#69: Kakusei Amehana

I still remember the faces of the girls who had abandoned me, and the morphed faces of their "lovers" as I reigned supremacy over them.

With two expulsions, no schools wanted to accept me. My parents were terrified about what would happen to my education, and what I had became. They never thought I could use violence someone else.

But after being humiliated once, I wasn't going to be humiliated ever again. If anyone has the balls to challenge me, I'd be willing to snap them in half... that's just the way the world works.

If I tried explaining these complicated feelings to them, they wouldn't understand. They haven't had to endure the shaking ruckus in my head this entire time.

Living in Tokyo meant one good thing though. There was a whole array of high schools that I could apply to. I stumbled upon Seigatsu Academy, the school with the worst reputation in the district.

Missing students. Plentiful fights. Reported cult activity.

With a school holding such a trash reputation, they accepted any students that would dare come step foot in it.

That's how I managed to regain a life in this crapshoot of a world.

I was going to rinse and repeat what happened in both schools prior, I thought. Just waltz in, use my good looks to charm a bunch of girls, become popular within the class, and reign supreme as king.

The idea of being surrounded by a bunch of beautiful woman and having everyone else bow down to my feet always made me excited. That's why I thought, if I went this shit school, I could achieve it this time, with no one getting in my way.

However, my entire plan was thrown out of the window when I saw her.

There was a stunning girl in the class that had to be mine.

She had long blonde hair that sparkled under the bright sunlight and reached her waist. Her skin was the perfect shade of white, having no blemishes and appeared soft and smooth. Captivating me was her mesmerising blue eyes that were innocent and tantalising, yet had an underlying elfin gaze.

Beside her perfect, beautiful face, she had a body of a goddess. It was extremely erotic, with large, round breasts supported by a thin waist and curvy, child-bearing hips. Her thighs were wide and supple, emphasised by the thigh-high socks that went up her long legs.

From this moment on, she's mine. I won't allow anyone else to have her. I'll get rid of anything that gets in my way.

Rukia Takanori... not only was she hot, she had a wonderful personality. Kind, gentle, motherly... everything a man could want in an ideal wife. It was obvious this was fate at work. God had paired me and Rukia to be together so we could marry and create perfect children.

I could already see my future with Rukia. But there was one problem.

There was someone in my way.

Rukia spent an insulting amount of time with that insufferable loser, Zeon. Private time, especially. Whenever I wanted to hang out with Rukia, she would apologise and say she already made plans.

As she'd walk away, she'd meet up with Zeon, and the two of them would whisk away to an unknown location by car.

It made me sick seeing something I owned be used by someone else. Someone less worthy than me. Someone more disgusting than me.

Zeon was a virus that had latched onto and infected his host's body, which was Rukia. He was completely dependent on her for survival. If he wasn't her "friend", he wouldn't even be in the same friend group at me.

Every time I see his pathetic, whining face, I wanted to hit him. I wanted to beat him to a pulp. I wanted to destroy every last being of him, crushing him to the finest of atoms and making him disappear from this life... this universe.

I had dreams where I murdered Zeon, and Rukia was happy that I did, praising me and showering me in love, saying that she no longer had to spend time with that insect.

I had dreams where I cucked Zeon, making out with Rukia and fucking her brains out in front of him as all he could do was watch idly in despair as he sees his host body be ravaged by the superior, alpha male.

That's right. Between me and him, I'm the alpha. He's a mere, sickly beta. I'm the one who'll lead the pack with Rukia, not him. She's my property, and she'll choose me over him.

My gracious patience had finally run it's course. I no longer could stand to see that stupid thing anymore. He's pushed me this far, so I'll push him back ten times harder.

I was so happy that he didn't eat lunch with us today, and that he was sat alone isolated, like he should be. Not even Rukia cared or asked about him. This is proof she doesn't want him. In fact, she's never needed him in the first place.

The idea of him returning and sitting with us makes me sick to my stomach. Disappear for good, you bastard...

