Nightmares of what I did haunt me in my dreams. The cruel actions and plans I executed that ended up backfiring against me.
Drowned in despair, I accepted the Void, hoping that he would drag me out of it. I let in an entity that shared the same ideal of the past me. The me who wanted to remake the world.
I truly believed that monster's words.
But the Void didn't change anything. Rather, it destroyed everything.
Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect? It's a phenomenon where a flap of a butterfly's wings causes a hurricane on the other side of the world.
Essentially, one small action can have severe consequences.
Because of what I did, the entire course of history was rewritten. Because of me, thousands of people suffered. People who I know. People who I don't know. Somehow, my single action touched each and every person in this world, whether I'd like to admit it or not.
I can still remember clearly each and every terrible thing I did to them. All of the plans the Void ordered me to do. All the people who I had to kill and hurt to enact them. I became a mass murderer. My hands are stained in their blood.
In my nightmares, I see the faces of the people I've killed. My mind and heart ache with regret. There's not a single night where I don't list the names of the people who died because of me. It's ingrained deep in my head. Burnt into my memory.
Izo, who I had Zeon kill. Sanda and Aya, who I had Ayato kill. Hiyori, who died by the hands of Kyle. Kyle, who died through Ryu's revenge. Kaiko and Shouri, who I killed with my own two hands.
Following that list is the people who I nearly killed.
Akari, who I had someone try to run her over. Maxios, who I had steel beams fall on him. Yza, who I sacrificed for the portal.
In the end, it was Yza's selflessness that prevented the entire world from collapsing. If he wasn't there, then everyone would be dead. It would be my fault.
Yza is a man who stopped the Void... Yza is a man who's more brave than I am... Yza is a man who saved me. He's not just my hero - but everyone else's too.
Following that list are the people who I pulled into the Void's core group.
Rukia, who I promised that she would reunite with Yza again. Zeon, who I promised I would revive his sister. Max, who I promised I would mend his friendship with Wyvon. Tai and Kane, who I promised I would make them rich.
Countless other names swirl in my head. Like my former friends and classmates, like Ayaza and Shika. Rino and Wyvon. Ryu and Lucine. Shisue and Hiyoku. Those in the Student Council who accepted me. Yumi and Ai. Kirikou and Hinami. Serena and Asakawa.
The remains of my family that I ran away from. My older brother, Cyrus, who I still feel resentment towards. At the same time, I can't resent him, because I'm no better than him. I too ran away from our problems by accepting the Void, and I ended up paying the price for it.
There's also my younger brother, Hikaru, who is still hospitalised with the same critical medical condition that killed my father. But if he ever recovers, he'll have no one to turn too. At this point, there's no difference whether he's alive or not.
But most of all, the one name that was burnt into my head the most is the son I left behind. The life that I gave birth to with my very own hands.
Ayato. The clone of Ayaza, who I genetically made. Even though we aren't related by blood, I still feel like I owe it to him that I should be there as his father figure. Even though he was created for the sole purpose of being the Void's vessel, I still feel responsible as this life, this person, was my creation.
Someone cannot be born into the world and thrust into society without guidance. They need parents to guide them, to teach them, and to nurture them. The same way my mother poured her heart and soul into me when my father couldn't, I want to pour my heart and soul into Ayato too. I want to be there as his father. I want him to experience what growing up feels like, even if he's older than I am.
It doesn't matter that he doesn't have a mother. It doesn't matter that he's barely qualified as human. It doesn't matter he's a test tube baby. All that matters is that he is my son. And as a father, I failed on every aspect.
But it's too late now for any of that. Like the coward I was, I had Spectral Duke make me disappear from this wretched world. I wanted to drown and die in that river that day, yet...
Somehow, a portal opened before me, and sent me to a planet that I wasn't familiar with. A gladiator planet. I was alone and scared, as I had been abducted and put into the fighting programme. Even though I wanted to die so desperately, my human instinct kicked in and I continued to fight to live. That human instinct was all I had left to keep me going.
I had nothing to live for, yet I continued fighting subconsciously.
That's when I met that man who hated me. Ryuzaki Mikazuchi. Together, we escaped the planet. But, where I ended up next was the last place I'd expect to end up in. I was stranded on Planet Cray.
