#75: Graduation Day

"Today's the last day..." Rukia stared at the date displayed on her phone emptily.

"I don't want it to end..." Shika stared blankly at the ceiling of his bedroom.

"Finally." Ayaza opened the door of his apartment and headed out.

"I hope they all got the message." Zeon carried a shoebox in his hands while he was being driven to school.

"Bigbelly, wait for me! I'm going to Cray university straight after this!" Backlion exclaimed as he cycled down the street.

"How about you wait for me instead?! When did you even buy that bike?!" Akari was running after him breathlessly.

"I'm heading to graduation now Yozocchi." Chiharu peered inside Yozora's empty bedroom before leaving to school.

"I'm so glad to finally get this over with." Shisue yawned while riding the train to school.

"Don't sweat it if you fail reading the speech. If you do, at least it'll be funny." Hiyoku walked to school with his sister, the student council president.

"I've memorised it completely, so there should be no problems at all. But thank you for worrying about me anyways." Hiku coldly rejected her brother's advice.

"I should've dropped out while I still had the chance. Fuck those finals, what the hell was that bullshit?" Shouri kicked a lamppost on his way to school.

"It's been a week since then, stop stressing about it. What's done is done. Besides, we're graduating today, lighten up a little!" Lucine tried to cheer him up.

"Oh, something smells good. What has she cooked this time?" Wyvon stood outside Rina's house, waiting for her so they could walk to school.

"I hope they like it." Rina was decorating a cake she had just baked this morning.

"Ugh... I overslept... crap, what's the time? Huh, noon, that's not bad... wait, today's everyone's graduating! Holy shit, this is the one time I needed to wake up early! Fuck, I'm gonna be late!" Yza rushed out of bed and threw on his grey hoodie.

(Opening here)

In the gymnasium of Seigatsu Academy, the class of 2019 was about to hold their graduation ceremony. Students from all years gathered together to watch this momentous occasion for the third years. Teachers lined up on the sides, watching intently and emotionally.

Even the prominent figures of the school were all present. This was the moment the 3rd Year students would take a big step forward into a new beginning.

The host of the ceremony, Headmaster Yin Xuelan, gave a speech before passing the baton to the person who became the helm of the 3rd Years during the second semester.

"Hiku Kagure, please come up to the stage."

Hiku, the student council president, stepped onto the stage with an elegant confidence exclusive to her. She was Seigatsu's snow white flower, blooming brighter than anyone else. She radiated a pale blue aura that commanded respect and obedience effortlessly.

Despite being president for a short amount of time, she managed to live up to her predecessor, Ai Kyoko, as an impressive student who made positive changes to the school while inspiring and encouraging others chase their dreams, no matter how impossible it seemed.

Following behind Hiku was her fellow 3rd Year student council members, Zeon and Shika, who would also be graduating today. The three of them bowed before the crowd, and Hiku started her speech.

"Good morning everyone. Welcome to this graduation ceremony on this auspicious and bittersweet day. As the cherry blossoms fall outside, it also paves a path to the future for my year that will soon move on. The sad truth is, we cannot stay in this wonderful aquarium forever. One day, everybody will jump passionately into the vast and endlessly sea known as society. Today is our turn to do so."

Hiku continued her speech, showing gratitude to the school. She then moved onto the first time she entered Seigatsu.

"When I stepped foot into this academy for the first time, I wasn't prepared for the whirlwind of a journey I was about to go on. If you told me three years ago that I would be president and give a grand speech before graduating, I'd laugh and call you crazy. I understand that our reputation hasn't been the best due to various circumstances and incidents that occurred during my 1st Year here."

Hiku was referring to the Void Incident, particularly during the final movement when Backlion opened a portal to Cray on the school rooftop.

"However, I'm extremely proud of what has been done since then to improve the school significantly. We have been battling against the slander, rumours, and lies people say about our school diligently to change their minds. As a student of this school for three years, I wholeheartedly believe that Seigatsu Academy is a good school. I'm sure everyone here, the hardworking staff, the lively students, and those that have graduated from here, can agree that this school is nothing like how the public perceives it."

Hiku then turned to the 1st Years sitting on the left. She gazed at them with an assertive and warm look.

"To the 1st Years that have joined and stuck around for an entire year, I salute you for your perseverance and faithfulness to both the school and yourselves. Despite high school being an entirely different beast compared to middle school, after talking to many of you, I come to realise that you're a resilient bunch that will do what's necessary to aspire to your hopes and dreams. As I stand here now, I can visibly see both your exponential growth and the hidden potential you can still unlock. That's why I want you to carry those beliefs with you into the 2nd Year. I wish you all the best of luck on your own journeys."

Hiku then turned to the 2nd Years sitting on the right. She gazed at them with a proud and determined look.

"At the same time, I hope that when you 2nd Years become 3rd Years, all of you will soon provide a suitable example to the new 1st Years of what it means to be a proper student at Seigatsu Academy. Encourage them to fully exert their strength and talents, as well as instil proper discipline and good morales into them. I know this 2nd Year's potential. It is staggering and astounding. You can easily rival us 3rd Years in terms of raw ability if you wanted to. It's been splendid watching you all continue to grow, especially those that are part of the student council. When the time comes for you all to graduate too, I hope that you can cast your mind back to when you first came here and realise how far you've come. Good luck on the final stage of this arduous battle. I believe in you fully."

Hiku then turned to the middle, where the 3rd Years were sat. Emotions were high and turbulent for them. Some cried, some were happy, some tried to hold it in, some felt relief, and some felt nothing. They all had one thing in common though.

United by their unbreakable bonds and friendships after overcoming otherworldly hardships and the end of the world together, these 3rd Years have experienced an unreal life that was very literally out of this world. Their generation was unique.

