I've never once had to make a serious decision in my life.
Deep in my heart, I vaguely remember all the shouting. All the arguments. All the screaming.
While I holed myself up in my room, my parents were downstairs pitting venomous words against venomous words.
My father, who was drunk and stressed. My mother, who was depressed and tired.
A marriage on the brink of divorce.
They always wanted the appearance of a "happy family". They desperately wanted it, even if their lives have gone down a path they didn't want.
It all stemmed from my father's obsession with his religion. He was a devout Christian, and wanted to become a priest and spread the gospel of Christianity. Even though my mother had no interest in it, and grew on Shinto practices and beliefs, they somehow worked out these differences, and got married.
Shortly thereafter, I was born.
But my father, who wanted to continue down his Christian path, was cut off abruptly after being rejected to become a priest. Desperate and poor, he scrambled to find work, while my mother took care of me with stress buried in her heart.
My mom told me about the abundance of times of how close we were of being evicted, but we were seemingly saved by my father getting a job as a salaryman. I wouldn't know, however. I was too young to even realise these bad things were happening.
Despite that, the company was shady. My dad was abused, overworked and exploited, so I never saw him much as a result. Whenever I did, he was drinking all his issues away. All his hopes and dreams of spreading the gospel of God, only to be replaced by hard days of constant work he hated.
He was told to keep all the anger and hatred he had inside no matter what. Or else he'd be weak.
My mom continued to raise me by herself. It was when doctors told us I had dyslexia that she began to heavily encourage and push me to play sports, as if to make up for my academic weakness. Deep down, she was just stressed, and wanted to be with her husband she loved so much.
The flames of their marriage, the deep passionate love they had for each other, became a tiny kindle over time.
She hated living like this. But dealt it, because I was her son, their only child. My parents clashed constantly soon after.
And just as my mother filed to divorce—
—my father drank himself to death.
Those days, that past. I blocked all of it from my mind, because deep down, I didn't feel sad.
I faced my father's grave not with tears. But with sympathy, a hardened resolve, and a tough grin, to make sure I wouldn't fall down the same path he did.
Were they truly happy? That's what I ask myself now looking back at those two.
That was when my "path" was cut open for me, cleanly.
I focused on getting myself stronger, so I could make my late father proud, so I could protect my fragile mother, so I wouldn't lose everything like they did.
I promised myself that I'd turn all my weakness into strength. I promised myself that I'd become one of the best athletes in the world. I promised myself that I would make my parents, dead or alive, happy.
So they don't feel like they tossed their lives away for a failure.
Since that day, the path that I've been going down has been set out for me. I accepted that path, because I believed it was correct.
I cut through all the darkness, and all the obstacles that stood in my way. That is how I reached the peak of this rocky mountain known as my life.
Unlike others, where tragedy and pain plagues their lives, my life has been one of the most prosperous and greatest ones to exist.
Because of my own strength and willpower, I was able to make a name for myself in rugby. Because of my luck and chance encounter, I was able to reunite with my two best friends. Because of my friends and the encouragement I received, I got a girlfriend.
Even though some bad things has happened, they've never affected me much, because I didn't allow it to affect me. I would continue to recklessly charge through this path, clearing all the roadblocks that stood in my way, and never looking back.
Every choice I make is out of instinct, because I trust myself that much. Mistakes are a given, so I'll turn them into a lesson. Failure is a given, so I'll turn it into fuel.
Regret, pain, fear. None of these negative emotions have ever truly affected me. I simply can't look at life through negative lenses.
My heart has never been hurt. My heart has never been dyed black. My heart has never had to decide what it wanted. All of it was decided for me.
And those dark memories I blocked never truly hurt me. I'll remember them if I want to. But there's no point in dwelling in the past.
There have been countless times where I've steered off the wrong path, but I've always been able to recover and power through those obstacles. That's because life has always given me what I wanted or needed, even though I didn't realise it.
That's why, now, when I have to seriously make a decision...
