Chapter 11
-The next night-
I sighed as I stared up at the ceiling, sprawled out on my bed. I was blaring music from my speaker, and I didn't plan on turning it off any time soon. I had a lot to think about, and I'm pretty sure I made a big mistake. There was no way I could keep this little charade on much longer. I was going to end up getting myself arrested. My phone rested in my hand, and I hadn't got any texts, calls, nothing. Maybe Lapis didn't exactly feel the same way? Maybe she just didn't... wanna embarrass me.
The speaker was playing through Bluetooth, so I turned the volume up even louder through my phone. My arm fell limp, and my hand loosely held onto my phone. My eyelids fluttered closed, and I furrowed my eyebrows. I drowned out any outside noise besides the music, and I exhaled sharply through my nose.
...we talked about making it,
I'm sorry that you never made it
and it pains me just to hear you have to say it,
you knew the game and played it,
it kills to know that you have been defeated,
I see the wires pulling while you're breathin,
you knew you had a reason,
it killed you like diseases,
I can hear it in your voice while you're speakin,
you can't be treated...
KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! "Peridot?" I heard Jasper call. I groaned, not opening my eyes, but turning up the volume. The knocking became louder, and soon Jasper's voice boomed. I heard my name shouted over and over again, and I huffed.
My eyes finally flew open, and I glared at the ceiling. I slowly sat up, and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. My feet landed on the floor clumsily, and I trudged up to my door. My hand sloppily landed on the doorknob as I lazily turned it. Jasper had furrowed eyebrows and annoyance in her expression as she stood before me. "What is it, Jasper?" I asked in a raspy voice. "We're going on a-... can you turn that down?!" Jasper grumbled. "No." I replied flatly.
The large woman then snatched my phone out of my hand, causing me to yelp. She turned the music off altogether while I struggled to yank my phone out of her grasp. Soon enough, she released it, and I urgently took it back. "Jesus, Peridot. What're you hiding in there?" Jasper chuckled, watching as I furiously shoved my phone into my pocket. My face heated up, and I quickly looked down at the floor. "Nothing of your concern. Now what do you want?" I asked. "We're robbing another bank tonight." Jasper stated, and my eyes scanned her. "Have fun with that." I deadpanned.
I began to close the door, but Jasper stopped it with her foot. She pushed it back open, and I took a step back, huffing in annoyance. "Can you please come with us this time?" she asked in a softer tone of voice. "No." I replied, looking away. "C'monnnn we need the techy nerd for our team, Peridot. The last time we gave someone else that job we almost got caught." Jasper said. "That's because your ignorant ass had your phone on silent." I explained, crossing my arms. "Not the point, dude. We just... we want our old Peridot back. This new one is... kinda freaking us out." Jasper explained in a quiet voice, putting one arm over the other.
I stared down at the floor in deep thought, and I let out a long sigh. One more time wouldn't hurt right? Just... in and out. I won't even have to get out of the car because I'm the tech. "Fine." I finally murmured, and Jasper chuckled in victory. "Alright Peridot! We'll meet you in the carrrr!!!" she shouted as she ran down the stairs. I grumbled, shaking my head. I adjusted my glasses as I checked the time on my phone - 10:23 PM. I also noticed a new message came in, so I clicked on it - it was from Lapis.
Lapis: Hey Peridot. I just wanted to say that I know we didn't get a lot done last night at the site. But I had fun.
Lapis: I also wanted to say...
Lapis: ...that I really like you. And I've had so much fun hanging out with you and spending time with you. Goodnight Peri :)
My face was probably a beet red color now, and I stared at the screen for nearly five minutes. I felt weak at the knees, and my heart was pounding. What do I say?! What do I do?! Should I pass on the mission?!
Peridot: I like you too Lapis. I had fun too and I hope we can hang out again soon :))))) Gn.
That's it?! That's all you're gonna say, Peridot?! What else should I say?! Agh there's no time! I groaned loudly and shoved my phone back into my pocket, ultimately disappointed in my inexperience with words. I grabbed my laptop, and zoomed down the stairs. I ran out the door, slamming it shut behind me.
Jasper was in the driver's seat, Amethyst was in the backseat, and the passenger seat was empty. I walked around the car, and hopped into the passenger side. "Alright, let's get this over with."
. . . .