"Today is the day where we become adults. Play time is over. 365 days worth of lessons have been crammed in our heads, yet I feel like I've learnt the most from you, my friends. I'll miss all of you dearly. Those that I love, those that I hate, those who I'll eventually, but regrettably, forget once I'm a year into university... life without you guys won't ever be the same. We'll all take different crossroads in life, we'll all end up making new friends, we'll all drift apart slowly... these three years that we've cooperated together in Seigatsu may be our last. Today is the last day we'll ever be this close. That's why I urge and beg everyone of you to never forget today. I want you to keep the memories close to your heart so you'll never forget this feeling. I think what the adults say is true. High school is the best time of your life. Cherish the experience. Keep being friends. Never forget it. We can't turn back time, but we can always reminisce on it. Properly self-reflect on your time at this school and recognise how much you've changed and grown as people."

Hiku wiped the tears from her eyes as she continued with a headstrong smile. Zeon and Shika stepped forward to stand by her side.

"Now, be proud. Because I know for a fact each and every student has improved by leaps and bounds. The things that we've learnt here, the times we writhed and struggled to shine, the unbalanced fights we faced along the way... all of it will be useful in the future. I'm sure of it. The person who will come after me will understand this feeling better than anyone else. Besides all that... I'll miss what we've become as we moved forward together. The spice that makes our year special lies in the fact that, randomly, by chance, we all were united under the banner of being a 3rd Year. It won't be the same once we all separate. But that's okay too. Things change, and we must accept that change with our hearts if we want to move on. Adapt to your surroundings. Fight with conviction. And never, ever give up."

Hiku looked at everyone before her tenderly. She, Zeon, and Shika bowed deeply once more.

"Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Thank you, all of you, for the past three years."

Soon, it came to an end. After the speech to the students, she turned towards the teachers and addressed them, before finally saying farewell to the school itself.

After the grand speech, the graduation ceremony moved onto the next stage.


The students left the gymnasium and returned to their classrooms. In the afternoon, a thank you meeting would be held by the graduates and all the teachers and their guardians. This meant visitors would be allowed to come.

The 3rd Years sat in class with an air of celebration and dread. Since it was their final day here, the teachers let them do whatever they wanted. Most students were signing each others shirts, taking photos together, or talking to their friends for one last time.

But not Zeon. He was running up and down the school with a shoebox in his hands. He started by heading into his class.

"Hey guys! Did you bring something to put into the time capsule?"

This was Zeon's parting gift to the school. He got permission to bury a time capsule under the grand cherry blossom tree that sat inside the heart of Seigatsu Academy.

"Oh, so this is why you wanted us to bring something important to school today..."

Rukia was the first to come over. Her voice was weak and her eyes were puffy.

"Yeah. One day, if someone hasn't beat us to the punch, we should all meet up and dig this from the ground and laugh at what we put inside. For memories sake, you know?"

Zeon was acting strong since he noticed everyone else's sadness. He wanted to be a reliable pillar for them.

"For me... I'm putting a piece of my Moon Fang in it."

Zeon opened the box and showed Rukia the shard of his old katana after he destroyed it for good. He gained the resolve to get rid of it for good when everyone gifted him a new katana, the Stone Break.

"This katana has been with me through the worst times of my life as well as the best times of my life. It's fitting to put it in the time capsule."

Rukia took out her bag and took out a muddied grey hoodie with bloodstains on it. Gently placing it underneath the piece of Zeon's katana, she explained what it was.

"I also wanted to put something important to me. Do you remember this hoodie?"

"Ayato gave it to you when we visited him to find clues about where Yza was. It was days before Gyze was resurrected too."

"Yes. This hoodie gave me hope that Yza was still out there... which is why I want to put it in the capsule. So that, whoever digs it up, they'll find a fragment of my hope. A hope that was true."

"That's a wonderful sentiment. Thank you for the contribution, Rukia."

Just before Zeon left, Rukia hugged him tightly. She cried into his back uncontrollably.

"It'll be alright."

Zeon turned around and embraced Rukia, patting her back.

"We'll always be best friends. I'm not going anywhere."

"Zeon... I..."

"Don't force yourself to say anything... just let it all out."

Zeon could feel the tears well up in his eyes too.

"I'll miss Seigatsu as much as you do. Our friendship group won't disappear. We're too close to do that."

"I hope... I really hope... that everyone will still be friends... always..."

"If you believe in it, it'll definitely come true. No... it's already true. And it always has been."

"But... everyone's going off on different paths... can we really stay together when our futures are so different?"

"We can try. You're going into nursing, right?"

"Yeah... what about you?"

"I'm thinking about doing something related to philanthropy. When I think about myself now... and the past me that went down the wrong path... I want to help other troubled kids, like me, out."

"That sounds perfect for you."

"You think so?"

"Yes! You've been through the most emotionally compared to everyone else. You'd understand their invisible pain the best. That's the kind of empathetic person you are, Zeon."

"You know, our futures aren't that different. We both want to help others out."

"Do you think that'll be enough to connect us together...?"

"I'll call and message. If that's not enough, there's always Yza. He's the glue that stuck us all together."

"I never thought of it that way... Yza being the one who breathed life into our friendship group."

"We're all connected to him in some way. You're his girlfriend, I gave him his scar. Shika's his childhood best friend, Ayaza's his current best friend. Chiharu's one of his personality's girlfriend, Backlion was his old arch-nemesis. Even people with thin connections, like Lucine and Akari... they still have a bond with Yza that's still developing. This invisible web that connects all of us... it comes back to him, don't you agree?"

Rukia's sapphire eyes glistened as Zeon explained his thoughts.