Even after finding out about his "tragic" loss of his sister, I had no sympathy for him. In fact, I'm glad his sister died. That worthless shit-stain didn't deserve anything good in this world.

It's divine punishment for being a pool of festering bacteria who's unable to read the air and disappear quietly.

It's only right that the weak stay weak, and the strong continue being strong.

Karma will run it's course and bring the swift hammer of justice down on him!

This is what he gets for getting in my way...

Rukia is mine, and nobody else's.

I'll teach him that thoroughly, with these two hands.

(Opening here)

(Play song in media here)

The door of the rooftop clicked open, and emerging from the darkness of the staircase was Zeon.

He looked dazed and dreary, eyelids barely open. His heart thumped in anticipation as he saw his enemy lean against the railing, looking out to the city beneath the school.

It was almost disturbing how nonchalant Kakusei was acting.

It had become considerably colder, with the dark clouds being the first signs of miserable weather.

The thin blazers Zeon and Kakusei wore wouldn't protect them from the oncoming fleet of snow that would cover them as they had their "private conversation".

Even though he could've refused and avoided this, Zeon was compelled to talk to Kakusei after their collusion in the toilets. Feeling threatened by Kakusei's ominous word choices, Zeon dragged himself up here in order to understand the subtext of what Kakusei truly meant.

With sceptical eyes, hands hidden deep in his thin pockets, and bangs obscuring his view on this solemn winter day, Zeon took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Kakusei had no change in facial expression seeing his enemy stand across him.

In reality, Kakusei was trying to hold in a smirk. His eyes bulged frivolously, and his fingers were dancing in anticipation inside his pockets. His foot tapped against the tiled rooftop floor impatiently.

The snowflakes descended, one by one. With each step Zeon took to Kakusei, the snow became heavier and heavier.

Bit by bit, it piled on the rooftop, landing on their heads and shoulders. Smothered in icy white, Zeon let out a steamy breath as Kakusei finally let himself smirk in Zeon's presence.

Without holding anything back any longer, Kakusei kicked the railing behind him and stomped forward to Zeon.

Zeon flinched at the loud clanging, but didn't back down. He matched Kakusei's adversity, standing in front of him without anymore fears.

After all, if Zeon could remove Kakusei, then all his goals in life would be complete. There was no need for him to be around any longer, since he could die in peace, knowing he had saved Rukia and kept her relationship with Yza together without Kakusei's violent interference.

He understood that this was a job only he could do.

He had murdered someone once before, so the burning feelings of regret and guilt was something he was already familiar with. In fact, he had been living his life in constant regret and guilt, so those feelings wouldn't disenchant him at all.

Aside from this, he had no intentions of living after taking care of Kakusei, so he couldn't be convicted with any murder charges or have his life rot away in a jail cell, unlike anyone else who would want to attack Kakusei. Since he was willing to die, he would take Kakusei down with him as a last ditch effort to bring peace to the person he loved.

He had nothing else left to lose. If Kakusei would exert violence, then he'd match that violence. Ever since his conversation with Callum, Zeon had been training in sports like boxing and mixed martial arts in order to learn how to fight with his hands.

In a fist-fight, his katana would be useless, so there was no other choice. Even though he wasn't physically fit to be a pro, having some knowledge of basic fighting techniques was better than none.

But he continued to wonder, would a fight really break out in this desolate, frigid, unbearable place?

"Oh, so you actually came."

Kakusei decided to cut the silence, looking down at Zeon.

"I had no intentions of backing down. What did you want to talk to me about?"

Zeon didn't waver, looking right back at Kakusei.

"I fucking hate you."

Without dancing around the subject, Kakusei headed straight for the main reason he dragged Zeon up to the rooftop.

"Then it won't be surprising if I tell you I feel the same way?"

Zeon expected this situation would come sooner or later.

"Go ahead, say it then."

Laughing, Kakusei taunted him.

"I... hate you."

Zeon struggled to say it, but he spat it out from his throat with venomous intent.

"Now that that's established..."

