#12: Luquier

The clouds that hung above the forest so silently started to rumble with haste. The dark grey balls of fluff started to shiver, and dance in unison as they moved across the sky. Even the wind had begun to waft faster, sending a vicious draft through the trees' leaves and branches. The sun, had disappeared, as the four players began to get ready for their fight, and Zak ran around the maze of wildlife to find Zoa.

"Stand up, vanguard!" Izanoku and Masaru proudly declared as they looked at each other with conviction in their eyes.

"Silver Thorn Assistant, Ionela!" Izanoku said sternly, the vanguard circle expanding pink.

"Chrono Dran Z!" Masaru shouted, the vanguard circle expanding burgundy.

"Zodiac Time Beast? I'll be able to deal with them." Izanoku looked at Masaru with a smile.

"Silver Thorns?" Masaru narrowed his eyes with a smirk. "Piece of cake."

"Do you want to start us off?" She asked.

"With pleasure!" Masaru drew the top card of the deck, as the clouds rumbled once more.

(Opening here)

"I ride Revolver Dracokid and move Dran Z back. End."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Bind: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Soul: 0

"Draw, ride Irina! Ionela moves back. Irina's skill, checking the top two cards of my deck... and putting a Silver Thorn into soul. (Silver Thorn Magician, Clemens) Other card to the bottom of the deck. Boosted by Ionela, Irina! (7000 > 12000)"

"No guard."

"Drive check! (Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier)"

"Damage check! (Pulsar Tamer, Zambiia)"

"Ionela's skill, when my vanguard hits and she's boosting, she does what Irina does on ride or call! (Silver Thorn, Upright Lion) I'll end my turn."

Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Bind: 0

Hand: 6
Damage: 0
Soul: 2

"I have to keep building my soul early game so I can have an explosive turn with Harri. Then, I'll beat him before he can use Gearnext or whatever stride ZTB uses these days." Izanoku thought as she looked at her hand with confidence.

"This should be an easy fight." Masaru looked at his hand. "I ride, Metal Party Dragon! Skill of Dran Z, bind him and checking top five for a grade 3 or 1 card and adding it to hand. I'll grab Merry Block." Adding the card to his hand, and shuffled his deck. "My engine should be stronger than hers... I mean, who plays Silver Thorn when Harri exists?"

"There's something off with his deck... Zambiia? Why run that card?" Izanoku thought.

"Maybe she caught onto what I'm doing... oh well." Masaru called Merry Block and then Rewind Tiger. "Skill, counterblast and resting Merry. Binding the top card of my deck face up! (Pulsar Tamer, Manish) Drawing a card and he gets 2k! (8000 > 10000) Attack, Tiger!"

"Okay... Manish and Tiger..." Izanoku stared at his field. "Don't tell me this is some sort of janky Demiurge build..." She took the damage. (Silver Thorn Magician, Colette)

"Metal Party goes after you! (10000)"

"No guard."

"Drive check! (Steam Tamer, Arka)"

"Damage check! (Silver Thorn Assistant, Irina)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Bind: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 2
Soul: 2

"Alright, I got the advantage in board presence and damage!" Masaru cheered in his mind.

"Stand and draw, I ride Acute Dragon! Boosted by Ionela, Dragon attacks you! (9000 > 14000)"

"Why is she playing so passively? Is her hand that bad?" Masaru put a card on the guardian circle. "Tiger intercepts! (15000)"

"One to pass... Drive check! (Silver Thorn Assistant, Irina) Nothing. End."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Bind: 2

Hand: 7
Damage: 2
Soul: 3

"What is she planning..." Masaru thought with a deep breath. "Stand and draw! Your prideful howl will spin into the ideal future! I ride my avatar, Chronofang Tiger!" The vanguard circle exploded in crimson red.

"So that's why it was so weird! It was a Chronofang deck!" Izanoku looked at him with a confused face, which broke out into a small smile. "I'd imagine you'd ride into Chronojet, but I see..."

"They all say that." Masaru smiled as he bound a card from his hand face up. (Chronofang Tiger G) "On ride skill, Ionela to the bottom of your deck!"

