"But why?" Yza asked as Shika said,
"Kane, he's part of the... Well."
"Oh. OH. And his next match is with... Maxios!!" Yza exclaimed in worry.
Serena knocked on Sanda's door.
"Hey, Sanda, wake up, we have a flight back to Star Gate." She shouted. She waited and knocked again. "Man, how long did he stay up last night..." She sweatdropped before opening the door by accident. Her pupils shrunk and she covered her mouth. She felt like screaming, and at the same time throwing up. She shook and fell to the floor. "W-who... killed him?!" She said in a shaky tone, as Shika and Yza ran past to find Maxios' room, they came across Serena looking right at Sanda's dead body.
"..." Yza's eyes widened as Shika charged right in and looked around, hoping to find his Super Striker deck. He started by examining his slit wrists, which had some blood bleeding out; just a minor side effect of Ayato not cleaning completely up after himself. That and some fresh blood dropped out slightly overtime from the blood in his arms dripping out slowly.
"Shit, we got another Izo on our hands! Someone call the Staff and Kaiko!!"
Ryuzaki heard Shika's loud command and walked over, nosily prying in.
"Oh, he's dead..." He said in slight distaste as Yza was imagining what might happen to Maxios.
"AAAAAAAAH!!" Yza let out a loud cry as people inside their hotel rooms gathered round and saw this, and Shika's bloodied hands from looking around.
"That silver haired boy! He killed him!!" People started to accuse Shika.
"No, I didn't!!" He exclaimed back.
"Then what's with the blood?!"
He looked at his red stained hands. "Damn it, I didn't think this through, did I?" He mumbled to himself. Staff came over immediately and saw Shika inside the room with bloody hands and Sanda's dead corpse.
"Get the kid, he murdered him!!" The staff member commanded as the guards charged into Shika.
"N-no!! I SWEAR I DIDN'T DO IT! YZA, SERENA, YOU KNOW!!" He called out. Yza was to worried to respond and Serena was in too much shock to notice that Shika was screaming his head off.
"Shut up kid, you'll be put on death row for this." The guards tightly kept Shika down.
"SHIT!!" He cried out in anger.
(Insert theme song here)
"Before we begin Round 3, we would have to unfortunately announce that Shika Akia, a Quarter Finalist, has become a prime suspect for the murder of Sanda Tsugeki. If he is proven guilty, Kurakuya Kage will be announced as the Quarter Finalist instead." The Announcer said.
Shika was sitting in a police car angered at himself.
"Damn it..." He mumbled.
Yza meanwhile was talking with the police, saying that it wasn't Shika, but instead called Yza crazy and left him there. Serena had left for her flight as everything looked bleak for Yza.
"What the Hell... DAMMIT!!" He exclaimed in sadness as he slammed his fist on his bed.
"It'll be alright... Just please, calm down." Rukia said as she tried to comfort Yza.
"This is all bullshit, those policemen are idiots!" Yza exclaimed out.
"Hey, hey, not so loud... People can hear you ya know..." Rukia said as she hugged him softly.
"I-I'm... Sorry." He sighed. "I... I don't know what to do anymore."
"Well, just wait... I know Kaiko will dig further to find the true killer for Sanda!" Rukia smiled.
"...yeah." Yza replied.
"Izo Hiiro, Sanda Tsugeki, both exclusive clans users. Both male. Both played vanguard." Ryuzaki thought as he glugged down soda and threw a few Doritos into his mouth.
"Your thinking way too deep into this man." Maverick commented.
"For once he's right, it's probably just a coincidence." Payic sweatdropped.
"Hush, hush. I am the embodiment of L. I will find the culprit!!" He said as he got onto his chair and sat like L.
"..." Payic left the room with a "-_-" face.
"Whoo! You do you Ryuzaki!!" Maverick cheered.
"Now, Rachel Mikushicha versus Max Nagito will begin... NOW!!" The announcer declared.
"Stand up the vanguard!!" The fighters exclaimed.
"Peter the Ghostie!" Max smirked, vanguard circle expanding blue.
"Witch of Banquets, Lir!" Rachel exclaimed, vanguard expanding pale violet. "Let me start for us. Stand and draw. Ride, Dana and Lir moves. End."
Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Hand: 5
Damage: 0
"Stand and draw. Ride, Sea Strolling Banshee, and Peter moves. Call, Good Luck Charm Banshee, into soul and draw. With a boost from Peter, Sea Strolling attacks. (6000 > 11000)." Max said, his expression seeming cold as ice as his brown coloured bangs were now out of the way of his brown eyes.
