Turn 42: Revenge

"Goddammit Ayaza..." Ayato sighed. His phone started to ring as he answered. "Hello?"
"Hey Ayato!" Zeon said.
"Hello, what is it?" Ayato asked with a sigh.
"He wants you to keep a close eye on your opponent. She has ties with you know who." Zeon said.
"Give me a break, you've already done your assigned task and now your pushing me to do it now? Look, I know you did yours already and everyone else has yet to complete there's, but mate, you don't need to do it within a couple of months!" Ayato exclaimed.
"Izo was going to become a threat soon. I understand he isn't as big and you can hang back, but taking action later could break our operation. You don't want your dad to get angry now, do you?" Zeon asked as Ayato sighed and ended the called abruptly.
"I'll do it later..." He left to the stadium.

(Insert theme song here)

"In the red corner, it's the king of the Vermillion, the doppelganger that came from nowhere, it's Ayato Korastacker!!" The announcer exclaimed as Ayato walked out, mask on and hood down, his blue hair exposed to the world, as a red light followed him.
"And in the blue corner, it's the Angels from the Sanctuary, the clan with some of the most broken cards ever, it's Serena Hasegawa!" The announer exclaimed as Serena came out with a sweatdrop.
"They aren't that broken, Refros is down to one now!" She exclaimed as a blue light followed her.
"So, we get a re-match from last time." Ayato said.
"Yes... This time, I'm sure to win!" Serena exclaimed.
"Don't put your money where your mouth is." Ayato said. "We all know I'm the best here."
"Cockiness is the thing that's gonna make you lose, Ayato." Serena sighed.
"Really? Because this confidence comes with sureness, sureness that I'll win. Unlike certain hotheaded people, I'm cold but I know I'll win. Unlike weaklings who have confidence as a shield and it breaks when they need them the most," Ayato said before coughing. "Rino," He coughed again. "Inu," And coughed again. "Sorry, something tickled my throat..."
"You certainly bring up a big talk.." Serena sighed.
"Stand up (The!) Vanguard!" Ayato and Serena exclaimed.
"Lizard Soldier, Saishin." Ayato said as the vanguard circle expanded orange.
"Black Report, Ridwan!" Serena exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding pink.

"Stand and draw. I ride Nakir and move Ridwan. End."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. I ride Red River and pull back Saishin. Call, another Red River. Attack. (8000 > 16000)" Ayato said.
"No guard." Serena replied calmly.
"Drive check. (Wyvern Guard, Guld) No trigger." Ayato said.
"Damage check! (Retractor, Sarkiel) No trigger..." Serena replied.
"Turn end." Ayato replied.

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! I ride Treatment Nurse and attack! (9000 > 14000)" Serena exclaimed.
"No guard." Ayato replied.
"Drive check! (Black Spark, Munkar) Alright, a crit! Everything to vanguard! (14000 > 19000/1★ > 2★)" Serena smirked.
"Damage check. (Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion "THE BLOOD", Dragonic Deathscythe)" Ayato sighed. "No trigger."
"Turn end." Serena smirked.

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw. I ride Thunderstorm and call Chatura. Chatura! (11000 > 16000)" Ayato declared.
"Munkar guards! (9000 > 19000)" Serena replied.
"So be it." Ayato replied simply, slightly dissappointed he wasn't able to draw a card. "Vanguard attacks! (10000 > 18000)"
"No guard." Serena shook her head as Ayato flipped a card. (Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion) "Damage check. (Nurse of Smash Heart)"
"Turn end." Ayato replied as he shuffled his hand.

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw. Flutter down and help the wounded soldiers of United Sanctuary, let your black wings fly!! I ride my avatar!! Black Shiver, Gavrail!!" Serena exclaimed. The vanguard circle expanded a light pink.