Kakusei raised his eyebrows, then narrowed them. Slamming his hand on the railing behind him, his face burned with anger.

"Stay away from Rukia! Stay away from my friend group! You'd all do us a favour by killing yourself, you piece of shit!"

Not expecting this level of aggression, Zeon stumbled a little.

Those words rang in his head.

"You'd do us a favour by killing yourself"

All he could do was nod in agreement.

The lack of response infuriated Kakusei.

He slammed on the railing again.

"Is that it?! Are you that much of a beta bitch you'd go down that easily?! You're fucking pathetic!"

Zeon cut past Kakusei's deceits and laughed bitterly.

"I don't feel like stooping to your level."

Kakusei gritted his teeth and grabbed Zeon by the shirt.

"Fuck you. Even up here, all you want to do is play victim."

Zeon swallowed the lump in his throat. He began to shake as Kakusei got handsy.

"I mean... I agreed with you. I should die."

Kakusei shoved Zeon to the ground and laughed into the windy sky.

"Then die already! If you realised that, you should've done it a long time ago!"

Grabbing a handful of snow, Zeon stood up, wobbling.

"Though... to be honest, if my existence is enough to piss you off, it might be enough to keep me living."

He snapped back with a well-thought taunt.

"That's not happening any time soon. I'll cut you a deal."

Kakusei grinned.

"I'll tell everyone in this school about your little sister, Rose, if you don't kill yourself. How does that—"

Before he could finish, Zeon slung the snowball at Kakusei's chest. Staining his shirt, the water soaked through to his chest, making Kakusei shiver as the melted snow contacted his bare skin.

The lost traces of life in Zeon's face had returned fully. His body shook in anger as he barred his fangs.

Kakusei laughed, finding pleasure in seeing Zeon's burning expression. He had longed for the moment to see his enemy getting riled up.


Unable to handle Kakusei's haughty attitude any longer, Zeon curled his hand into a fist and drove it into Kakusei's face.

Kakusei's cheek contorted as shockwaves rippled across it, and Zeon's fist pushed so hard it ground against his teeth and gums.

A purple bruise bubbled up immediately, and Kakusei spat out blood from the inside of his cut up cheek without realising it.

After pulling his fist away, Zeon was shaking from the rush of adrenaline pumping around his body. He huffed misty breaths as he got in a defence stance to prepare against Kakusei's eventual retaliation.

Kakusei's bangs fell over his eyes as his personality completely shifted. No longer he smiled at Zeon's misery, nor derived pleasure from it.

Being wounded by the person he hated most was the most humiliating and embarrassing thing that could happen to Kakusei. The wet shirt didn't matter, as it wasn't sufficient proof Zeon had the one-up on him.

But the bruise and the blood was undeniable proof that Zeon had gotten the upper hand. That was unacceptable. It was unforgivable.

There was no going back for Kakusei.

Raising his head, he wiped the blood with the back of his hand. Then, curling that hand into a fist, Kakusei launched a dynamic strike at Zeon's head, smashing his forehead and grazing the skin.

Zeon stumbled back, unable to block with his forearms. He huffed, feeling the overwhelming force Kakusei displayed ripple through his head. He slowly understood why Kakusei dominated each fight he had at his old schools.

It was the sheer strength that backed each legendary blow. There was no need for technique if he could overwhelm his opponent with more power.

Even a simple headshot managed to graze Zeon's skin. There was no way he'd be able to stay fully conscious if Kakusei landed another full-blown hit on him. All he could do was use the rest of his body to defend and try to live long enough to escape.

However, Zeon deduced this was going to be impossible considering how badly he pissed Kakusei off.

Kakusei glared at Zeon with wide eyes emblazoned with fury, and the bags under them had never looked so prominent before. His teeth were gritted so tightly, it looked like they would chip. His fists were squeezed so tightly, they were drained of any colour.

Without speaking anymore words, the bloodthirsty Kakusei threw another punch at Zeon. Zeon barely blocked it by putting his his forearm as a defence, but the force of the blow broke his stance, and sent his forearm flying back.