My hazy memories of Vanguard returned to me. How I used it as a weapon to destroy the world. How I tried to bring Earth and Cray together as one. How I tried to collapse these planets. The familiar sights around me became clear. I was in the Zoo nation, in the Great Nature University.
Even though I was all but ready to give up, the world kept giving me chances. Why I got all these chances of redeeming myself, I won't ever know. After all, there are people out there more deserving of this than I am. To the very core of my being, I am a coward.
But, in this peaceful, relaxed atmosphere in this university... I was slowly beginning to heal. Adopting the moniker of a student and going back to a normal life, the painful scars of my past was fading away. Even though I wanted to die, these feelings of despair were being slowly replaced. Spending time at this school was giving me hope. A glimmer of light that I lost long ago.
I decided that if I'm going to live here the rest of my life, then I wanted to reunite with my avatar, Spectral Duke Dragon. He was the only one who I ever felt close to on Earth. He was my right hand man. My best friend.
But that would prove difficult when my other avatar, Claret Sword Dragon, began rampaging Cray and trying to take over. I made a plan to destroy him from the inside, but meeting the girl who I thought I had killed, Akari, changed everything.
At first, I hated her. I hated the fact she could see me for who I truly was. I had tried to kill her multiple times, but each time she managed to live. It was when I was imprisoned, and she became my prison guard, that our broken relationship was fixed.
She was the only person who managed to reach out and touch my frozen heart, becoming my closest companion on this rotting landscape. Together, me, her and Spectral Duke vanquished the tyranny of Claret Sword, and crumbled his "Might is Right" policy. While I had hated her, I slowly began to change my feelings towards her. Yes, I was sure of what I was feeling.
This emotion that welled up in my heart. It was love.
Ever since, we've been trying to figure out a way to get out of Cray. Recently, portals have been opening from the sky and a few items have dropped from them. Me and Akari theorised someone is trying to connect Earth and Cray together again, but the purpose of this is unknown.
It was only until we saw a girl fall from the portal that our situation began to change.
And following that blonde girl I thought I'd never see again, were two boys who I had both manipulated.
The darkness of my past was catching up to me.
(Opening here)
Shika and Zeon were plummeting from the portal that had opened up in Cray's vast sky. They were right above the open grasslands that were associated with the United Sanctuary countryside. Similar to Zoo, the wildlife in this region was thick and numerous.
Zeon, while having an uncomfortable face, faced this situation with more tact than his friend. He was scanning the area for an appropriate place to land. After choosing a suitable point, he turned to the falling, screaming Shika.
"Have you ever used a parachute before?!" He asked.
"AHHHHHHHH- wait huh?"
"Look here, our bags have parachutes in them." Zeon grabbed the cord hanging from his backpack, and pulled it. Springing from his back was a large parachute that eased the rapid falling into a gentle fall.
"NICE!" Shika ripped his cord out of the bag, but nothing came out. As Zeon had deployed his parachute already, Shika began falling further down than Zeon. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!"
Shika felt around his body and bag for the second cord attached to the bag. Tearing it out, no parachute appeared either.
"...ZEON, I'M GONNA DIE!" Shika screamed, turning upwards and holding his hands out to his friend.
Zeon sighed, burying his hands into his face. Clapping them together, he lightly nodded his head and prayed to the gods that Shika's stupidity will work in their favour somehow.
Shika repositioned himself to fall on the top of the hill, pointing his legs down to the ground. Squeezing his eyes, he crossed his heart and prayed to God while muttering incantations of what he wanted to become in the afterlife.
With an audible smash to the floor, Shika rolled down the hill and into the pool of water that connected it. Submerged in the lake, he flailed his arms about and swam to the edge, rested his head on the land.
"I'm... alive... holy... shit..."
Zeon winced, watching Shika's descent into the unknown. "You're a braver soldier than I'll ever be..."
Shika got out of the lake, shaking the water entangled in his hair out. Standing up and patting down his body, he looked at his soaked bag and his eyes widened. "That's not good. Wait, holy shit! My legs are fine!"
Zeon squinted at the floor. "Oh god, I've lost him. Did he die?!"
"Look to your right, he's down there."
"Oh, I see him now. Thanks Akari." Zeon said. He blinked and looked at the girl next to him. "...A... A... A..."
Akari, who was in her half dragon form, looked at Zeon with raised eyebrows. "Hm?"
"Yeah, I'm stuck on Cray too. Why did you three idiots come to a daft place like this?"
