Turn 68: Zones

Hand: 7
Damage: 2

Hand: 8
Damage: 3

"Your going Freezeray Dragon huh..." Hiyori tched.
"Yes, yes I am!" Kyle declared. "Come at me now!!"
"Alright then, my turn, I draw!!" Hiyori declared.

(Opening here)

"A special show for one night only, let the sparkling lights of the circus dazzle everyone here today! I ride my avatar, Prodigal Magician, Liliana!" Hiyori declared, the vanguard circle expanding dark lilac. "Generation Stride!" She twirled and slammed a card into the drop zone. "Fervour Dragon Master, Renetta! Stride skill, counterblast one and soulcharge one (Darkside Knife Thrower) and with Magia, I call from soul Darkside Knife Thrower! She gets a skill where if her attack hits, I countercharge one. Darkside's skill, soulcharge one (Parasol Trapeze) and skill, call her and give her 3k. (7000 > 10000) Skill of Trapeze, when called, soulcharge one (Heart Throb Performer, Verena) and call from soul Porilia and she gets 3k! (8000 > 11000) Then, since a card was called using Magia, Trapeze gets 2k! (10000 > 12000)" Hiyori smirked.
"Let's see what she can do..." Ryu muttered as he watched his step-sister play Kyle.
"Now, the Vanguard attacks the rear-guard! (26000 > 31000)"
"I see what your doing," Kyle retired Iron. "Unfortunately, the two other attacks you have prepared will have you locked."
"Triple drive! (Parasol Trapeze, Poison Juggler, Weapon Juggler, Revlan) A critical. Power to Porilia, critical to Darkside. (11000 > 16000) (1★ > 2★) Turn end. Everything back into soul." Hiyori added.

Hand: 7
Damage: 2

Hand: 11
Damage: 3

"You left me a nice little target to lock when necessary. My turn. Stand and draw... BLACK CHAINS THAT HOLD THE DRAGON, BE BROKEN AND UNLEASH TRUE CHAOS!! SHOW NO MERCY, I RIDE MY AVATAR!!" Kyle exclaimed. "CHAOS BREAKER DRAGON, RIDE!!" The vanguard circle expanded black, with red scattered across the circle. "Now, LIBERATING THE GENERATION ZONE! THE SYNONYMOUS SCYTHE TO THE DESCENT OF THE PITIFUL WORLD, BREAK IT INTO A CLOWN'S CHAOS!!! DEATH STAR-VADER, CHAOS UNIVERSE."

Chaos Universe arose from dust being thrown around on Cray. The magicians of Pale Moon weren't on their normal turf, and so were the Star-vaders.
"You, shall be encased in the lock." Chaos Universe pointed his scythe at Cheerful Ringmaster, which was then encased in an atom as a card.

"Stride skill, lock your rear-guard! Skill of Chaos Universe, counterblast and unflip! Call a card from your hand face down as locked!" Kyle demanded.
"Lock." Hiyori said as she called a card to the back row.
"Call from hand, Photon. Skill of Zinc, her into soul and I unflip two and soulcharge two. (Demon Star-vader, Lanthanum, Destiny Dealer) Now, call Lanthanum. Boosted by him, Photon attacks! His skill adds 2k! (11000 > 18000)"
"Guard with Poison Juggler! (11000 > 21000)"
"Vanguard to the vanguard, (26000 > 31000)"
"No guard." Hiyori nodded.
"Triple drive!! (Flowers in Vacuum, Cosmo Wreath, Vortex Star-vader, Molybdenum, Companion Star Star-vader, Photon) Draw trigger, power to vanguard and draw." Kyle responded, smirking.
"Damage check. (Assistant Magician, Kensin)"
"Now I end."

Hand: 8
Damage: 2

Hand: 9
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw! Generation Zone, release! Generation Stride, Refreshing Megatrick, Primrose!" The vanguard circle expanded dark lilac. She checked through her soul. "Skill of Primrose. Counterblast and G Persona Blast, for each face up G Unit, call one from soul and they get 3k. Calling, Trapeze, Porilia and Knife Thrower. Skill of Trapeze, she also gets 4k. (7000 > 14000) (8000 > 11000) (9000 > 12000) Then, they all get a skill where if their attack hits, I unflip one." Hiyori explained.
"Applying pressure... Hm, alright." Kyle nodded as he went through his hand cards.
"First off, Knife Thrower will attack! (12000)"
"Generation Guard. Death Star-vader, Alexander. His skill, Counterblast one and lock Porilia. Since you have two or more locked units, he gets 10000 shield. (11000 > 36000)"
"Damn it... Vanguard attack! (26000)"
"No guard."
"Triple drive!! (Surprise Bunny, Diving Manticore, Darkside Archer Master) Critical, everything to vanguard! (26000 > 31000/1★ > 2★)"
"Nice pull... (Fallen Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon, Turmoil Star-vader, Zinc)" Kyle smirked darkly.
"Turn end. Magia units back into soul and unlock locked units."