Using this opening, Kakusei used his other fist to attack Zeon, crashing it onto his nose and lips. An audible crunch rang through the air, and blood poured out of Zeon's crooked nose. With his lip split, he could taste the blood that was being drawn from Kakusei's disposition.

However, these subsequent blows were weaker than Kakusei's initial attack. Even in his fit of rage, he taunted Zeon by holding back his full strength. He didn't care he could end it in two blows. He wanted to continue drawing out Zeon's suffering in any way possible.

With his defence failing, Zeon tried to combat Kakusei, throwing a forceful punch. However, the swing wildly missed, and Kakusei countered with a massive blow to the eye, obliterating Zeon's skewed vision.

He groaned as he felt his eyelid begin to swell up and bruise. There was no blood yet, but with the way things were going, it was very likely.

Kakusei ignored Zeon's painful look and struck him again while he was down. Performing an uppercut, his knuckles collided into Zeon's chin, making his head snap back violently, and paralysing him from the jaw up.

Zeon could no longer tell if his face was numb from the cold or Kakusei's battering.

Eventually, the collective pain from each blow began to gather up in Zeon's head as his skull burned in agony. He was wobbling, unable to stay up for much longer as he tried to keep alert for Kakusei's next blow.

Yet, he had no chances. Any defensive posture he put up was torn apart by Kakusei's sheer strength. Multiple punches to the face began to take it's toll on Zeon, and he slowly slipped to his knees, unable to take anymore of it.

"O-okay... I give up... y-you win..."

Zeon tried to speak, but his lips were so swollen, and his cheeks were so cut up in the inside, all Kakusei could hear was a mutter of whimpering noises and a splattering of blood.

"Shut up."

Kakusei didn't want to hear Zeon's weak pleas for help. Instead, he slammed his foot into Zeon's stomach as if he was smashing a car pedal to go into overdrive.

This sensation bubbled up all over Zeon's body, causing him to fall backwards and hit the ground, sinking in the fluffy snow. With his body vulnerable and open, Kakusei held down Zeon's chest and straddled himself on his body.

Zeon looked up at the monster that had buckled him down, leaving him no chance of escape. As Kakusei raised his fist, Zeon braced for impact, squeezing his eyes shut.

A single punch blasted through his entire being.

His face felt like it was just struck by a meteor. He could feel the blood gush out from his insides. Zeon screamed and cried, giving into Kakusei's insatiable pain.

Having full control over Zeon, Kakusei decided to stop holding back. With the restraints gone, the slither of hope Zeon held onto was let go as he realised the huge gap in their abilities.

He couldn't survive.

Kakusei didn't like the wailing at all. He wanted Zeon to suffer a silent death. So he punched him again in the jaw to shut him up. This time, a shattering noise reverberated in the air, confirming Zeon could no longer move his mouth.

He was utterly defeated by Kakusei. There was no way out in this situation.

In this absolutely submissive position, Zeon had no ways of fighting back. All he could do was endure Kakusei's unnecessary beating and pray he would live.

However, this was unlikely, now that Kakusei was releasing his pent-up anger and frustration at Zeon all at once.

Kakusei began unloading blows, left and right. He brought down punches in short intervals to ensure Zeon could revel in the numbing pain of his indomitable strength.

He continued to beat Zeon mindlessly, raining blows left and right in rhythm. His face was becoming unrecognisable, twisting and contorting to nothing more than a bloodstained canvas.

With each devastating punch, blood splattered all over Kakusei's fists and clothes. It ran down his cheeks and stained the snow, spreading out and creating red marbled patterns.

Zeon found it hard to breathe as Kakusei continually beat him to a pulp. Each punch became more and more hard as Kakusei tried to drive his fist deeper and deeper into Zeon's squishy face, breaking his spirit.

Even with this much, Kakusei still wasn't satisfied. Out here, on this lonesome, freezing night, no one would interrupt them, so Kakusei could do whatever he wanted, however he wanted, and as much as he wanted.