A chance to throw away this amazing life I've built up...
All for the sake of my friends...
Do I accept the path that I've been given once more, because I'm turbulent like that...
Or do I go against that path, and let everyone else suffer as a result...
For the first time in my life, I truly understood what "fear" was.
Because regardless of my choice, my heart would've been hurt.
I realised in that moment—
This entire time, I've been walking down the exact same path as my parents.
(Opening here)
Zeon stared at the open gate of the garage on his knees. His mouth hung open slightly, and his hands were shaking.
Grabbing his phone, he scrolled through his contacts, and started slamming on Rukia's phone number. Putting the ringing phone against his ear, Zeon punched the floor repeatedly.
"Connect... connect... connect..."
"Sorry, the number you are contacting currently isn't available-"
"FUCK YOU!" Zeon ended the call and threw his phone against the wall. Running a hand through his hair, he huffed, walking around in circles. "What do I do... what the fuck do I do...?!"
"Master Zeon. Are you okay?" His head butler, Daimone, had ran over to the garage after hearing Zeon scream.
"I'm fine... I'm fine, I'm fine!" Zeon picked up the phone on the floor and looked at the cracked screen. "Piece of shit..."
"Shall I purchase a new one?"
"Yeah, please..."
"Right away, my master." Daimone bowed and left.
Zeon tried to use the phone to call Shika. Putting the phone against his ears, he sighed.
"Please pick up, please pick up... this is an emergency, damn it...!"
In the student council office, Shika and Hiku sat on one sofa while Shisue and Mizuho sat on the other.
"So... why were you spying on us?" Hiku said.
"Um... well, Prez..." Mizuho said.
"I was stalking Shika. I began peeking once he entered the office." Shisue said.
"You were... stalking him?"
"Yeah. I wanted to see him confess for myself."
"Why though?"
"Let's just say we're partners in crime."
"Yeah. Shisue gave me the balls necessary to ask you out." Shika said.
"And... um, w-when I returned from delivering the assets for the literature club, I saw Shisue peeking inside... as I was about to chide her, she told me to shut up and j-join her, s-so..."
"So this is all Shisue's fault." Hiku said.
"Basically." Shisue shrugged and drank some coffee. "Uwaa. Hiku-prez, you're great at this."
"Thank you. It is important that the Student Council President's brews are top-class, after all."
"Funny story though. Kakusei confessed to me earlier today in lunch time."
"Oh, I-" Shika said, before receiving a kick to the shins by Shisue under the table.
"Ehh? Seriously? That guy? I had no clue he'd also go after you too, Hiku-prez! Isn't that right, Shika?"
"Uhh, yeah, what Shisue said."
"It seems like he asks about every girl under the son. What a playboy, right?"
"His sociability is a very necessary asset for the Student Council. In fact, just because he was in the Student Council, we for an influx of female applicants. Isn't popularity amazing?" Hiku said. "I'd like more male students, though. I don't think Zeon is that qualified, but he's a boy."
"That's a weird way of putting things."
"N-not really. Seigatsu's Student Councils have always been heavily plagued by females. Not many males join." Mizuho said.
"All this Student Council talk makes no sense to me..." Shika said.
"I bet you're just thinking about what to eat after working out." Hiku said.
"Yeah... chicken tenders or tonkatsu pork. Which one..."
"You're making me hungry, Shika!" Shisue said.
"Isn't the cooking club on today? Let's go get Rino to make us some." Hiku said.
"Time to appeal to his "dere" side!" Shika said.
"Um... who is Rino?"
"He's a 3rd Year. Known for his killer meals. And being a tsundere. Yeah, mostly for the latter for sure." Shisue said.
"I'd like to think it's for his culinary talents." Hiku said.
"He's global, yo." Shika said.
"He sounds amazing!"
"Warning, he's a trap." Hiku said.
"Looks like a girl, is a boy."
"O-Oh..." Mizuho's face went red.