"No guard." Rachel replied.
"Drive check. (Captain Nightmist) No trigger." Max said.
"Damage check. (Cultus Witch, Rias)" Rachel gave a glare.
"The tension in the air is sweet, is it not?" Max commented with a victorious smirk.
"Shut up." Rachel commented with distaste. "I suspect you have to do something with why my brother broke. I'll get my revenge on you, Max Nagito..." She growled in her mind.
Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Hand: 6
Damage: 0
"Humans are so fragile..." Max thought with a cold expression. "Little things will set them off. Although, I'm glad I'm a human. We're the actual predators of this earth. Our only enemies... Are each other." He smiled slightly.
"Ride, Deirdre and call Nemain. Skill, counterblast, discard and draw two cards. Attack! (9000 > 14000)" Rachel declared.
"No guard." He replied.
"Drive check!! (Little Skull Witch, Nemain)" Rachel said.
"Damage check. (Dancing Cutlass)" He sighed.
"Turn end." Rachel replied.
Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Hand: 6
Damage: 1
"Stand and draw. I ride, Commodore Blueblood and call Cutlass. Skill, soulblast two and draw a card. Call, Deadly Spirit." Max said. "The witches feed off me having rear-guards to replace. If they want to replace, that's fine, I'll revive my units again and again and again..." He smirked. "With a boost from Cutlass, Spirit attacks! (9000 > 14000)"
"No guard! (Lizard Witch, Eine) Draw, power to vanguard and draw! (9000 > 14000)" She replied.
"Vanguard. (9000 > 14000)" He said.
"Nemain, intercept!! (14000 > 19000) Rachel exclaimed.
"Drive. (Dandy Guy, Romario)" Max said. "Turn end."
Hand: 7
Damage: 2
Hand: 7
Damage: 1
"Stand and draw. Queen of illusions, master of reality, show yourself!! I ride my avatar, Mezmerising Witch, Fianna!" Rachel declared. Her vanguard circle expanded violet. "Call, Deirdre. Skill, soulblast and replace Deadly Spirit with your grade 0 in drop zone!"
"That'll be fine." He smirked. "Thanks for giving me a free draw next turn."
"Call, Branwen. With a boost, attack! (9000 > 16000)" Rachel declared.
"Rough Seas guard. (9000 > 19000)" Max said.
"Vanguard! (11000 > 16000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"No guard." Max smirked.
"Twin Drive!! (Witch of Precious Stones, Dana, Witch of Black Doves, Goewin) Critical, everything to vanguard! (16000 > 21000/1★ > 2★)" Rachel grinned.
"Damage check. (Ice Floe Swordsman, Nightsnow, Assault Command, Carignan) Useless critical." Max tched.
"Turn end." Rachel said.
Hand: 7
Damage: 2
Hand: 6
Damage: 3
(Play the song in the media here)
"Stand and draw. Torn black flags and epic adventurers, we shall begin a new age! Ride the Seven Seas, my Lord! Nightmist ride!" The vanguard circle expanding dark blue. "Generation, Stride. Ghostie Great King, Obadiah. Skill of Obadiah, going through my deck and throwing into drop zone, Sea Strolling Banshee, Deadly Nightmare and Deadly Spirit. Using skill of Rough Seas, into soul and draw one. Skill of Deadly Spirit, soulblast and retire Cutlass, and superior call him from drop. Skill of Peter, counterblast and into soul, mill two (Ice Floe Swordsman, Nightsnow, Waterspout Djinn) and draw one. Call, Romario and Banshee from hand. With a boost from Romario, Deadly Spirit attacks. (9000 > 17000)" Max explained with a smirk.
"Deirdre intercept and Dana guard!! (11000 > 21000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"The Vanguard attacks! (26000 > 33000)" Max exclaimed.
"No guard!" She replied.
"Ok then, triple drive!! (Captain Nightmist, Knight Spirit, Dandy Guy, Romario) Ah, a critical. Everything to vanguard." He smirked. (33000 > 38000/1★ > 2★)
"Damn! Damage! (Witch of Reality, Femme, Witch's Familiar, Kuroma)" Rachel tched.
"Turn end." Max laughed.