"So... since Chronofang can rewind, I shouldn't call too many units." Izanoku nodded as she put Ionela away.

"Call Metal Party! Boosted by Block, Metal Party goes after your vanguard! (17000)"

"Guard with Acute Dragon and Natasha! (9000 > 19000)"

"Chronofang, hit her hard! (11000)"

"Did your mother ever tell you hitting girls is bad?" Izanoku asked with a small chuckle. "No guard."

"At least my mother gave me a normal name..." Masaru sneered in response; flipping two cards over. (Pulsar, Revolver Dracokid, Pulsar, Rewind Tiger)

"Izanoku is stylish and cool. Masaru is plain and boring." Izanoku shrugged her small shoulders as she flipped a card from the top of her deck face up. (Darkside Mirror Master)

"Man, you really get defensive about your name..." He laughed. "It's amusing."

"I don't think you'd like it either if people kept telling you your name is weird..." Putting two hands on her hips sassily, Izanoku leaned forward and looked at Masaru dead in the eyes.

"I'm just being honest."

"Then stop being honest...!" Izanoku sighed as she straightened her back. "Let's continue with the fight. Useless chit-chat will lead us nowhere."

"Yeah, I suppose. But it's not bad to get to know each other, right?"

"You're my enemy. We shouldn't be talking like friends..."

"And you know what they say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer."

"You really are a smartass, aren't you?"

"Eh, I don't think so. I'm just a guy who likes to travel and ship people."


"Says the one who's also out here finding a dragon..."

"S-shut up..."

"Pff, I end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Bind: 3

Hand: 5
Damage: 3
Soul: 3

"Stand and draw. Mistress of the midnight extravaganza, appear before them with your army of loyal servants! I ride my avatar, Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier!" The vanguard circle expanded silver. "Generation Zone, release! Explosive personality, grand acts and big dreams, these collide together on the Pale Moon's stage! Generation Stride, Masquerade Master, Harri!"

"Here comes the incoming blitz..."

"I'll call Irina. Her skill! (Silver Thorn Magician, Clemens) Then, I call Colette. Her skill, I soulcharge 1. (Silver Thorn Assistant, Dixie) Since it has Silver Thorn in it's name, Colette gets 3k! (7000 > 10000) Then, call Upright. Boosted by Colette, Irina! (7000 > 17000)"

"Gear Tabby Guard! (11000 > 21000)"

"Harri attacks! (26000) Skill, counterblast, G Persona Blast, and putting Irina and Colette into soul, calling three cards from my soul to RG! Calling, Clemens, Irina and Colette! Skill of Lion, he gets 3000 power for each card called from soul! (9000 > 18000) Skill of Colette, on place, and soulcharge! (Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier) Giving her 3000 power! (7000 > 10000) And skill of Irina, checking top two cards. (Silver Thorn Clown, Cernay)"

"A lot of skills chained, huh. No guard."

"Triple drive! (Darkside Mirror Master, Hopping Balloon) Heal trigger, all effects to Clemens (9000 > 14000) and healing one. (Silver Thorn Assistant, Irina)"

"Damage check. (Pulsar Tamer, Mara) Stand, all effects to vanguard! (11000 > 16000)"

"Boosted by Irina, Clemens! Her skill, adding 2000 power! (14000 > 16000 > 23000)"

"How much will Lion be attacking?"


"No guard then. (Pulsar Tamer, Manish)"

"Skill of Clemens, when her attack hits, I put her into soul and call from my soul, Luquier! Then, skill of Cernay in soul, when a card from my soul is called, I can counterblast and call her out too! Then, the skill of Lion! (18000 > 24000) Now, boosted by Colette, Lion will attack you! (24000 > 34000)"

"That's quite a large attack... no guard. (Steam Tamer, Arka)"

"Boosted by Cernay, Luquier attacks! (11000 > 18000)"

"Tiger intercepts! (16000 > 21000)"

"Skill of Harri, I put Colette back into my soul. End."