"Three idiots?"
"You, Shika and Rukia."
Zeon grabbed Akari by the shoulders. "Rukia?!"
"Yeah, Backlion's with her right now."
"Of course that no good son of a bitch is with her... Whatever, forget it, get me to her right now." Zeon said, then his eyes widened. "Wait, BACKLION?! LIKE, BACKLION DEMIZA BACKLION?!"
"Yes, our no good son of a bitch classmate."
"Can we explain what's going on after I land? Speaking and falling at the same time makes me sick..."
"Take your time."
Akari dived, flying to the ground. Landing, she walked through the bushes and into the lake surrounded by trees that Shika was kneeling at, going through his bag of items and checking what had been damaged by the water.
"You're louder than I remembered. Did you bring your phone?" Akari said.
"Oh yeah, I did. Thankfully, I got a waterproof case on it so it should be fine." Shika looked over his shoulder and blinked. "Zeon, when did you become a dragon girl?"
"Actually, it's me, Akari Nakano. Remember? Seigatsu High, we were in the same class."
"I don't remember you... sorry." Shika bowed.
"Eh, it's fine. I was in a coma for like five months."
"Oh, you're the coma girl everyone talked about!"
"Am I really that famous for being in a coma?"
"My life has peaked."
Zeon entered their conversation, panting and out of breath. "Shika, there you are..."
"Zeon, do you remember the coma girl?" Shika asked.
"Yeah, she was flying next to me while I was falling."
"You know I'm here, right?" Akari asked.
"You know she's right there." Shika said.
"I can see that." Zeon said.
"Anyways, you two, follow me."
"Uhh..." Shika looked at Zeon.
"Act first, questions later. C'mon, that's your mantra." Zeon said, following Akari.
"Zeon, did you hit your head during that fall?" Shika asked, shoving his stuff back into his bag and slinging it on his shoulders.
"Shika, did you break your legs during that fall?" Zeon asked.
"Then your world works in mysterious ways."
"I feel like I've heard that somewhere..."
Zeon and Shika followed Akari.
"Psst... where are we going exactly?" Shika whispered to Zeon.
"To Backlion and Rukia." Zeon said. "Is that correct?"
"Yep." Akari said,
"Well, we found Rukia easier than expected." Shika grinned.
"I'm more surprised at the fact you didn't freak out about Backlion." Zeon said.
"...HE'S HERE TOO?!"
"Yep." Zeon said. "So, Akari. Tell us more about what you and Backlion are doing here."
"I got shoved through the original portal and was left here to die, while Backlion planet hopped his way to Cray. Your turn."
"Talk about hardcore mode. Me and Shika just jumped in the portal to save Rukia."
"So, the portals in the sky were your guys creation?"
"Seriously... if you had that kind of power, you could've been nice and kept one open long enough for me and Backlion. I don't care if it's in the sky, since I can fly, but each time we went to it, it always closed before we could get to the other side!"
"I didn't know you two were stranded here. If I did, I would've kept it open."
"Besides, how did you make some many portals?!"
"I made one that could open and close."
"You science freak..."
"I really appreciate that compliment."
"Anyways, why did you guys make the portal? Was it just for fun, or do you have another reason?"
"Do you remember Yza Blade?"
"Of course I do. He tried bribing me to come to school wearing a skirt instead of trousers."
"That sounds innocent enough." Shika said.
"This is Yza we're talking about... he was probably gonna commit some sexual harassment after." Zeon said.
"Well, you're not wrong... I vaguely remember how he was obsessed with pantie shots and up-skirting girls."
"How is he not in jail yet..."
"What about him anyways?" Akari asked.
"He disappeared after the Void Incident. The last place he was in is Cray. We wanted to explore here next, but we didn't confirm who would Imaginary Dive... I mean, we didn't confirm who would go through the portal to Cray. Rukia did it on her own accord, so that's why we're here."
"You're telling me you idiots followed her, even though you guys knew that you can't get back out once you enter Cray?"
"Actually, we have an escape plan. We were gonna have someone open the portal on the other side long enough for us to get through."
Akari stopped.
"Get them to do it right now, on speed-dial. I'm sick of this place and want to go back home."
"I do too, but we need you to get us to Rukia. When you've done that much, we'll get the person to open the portal."