"She's so innocent..." Shisue said. "Well, Rino being a trap just makes my Wyvon x Rino headcanon even more hotter. Imagine it, Wyvon's hand going up Rino's blouse while his other arm is entangled his hair and the two passionately-"
"You're a fujoshi, we get it!" Shika said. His phone began ringing. "Huh? Sorry, lemme take this call."
"No problem. So, should we ask?" Hiku said.
"Yeah, I could go for some food anyways." Shisue said.
"She what?!" Shika stood, slamming his hand on the table.
"What's the matter?" Hiku said.
"I... I'll come around right now. Don't do anything rash, Zeon! I swear to god, if you do...!" Shika ended the call and picked up his bags. "Sorry guys, something major came up."
"What... is it?"
"I... I'll tell you another time. Sorry, Hiku. But this is personal."
"No problem at all. Please, take care of it. When your done, give me a text so we can give you the leftovers."
"If there'll be any..." Shisue cackled.
"Shisue, y-you're scary..." Mizuho said.
"Thanks guys. You the best. You especially." Shika kissed Hiku on the cheek.
"Hey!" Hiku's face flushed dark red. "Who gave you permission to do that?!"
"You enjoyed it, don't lie." Shika threw up a peace sign and ran off.
"I'll get you back for that!" Hiku smiled, waving goodbye.
"Now, let's get those chicken tenders and tonkatsu pork." Shisue said.
Shika ran up to the gate of the Ishima mansion, and saw Daimone standing there with a smile. He opened the gates and let Shika in.
"Welcome. Master Zeon has been waiting for you."
Shika sprinted through the door and straight to the back entrance, heading to the garage. Entering it, he looked at Zeon who was slumped on the floor with his hands around his heads.
"Look alive bro." Shika said. Zeon looked up at him, tears streaming down his face.
"Shika... you're finally here..."
"Rukia... she seriously went to Cray?"
"Yeah... It was about an hour ago..."
"Why... would she do that? Without your permission no less. Not even I'm dumb enough to do something so reckless!"
"I don't know... but it must be because she didn't want to stand around doing nothing."
"She didn't have to do this, though!"
"Forget it... what's done is done... we just- we need to do something to get her back."
"Then... what should we do?"
"...I've been thinking about it for awhile." Zeon stood, wiping his tears away. "I... I think we should Imaginary Dive as well."
Shika stared at Zeon with wide eyes, and his mouth hung open. Curling his hands into fists, Shika took a deep breath. Zeon looked away, closing his eyes.
"Yeah... both of us, together."
"Why...? Why do both of us need to go...?! Wouldn't it make sense if one of us manned the portal and had the other Imaginary Dive!?"
"That's... what I thought too. But I realised I can't go to Cray by myself... I won't survive while I'm trying to find Rukia."
"So... you want to bring me along!?"
"Your strength and support will be more than enough. That's why...!"
Zeon flinched, stopping. Shika walked towards him, pressuring him into the corner of the room.
A low growl escaped his gritted teeth, and a dark shadow shrouded his eyes.
Slamming Zeon's shoulder into the wall, Shika snarled, leaning in and staring down at him. Zeon back pressed against the wall as he slid down slightly. On his face were beads of sweat, accompanied with a silent hiccup.
"Aren't you being selfish...?" Shika's voice dropped, becoming scathingly cold and husky. Zeon flinched, nodded slightly as he shrunk.
"Yeah...... I... I am. T-That's why..."
"Then you should know that I have a lot to lose by going to Cray. Maybe you're willing to sacrifice what you want. But right now, my life has too much going on to just suddenly disappear for who knows how long. You realise I have my rugby career on the line as well... right?! You know how much this means to me, don't you?!"