Hand: 6
Damage: 3
Bind: 3

Hand: 5
Damage: 3
Soul: 6

"Finally, it's my go. You take forever..." Masaru yawned as he drew a card.

"I doubt you can go faster." Izanoku replied hastily.

"Sure, sure." He replied with a small smile. "Liberating the Generation Zone! Heart of fate and time, rewind into the history I want to change! Generation Stride, Chronotiger Gear Glare!" The vanguard circle crackled in crimson red. "Skill of Gear Glare, I soulblast and G Persona Blast! Since my heart is a Gear Beast, I can choose your rear-guards so their grades equal to how many cards I've bound, and I send them to the bottom of the deck! I'll send your Lion and Cernay!"

"That's fine."

"I call, Manish, Metal Party and Zambiia! Boosted by Merry Block, Manish goes in! Merry Block's skill! Adding 2000 power for each of my other ZTB units! (7000 > 15000) And then Manish's skill, adding 2000 for each of my other ZTB units! (9000 > 17000 > 32000)"

"No guard. (Silver Thorn Magician, Clemens)"

"Binding them both face up. Now, Gear Glare attacks! Visor-fang Division! (26000)"

"Darkside Mirror Master, Perfect Guard!"

"Triple drive! (Night-barking Gear Tabby) Critical trigger, all effects to Metal Party! (10000 > 15000/1★ > 2★) (Pulsar Tamer, Manish, Pulsar Tamer, Zambiia) Now, boosted by Zambiia, Metal Party! Skill of Zambiia, for each bound card, he gets 1000 power! (7000 > 12000) (15000 > 27000/2★)"

"Generation Guard! Jester Demonic Dragon, Wandering Dragon guard! His skill, when he's placed, I soulcharge 1 (Silver Thorn Magician, Colette) and I call one card from my soul to guard! Dixie! (11000 > 26000 > 36000)"

"Skill of Metal Party, since he was boosted, I counterblast and bind him face up, and call Chronofang Tiger G and Merry Block Dragon! Boosted by Block, Chronofang! Skill of Merry Block! (7000 > 13000) (11000 > 24000)"

"No guard! (Silver Thorn Marionette, Natasha) Draw, all effects to vanguard and draw. (11000 > 16000)"

"Merry Block is bound face up again and I'll use Chronofang G's skill to soulblast and bind Zambiia face up, and return Luquier to the bottom of your deck! After that, I'll end."

"Just one off from beating me." Izanoku smirked with her arms crossed.

"Then I'll beat you next turn."

"You won't have a next turn."

Hand: 6
Damage: 3
Bind: 6

Hand: 3
Damage: 5
Soul: 6

"What are you gonna do this turn? Beat me over the head with your vanguard?" Masaru challenged her with a wide grin.

"Well, I might instead beat your head with my fist instead." Izanoku jested as she looked at her options carefully. "I really didn't want to go down this path, but I don't have another choice."

"Gonna pull out a Zeroth Dragon?" Masaru asked with a laugh.

"In my dreams." Izanoku flipped a card in her hand, showing it to Masaru.

"Hold on... you're going to ride... that?"

"You bet your sorry ass." Izanoku's lips curled into a smirk. "Under the moon, a rose falls, and it's dead corpse blooms into a silver bud, reaching for life— go towards it, and be entranced by it's Venus petals! I cross-ride, Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier!" The vanguard circle expanded silver.

"Heh, I didn't expect this." Masaru said with gritted teeth. "What are you gonna stride into?"

"I won't need to stride while I'm on this unit! Skill of Venus Luquier! Counterblast two Silver Thorns! I soulcharge two! (Silver Thorn, Upright Lion, Silver Thorn Clown, Cernay) Calling Silver Thorns until their grades add up to 6! Appear for the final act, Lion, Acute Dragon, Colette and Colette! Skill of Lion, adding 9000 power! (9000 > 18000) Skill of Dragon, adding 8000 power! (9000 > 17000) Skill of both Colette's! (Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier, Silver Thorn, Acute Dragon) Adding 3000 Power! (7000 > 10000) (7000 > 10000) Skill of Cernay, when my Silver Thorn is called from soul, I can counterblast and let her reappear! Skills of Lion and Dragon! (18000 > 21000) (17000 > 19000)"

"You've refilled your whole board... but, it was at the cost of all your counterblast."