"I feel a lot better now. Thank you..."

"After school, do you want bring everyone along to my place and hold a party? Johan has seats for at least fifteen."

"That'd be nice. I'd love to."

Rukia smiled lightly. Zeon smiled back and nodded, looking the healing scars on his wrist Rukia kissed long ago.

"...I'm really glad I met you, Rukia."

Afterwards, Zeon greeted Ayaza, who was looking out of the window by himself.

"Depressed school's ending too?"

"Nah, just trying to look like an obnoxiously edgy anime character."

"Wait, that's my role."

Zeon and Ayaza bantered between each other to try and lighten the heavy mood.

"So this is what graduation feels like? At first I was happy, but now seeing everyone else cry and stuff... it makes me kind of bummed out."

"It does, doesn't it? The future's uncertain and everyone's anxious about it..."

"I've got another 10,000 years on this world, so I've got plenty of time to enjoy what's to come."

"I thought reviving the Rebellion shortened your lifespan?"

"It cuts it by like half. Price of omnipotence."

"Well, this time capsule isn't going to last as long as you, but having someone to look over it for the millennia to come would be nice."

"You want me to be the guardian of this thing?"

"Sure, why not."

"Tall but easy order. If you're still alive by then, I'll tell you who dug it up."

"That'd be appreciated."

Ayaza put a Dragonic Kaiser Crimson inside the shoebox.

"It's my first avatar. If I wasn't The Black, I'd be a Kaiser fanboy like Ayato."

"Thanks. Seeing Crimson really takes me back."

"Right? I'd say "pair up and surge" like it was actually cool."

"You're not the only one. I said "welcome to your doom" whenever I legioned Astaroth with Amon."

"This time capsule looked scuffed though. Some metal and a hoodie? Is this the best we can do?"

"It's a shard of my katana."

"Oh, huh... I see the resemblance now."

"In that case, I'm gonna go visit the other guys to try and make this more impressive."

"Sure thing. I'll be in the canteen, so good luck."

Zeon wandered over to Chiharu, Shisue, Akari, and Backlion.

"Zeon! Save me from all this chick talk! They're being all huggy wuggy and kawaii uwu and shit, I don't like it!"

"I-I'm here for the time capsule items..."

Backlion blinked.

"Time what?"

"Time capsule. I messaged everyone saying I'm making one."

"Oh, hey Zeon!" Chiharu waved at him. "I have mine right here!"

"Same." Shisue brought out another voodoo doll.

"I didn't bring anything..." Backlion muttered.

"This is why you turn on notifications." Akari slapped Backlion in the back of the head before handing Zeon her item.

Akari had brought her favourite yaoi manga, Shisue had brought a blank voodoo doll for whoever finds it to customise, and Chiharu brought a physical and signed copy of NAITO's first debut album.

"Wait, hang on, give me ten minutes." Backlion took out his Japanese workbook and began writing in it.

"Why do you still have that? I threw mine in the trash ages ago." Akari said.


"You're so stupid..."

"You guys don't seem shaken up by graduating." Zeon noticed.

"I joined in the 2nd Year." Chiharu said. "I'm not really attached to anything except Yozocchi. If he was here I'd be ugly crying."

"I don't feel emotions." Shisue bluntly stated. "That's why I play the straight man."

"I spent more time on Cray than I have at this school, so my emotional connection to here is as deep as a sheet of tracing paper." Akari said.

"Hey, I'll miss this place! Especially our hidden base! How the hell did they find out about it?" Backlion exclaimed.

"I tipped them off to destroy it since we did not need that piece of evidence hanging over our heads." Zeon said.

"What about the Dark Zone base?!"

"...we had a Dark Zone base?"


"I'll go hunt after it and knock it down."

"Wait, let's sort it out after we graduate. I need to finish this first!"

"What are you even doing?"

"Writing an essay."

"You're... huh?"


Backlion handed Zeon his Japanese workbook. Inside, he wrote a ten page essay on why might is right and weakness is a sin, as well as exploring the philosophy of war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.

"I'm teaching whoever finds the capsule the principles of Claret!"

"I mean... sure? Thanks anyways guys."

"No prob! Let the people all know!"

Zeon went next door where he found Shouri's friend group messing around.

"Hey guys, did any of you want to contribute to the time capsule I'm making?"

"Yep, I brought my item."

Lucine was the first to oblige. She took out a keychain styled as a cat with a bell attached to it.

"Here. It's a good luck gift from by brother, Ren, so it's special to me."

"Eh? Are you sure you want to put this in the time capsule?"

"Yes. It's a perfect representation of me, the person contributing to it. The person who'll find it will know what kind of person I'm like with this."

Lucine giggled as she placed her keychain next to Zeon's katana shard.

"Hope you have enough space for this."

Shouri chucked in his Spectre mask. It was a white mask with a black circle where his left eye would be. It sparkled purple under the light.

"Oh, that's a cool mask. When'd you get it?" Rikishi asked.

"A long fucking time ago." Shouri sighed.

"Then... is it okay if I add something Zeon?" Rikishi asked.

"Go ahead." Zeon obliged.

Rikishi added a mawashi to the shoebox.

"For the record, just because I'm named Rikishi, it doesn't mean I like sumo. I bought this as a joke and have no other use for it..."

"I feel like you're pawning off an unwanted item..."

"Don't worry, I brought something meaningful. Here."

Akane put a scrappy train ticket into the box.

"This is from when we all went to the beach during summer holiday. It was super fun. Kept the ticket as a souvenir."

"Good memories..." Rikishi agreed.

"I remember Shouri trying to barbecue the food but failing." Darien laughed.

"At least I had the balls to touch the octopus." Shouri chuckled.