"Ugh... let's hurry things up then." Akari full dragshifted into the Hydra of Hydras: Dragstrider, Akari. "Hop on."
"...excuse me, what the fuck?" Shika said.
"...you're joking, right?" Zeon said.
"Do you think I'm joking?" Akari hissed.
"You... you became a dragon..." Zeon pointed at her, and began laughing.
"I will eat you!" Akari reared one of her seven heads at Zeon's face.
"O... kay." Zeon gulped. He and Shika straddled on Akari's back.
"This should take us about ten minutes. Hold on tight, because I'm going maximum velocity."
Zeon hugged his arms around her neck, while Shika wrapped himself around one of her scales. Akari flapped her wings, and sped off into the sky of Dragon Empire.
Landing on the cliffside of a tall mountain, Zeon and Shika got off Akari's back. Akari dragshifted back to her original form, holding her back with a groan.
"You two are heavy." Akari said.
"It's bulking season." Shika said.
"He eats way too much bacon." Zeon said.
"Actually, you weight more." Akari said.
"I do?" Zeon looked at his stomach. "Well, I guess I've been putting on a bit of weight..."
"Must be all those energy drinks." Shika said, laughing.
"I really need to do some exercise." Zeon stretched and looked around. "Where are we anyways?"
"At the top of Dragon-fang Mountain. At the top of this mountain is a nice cave which me and Backlion have made our base of operations. I suppose you could call it a home away from home." Akari said, pointing at the stairs in front of them. "It's just up this path. Let's get inside quickly, since the temperature drops considerably here."
"Well, it does feel a bit more chilly." Zeon said.
The triad walked up the path, and stopped in front of the jaws of a cave. Two black curtains draped over the opening, hiding what was inside of the base.
"What's up with that?" Zeon asked, pointing at the thick curtains.
"To trap the hot air inside." Akari said. "Oh, yeah, we have a fireplace in this place."
"Eh? Seriously?" Shika said. "Let me use it! I need to dry my clothes!"
"I don't wanna see you walk around naked. That's gross." Akari said.
"How did you even get them wet..." Zeon said.
"I fell into a pool of water."
"And you don't feel cold?"
"Not really."
"You're some kind of superhuman, Shika." Zeon said, pulling the curtains aside. "I'm coming in."
"Sorry for the intrusion!" Shika said.
"I'm home." Akari said.
Zeon stepped inside the cave, and froze in place. His eyes widened, and his face scrunching up. Shika followed after him, his eyebrows twisting into a knot. Akari pushed the boys forward, and entered the cave with her arms crossed. She peered at Zeon and Shika's faces, then laughed under her breath.
"Guess who's back..." Zeon said.
"It's been forever..." Shika said.
Standing in front of the fireplace was a man with blue hair tied in a ponytail. Chucking a few coals into the fire, he turned around, facing Zeon and Shika. Zeon staggered back, while Shika gritted his teeth. The man smiled, tears brimming in the corner of his eyes.
"It's been a long time. Zeon. Shika."
Zeon and Shika stood across Backlion and Akari. Shika looked away and scratched his head frustratedly. Zeon took a step forward and narrowed his eyes at Backlion. Backlion stepped forward as well, wiping his tears away.
"Where's Rukia?" Zeon said.
"She's in the room behind me." Backlion pointed at a carved out room with curtains hanging over it.
"...you better have not hurt her." Zeon muttered, walking past Backlion and into the room at the back.
Backlion frowned, and looked down at his feet. Akari squeezed his shoulder reassuringly, and tilted her head at Shika. Shika looked at the two and narrowed his eyebrows with uncertainty.
"So? What do you think? He's got enough muscle to rival you now." Akari said. Shika clicked his tongue.
"Damn it, I don't know what the hell to say." Shika said, glaring at Backlion. "When I heard you were alive and on Cray, it only irritated me. But now seeing you in the flesh, it's like all my hate and anger towards you just came rushing out."
"Do you want to hit me?" Backlion said.
"No. I already hurt enough people for today." Shika looked away from Backlion and scratched the back of his neck.
"Well, you should join Zeon." Backlion said. "You were looking for Rukia, weren't you?"
"Yeah... I guess you're right." Shika said, trudging past Backlion.
"I don't blame you if you hate me." Backlion said.
"...I don't hate you, man. I'm just confused." Shika said.