"I don't mind, when it's going to kill you. Acute Dragon will attack you! (19000)"

"Guard with Gear Tabby! (11000 > 21000)"

"Boosted by Cernay, Luquier will attack! Moonlit Abyss! (13000 > 20000)"

"Arka Perfect Guards!"

"Twin Drive!! (Hopping Balloon) Heal trigger, all effects to Lion, and healing one damage. (21000 > 26000) (Silver Thorn Assistant, Dixie) Critical trigger, all effects to Lion! (26000 > 31000/1★ > 2★)"

"I guess Lady Luck wasn't on my side today..." Masaru said dreadfully.

"Be grateful you get beaten by me." Izanoku hissed. "Skill of Cernay, I put her into soul and discard a card, calling from my soul Clemens! Skill of Lion, adding 3000 power! (31000 > 34000/2★) Now, boosted by Colette, Clemens! Her skill adds 2000 power! (9000 > 11000 > 21000)"

"Guard with Zambiia, Manish and Merry Block! (11000 > 26000)"

"Wow, you used up all your hand..." Izanoku giggled to herself. "Break him to pieces, Lion! (34000 > 44000/2★)"

"Better than dying. (Pulsar Tamer, Igigi, Pulsar, Metal Party Dragon)"

"Hmph. That'll end my turn."

Hand: 0
Damage: 5
Bind: 6

Hand: 4
Damage: 4
Soul: 5

"My turn, stand and draw. Chronofang's Generation Break 2 Skill! Whilst paying the cost for Stride, I can get my discarded cards get grade+3, and if I do, I bind them face up! Generation Stride, Metapulsar, Avenir Phoenix! His CONT skill gives Chronofang 2k! (11000 > 13000) Chronofang G attacks! (13000)"

"Clever move. Clemens intercepts! (13000 > 18000)"

"Now, Phoenix attacks! (26000) Skill, counterblast and G Persona Blast, revealing the top five cards of my deck and calling two units for each of my face up G Units! (Pulsar, Rewind Tiger, Pulsar Bombard Hog, Pulsar, Merry Block Dragon, Pulsar, Hypnosis Sheep, Chronofang Tiger) I'll call everything! Skill of Tiger, counterblast and resting Hog, I bind the top card of my deck face up (Chronomedical Hamster) and draw one card. He gets 2000 power. (8000 > 10000) Avenir gives all my units 2k! (10000 > 12000) (7000 > 9000) (4000 > 6000) (11000 > 13000) (4000 > 6000)"

"I'll perfect guard your vanguard!"

"Triple drive! (Pulsar, Rewind Tiger, Pulsar, Revolver Dracokid, Steam Tamer, Arka) Seriously...? Damn, boosted by Sheep, Chronofang! (13000 > 19000)"

"Generation Guard! Kinesis Megatrick, Coulthard! His skill, G Guard Blast and if there are four or more cards with different grades in my soul, he gets 15k Shield! Unfortunately, I don't have that, but 29k is more than enough to stop your attack! (13000 > 29000)"

"Alright then, Rewind Tiger attacks! Skill of Merry Block! (9000 > 19000) (12000 > 31000)"

"No guard. (Skyhigh Walker) Stand, all to vanguard. (13000 > 18000)"

"Merry Block to bind. I end."

Hand: 3
Damage: 5
Bind: 8

Hand: 1
Damage: 5

"This match has been very, very close."

"I know right... It makes my blood boil with excitement!"

"I hope you enjoy the finale, Masaru." Izanoku smiled.

"I'll be ready to shoot it right back at you." Masaru snickered.