Gavrail descended from the sky gracefully, as the battlefield grew more wary, the destroying angel had arrived. Thunderstorm smirked to keep his spirit up, but was mostly terrified at what could happen next.
"Hey, pinkie!" Thunderstorm called out, trying to anger the angel.
"Yes?" Gavrail replied unamused at his insult, as a cold glare was shot at the blonde knight.
"Come at me with all you-" Thunderstorm started before being shocked suddenly with electric.

"With a boost from Maalik, Broken Heart attacks! (9000 > 16000)" Serena declared.
"No guard. (Djinn of Paranoia) Draw trigger. I draw a card. (10000 > 15000)" Ayato replied.
"Gavrail attacks! (11000 > 16000)" Serena exclaimed.
"Plasma Dance, shield me! (10000 > 20000)" Ayato declared, as Serena flipped two cards.
"First. (Nurse of Broken Heart) Second... (Drill Motor Nurse) Damn, nothing... Turn end." Serena sighed.

Hand: 5
Damage: 3

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw... The ominous thunder and the blackened night, curse those who choose to face it! The resonating thunder shall burn all!! I ride, the Master! Dragonic Kaiser Crimson!" Ayato exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding a crimson.

Dragonic Kaiser Crimson emerged from smoke, as a sucess of rapid green lightning and thunder hit the clouds that layed as the battlefield. The grey thin smoke cleared out, as the shadow of the bulky dragon could be seen on the pure white clouds, as Dragonic Kaiser Crimson stood there, ready to kill, as an ear shattering roar came from it's mouth.

"Generation, Stride. Lightning Dragon Knight, Zorras!" Ayato declared. "Let's burn them into a crisp... Call, Crownholder and Chatura. With a boost, Chatura! (11000 > 16000)"
"Guard with Danger Heart! (11000 > 21000)" Serena exclaimed.
"Annoying fool. Vanguard!! (26000 > 34000)" Ayato exclaimed, throwing his hand foward, the palm pointing to Serena.
"No guard!" Serena gritted her teeth.
"Triple Drive." Ayato smirked, as a slight glimmer could be seen under his mask. (Thunderstorm Dragoon, Demonic Dragon Nymph, Seiobo) "Heal trigger. Power to my standing Chatura and healing a damage. (11000 > 16000) Last check. (Yellow Gem Carbuncle) Perfect..." Ayato grinned as he gave the critical to vanguard and power to Chatura. (16000 > 21000)

Zorras used his red spear to pierce Gavrail, as a shock of lightning jolted throughout the angel's body, as she screamed in agony, as Zorras smirked victoriously for his hit.

"Damage check! (Surgery Angel) Stand trigger! Standing Broken Heart and power to vanguard. (11000 > 16000) (Black Dream, Zabaniya) No trigger." Serena sighed.
"On hit skill, choose a rear-guard and retire it, then I bind two drop zone cards." Ayato said.
"Retire, Maalik." Serena said as she moved the card into the drop zone.
"Then, bind Munkar and Danger Heart." Ayato smirked. "Then Crownholder's skill. Since my Kaiser vanguard attack hit, add 2000 power! (7000 > 9000) Now it's Chatura's turn! (21000 > 30000)"
"Generation Guard!!" Serena cried out in desperation. "Holy Seraph, Oriphiel! Since I have four damage, add 5k shield! (16000 > 36000)"
"So be it. Turn end." Ayato replied.