"Dude, that was fucking gross. You couldn't even pay me to touch that weird slimy sucker."

Darien chucked a boxing glove in the shoebox.

"I like punching things. That's it, really."

"I brought the same thing as boss!"

Nakuru also chucked a boxing glove in the shoebox.

"You are the biggest side-hoe kiss-ass suck-up I've ever met Nakuru."

"I'll follow ya anywhere boss!"

"I brought something more practical to put inside." Ayo laughed awkwardly.

He added a copy of the original Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit to the time capsule.

"My bond with Gurguit transcends time. I want people to know about the brave knight of the sun!"

"Cards are cool, but a Miyazaki actually saying anime is a mistake is even cooler. I hope they still have DVD players in the future..."

Yuri put inside a disc that had a video of her saying anime is a mistake.

"Thanks guys. These are great additions."

Just before Zeon was about to leave, Darien said something that made him stay.

"So, Shouri, today's the last day of school, when you gonna ask her out?"

"Huh? Don't say that in front of Zeon, idiot." Shouri nudged Darien.

"What? I'm curious. If you need backup, I'll come."

"That's not... dude, this was meant to be between our friend group."

"Ain't Zeon part of it?"

"Well, he's my friend yeah, but this is like... you know."

"Huh. No, I'm too dumb to understand, explain in ooga booga for me."

"Ooga booga unga bunga unga booga bunga ooga bunga unga unga."

"...yeah I still don't get it."

"Maybe he didn't hear me."

"Shouri, you have a crush on someone?" Zeon said.

"Fuck, he heard me."

"Tch. Yeah, I do. What's your problem with it?"

"I don't have any. Just curious. Which girl?"

"Huh? You think I'm gonna-"

"It's Harusui from my class."

"Darien you fucking—"

"Eh? Harusui?! But isn't she like... quite prim and proper compared to..."

"S-shut up! I'll clean myself up!"

"Yeah, we'll get you deodorant, mints, and a new trim." Darien laughed.

"The trim stays, but the other ones are useful."

"If you're going to confess to her today, good luck."

"I would, but I dunno where the hell she is."

"Check the rooftop maybe? You know how the fancy chicks are."

"Wow, for once a not half bad idea from you Darien. I'm going for it."

"If she's not there, you can jump off the roof in disappointment."

"I'll make sure to do a backflip."

Shouri rolled his eyes as he left. Zeon stood there in amazement.

"I'm totally gonna watch him fail, anyone wanna come? Zeon?"

"Huh? Uh, well, I've got to do the time capsule..."

"I'll come watch to support him." Lucine said.

"Me too, he needs all the emotional support he can get." Rikishi laughed.

"Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt." Zeon said.

"Cool. Let's wait a bit and catch up after him."


At the rooftop, Zeon, Lucine, Rikishi, and Darien, watched the scene unfold from the shadows behind the rooftop door.

"Holy shit, she really was on the rooftop." Darien said.

"Shh, they'll find us if you're too loud!" Lucine whispered,

Shouri stood across Harusui with a slightly panicked face. Even though his body language was cool, his expression was stiff and awkward.

"Hmm, funny meeting you here again."

On the other hand, Harusui was completely unfazed by Shouri's presence. She teased him a little, before encouraging him to get closer.

"I like rooftops."

Shouri wandered over and stood adjacent to Harusui, who was looking over the school from the wired fencing.

"Are you going to pin me against the wall like you did the first time we met?"

"Kinky..." Darien muttered.

"Uh... no, of course not."

Harusui expected Shouri to reply sarcastically and call her out on breaking into a crying mess the first time they met. Instead, she was given a half-hearted reply not typical of Shouri.

"Something bothering you?"

"Sorta. Graduation, I guess."

"Huh, so the great big bad Shouri is scared of something after all."

"I did shit on my finals, so who knows."

"But I helped you revise for it..."

"Oh, so that's how they got close..." Lucine whispered.

"I-I know, but... it was... well, difficult..."

"Of course the finals are going to be difficult. Did you try and answer every question like I advised?"

"N-not the tests... okay, yeah, finals were tough, but... r-revising with you... was difficult."

"I can't tell if I should be offended or not."

Shouri looked away to his feet, freaking out.

"Oh lord, our boi is a quivering mess. Save the poor tsundere!" Rikishi cried.

"I-it's... not your fault, I was just... distracted."

"Distracted by what?"

As Shouri shuffled away from Harusui's growing enveloping presence, Harusui matched him by slinking closer and closer, trying to get eye contact with the romantically inept Shouri.

"Uh... well..."

"I know you took it seriously because your answers to the work I set was right. So what's the matter? You're acting like a creep."

Shouri finally looked at Harusui when she called him a creep.

"You're one to talk..."

"Gosh, finally some sense has come back to you. I was worried you were possessed by someone else there."

Harusui slapped Shouri on the cheek gently.

"Chin up. Graduation is graduation. We'll all have to move on eventually. Don't act weird because of it."

"I couldn't give a rat's ass about graduation. I hate school."

Shouri fell back and sat on the bench.

"But... ugh."

He buried his face into his hands.

"I guess even you can be troubled." Harusui giggled.

Shouri looked at Harusui through the gaps in his fingers.

"Today's our final day at this school. And probably the final day we'll ever see each other."


Shouri laughed, being caught off guard by her honesty, despite knowing he should've expected this bluntness.

"Since it is. Can I ask a weird question?"

"You can do it Shouri!" Lucine voiced her encouragement quietly.

"Ask her out!" Darien cheered quietly.

"Go on."

"What... do you think of me?"

"That's not what you're meant to ask!" Rikishi cried.

"He's easing into it... have faith in him." Zeon whispered.