If he wanted to, he could even leave the beaten up Zeon on the rooftop to die from his severe injuries.

But that was too cowardly for Kakusei. If he was going to destroy someone, tear them from limb to limb, he'd do properly and thoroughly, with his own two hands.

In his heart, this was nothing more than an exciting battle that was taking place, where he was the hero that was finally vanquishing the monster.

So Kakusei wanted to ensure that Zeon would never return, which meant he needed to pulverise him with a new sort of pain he'd never experienced before.

This was the revenge Kakusei dreamed of. The reality he wanted so desperately. It was finally coming to fruition.

Enduring all of the hardships so far, he could finally pour out just how much he hated Zeon by his own admission.

No longer could Zeon get in his way.

It was time for the nuclear option.

Kakusei grabbed Zeon's tie, and raised his dominant arm.

Then, winding up his fist, Kakusei blitzed Zeon's face.

Zeon's consciousness had been swept away a long time ago.

Kakusei's punches pierced the same spot repeatedly.

Each lightning fast blow came in rapid succession.

Each deadly connection made a soft squelching noise.

The experience was like kneading dough to Kakusei.

This much was enough to kill him.

No longer could Zeon be recognised as "Zeon".

He was now just another victim that fell to the hands of Kakusei.

Someone who couldn't be reasoned with through words.

Someone who couldn't be dealt with by cards.

Someone who could only be understood by violence.

That was the kind of man Zeon fell to.

After letting loose, Kakusei huffed in exhaustion, coming back to his senses.

Seeing Zeon's face again made him land one last punch for good measure.

Standing up, Kakusei spat on Zeon's keeled, limped body and kicked the snow over him.

Just as Kakusei began to walk away, he looked over his shoulder to see the snow-buried Zeon.

In another fit of anger, Kakusei drop kicked Zeon's head.

Finally satisfied by his handiwork, Kakusei unlocked the door of the rooftop, and walked away.

He stumbled down the staircase with a wide, dazed smile, and bloodshot eyes.

Blood dripped from his knuckles, leaving a dirty trail behind him.

As he exited at the bottom of the stairwell, Lucine was waiting at the bottom.

Kakusei's smiled vanished as he stared at her with empty eyes.

Lucine glanced at Kakusei's dishevelled appearance.

"What the fuck are you doing here..."

Kakusei muttered, approaching her.

"No reason, really."

Lucine flinched as Kakusei grabbed her throat with his hand.

"If you tell anyone about what you saw today, I'll ruin your life."

"What can you do to ruin me?"

Lucine choked up those words as Kakusei's grip tightened on her.

"I'll rape you."

He placed his hand on her thigh, and groped it.

Lucine scrambled and kicked Kakusei in the balls.

"Get away from me—!"

Even though she tried to scream, Kakusei choked her harder.

"I'm not joking. I'll rape you over and over. I'll get my friends involved as well. We'll fuck you repeatedly until you learn you're nothing more than an obedient bitch to me."

With that serious threat, Kakusei let go of her and tossed her to the floor.

Coughing, Lucine grit her teeth.

"So... this is your true nature... Kakusei...?"

"I can't risk anyone else seeing this side, you know. Be honoured you get to know one of my secrets, Lucine."

Kakusei turned around with a destroyed look.

Lucine wanted to hurl insults at him, but bit her tongue and held back.

She stood up, wobbling as she covered her thigh.

"That bastard..."

She muttered, climbing up the stairs.

"What did Kakusei even do on the rooftop...?"

Lucine shivered at the trail of blood she followed.

"Is this why Zeon asked me to wait for him at the bottom of the stairwells?"

She opened the door, and hugged her arms.

"Cold... the snow is really bad today..."

Lucine scanned the rooftop.

Her eyes widened.

She rushed into the snow, tripping over herself.


Lucine screamed.

Clawing her way through the storm, she huffed, kneeling beside the battered Zeon.

"Zeon, oh my god..."

In a panic, she shook his arms, trying to bring him back to consciousness.