"Confused about what?"
"My heart's telling me you're not a bad guy. My head's telling you're the most shitty human being in the universe."
"I think your head's the right voice to listen to."
"Nah. If I listened to my head, I wouldn't be a dummy." Shika was about to enter the room, but then he looked at Backlion. "I'm glad that you're alive."
Backlion raised an eyebrow. "Is that some kind of cruel joke?"
"No? Even though you've done some bad stuff, you're not necessarily a bad person. Even I've done some regrettable choices. Like when I abandoned Yza when everyone started bullying him. Like when I started blaming all my teammates when we were losing in the rugby game. Like when I hit Zeon and shouted at him unfairly. I still have some forgiveness left in my heart for you still."
"...You haven't changed a single bit, Shika."
"If ain't broke, don't fix it." Shika said, pushing the curtains aside and entering the room.
Backlion slumped to his knees, and bit his bottom lip. Lowering his head, warm tears fell to the floor.
"How's Rukia doing?" Shika asked.
Zeon was kneeling besides Rukia, who was laying on a bed made out of stitched leaves and hay. Her eyes were closed, and her face looked pale and sweaty.
"She's asleep I think." Zeon said.
"That's good." Shika sat down next to him, and looked at Rukia. "What do you think happened?"
"Probably just fatigue. I feel tired after Imaginary Diving. Do you?"
"I guess I feel like I lost some energy. Nothing that a little food can't fix." Shika took off his bag and took out the bento box that was soaked earlier. Opening the contents, he sniffled at the soggy chicken tenders and tonkatsu pork. "Thanks for the food..."
"Dude... that's gross." Zeon said.
"Even Rino's cooking tastes good soaked in water..." Shika chewed on the mush slowly and painfully.
"You're lying to yourself..."
"Hyu..." A small sound escaped Rukia's lips as she tossed in the bed.
"Is she alright?" Shika asked.
Zeon shivered, crossing his legs and pulling his knees to his chest. "I think so."
"I wonder what's she dreaming of right now."
"Yza, probably." Zeon sighed. "Now that we have Rukia, we should tell Hiku to open the portal."
"Are we gonna bring Akari and Backlion along with us?"
"Akari, yes. She's gonna be necessary if we want to go home, as her ability to fly into the portal is a clincher for us. Backlion however... maybe."
"I think we should."
"I don't know. Some people are just better off never having to see his face again. Some people would be glad knowing he's dead. He's ruined too many lives. Maybe he's better off in exile."
"Everyone deserves a second chance."
"I know... I know that better than anyone else." Zeon punched the floor. "But... how many people would want to see Backlion again? You saw just how broken Wyvon was when Ryuzaki brought Max back. Who knows what would happen if we brought someone so universally hated as Backlion back home. Ryu would probably try to kill him."
"But Ryu isn't like that anymore."
"It's Backlion who was the origin cause of Hiyori's death. You can tell just by looking at him that he still wants vengeance for her. Killing Kyle isn't enough for him."
"Nah. That's Ryu of the past. He's matured for sure."
"Once a murderer, always a murderer." Zeon looked at the palm of his hand. "I know that better than anyone else."
"Then who's on your hit list next?" Shika joked.
"Myself and Kakusei."
(Ending here)
Next time on Z World:
#58: Rukia Takanori
Rukia: You're a person I hold dear to my heart. Even though I betrayed you, you still kept fighting for my sake. I love you, Yza.
Welcome to Volume 9! And hello to everyone who jumped from Re:Isekai to this chapter.
I'm sorry if the quality of this chapter wasn't up to par. I was on a super tight schedule, and managed to finish this on a Friday, just before the publishing deadline.
Anyways, this chapter is more for character development, I guess? Read between the lines for characters like Backlion, Zeon and Shika. You'll see what I mean if you try to put the pieces together. I personally find Zeon a fascinating character to write about. He's kind of been more of a main protagonist more than Yozora for the second part, hasn't he?
I also used this chance to flesh Shika out. He's still the adorable, kind, lovable best friend character we all know and love, but I hope this chapter and the last chapter showed a more ambiguous side to him.
Lastly, with Backlion's return, it will be interesting to write about how his reappearance will affect the other characters. It's like inserting a bad apple into a box of good ones. Will the good apples go bad, or will they resist the rot that comes from the bad one?
That's all, Fox out!
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