"Y-yeah... I know... that's- let me just... ex... explain...-"
"What do you have to explain?!" Shika grabbed Zeon by the collar, and started screaming in his face. "What excuse are you going to use against me, huh?! Zeon, you're my friend, but I'm not going to stand for this! I'm not going to go with you to the depths of the unknown just because of Rukia's selfish actions! ...You said it yourself, anyone sane enough wouldn't want to go— unlike you and Rukia, I'm not hellbent on finding Yza...! Of course, he's my friend too, and I want to see him as well, but I unlike you guys, I'm not wholly obsessive to the point it's ruining my life! Zeon, take a good long fucking look in the mirror!"
Zeon shivered, head dropping low. Shika shook him, forcing Zeon to look at him.
"Pay attention, I'm speaking! You're nothing like you were nearly a year ago, you know that, right!? I've had it with this stupid goose chase that's done nothing but waste our time! Why can't you just accept the fact Yza might be gone, forever?! Why can't anybody accept that fact?! Do you seriously think I enjoy seeing you and Rukia suffer over this? I want to speak out, but I just can't... I can't find the proper words, or how to express this frustration dwelling in my heart! Because saying "I think we should just accept he's gone," would absolutely shatter both your weak minds! Rukia would scream that I have no belief, and you'd cut all communication because I don't agree with you! Isn't that fucking right?!"
Zeon's mouth opened, but Shika slugged him in the shoulder again.
"Don't get me involved in your shit. You and Rukia had trouble spelled all over you the moment you got a breakthrough in this "search". It's pathetic! Why can't you stop dwelling on that past?! Why can't you look from another perspective that isn't this one?! I'm trying to push forward... you get that, don't you?! Huh?! Tell me you understand my feelings you selfish asshole!"
Shika shoved Zeon against the wall once more. Zeon looked up at Shika, gritting his teeth.
"Hear me out... Don't pass that sort of judgment so quickly!" Zeon narrowed his eyes, curling his hand into a fist. "I get it... I didn't think you'd accept, but asking you wouldn't have hurt, would it?"
Zeon tried shoving Shika. He didn't budge, but raised a brow.
"Then what do you have to say for yourself?"
"Ha ha... you're terrifying, man... Look..." Zeon sighed. "...there's one way we can return to Cray. It's luck and chance though."
"Doesn't sound like odds I like."
"Put simply... if... if someone manually opens a portal here, one should appear on Cray, right? So, we just... need someone to man the portal on the outside while we're gone."
"...and who'll do that?"
"I don't know... I don't have that many friends... so... at the very least, if you don't want to join me, do that much."
Shika slumped his shoulders, and pulled up a seat. Sitting down on it, he rubbed his temples, his eyebrows creasing. Zeon walked over and patted his shoulder.
"It's dizzying. I don't know what I want to do." Shika said.
"You have a lot to live for, after all." Zeon glanced at his wrists, and grabbed his sleeve. For a moment, he was about to pull it up, but stopped at the last second.
"Today, I got a girlfriend."
Zeon's eyes widened. "Who?"
"Hiku. We just got together today. That's probably why... why I got so mad at you. She's precious to me. Now that I finally have her by my side, I felt protective of her. I want to see her again. I want to do things couples do. I don't want it to end the same day I started it." Shika stood and faced Zeon, looking at him deep in the eyes. Zeon cowered back, but Shika placed his hands on Zeon's shoulders. "Deep down, I was the selfish one. I've said some horrible stuff that I didn't mean. You've seen an ugly side of me today."
"Everyone gets angry... I'm not surprised you would get angry at this stage." Zeon looked away.
"A lot has happened up to this point, though. Rukia's gone. I got a girlfriend. Your request. My own frustrations. These feelings..." Shika squeezed Zeon's shoulders. "That loud voice I used to chide you. It's exactly like my father's..."
"Your dad too, huh..."
Shika raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"My dad... he would also shout at me. He shouted at me a lot after my sister died. I became his favourite thing to vent all his anger to. Even though I was surprised to see you act that way, I didn't feel fear... at that point, I'm numb to that ringing scream."
Zeon gently brushed Shika's hands off his shoulders. Shika released a deep breath and looked at his feet.
"I didn't know. I'm sorry, Zeon..."