"Generation Zone, release!! Explosive personality, grand acts and big dreams, these collide together on the Pale Moon's stage! Generation Stride, Masquerade Master, Harri! I call Dixie and use her skill. I shuffle her into the deck and call from my soul Cernay! Skill of Lion, adding 3000 power! (9000 > 12000) Boosted by Colette, Lion! (12000 > 19000)"

"Rewind Tiger intercepts, and Rewind Tiger from hand guards! (11000 > 21000)"

"Boosted by Cernay, Harri attacks! (26000 > 33000) Skill of Harri, counterblast, G Persona Blast and shoving both Colette into soul, I'll call out three units! Appear, Dragon, Colette and Colette! Acute Dragon's skills! (9000 > 15000) Colette's skill's! (Silver Thorn Marionette, Natasha, Silver Thorn, Upright Lion) (7000 > 10000) (7000 > 10000) Lion's skill's! (12000 > 18000)"

"Arka, perfect guard!"

"Triple drive! (Silver Thorn Magician, Clemens, Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier, Silver Thorn Magician, Colette) I got nothing either... Oh well. You have nothing in hand~ Skill of Cernay, put her into soul and discarding one card! Appear from soul, Venus Luquier! Skill of Acute! (15000 > 17000)"

"I may not have hand cards, but I still have belief and faith in my deck." Masaru slammed his empty hands on the table. "I just need two Heal triggers!"

"How many cards are left in your deck?"

"Sixteen. Sure, it's a slim chance, but... I believe I can make it out!"

"Tch. I'll personally finish you off!! Boosted by Colette, Venus Luquier attacks you! Moonlit Abyss! (11000 > 21000)"

"It's all or nothing! DAMAGE CHECK!!—" Flipping a card over, Masaru sighed with a smile. (Chronofang Tiger) "Good game, Izanoku. You played really well."

"Thank you." She curtsied with a wide smirk. "It was enjoyable, crushing you."

"Don't let the victory get to your head." Masaru laughed. "The others are still fighting."

"I have full faith in Callum that he will win." Izanoku replied simply as she swept up her cards. "After all... beneath that murderous exterior, is a genius."

(Ending here)

Next time on Z World:

#13: Sullivan

"Am I allowed to scoop?"


"Knowledge is strength? That's the most bullshit I've heard in my life, and I've heard of a lot of bullshit."

"I thought your last name was Sensei?"

"Do that and I shank you."

"And if you shoot Callum dead... I'll open fire against you and your friend. You don't want that... right? ♥︎"



Hey! Fox is back and this time, Ryu isn't after my ass. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Shout out to Little_Cute_Cookie for hooking me up with the decklist. I have no clue what I'm doing for Pale Moon, so having her help out was a big relief.

Izanoku: It feels good, knowing I won my first fight.

Masaru: I can't believe I lost to you...

Izanoku: Sucks to be the loser, hun.

Masaru: Ahuh.



Ryu: *laughs in Zeon*

Istg why are you guys here—

Izanoku: Why are you here?

Masaru: Sick burn

Izanoku: I'd like to see you do better.

Masaru: Uhhh, no thanks

Izanoku: Scaredy cat

Masaru: Funny thing, my avatar is a giant robot cat...

Izanoku: Well... your avatar is adorable then. Cats are super cute...

Dogs are better don't @ me

Masaru: I mean, both are pretty cool. Tigers are a very strong beast in Malaysia, so y'know, gotta show off that strength.


Masaru: Okay Mr. I'm gonna use ZTB 2nd

Ryuzaki: Imma sue Fox for this

No screen time for you

Ryuzaki: Time to go back to Memefinity War...

Izanoku: Nah. Cats are superior~

Yo can I kick Izanoku out of the story?

Izanoku: I'll get Callum on you...

Ok nvm...

Izanoku: Good boy.

So, can you guys please get out?

Izanoku: I don't wanna. It's fun annoying you~

Masaru: ^

I'll ship you two!


Masaru: The ship master cannot be shipped! *disappears in smoke*

Izanoku: Hey, don't leave me behind! *exits out the back door*

:moripalm: I'm sorry about the characters. They... they have a mind of their own.

That's all,

Fox out!

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