"C'mon, please wake up... wake up...!"

She shivered, not from the cold, but from the horrific state Zeon was left in.

"Please be alive...!"

Wrapping her arms under him, Lucine picked him up as best she could.

She tried to look away from the excessive brutality plastered on his face.

"O-okay, okay... I'll get you to safety, Zeon..."

Lucine huffed, trying to carry Zeon down the stairwells, but failing clumsily.

He was just too heavy.

In her mishap handling, she caught sight of something she shouldn't have.

Zeon's cuts were exposed for her to see.

Old scars, or fresh cuts. Both were disturbing regardless.

To see so many slashes made her feel dizzy.

His most precious secret, revealed to a classmate he just considered an acquaintance.

Not even by his own choice.

Lucine's stomach churned as she stared emptily at the dangerous cuts.

Her heart dropped as her mind began to fill the missing blanks to her unanswered questions.

Just who was Zeon Ishima anyways?

Why was he doing this?

Covering them with his blazer sleeves, she began to sweat in paranoia.

"Oh... Zeon..."

Lucine lamented on the misery she wasn't aware of.

Trying to come to terms with the fact this was reality for her classmate.

That she somehow ended up in a position to save a dying person with a tormented life.

Blood splashed all over her clothes and she heaved in agony trying to handle him.

"How am I going to save you...?"

Lucine huffed, looking at the dwindling life in her hands.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she tried to stop the bleeding and swelling.

At this rate, she couldn't even carry him down the stairs anymore.

Taking her phone out, she put it against her ear.


Lucine sobbed as she held Zeon's deteriorating body.

"E-emergency... can I get... a-an ambulance..."

Her call was finally answered.

All she could do now was watch as nurses took him away, as police began questioning her.

She gave one name.

The man she thought was responsible for Zeon's fatal beating.

"Kakusei Amehana."

(Ending here)

Next time on Z World:

#70: Confession of Love

Rukia: You'll be okay.



When I think of the 69th chapter, I think of funny memes and light hearted sex jokes.

But when I read what I crafted... it feels so distant.

That I somehow made this inhumane situation with my own two hands. Does that make me a good writer? Or a depraved human being?

I thought about just how I would construct this fight scene for a long time. What kind of words I could get away with. Whether or not I'd go into detail for each brutal swing to drag out the fight, or if I'd talk about just how bad the damage is.

I wanted to create a vivid image on just how much of a monster Kakusei is, and just how destroyed and alone Zeon is.

This fight is a metaphor for both characters, I feel. That no matter how much he tries to fit in, Kakusei is nothing more than a lonesome sociopath acting on his own violent, obsessive impulses.

Meanwhile, Zeon thinks he's alone, doing things and putting everything on himself, when in reality, he has friends ready to defend him from anything.

The difference is, he's so empty and defeated, he fails to realise it, which is why he gets obliterated by Kakusei's fists.

If he confided in Rukia a little more, then maybe... this was avoidable.

Human relationships are tricky. Feelings get in the way. Interests get in the way. Disagreements get in the way.

And sometimes, it spirals out into a situation which you cannot go back from.

In fact, there is no going back.

On a more personal level, I can, cruelly, relate to both Kakusei and Zeon.

Kakusei is an exaggerated feeling of pure hatred and anger. We've all experienced it. That certain someone who we can't stand at all and wish would disappear. However, he acts on this impulse, and tears them down to pieces.

Zeon is relatable, in the sense that nothing ever seems to go his way. Everything life throws at him feels like it's trying to ruin him. He becomes distant and vulnerable. He become weak and fragile. Although he presses on, pretending he's okay, when he's not.

He wanted to be a hero and do things right.

I've been there. I tried doing that.

But it backfires.

When I think more about this chapter, the more I see my past regrets and mistakes and thoughts piled up in here.

I'm a terrible human being.

Maybe in the future, I can laugh at this A/N and realise just how much of a whiny crybaby I am.

I hope you liked the illustrations.

That's all, Fox out!

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