"You really want to drag this conversation past the ten minute mark, huh?"

"Uh... no, I... genuinely want to know."

Lowering his hands, Harusui could see the uncertainty, anxiety, and vulnerability in Shouri's usually hardened eyes. She smiled as she spoke.

"You're a rotten mouthed, completely disgusting, utterly vile human being who's only semi-redeemable trait is your sarcastic and dry personality that's fun to wrangle with from time to time. You're obtuse, blockheaded, and childish, but can occasionally be smart when you really, really try. Simply put, you're thoroughly repulsive to be around, yet I can't entirely hate your guts due to your wholly weird and barely attractive charisma. You're like an annoying cockroach that I enjoy pitying because you're that desperate and it's cute to watch you squirm and croak under my thumb."

Shouri looked completely distraught at Harusui's excessively harsh words.

"Oh, she hates him." Lucine mumbled in despair.

"Yikes. He's fucked." Darien muttered.

"She's a complete bitch..." Rikishi hissed.

"Surely not... how could... huh?" Zeon was dumbfounded by Harusui's words.

"Well, at least I know you're not a masochist now. I had a sneaking suspicion you might've been one... but guess I was wrong."

"I... uh... then..."

Shouri ruffled his hair and stood up angrily. His growing irritation and pent up fear exploded suddenly as he grabbed Harusui by the shirt.

"Ah, fuck, I fucking hate that answer, but at the same time I fucking love it because I don't expect anything else from a woman just as unwanted and rotten as me!"

Shouri shoved Harusui away and pinned her against the fence, trapping her between it and him.

"K-kabedon!" Lucine squealed.

"He's asserting dominance!" Darien cheered.

"It seems like I forgot to mention you're a horny pig that resorts to violence."

Harusui bluntly looked at the increasingly panicking Shouri in the eyes.

"Fuck, what the hell am I doing..."

"That's what I was about to ask."

Harusui grabbed Shouri by the shoulders and shook him hard.

"Get yourself together. You're acting pathetic right now."

"I-I know... shit, I'm sorry. This is super uncool..."

"Well, I'm glad you realise one thing. Now, no more beating around the bush. Take a deep breath. Tell me, what's on your mind? Clearly something's happened to make you act even weirder than usual."

Shouri paused and finally stirred up the courage to look at Harusui in the eyes.

"You happened."

"Excuse me?"

"I... I like you."

"Funny that. Do you fall in love with every girl that gives you a shred of attention?"

"That... if that was true, then I'd like Akane, Yuri, or Lucine instead. But... it has to be you! I know we haven't known each other for long, but... there's something about you I..."

"Save the sappy stuff for later sweetie."

"I-I wasn't planning on divulging anyways! It'd be cringe..."

"Hmm, I don't know. I think it'd be funny to laugh at your grand delusions and romantic failures."

"Probably would, to be fair."

"Still... to think you of all men have a crush on me. How unlucky can a woman get?"

"It's lame, I'm aware... j-just reject me already and get this misery over with."

Harusui stepped forward and answered Shouri with a kiss on the cheek.

"This Saturday, 11am sharp, I expect to see you outside the mall entrance, by the waterfall. If you're even a minute late or don't show up at all, consider your chance to date me gone. Forever."

Shouri's jaw dropped and his body twitched in excitement.


"You're so obvious! I could tell you've liked me for awhile now. That's why I said that excessively cruel answer earlier. Your face was priceless!"

"H-Harusui, y-you..."

Shouri was completely red in the face, both from embarrassment and blushing.

"It seems you are a masochist after all."

"I hate you so much... but that's why I love you..."

"And I may or may not like you too."

Harusui smiled as she pat Shouri on the head as consolation.

"If this five minutes of cock teasing is all I get, I'll be satisfied..."

"I wonder how this'll work out, considering you hated my brother for nearly a decade."

"H-hey, at least I changed my mind now... we even made up."

"Hmm, I suppose. So, what do you want to name our child? I'm thinking something beautiful, like Sora!"

"Y-you can't be serious right...? You haven't even confirmed we're going out yet!!"

The group of four quietly left to let the two lovebirds spend their final day of school together in peace.


Zeon checked out the club rooms for his friends. He found Rina and Wyvon in the cooking club. Rina was saying goodbye to her kouhai club members and sharing one of the cakes she baked earlier with them as a thank you gift.

"Hey Zeon!" Wyvon greeted him.

"Zeon, hi!" Rina said.

"Hey guys. Want to add to the time capsule?"

"Of course! Do you want some of the cake I made for the cooking club?"

"Eh, I'll pass. I'm not really hungry right now."

"Hope you develop an appetite for later then. Here."

Rina put a small notebook inside the time capsule.

"It's an old cookbook I wrote. It has my personal recipes inside."

"Whoever finds that will be in for a treat! Your food is the best."

Wyvon put a handful of gadgets inside.

"I made a few gizmos and toys for the person who digs up the capsule to play with. The pyramid puzzle is my favourite."

"It also looks complicated to solve... thanks you two."

"It's good speed-run material!"

Afterwards, Zeon went to the student council room.

"Hiku, Hiyoku, everyone!"

Zeon was greeted by the whole council, plus Hiku's brother, sitting around the long table and saying their goodbyes.

"Zeon!" Hiku waved at him enthusiastically. "I know what I'm putting inside the capsule."

"Same here." Hiyoku held a small container in his hands.

Hiku ripped off the student council president badge from her blazer and put it inside. Hiyoku placed his container full of tea leaves next to it.

"I want the person who finds this to know the student council president herself contributed!"

"I just want them to drink my favourite tea."

The remaining council members, a trio of 2nd Years, watched the 3rd Years with sad eyes.