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 3
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw! Liberating the Generation Zone! Black Wings of the Supreme Destroyer, spread out and let the world see the power of the new you! I stride, my TRUE AVATAR!" Serena exclaimed. "Black Seraph, Gavrail! Stride skill! Counterblast and check the top three cards of deck. Add Zabaniya to damage zone face up and put the rest to bottom of deck. Then, Broken Heart's skill! (26000 > 28000) (9000 > 11000) Then I call Zabaniya from damage zone face up! Add 2000 power! (9000 > 11000) Then her skill! Counterblast, soulblast, a card from hand to damage zone! (Drill Motor Nurse) Then Broken Heart's skill! (28000 > 30000) (11000 > 13000) And I choose Smash Heart! Call! Zabaniya gets 2k! (11000 > 13000) Then, I Rescue 1!" Serena exclaimed.
"Rescue, Angel Feather's new ability! You recover one damage then damage yourself!" The announcer exclaimed.
"Trigger effects also apply," Serena added as he she healed Drill Motor Nurse and damaged herself. (Nurse of Sweet Heart) "Heal trigger! Healing a damage and power to Vanguard! (30000 > 35000) Broken Heart's ability! (35000 > 37000) (13000 > 15000) Then Smash Heart's skill! Soulblast a card! Draw a card! Drill Motor's skill! Call with 3000 power! (7000 > 10000) Finally, I use Black Seraph's skill! Counterblast and G Persona Blast! Add two new skills! Now, with a boost from Drill Motor, Zabaniya! (13000 > 23000)" Serena exclaimed.
"Tch, nothing I can't handle." Ayato smirked as he took the damage. (Crownholder Dragon)
"Vanguard attacks! (37000 > 42000)" Serena exclaimed.
"Guld, perfect guard!" Ayato declared.

Gavrail attacked at Dragonic Kaiser, as Guld swooped in and made an inpenetrable barrier between the two as Gavrail's scissors didn't hit it's target.

"Triple Drive!! (Black Slice, Harut, Black Bomber, Maalik, Doctroid Refros) A stand! Power to Zabaniya and stand! (13000 > 18000/[< ] > [^]) Then, Gavrail's Rescue!" Serena smirked. "I Rescue two," She took two damage zone cards and put them into the drop zone. "And Ridwan's skill! Into soul, and add 4k to Zabaniya! (18000 > 22000) And since the card hit the drop zone because of Rescue, I call Nurse of Sweet Heart! Then, damage check! (Nurse of Broken Heart, Doctroid Remnon) Gavrail's other added skill! Add 4000 power to both Zabaniya and Broken Heart! (22000 > 26000) (15000 > 19000) Then Broken Heart's skill! Add another 4000, to both it and vanguard! (19000 > 23000) (37000 > 41000) Then, Zabaniya with a boost from Sweet Heart! (26000 > 31000)" Serena declared.
"Such an annoyance... No guard. (Thunderstorm Dragoon)" Ayato sighed.
"Broken Heart with a boost from Smash! (23000 > 28000)" Serena exclaimed.
"Generation, Guard." Ayato replied deathly calmly. "Lightning King Spirit Emporer, Vritra! Skill, THUNDERSTRIKE!" He exclaimed. (11000 > 26000 > 31000) "Add 5000 shield!"
"Damn it. Turn end." Serena laughed.

Hand: 2
Damage: 4

Hand: 6
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw... For as I hate everyone of you on this cursed Earth, I shall do you all a favour, and rid you off this place! A crash of thunder that'll make you suffer to no end, feel the heat and thunder of the Narukami!! Legion, and Seek the Mate! Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion, decsend from the Thunder God's heavens, and arise as my avatar!" Ayato smirked intensely under his mask.
"Here comes the fun bit..." Serena gritted her teeth.
"Now, break everything possible and go beyond God's limit! Limit Break, descend!" Ayato pratically screamed with passion as the damage zone cards glowed white and the vanguard circle expanded further as a crimson. Another large vanguard symbol appeared ontop of the two cards as it span fast. "Add 2000 power! (22000 > 24000) Then, vanguard, attack the front row! (24000 > 32000)" Ayato smirked devilishly as his palm pointed at Serena.
"Retire, Zabaniya and Broken Heart... Doctroid Remnon, perfect guard! Her skill, Rescue one! Counterblast, heal, and damage myself! (Nurse of Danger Heart) Critical! Everything to vanguard! (11000 > 16000/1★ > 2★)" Serena smirked.
"Crownholder's skill! Add 2000 power to it and Chatura for every hit! Two hits, so 4000 to each! (11000 > 15000) (7000 > 11000) Then, Twin Drive!!" Ayato smirked as his eyes glimmered under his mask. (Djinn of Paranoia, Djinn of Paranoia) "Two draw triggers. 5000 power to my left Chatura and draw two cards! (11000 > 21000) Then, with a boost from Saishin, Chatura swings in! (21000 > 26000)"
"No guard. (Black Call, Nakir)" Serena flinched.
"Saishin's skill! Counterblast and into soul, retire Sweet Heart, Chatura's skill, counterblast, draw and bind Doctroid Remnon in the drop zone!" Ayato declared. "Then, my other Chatura! (15000 > 26000)"
"Doctroid Refros and Sugery guards! (11000 > 31000)" Serena exclaimed, deseprate almost.
"Turn end." Ayato smirked.