"It's fine. I'm sorry as well. I really do understand why you don't want to go." Zeon grabbed a bag from the floor and slung it on his shoulder. Opening the cylinder, he stepped inside. "So, just set up the portal for me. I'll be on my way to save Rukia."
Shika took out his phone and shook his head.
"Wait... can I..."
"I... Look. Maybe it's because I feel guilty. Or maybe it's because deep down I care more than I thought I did. But, I think..." Shika stepped forward, stopping at the entrance of the cylinder. "I want to go with you."
"Huh? But moments ago, you were-"
"I know. I've been adamant on not going from the start. But... With this choice lingering in my face for so long, I know that I can't dwell on it forever. The ball's been passed to me, so I need to make a touchdown. It's now or never!"
"What... what made you change your mind so quickly?"
"I'm terrible at thinking things through. The more I think, the more I doubt. That's why, instead of fighting against what life has given me, I'll just have to accept it, like I've always done. If it wants me to go to Cray, then I guess I got no other choice." Shika grinned and looked through his contacts. "I know someone who can open the portal on the other side. Want her to come here?"
"Won't it be a lot of explaining to do to them?"
"I'll do it over the phone. Just teach her how to use this portal."
"Well... who's the girl then?"
Hiku, Shisue, Mizuho and Wyvon sat around the desks of the home economics classroom. Rino was at the sinks, washing pans and utensils.
"This food... looks beautiful!" Hiku said.
On the table were a platter of chicken tenders with tomato sauce, and bowls of rice topped with tonkatsu pork. Enough food for the five of them, plus leftovers Shika.
"It smells so good too..." Mizuho said, her hand wandering over to the tonkatsu pork bowl.
"Dig in. Chef's treat." Rino said, wiping his hands on his towels and joining them.
"Uwaa, this pork is amazing!" Shisue slammed her chopsticks onto the table.
"Chicken tenders have never been so... tender." Hiku said.
"I think I'm going to get a foodgasm...!" Shisue said.
"Rino, t-this is really good!" Mizuho said.
"You should try his other dishes. He's seriously too skilled for his own good." Wyvon said with a wide grin.
"You guys are praising me a bit too much... just because I can cook this much doesn't mean I'm some sort of food god." Rino said.
"You are!!" The four said together. Rino shrunk, laughing at them.
Hiku and Shisue devoured their bowls of food in minutes, while Mizuho and Wyvon took more time to savour the flavours. Rino just watched them with a smile.
"Oh, that's my phone." Hiku took out her ringing phone, and checked who was calling. "Shika? We saved leftovers, right?"
Wyvon pointed at a bento box with his share of food. Hiku gave a thumbs up and answered the receiving call.
"Hiku, can you please come over to Zeon's place? I'll send you the address and explain what's going on."
"Hmm? What's this about?"
"Please, hurry. There's not much time."
"I see... I'll get there with haste. Please wait."
"Yeah, I will! Also, don't forget the leftovers!"
"Think with your stomach first, good lad."
Hiku ended the call and grabbed the bento box.
"I'm heading out to Zeon's place. It seems some emergency has arose."
Rino and Wyvon glanced at each other.
"Is it alright if we tag along?" Wyvon said.
"Me too. I wanna know what's happening." Shisue said. Mizuho nodded.
Hiku scratched the back of her head and placed a finger on her chin.
"Ah, whatever. The more the merrier. We just need transport now."
"Transport, you say?" Wyvon smirked.
"Wow, you really did make haste."
Shika stared at Hiku, Wyvon, Rino, Shisue and Mizuho who were standing at the front door.
"Wyvon made the term "pedal to the medal" get a whole new meaning." Hiku said, wiping mud off her face.
Shika tippy-toed, looking past their shoulders. He saw two trashed bikes and some broken skateboards piled on top of them.
Wyvon laughed, still trying to get mud out of his hair. Rino sighed, looking at the stain on his shirt.