Hand: 6
Damage: 4
Hand: 8
Damage: 3
"Stand and draw. Generation, Stride! Supremacy Black Dragon, Aurageyser! Call, Femme. Attack! Her skill, add 3k! (9000 > 12000 > 19000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"Ah, your just one card short from Legion. How pathetic and sad." Max commented. "No guard. (Three Star Chef, Pietro)" He then grinned.
"Cram it, Aurageyser attacks! His skill, counterblast! Soulblast! Retiring Femme and Branwen and G Persona Blast! Revealing top two cards of deck! (Little Skull Witch, Nemain, Witch of Goats, Medb) You should probably watch your mouth, karma is really hitting you hard, isn't it? (26000 > 31000 > 41000)" She smirked.
"I think you shouldn't get too ahead of yourself; as I have a perfect guard. Skill, countercharge." Max grinned.
"Damn you..." Rachel muttered. "Triple drive!! (Witch's Familiar, Kuroma, Witch of Black Cats, Milcra, Mesmerizing Witch, Fianna) Yes, a heal! Healing one and end my turn."
Hand: 9
Damage: 3
Hand: 6
Damage: 4
"Wow, this game will be dull... I've won." Max commented.
"Huh? Your deck is thinned as hell, your gonna deck out." Rachel commented. "All I have to do is drag the game out and if you try to mass draw, you'll damage yourself even further. Your tactics are reckless, you aren't worthy of being a Granblue player."
"You can apply the same to your brother. He lost to Royal Paladins, and they weren't even a meta deck. I don't know about you, but I didn't beat Bermuda Triangle, but instead Gear Chronicle, one of the most arguably over supported and broken clans in this game. To be fair, it was a Chronofang-Chronoscommand Hybrid, but they both have extremely good support. And besides, I'm not worried about my deck. Stand and draw... Now, BREAK RIDE!!" Max shouted, vanguard circle expanding dark blue.
"Break ride, huh?" She mumbled.
"Lord of the Seven Seas, Nightmist. Break Ride skill, add 10k (11000 > 21000) and superior call from the drop zone, Sea Strolling and Rough Seas Banshee. Add 5000 power (6000 > 11000) (4000 > 9000) and they retire at end of turn! Skill of Sea Strolling, soulblast and draw. Then, Rough Seas' skill, into soul, and draw. I just netted a plus two and I'm about to make you suffer... Call, Romario and him and Banshee swap places. With a boost from Romario, Spirit attacks! (9000 > 17000)" Max smirked.
"No guard! (Cultus Witch, Rias)" Rachel said.
"Vanguard, attacks! Skill, add 2k! (21000 > 23000 > 30000)" Max laughed.
"S-shit, Nemain, perfect guard! Skill, draw and drop!" Rachel said.
"So be it, twin drive!! (Assault Command, Carignan, Commodore Blueblood) Got it. A critical, everything to Banshee. (11000 > 16000/1★ > 2★) Attack! (16000 > 24000, 2★)" Max grinned.
"That's insane..." Rachel stammered.
"Go on, say no guard. Let's get the game over and done with..." Max hissed.
"No way, Generation Guard! Dark Knight, Ludvik! (11000 > 26000)" Rachel panted.
"That was anti-climatic. Turn end." Max tched.
Hand: 6
Damage: 4
Hand: 9
Damage: 4
"Stand and draw. You left me with lots of nice targets to transform! Prepare to see what the world truly holds for you... Legion, Seek Mate!! Witch of Reality, Femme!!" Rachel declared. She shuffled back four cards, and her vanguard circle expanded violet, and the Legion symbol appeared between the two cards. "I activate Fianna's skill! Counterblast 2 and your left row become grade 0's once you check the top ten cards of your deck!"
Max smirked. "I have nothing to fear. (Ice Floe Swordsman, Nightsnow, Samurai Spirit, Assualt Command, Carignan, Rough Seas Banshee, Captain Nightmist, Commodore Blueblood, Waterspout Djinn, Three Star Chef, Pietro, Good Luck Charm Banshee, Lord of the Seven Seas, Nightmist) Replacing them with Carignan and Banshee."
"Perfect. Call, Fianna, skill of Fianna, retire and draw two! Call, Kuroma. Skill, discard, and since you have two grade 0 rear-guards, draw two! Call, Deirdre and soulblast! Replace, Romario with a grade 0 in drop zone!" Rachel smirked.
"Rough Seas will replace." Max said. "She's just setting me up for free draws and a Gouache spam."
"With a boost, attack! (9000 > 14000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"Guard with Deadly Spirit. (11000 > 16000)" Max said.
