taking. "I kinda n-..need your help.."

    "Yeah don't worry, I'm fine okay? Just tired.."
"Mhm..thanks bud..see ya in a minute." He ended the call, without any care he flopped on his bed. This time he actually didn't feel any pain but guess it was just for how fast his action was. In his call with Namjoon, he didn't even mention anything about what happened but with his experience Namjoon could guess that he's anything but near okay.

       Some minutes passed until Jeongguk finally heard a knock on his door, he tried his best to stand up and open the door but it was useless he couldn't even move a single muscle now walking and opening the door then going back again on bed? Nah bestie that's out of our list.

      "Joon I don't think the door is locked, Can you try to open it?" He groaned in pain even when he talks his mouth hurts as fuck. He sighed and just let go of any tryings, this shit hurt more than anything.

      He heard a clicked from the door, when he turned his gaze to it he saw Namjoon coming in with a bowl of soup since the delicious smell instantly hit his nose. Gguk nervously smiled at his bigger brother, he didn't even mention what happened but he still found out about it. Yeah a topical kind of brother everyone wish for, someone who understands your pain without mocking it or questioning it. Well this isn't just about brother, every good sibling or friend should always have this kind of behavior. To always understand you even in the darkest times of your life.

      Namjoon paused for a moment, seeing the younger one in such a state is so painful. They may not be brothers-by-blood but they're still humans, and for Joon seeing Jeongguk in pain is like someone is stabbing him exactly straight in his heart. When he found out about everything that Gguk is going through he made a promise to himself to never let Jeongguk feel such a pain anymore, but promises are made to be broken. He sometimes was successful in protecting him but he didn't know that behind the tall walls something way deeper was happening, and Jeongguk's own stupidity wasn't helping at all.

       Joon took a deep breathe to calm his shaky self down, he slowly walked forward until he reached to his bed, putting the bowl of soup on the desk then helping Jeongguk with sitting on the bed.

      "Are you okay with moving a little?" Namjoon mumbled lowly, carefully holding Gguk's arm and back to help him for his movements. Jeongguk sadly chuckled, whispering back 'good joke.'

      Namjoon hesitated for a moment to recognize how to make Gguk sit properly, minutes passed by making Jeongguk sit and when it was done he started to fill in Gguk with some soup.

     It was pure silence between them, the only sound that was heard among them was when the spoon met the younger's mouth despite that no one was daring to ask or say anything.
Namjoon's gaze wasn't leaving Gguk's wounds, if gaze could kill then Namjoon's was doing it.

      "Are you still going to join the race?" The elder asked but his face is still down on his wounds, doesn't want to look in those -still- hopeful eyes full of stars that every star has it's own story. Gguk -as expected- nodded furiously. "Of course! No matter what happens I will absolutely join it! Even if I face-..." he paused and looked down. "Even if I have to face more punishments.." he mumbled the last sentence, not too low that Joon doesn't reach out so he showed his reaction with fuming in anger while clenching on the spoon in his hand.

     "Heh, you stupid piece of shit" Namjoon whispered, Jeongguk couldn't hear what he said but he understood that his elder whispered something. Joon looked up in his eyes. " you really think I will let you go?!" The younger's eyes widened at the question. No no no no Namjoon isn't saying this right? He said he will always support me even in this! This isn't Namjoon..what if mom and dad found out and tried to brainwash him?

      Jeongguk chuckled bitterly. "Hah..hahah..Hahahaha!!" The ravenette laughed like a psycho but it didn't change anything in Namjoon's expression, he was upset -angry, sad, broken-. "Good one Joonie! Pfft Bwahaha! I? Don't race? Oh please don't make me laugh you know it hurts so much if I move a lot "

      The laughter of him died down and again the room was filled with silent. Jeongguk's smile started to fade second by second, now he thinks about it..Namjoon might be really serious about this. Bingo! His eyes widened when he got the silent treatment from his brother, silent means yes, and the answer to his question shouldn't be yes. The question that is he really serious about this..?

       When he got the point of him he rapidly shook his head, fresh tears started to build up in his glossy eyes. This always was his dream, racing has always been his passion and now letting it go so easily? No, of course no! It's like letting go of something that is the only reason of your happiness.

      And you know what hurts more? That the exact person who you would never think that will let you down, is the one who pulls you down exactly when you're just one inch afar from reaching to the top. Namjoon was his only supporter. They discussed about it that no matter what happened to any of them, nothing will stop them from going to this race. And now he's not allowing him to go? No no this ain't nice, not at all.

     "Gguk stop this you this is for y—" "NO STOP! YOU WERE THE ONLY PERSON WHO SAID YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE ME ALONE IN THIS AND RIGHT NOW YOU'RE LEAVING ME!" He was hurting but didn't from which more; his wounds on his body were getting worse because of how much he's moving, or how his heart is dying down deep inside him because right now he's feeling that he's really alone. No one will stay with him until the end.

      The screams and cries of Gguk wasn't ending nor getting lower, he was putting out all his rage and anger. Namjoon on the other hand was trying his hardest to calm his brother down, the more Jeongguk moves and resist to keep it down, the worse his wounds get.
"Jeongguk for fuck's sake stop!!" He had enough so he put his hand on Jeongguk's mouth and when saw Jeongguk is still trying to scream he put both of his hands.

     They both looked at each other exactly in their eyes, no one was talking but their eyes were having a full conversation. One with so much rage but with broken tears, the other with care and love that this kindness was shown in the wrong way.

      There was a thick silence but Namjoon slowly loosen his hands on other's mouth, still keeping them on his mouth. He whispered talk. "I'm only worried about you.. I swear by my heart Gguk that I would never leave you alone.." he was on the edge of tears but held them . He can't be weak even in such a state.

      Jeongguk only stared at him. No answer.. it was killing Namjoon from deep inside. Was he failing on protecting his little brother?
Jeongguk on other was just..blank.. no feelings to share nor care to share. But one thing was for sure, if he has to die to finally go to that race then he will. He has to prove it to everyone that his dreams are worth to reach, that he won't give up without a fight.

      Jeongguk blinked for a second then straighten up, softly removing the elder's hands from his mouth. Wiping some tears away from his soft cheeks without breaking the eye contact with him.

   "If I die, then I want to die knowing I did what I've always loved. That's what I want to do, fighting for what I deserve."

To be continued...

Words: 5150

Am I going too fast? ;-; tbh I'm trying my best to not be too rush and too slow..I have so many plans for this book..🤧

Also, please don't take 'being abuse' as a joke or just get away from it. If you hadn't experienced it -and I hope you didn't- then please understand and try to keep on comforting that person. Or don't brag about it exactly in the person's face. Just try to comfort them and tell them that a better future is near.

I'm not a doctor but just saying this by personal experiences. Just wanted to make this more clear for ppl🤧🤍

I love you alll plz vote and comment 🥺🤍🍉 happy Halloween!


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