Hand: 7
Damage: 4

Hand: 12
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw. GENERATION ZONE, BECOME LIBERATED! A DEATHLY WHIRLWIND OF NO RETURN, THE BLACK HOLE SHALL LOCK EVERYTHING THAT STANDS IN ITS PATH!! NOW, SWALLOW EVEN MORE OF THIS DAMNED LAND! GENERATION, STRIDE." Kyle smirked. "Conquering Death Star-vader, Dark Hole Dragon!!" The vanguard circle expanded black with red crackling on it, as a force overcame Kyle.

"What's this... SENSATION?!" Kyle screamed in his mind, a sudden feeling overwhelmed him. Striding this card for the first time, started to give him a rush. Something he had never experienced before.
"Stride... Skill..." He got a grasp on himself as he breathed in and out heavily, the crowd amused by the shift in tone. The air felt slightly heavy. The battle grew dark. "Lock, Porilia. Then, skill of Dark Hole. When placed, I Counterblast one and lock two rear-guards...!"

"Encased in Black Death, the whirlwind shall swallow you." Dark Hole Dragon said. He resembled his former self, Black Hole Dragon, but his armour was more jagged and more rough, a hollow look in his eyes, and his armour a dark and dishevelled grey, with spikes a blood red. The Dragon had a fierce look across his face. He moved his halberd forward, as a black hole opened and it sucked up the remaining rear-guards, and spat them back out as locked.

"Lanthanum gets 2k when a card is locked. (7000 > 13000) The Star-vaders shall break through. Boosted by Dracokid, Dark Hole Dragon, attack! Limit Break!" Kyle declared, the vanguard circle expanding on top of the card, as the damage zone gleamed bright white. "I counterblast one, G Blast a Black Hole Dragon and soulblast one for each locked card on my opponent's board. I omega lock them all and draw cards equal to the amount of cards I soulblasted. Then, all my Star-vader units get 3k for every two of your locked cards. (26000 > 37000) (9000 > 12000) (13000 > 16000)"
"Perfect Guard!" Hiyori declared.
"Triple drive!! (Star-vader, Infinite Zero Dragon, Vortex Star-vader, Molybdenum, Disorder Star-vader, Iron) Draw, power to Iron and draw. (12000 > 17000) Now, Iron! (17000 > 19000 > 35000)"
"Generation Zone, release! G Guarding with Rainbow of Happiness, Mirana! Her skill, check top five cards of the deck, and put two into soul. (Clumsy Pierrot, Energetic Juggler) Then she gets 10k shield! (11000 > 26000 > 36000)"
"Damn. End," Kyle sighed, as the feeling died down within him.

Hand: 14
Damage: 4

Hand: 9
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw. Generation Zone, release! Fervour Dragon Master, Renetta! Stride skill! Counterblast one and soulcharge (Diving Manticore) to call Clumsy Pierrot to rear guard, and he gets 4k and a new skill. (7000 > 1000) When he's called, countercharge two and soulcharge one (Heart Throb Performer, Verana) Skill of Energetic Juggler, returning him to deck, searching deck for Crimson Fang Dual Horn, put him into soul, then I shuffle deck, then using Magia, calling Dual Horn with 5k. (9000 > 14000) Then, Dual Horn attacks! His skill, he gets 3k! (14000 > 17000)"
"No guard! (Sunset Edge, Duskblade)"
"Alright, your at 5 damage! Now, Vanguard attacks! Skill, G Flip a Mirana and then, soulcharge one (Weapon Juggler, Revlan) And call from soul, Darkside Knife Thrower. Her skill gives her 3k, and Renetta gives her 2k! (9000 > 14000)"
"Perfect guard." Kyle responded.
"Triple drive! (Darkside Mirror Master, Darkside Knife Thrower, Darkside Archer Master) Critical! Everything to Knife Thrower! (14000 > 19000/1★ > 2★) Attack!"
"Generation Guard! Death Star-vader, Alexander. His skill, counterblast and Lock, Knife Thrower."
"Damn... End." Hiyori unlocked Knife Thrower and put Pierrot into soul.