"Mizuho, Sakura, Hiruyu... hold down the fort for us when we're gone."

Zeon said those encouraging words gently, before hugging each one as a parting farewell.

"Which one of you three will be president next?"

"Me!" Sakura exclaimed through misty eyes.

"Hiku made a good choice. You're the most lively member anyways."

"Zeon-senpai, I'll miss you the most!" Mizuho exclaimed in tears.

"I'll miss you too, Mizuho... but like Ai-senpai said, don't be sad that it's ending. Be happy because it happened."

"Yeah... I'll try to stay strong...!"

Mizuho continued to cry as Zeon consoled her. Sakura was clinging onto Hiku, bawling her eyes out. Hiruyu watched with a regretful expression. Hiyoku sipped his tea solemnly for the last time in the student council room.

Outside on the field, Shika was with his rugby team, saying his goodbyes to his teammates and the cheerleaders, who all had presents for him, the rising star of Seigatsu.

"When you go pro, don't forget us!"

"There's no chance in hell I would Kawaguchi! You lead the club well, ya hear?"

"I'll jukem in your honour!"

"Shika-senpai, we'll miss you!" The cheerleader squad squealed with tears overflowing their eyes.

"Thanks for your support girls. You did an awesome job each game!"

Shika showed a thumbs up and grinned widely. As he turned away from his beloved team and walked away to return to class to prepare for the afternoon ceremony, tears ran down his face uncontrollably.


Zeon ran over to his friend, stopping shortly as he saw the deflated expression plastered on Shika's face. Approaching him sensitively, Zeon put a hand on Shika's shoulder.

"Need a tissue?"

Shika nodded. Zeon handed him a napkin, which Shika blew his nose into.

"...I don't want this to end..."

Shika sniffled and sobbed as Zeon pat his back.

"...I want to be with you guys even longer..."

"Me too... but you have that scholarship to go play rugby professionally in America now. Isn't that great?"

"...it's great for my career, but..."

"We'll be separated because of it."

Shika hugged Zeon, crying even more rapidly.

"You, Rukia, Yza, everyone else... I want to bring all of you guys with me! I don't want to be left alone! I want to be with everyone else!"

"It would be great if we could stay together forever, but you need to walk down the path that benefits you. Besides, Hiku will be there with you, since she's going to Harvard."

"...yeah, it's good she'll be with me."

"Look on the bright side. Once your career explodes, you can come back whenever you like and visit us. You've put in all this hard work and reaped the rewards by swiping a one in a million opportunity to play for one of the biggest American teams. On top of all that, your girlfriend will be there, and back at home, everyone will still stay in touch and cheer for you. We'll watch all your games and be your virtual hype-men. Even if we're not there physically..."

Zeon fist-bumped Shika's chest.

"We'll be there in your heart."

"I'll carry everyone... right there..."

Shika wiped his tears and sucked up his hanging snot. Handing Zeon his Seigatsu rugby kit, he smiled with bitter but overjoyed eyes.

"I want to add this to the time capsule. If one day I make it pro... I want them to know the rising nova Shika Akia attended this school!"

"You've got this!"

Zeon high-five'd Shika and linked arms with him.


The thank you meeting begun in the entrance and reception of Seigatsu Academy. Droves of parents visited their children who had just graduated from the school.

"Diake-nii!" Rukia hugged her older brother tightly.

"Congratulations on graduating, Rukia." Diake embraced his little sister tightly.

"Mooooooom!" Shika ran headfirst into his mother, breaking into tears as he held onto her.

"You're still such crybaby." His mother laughed lightly, wiping his tears away. Shika's baby brother reached out to him, his chubby hands grabbing Shika's long silver hair.

"Heyyy!" Shika picked up his brother and laughed, cradling him. "You freaking troublemaker, I just brushed that ya know!"

"Huh, look who decided to show up. Atsumu-nii, are you going to grace us with your music?" Shisue said sarcastically as her half-brother came to congratulate her.

"That was the plan from the beginning my dear Shisue." Atsumu laughed lightly, before expertly playing the violin for her, which captured the attention of the students and parents impressed by it.

"You're such a show off. Thanks though."

"Ren!" Lucine hugged her older brother, crying into his shirt. "I've missed you so much..."

"Heh, I wouldn't miss this for the world. Seeing you all grown up is almost enough to make me cry. Almost." Rentaro laughed, patting Lucine's head.

"Can't you stop being a clown for one second... hmph."

"Never. The show must go on, frantically and chaotically." Rentaro cackled.

"Daddy, mommy!" Chiharu hugged both her parents tightly.

"Sweetheart, congratulations! You've worked so hard." Chiharu's mom patted her head and wiped away Chiharu's tears.

"We're both really proud of you!" Chiharu's dad, a burly man who ran a famous music label, picked her up and spun her around.

"Yo." Ayato came to Seigatsu to greet Ayaza.

"Huh? Ayato, what are you doing here?"

"Well, since you don't have any actual family, I figured I was the next best thing, since I'm a clone of you."

"...I can't tell if I'm ugly or if you're ugly." Ayaza scrutinised Ayato's unkept appearance.

"I'm technically you, so both apply. I'm the superior copy though."

"We both tried to end the world, shut it."

"And that's why we're clones. I became Branch Manager of Dragon Empire. What have you done?"

"Sleep for a long ass time. Branch Manager, huh? Are there any vacant spots?"

"Kaiko recently resigned from his position as United Sanctuary Branch Manager. Otherwise, no, they're all filled. I doubt a little brat like you could shoulder that sort of responsibility though."

"If I'm a little brat, so are you! Regardless, I'll consider it. United Sanctuary Branch Manager Ayaza Ganki-Vulcan... it has a nice ring to it."