"Legion Attack! (20000 > 25000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"Waterspout Djinn stops you, skill, countercharge!" Max exclaimed back.
"Damn you! Twin Drive!! (Inspection Witch, Deirdre, Skull Witch, Nemain) Nothing?!" Rachel exclaimed. "Shit... Turn end."
Hand: 11
Damage: 4
Hand: 6
Damage: 4
"It's such a tight game, with each player gaining massive hands and thinning their deck extremely low, I can't begin to wonder how one will win!!" The announcer exclaimed.
"It'll become a h-o-ld out for who can destroy each other's deck first!" Dr. O exclaimed.
"Stand and draw. Let's go, Break Ride! My Lord, Nightmist! Skill, add 10k! (11000 > 21000) And superior call, Sea Strolling and Rough Seas! Skill, add 5k and they retire at end of turn! (6000 > 11000) (4000 > 9000) Skill of Sea Strolling, soulblast and draw. Generation, Stride! Cutlasses and Blasters in hand, a powerful assualt from the king of the seas! Generation Stride, Tempest-calling Pirate King, Gouache! Skill of all Banshees, into soul, draw three! Skill of Gouache, counterblast and soulblast, I discard every card from my soul, which is five and call a card for every emptied card! Call back my three Rough Seas, Romario and Nightmist! Then, add 1000 power for every face card in the G Zone, so add 1k! (4000 > 5000) (4000 > 5000) (4000 > 5000) (8000 > 9000) (8000 > 9000) Then, skill of Banshees once more, into soul and draw!" Max grinned as he had now drew six cards suddenly, as his hand pumped from six to twelve in a single swoop. "My deck looks dangerously thin... But that's ok. I call, Blueblood, Carignan and Pietro. Skills of Samurai Spirit and Deadly Nightmare, counterblast and soulblast, retire Carignan and Pietro, and superior call from drop!"
"He has a perfect field!!" Rachel gasped.
"While this may not be perfect, but I'll be able to crush your hand down into little bits, and I prevented you using Sinclair. With a boost from Deadly Nightmare, Blueblood! (10000 > 17000)" Max growled.
"Guard with Kuroma and Nemain! (11000 > 21000)" Rachel gulped.
"Vanguard!! (26000 > 33000)" Max shouted.
"Generation Guard, Dark Knight, Ludvik and add Medb and Eine! (11000 > 26000 > 36000 > 41000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"From 11 to 6, how wonderful. I only need two triggers. And as you know, I have... Well, eight triggers left in this thinned out deck. I've won. (Knight Spirit, Lord of the Seven Seas, Nightmist, Good Luck Charm Banshee) Two triggers. Everything to Gouache!! (33000 > 43000/1★ > 2★)" Max grinned evilly. "Your fate is similar to your..." He started to say something before mouthing the rest to tease her.
"Bastard. Damage check!! (Cultus Witch, Rias, Mesmerizing Witch, Fianna) ...Nothing?!" Rachel exclaimed in disbelief.
"And there we have it!! Max Nagito managed to win this tense game!!" The announcer exclaimed. Max revealed his hand to Rachel.
"I say luck was on my side, as I drew four out of my "remaining eight" triggers." He laughed on victory, a devilish smirk on.
"Whatever..." Rachel said disappointed. She walked away in defeat.
"Hehe." Max giggled to himself as he walked away.
In the hallway, a shadowed figure clapped for Max. "Very well done. I'm quite glad I enrolled you to join the Яeverse."
"Thank you, De-" Max started before the figure put up his hand.
"Someone is watching us..." He said. Kurakuya tched as he disappeared from eavesdropping, in the shadows.
"Are they gone?" Max asked. The shadowed figure walked out slightly, revealing his fair skin and a single strand of blue hair.
"Yes... I think so. Kane will initiate the beams. I'll have her look out for him and see if after the crushing of Maxios will break his spirits by even a bit for his... Well." The figure smirked.
"Why, that's a nice plan, isn't it?" Max smirked as he walked past the figure as the figure turned around and followed him.
"It's necessary to bring the world's together... Their Collapse will be important for me to start the true war." He laughed.
(I'm gonna keep this quick as it's nearing 3000 words O.O)
Whoo, let the plot thicken XD
Anyways, leave your questions, dares and anything else for the OCs for Q n A, and since my usual One-shot giver is out currently, suggest some One-shots and I'll do the one which I believe is the best to write!
That's all, Fox out!
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