"Make it quick! I don't want this to be another close call!" I hissed as Jasper and Amethyst stood outside my open car window. "Don't be so uptight Peri!" Amethyst whisper-shouted, and Jasper just gave a thumbs up in reply. I watched as the two proceeded to run across the street up to the entrance of the seemingly closed bank. I sighed as I stared down at the radar carefully. As Jasper and Amethyst were attempting to break in, I looked around for a moment. Hm. Quiet. I tilted my head and squinted my eyes as I spotted a man standing across the street - staring straight at my two accomplices.
I adjusted my glasses and squinted my eyes, further trying to read any expression. He seemed to be holding a phone up to his ear, and I gasped loudly. It felt like my heart dropped down to my stomach, and my throat grew dry. I immediately called Jasper, but there was no answer. "DAMMIT JASPER!!!" I growled loudly, realizing she probably left her phone on silent AGAIN. I proceeded to spam text Jasper, hoping she'd at least feel a vibration or something. No answer. "Ugh, I knew we should've invested in walkie-talkies!" I groaned, starting to panic.
I then decided to just do the first thing that came to mind. I laid on the horn, hoping Jasper and Amethyst weren't idiots and just got the signal. "GUYSSS!!!" I screamed, leaning my head out of the car window. Jasper finally ran back out, looking at me from across the street with a worried and confused expression. "TATTLETALE!!!" I yelled, pointing at the man with the phone. Jasper got the message, and looked straight at the guy. He seemed a bit nervous, and started backing up.
Jasper then started running full speed toward the guy, and I facepalmed. "JASPER WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS COME ON!!" I hollered. The man started running backwards away from her, but suddenly tripped over something. He fell onto his back and Jasper reached him. She stood in front of him and I just expected her to beat him up or something, but she reached into her jacket and pulled out her gun. If Jasper kills that guy and we get caught, that's two felonies on our hands already!!! I threw the screen and laptop aside as I climbed over to the driver's seat frantically.
I twisted the keys that Jasper had already left in the ignition, and floored the gas pedal. I screeched as the car immediately sped in reverse. I slammed the brakes, and put the damned thing in drive. A gunshot echoed the streets, and I groaned loudly. I floored it once again, and hit the brakes once I reached Jasper. "JUST GET THE HELL IN!!!" I screamed through the passenger window, and Jasper turned around from the now deceased man.
"Dumbass!!" I snapped as Jasper yanked open the car door and jumped in. The cop cars were already down the road, and utter panic struck me. "GUYS!! I'M COMING!!" Amethyst yelled at the top of her lungs as she came running from the bank with a sack of cash in her fist. I stared at her anxiously through the rear view mirror, getting ready to just book it. The screech of cop car tires drowned out mine and Jasper's screams as a loud thump noise followed. Amethyst had ran across the street and the police attempted to hit the brakes before hitting her - of course failing.
Amethyst hit the windshield and literally cracked it, then slowly rolled off of the hood onto the ground. The car hadn't hit her that hard, but it still scared the living shit out of us. "AMETHYST!!" Jasper hollered, twisting around in her seat. I turned around as well, and spotted Lapis in said car. The cop's eyes were wide, and she frantically unbuckled her seatbelt. "I-I'm good! It's all good!" Amethyst's voice cracked, and she struggled to sit up. "We have to go back and help her, Peridot!" Jasper shouted. My breathing became heavier, and I thought I'd literally have a panic attack right then and there.
Lapis quickly exited the car, and I instinctively slammed the gas. "Wh-PERIDOT! WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!" Jasper screamed, and my grip tightened on the steering wheel. I looked up into the rearview mirror one more time, and Lapis had handcuffed Amethyst's hands behind her back. Amethyst stared as we drove off, and she thrashed. Lapis held her, and began to walk her to the cop car. Amethyst's eyes were sad and scared, and I ripped my gaze away from the rearview mirror, feeling a pang of regret in my chest.
"What the fuck are you doing, Peridot?! AMETHYST JUST GOT ARRESTED!!" Jasper cried, and she remained twisted in her seat. I felt tears threaten to fill my eyes, and I only groaned in response. Jasper's large hands then grabbed onto the steering wheel, and I screeched. "hEY!! HANDS OFF!!" I growled, swerving the steering wheel. We were already all the way down the road, but the car kept swerving violently. Jasper's great strength took over my almost non-existent, and I clawed at her face.
Jasper flinched, and her eyes were shut tight. I looked up, and screamed at the top of my lungs as we were headed straight for a pole. I slammed my foot on the brakes with all my might, and Jasper jerked forward, hitting her head on the steering wheel. The tires screeched as the car came to a violent sudden stop.
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