Shisue snickered at them, while Mizuho hid behind the four others, holding the hem of her muddy skirt.
"So uh... why are these four here?"
"They wanted to tag along."
"Not sure how Zeon will feel about this..."
"We're his friends too, aren't we?" Shisue said.
"Yeah, but this is pretty sensitive stuff..."
"They were listening to what was going on." Hiku said.
"Curiosity got the better of us." Wyvon said. "Though, me and Rino kind of had a rough idea."
"I didn't u-understand it, to be honest..." Mizuho said.
"I won't spill the secrets." Shisue said.
"Ah... whatever. Let's make more haste so we can save Rukia."
Shika led them to the garage, where Zeon face-palmed the moment he saw the five of them.
"I thought Hiku was the only one coming..."
"Surprise!" Shisue said.
"Don't tell me, they know too?"
Shika nodded. Zeon groaned.
"You guys..."
"We sweat it to come over here. I think we deserved it." Shisue said.
"Make sure to keep all this a secret, then." Zeon said. Shisue made a zipping motion, tossing an invisible key after. "Hiku, I'm gonna teach you how this portal works."
"This looks complicated..." Hiku stepped up to the computers. The other five stood back, watching.
"I made this thing idiot-proof. You only need to just click a button and enter a password. Are you aware of what me and Shika are doing?"
"An Imaginary Dive?"
"Correct. We'll be standing inside that cylinder, and when you open the portal, we'll drop inside to go into Cray. If you go onto this menu, you can see a lot of the options displayed. Your job is to give us a five second countdown, then click on this "open" option. Try it out."
Hiku nodded, and pressed "open". In seconds, the cylinder lit up with a swirling portal at the base.
Zeon glanced at the people standing at the back. Mizuho's jaw dropped, Shisue was thoroughly impressed, Wyvon was drooling over this technology, and Rino looked at him indifferently.
Shika gave a thumbs up and picked up his bag. Zeon followed him as Hiku closed the portal, looking satisfied.
"That was cool!" Hiku said.
"It's time for us to head out." Zeon said.
"See you guys soon." Shika said.
"Good luck finding Rukia." Rino said.
"Bring her back safe and sound." Shisue said.
"Can I like... examine all of this while your gone?" Wyvon said.
"No. You'll end up breaking something. I'll let you do it after I'm done with this." Zeon said.
"Works for me!"
"Have a safe trip guys." Mizuho said.
"Shika, before you go. Your leftovers." Hiku tossed him the bento box. Shika grinned, catching it.
"You have serious wife energy!"
Hiku laughed, watching Zeon and Shika step inside the cylinder. Shika closed the door and put a hand on Zeon's shoulder.
"This is it, huh."
"The final frontier." Zeon grinned, pinching his nose. "Please be safe, Rukia..."
"Commencing Imaginary Dive in five seconds!" Hiku said. "5!"
"Let's go all out in this new world." Shika said.
"Let's making surviving our main priority." Zeon said.
"Got it chief. You're the brains anyways."
"I'll make sure to work your muscles everyday."
"Hard work pays off."
"Imaginary Gate, open!" Hiku said.
The portal opened up beneath Zeon and Shika's feet.
"Imaginary Dive!" They exclaimed, falling through the portal.
As the light cleared, the two disappeared into Cray.
(Ending here)
Next time on Z World:
Question and Answers 8
Submit your questions now!
I've heard that the green tea served at the end of your meal in Japan is free. Is that true, however?
Hi, it's me again.
The end of volume 8 marks the end of another seven weeks of hard, painful work. As this is the end, I'm going to serve you green tea, free of charge. Enjoy~
...just kidding. I don't actually like green tea that much. I've tried it once, but it wasn't to my taste.
Well, with volume 9 coming up soon, I'll reveal more information about it in the QnA.
Ah, I've somehow spent more time writing than studying...
Anyways, the end of my escapades is here. Thanks for reading as usual.
Back to working overtime...
That's all, Fox out!
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