Hand: 11
Damage: 5

Hand: 12
Damage: 4

"Now, you shall know what "lock" means." Kyle slammed a card into the Drop Zone. "GENERATION ZONE, BECOME LIBERATED! A DEATHLY WHIRLWIND OF NO RETURN, THE BLACK HOLE SHALL LOCK EVERYTHING THAT STANDS IN ITS PATH!! NOW, SWALLOW EVEN MORE OF THIS DAMNED LAND! GENERATION, STRIDE." Kyle smirked. "Conquering Death Star-vader, Dark Hole Dragon!!" The vanguard circle expanded black with red crackling on it, as he felt the same rush.
"This fake me... And the real me... The fake... The real... Fake... Real... Taint it... Boring me... Exciting me... who is... Who am... I am... WHO IS THE REAL ME?!" Kyle grit his teeth as sweat dripped from his forehead.
"Are you okay?" Hiyori raised an eyebrow. Kyle bit down on his bottom lip hard, a grin drew across his face as his eyes were wide, and his head hung low.
"I'm... Fine..." He started to bite onto his finger, his lips bleeding. "Stride... Skill. Lock, Knife... Skill of Lanthanum... (7000 > 9000) Call from hand, Zinc and her skill, into soul and unflip two and soulcharge two... (Sunset Edge, Duskblade, Star-vader, Meteor Liger) Now, call Iron and Lanthanum to rear-guard. The lock, is the essential end. Vanguard, attack. Skill, activated. I counterblast one, G Flip a Black Hole and soulblast 4. Drawing four cards and my units get 6k. (26000 > 31000 > 42000) (9000 > 15000) (9000 > 15000) (9000 > 15000) (7000 > 13000) Then, I Omega Lock your rear-guards!"
"Perfect guard..." Hiyori grit her teeth. She was locked out of most options by now.
"Triple drive! (Disorder Star-vader, Iron, Destiny Dealer, Fallen Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon) Nothing. Boosted by Lanthanum, Iron. Skill, add 2k! (15000 > 29000)"
"Guard with Energetic Juggler and Darkside Archer Master! (11000 > 31000)"
"Coming at you again! (15000 > 32000)"
"Guard with Poison Juggler, Revlan, Surprise Bunny and Darkside Knife Thrower! (11000 > 36000)"
"I've just 8 cards out of hand. Have fun." Kyle smirked.

Hand: 15
Damage: 5

Hand: 4
Damage: 4

"I can't do much, so Generation Stride, Tarot Magician Prodigy, Liliana. Attack with her. (26000)"
"Perfect guard." Kyle said.
"One perfect guard left." Hiyori deducted. "Triple drive! (Prodigal Magician, Liliana, Assistant Magician, Kensin, Masked Beast Tamer, Porilia) Nothing... Well, end."

Hand: 13
Damage: 5

Hand: 7
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw. Break them, this turn!" Kyle declared. "GENERATION ZONE, BECOME LIBERATED! A DEATHLY WHIRLWIND OF NO RETURN, THE BLACK HOLE SHALL LOCK EVERYTHING THAT STANDS IN ITS PATH!! NOW, SWALLOW EVEN MORE OF THIS DAMNED LAND! GENERATION, STRIDE." Kyle smirked. "Conquering Death Star-vader, Dark Hole Dragon!!" The vanguard circle expanded black with red crackling on it, as he felt the same rush. "Now... Calling Zinc and into soul, unflip two and soulcharge two (Companion Star Star-vader, Photon) Oh, it's seems I've decked out." Kyle sweatdropped.
"Well... Uh..." Hiyori sweatdropped. "That what happens when you draw seven and six cards in a turn and have no way reshuffle cards from drop into deck..."
"Well, good game." Kyle shook her hand.
"Same to you, Kyle."

"That was... Anticlimactic!!" Ryu whined. "I can't believe he decked out..."

"Well, thank you all for coming! I hope you enjoyed today." Hiyori waved with a grin.
The crowd started to clap and whistle for her, as Kyle went to sit back down.

Outside, the rain had cleared up. It was more sunny out, and Hiyori was talking to Ryu.
"Today was pretty interesting... It's a shame I didn't get to see what Tarot Liliana could do." Ryu sighed.
"Well, when you locked out of situations, you just gotta hope. That Dark Hole Dragon had impressive drawing power however."
"Indeed." Ryu replied. "I'm gonna get us some drinks, be right back." He walked away, as Hiyori nodded. She took off her magicians hat and breathed in and out, smiling.

Kyle watched from a distance, and his hand was deep into his bag. Grasping it, was a kitchen knife. He grit his teeth and pulled it out, looking at the shiny silver blade. He breathed in and out, shaking.
"Am I really going to go through with this?!"

"Kill a girl and save a dozen lives. It's that simple." Backlion said to him.

"Kill a girl... And save.... A dozen... Lives..." Kyle grit his teeth and breathed in and out heavily, sweat dripping from his forehead. "Damn BACKLION!" Kyle shouted as he stabbed himself in the leg, grunting from the pain. "Urg...." He breathed in and out, shaking. "What's wrong with me.... AH!" He dropped his knife and clutched his head and shook hard. The Яeverse Kyle and the normal Kyle was clashing. His morals were demoralised. What was right from wrong? If he took one life, he saved a dozen. If he didn't kill one, twelve would die.
"Kyle, are you okay?" Hiyori noticed the shaking Kyle and tapped his back. Rearing his head and looking at her with an ugly face, a distraught and afraid face. His frown started to become a smile, as the deranged Kyle and picked up his knife. "Why do you have that?" Hiyori asked, as she gasped.
Kyle shook with a smile, his face showing confusion between sadness, regret and happiness and insanity. He had shoved the knife between her breasts, bang in the middle of her heart, as she wheezed. Red spilled onto the blade, her blood being a similar shade to Kyle's.
"I'm... Sorry?" He replied, as a single tear went down his eye as Hiyori choked on her own words.



Sorry Taddle_Fantasy but I needed to move the plot along.

We're nearing 100 parts. Yay?

Next up, is the aftermath of this and Kinjuzo meeting Mai. Let's see how this'll come out.

Sorry for the 1 month wait.

That's all, Fox out!

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