"You'd need to switch decks then. The old US Branch Manager used Link Joker, I don't think people would appreciate a new one that uses Kagero."

"Hmm... how do you think I'd look with Oracle Think Tank?"

"Aya simp."

"H-hey! How did you know?!"

"She won my tournament with Witches of all things..."

"Congratulations on graduating sweetie." Karin, Akari's mom, hugged her.

"I'm so glad I passed..." Akari woozily fell into her arms.

Backlion grinned as he watched his girlfriend celebrate with her mother, but felt a slight hollowness knowing both his parents died. One from disease, one by suicide.

"Oi, Leo!"

He swiftly turned around as a nickname he hadn't heard in years came flying his way. Backlion shivered with wide eyes seeing who called for him.

"C-Cyrus? And... Hikaru!"

Backlion's older brother, Cyrus entered Seigatsu Academy with an awkward smile and a wheelchair bound Hikaru in tow. In the past, after Hikaru fell ill to the same sickness that killed their father, Cyrus ran away from home. Backlion hadn't seen him since then.

"This isn't exactly the reunion I wanted, but... you can blame the Zoo Branch Manager for convincing me to do this." Cyrus explained, pointing at Maxios who just entered the school with Yza.

"Maxios?! You know my brother?" Backlion asked him.

"When he joined the military, he was put under my care. I'm basically his senpai!"

"Funny how the world works... both the younger siblings tried killing each other." Yza looked at Backlion with an awkward laugh.

"I'm... how... this is way too much to take in..."

Backlion wiped his eyes.

"I thought he was still hospitalised..."

"I did too, until I came back to Tokyo to look after Hikaru after I heard you disappeared two years ago. Turns out, modern medicine's advanced enough to now put his disease back into remission. Because of it, Hikaru's started to be able to go out more, but his basic motor functions still require treatment. I managed to get permission from the doc to get him all the way here to see you, but I gotta bring him back to the hospital soon. Thought it might be a nice surprise to see us attend your graduation. Since, you know..."

"Mom and dad are dead. Yeah."

"Look man. I'm sorry for going off when things went to crap with our family."

"Have you been to mom's grave at least?"

"...yeah. I wish I was there to stop her."

"We both do."

Backlion held out his hand. Cyrus shook it firmly, signifying a new beginning for the brothers.

"I'll forgive you on the basis I've done even worse than you. Joining the military is more respectable than... disappearing."

"How did you even do that? I got really worried when I heard about it from Maxios."

"If I said card games, would you believe me?"

"Probably not... where are you going with this?"

"Then don't worry about it. It's a long story. An epic saga, if you wish."

Backlion knelt down to Hikaru's side and held his hand, smiling weakly.

"Get better soon buddy. When you do, we'll hit up the crane games and win you that huge ass plushie you wanted!"

A faint smile twisted up on Hikaru's mute lips.

"Hey, Wyvon!" Rachel, his older sister, and the reason Maxios tagged along, rushed over and squeezed him with a hug.

"R-Rachel!" Wyvon was caught off-guard and pushed her away. "C'mon, I told ya, I don't like hugs!"

"Sorry, sorry~ I couldn't help myself, my little brother is finally graduating! Soon you'll be old enough to drink alcohol legally!"

"I can't wait to become drunk again!" Wyvon cheered with an excited grin.

Rina watched quietly, holding a basket in her hands. Maxios pat her on the back.

"Sup. Your old man not coming?"

Rina silently shook her head no. She looked away awkwardly.

"It sucks. I also graduated without anyone visiting me."

Rina looked at Maxios with a surprised expression.

"W-What... do you mean?"

"My parents didn't come either. Well, my old man was dead, and mom was occupied with work. Seeing everyone else be with their families and celebrate... I won't lie, it pissed me off. I thought, wow, how unfair is that? I kept watching though. Trying to relate to them, even though I knew I couldn't."

Maxios sighed but laughed to lighten the mood.

"Behind that cherry blossom tree, there's a dent in the bark from where I kicked it on graduation day. I was crying, not because I was leaving school, but because no one was there for me when I graduated. Though, I don't recommend kicking a tree to your stress, my foot hurt like hell for a week straight after."

"A-are you telling me this to make me feel better...?"

"You're dating Wyvon, aren't you?"

"H-h-h-huh?!" Rina's face became bright pink. "W-w-w-who t-t-t-told...?"

"I'm engaged to his sister, duh. She has all the juicy secrets! If you two end up becoming a thing, then that means we'd become family too, Rina!"

Maxios wrapped his arm around Rina with a wide grin. Rina's misty eyes widened as she smiled slightly from Maxios' sentiment.

"And there's no way in hell I'd let someone in my family graduate without someone being there for them!"

Zeon stood proudly before his father, Satoru, as he gifted his son with a sash emblazoned with decorated badges of honour, gold medallions of brilliance, and esteemed awards of excellence.

"Thank you, father. It is a blessing." Zeon bowed before him. "I'll carry this piece of Ishima legacy with the utmost honour."

"Stand. You are the star today, so act like it Zeon!" Satoru commanded. Zeon stood firmly, displaying his sash with pride.

"You look just like your father when he graduated. Let me take a photo of you!" His mother, Yuzuru, was holding a camera.

"Mrs Ishima, please, allow me." Daimone, their head butler, encouraged the family to take a group shot instead.

Satoru, Yuzuru, and Zeon, stood in front of the sign of the school that read Seigatsu Academy. As Daimone took the picture, Zeon could feel the spirit of Rose squeeze his hand.

"You're here too..."

Zeon gazed into the vast blue sky and held his hand out with a smile.

"Rukia, congratulations!" Yza exclaimed, hugging her.

"Thank you! Though, it would've been a lot better if you were here to graduate with us." Rukia kissed him.

"High school's overrated, dropping out is cool." Yza joked. "I heard you guys made a time capsule, did you bury it yet?"

"Not yet, since Zeon's still talking with his parents."

"Great, I want to add something to it. I'll be back in a bit!"

Yza ran over to Zeon.

"Zeon, congrats on graduating!"

"Yza? Hey man, thanks. You came here to cheer everyone else on?"

"Yeah, I don't wanna miss a big part of all my friend's lives!"

"Makes sense. Oh, speaking of big parts, do you want to—"

"Can I—"

"—add something to the time capsule?" Zeon and Yza said at the same time.

The two boys started to laugh as they shared the same idea.

"Of course you can. It'd be a pleasure to have something from the hero of the universe."

"Don't tell me Kurakuya told you about that stupid nickname he gave me..."

"He was around here earlier a few minutes ago. You just missed him."

"Good, keep that shadow lurking weirdo ten feet away from me."

"He's not that bad. His memory and knowledge is insane."

"Yeah, I respect the hustle, but he's also a walking invasion of my privacy. I can't fap in peace knowing Kurakuya might be lurking behind my monitor!"

"...your brain is so weird. It's like it was wired differently from the rest of us."

"It means I'm one of a kind— just like what I'm about to put inside this time capsule!"

Yza took off the pendant from around his neck and put it inside the shoebox. Zeon's eyes widened.

"A-are you sure? This pendant is super important to you, isn't it? It's your most prized possession..."

"You put in a piece of your Moon Fang and Hiku threw in her student council president pin, I don't see what the big deal is here."

"Compared to those things... your pendant is worth way more, isn't it? Don't you want to keep it?"

"I want to pass it onto the next generation. That's all."

The crystal in Yza's pendant glimmered light blue.

"One day, I know he'll reach it."


(Play song in the media)

The group of friends, Yza, Rukia, Shika, Ayaza, Zeon, Backlion, Akari, Chiharu, Shisue, Lucine, Shouri, Hiyoku, Hiku, Rina, and Wyvon, all gathered around the cherry blossom tree when everyone else was long gone.

Seigatsu Academy's graduation day was over. The 3rd Years had moved on— including them. They were now proper adults, ready to face the world and advance even further in society. For some, it was going to prestigious universities, and for others, it was going into the workforce straightaway.

However, they were all bound by a single card game. Cardfight!! Vanguard.

The sun was setting, casting an orange hue over the silent and melancholy group. The cherry blossoms rained down on them, shimmering pink and crimson. Zeon was digging a hole in the ground beneath the tree, with some assistance from Yza and Shika.

Even though lots of tears had been shed that day, even more were released in this intimate moment. Even the stoic boys like Shouri and Ayaza showed some ounce of emotion from what would eventually be the group's parting.

Rina had baked a delicious celebration cake for them to share that she carried in a basket, but very little of it had been eaten. Everyone lost their appetite as the realisation this was their final school day truly dawned upon them.

"Before I lower it in, is there anything else you guys would like to add to the time capsule?" Zeon asked one final time.

"Yeah, I would." Yza stepped forward and flipped a card in his hand over. It was the original copy of Shooting Star Dragon.

"I had the same idea." Zeon smiled and took out his copy of Demon World Marquis, Amon, his original avatar.

"You're not the only one." Ayaza held up Dragonic Overlord the Black.

"Me too." Rukia showed her copy of Pure Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei.

"Before Rising, this was the OG jukem!" Shika showed off his Demonic Lord, Dudley Emperor proudly.

"You've found a new home with everyone else." Backlion gazed at Spectral Duke Dragon with a smile.

"I met you guys thanks to her, so it's only fitting she joins the party." Wyvon revealed Vampire Princess of Night Fog, Nightrose.

"I want to open up a new era too, just like him." Rina presented Interdimensional Dragon, Chronoscommand Revolution.

"This is stupid. Just saying." Shouri took out Dragfall, Luard with an annoyed expression.

"If you're putting in Dragfall, I'll put in Dragheart." Akari displayed Dragheart, Luard.

"Thank you for all your hard work." Chiharu showed her appreciation for her Blazing Demonic Stealth Dragon, Shiranui "Zanki".

"Like Ren said... the show must go on." Lucine held up Masked Phantom, Harri.

"You're going to be busted in the future. I can feel it." Shisue took out Black Shock, Gavrail Prim.

"She was amazing in Battle Sisters. The strongest OTT Stride." Hiku revealed Still Water Festival Deity, Ichikishima.

"I'm gonna get hate for this." Hiyoku flipped the card in his hand over. It was Blaster Blade.

"You can't beat the original avatar." Yza said.

They put the cards inside one by one. Zeon lowered the time capsule inside the hole. Then, he buried it under the cherry blossom tree.

"This is our little secret until then. One day... someone will find this. A snapshot of our youth. I'm sure of it."

(Ending here)

Next time on Z World:

#76: Festival

Yza: Everyone is here!



My high school graduation was nothing like this. It was abrupt and sudden. Ah, I wish I got to live out those final months with my friends. I haven't talked to the much since then.

Hi, a slightly more mature Fox here. 2021 is here, and two more chapters of Z World remain.

In this chapter, I wanted to try and capture the essence of the final school day, as well as the character's anxieties and worries for the future as they move on in life. Some of them are confident in what they want to do, like Shika, while others are still wavering and choosing, like Zeon.

Regardless, I hope you enjoyed nonetheless. The next chapter might take awhile to come out due to the extensive planning required, but when it does come, I hope you'll enjoy seeing everyone in the CCEU appear one last time.

That's all, Fox out!

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