Hand: 8
Damage: 4

Hand: 2
Damage: 4

"Two units, three cards and four damage. My win is basically decided." Ayato smiled with a tinge of confidence and evil mixed in.
"You haven't won just yet... Generation, Stride! My true avatar, Black Seraph, Gavrail! Stride skill! Counterblast, check the top three cards, put Broken Heart there and call her with 2k! (9000 > 11000) Then, I call from hand Harut! I activate Gavrail's skill, counterblast and G Persona Blast! Add two new skills, then with a boost from Smash Heart, Harut attacks! Skill of Harut, counterblast! Check the top two cards of deck, put one into damage zone face up, rest to bottom of deck, and call from the damage zone Maalik! Her skill, add a new skill! (9000 > 14000) And Broken Heart's skill! (9000 > 11000)(26000 > 28000)"
"Red River, shield me. (11000 > 16000)" Ayato said calmly.
"Then the vanguard! (28000)" Serena declared.
"Guld, once again, shield me!" Ayato declared.
Serena gritted her teeth. "Triple drive!!" She said with passion, she thought there was still a chance left to win and beat Ayato. (Requiem Pegasus, Black Dream, Zabaniya, Drill Motor Nurse) "N-no trigger..." She sighed. "Then, Rescue 2! Healing two and damage two! (Black Spark, Munkar, Black Slice, Harut) Critical! All to Broken Heart! (11000 > 16000/1★ > 2★) Smash Heart's skill, soulblast and draw! Gavrail's skill, add 4000 power to Broken Heart and Maalik! (16000 > 20000, 2★)(7000 > 11000) And Broken Heart's skill! (20000 > 24000, 2★)(28000 > 32000) With a boost from Maalik, Broken Heart! (24000 > 35000, 2★)" She exclaimed.
"Generation, Guard. Vritra, shield me! THUNDERSTRIKE! (11000 > 26000 > 31000) Chatura intercepts into the mix! (31000 > 36000)" Ayato exclaimed.
"Then Maalik's skill. Rescue one! (Black Shiver, Gavrail) Then that's my turn, over." Serena panted.

Hand: 4
Damage: 4

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw. Final Turn!" Ayato declared as he announced his Limit Break skill to be active and called two Crownholders. "Vanguard, attacks the front row!! (24000 > 32000)"
"Retiring Broken Heart and Harut, no guard!" Serena decided to be brave, and hope for no critical triggers.
"You just played yourself." Ayato grinned maliciously as his eyes glimmered under his mask, as Serena looked at him confused. "One critical... Yes... I can see it. Twin Drive!! (Dragonic Kaiser Crimson)" Serena held onto her breath as Ayato was about to flip the other card face up, her heart beating much faster as Ayato felt confident that he would win. The stadium was in an uproar, cheering and screaming their hearts out. (Plasma Dance Dragon) Ayato had his signature smirk on under his mask as Serena's heart dropped as she bit the bottom of her lip. "Get, a critical trigger. Power to Chatura, critical to vanguard. (11000 > 16000) (32000, 2★)"

"D-damage check..." Serena knew her lost was inevitable, but hoped for a heal trigger to save her. (Nurse of Smash Heart, Doctroid Remnon) "No triggers." She sighed sadly as Ayato threw a fist into the air for his victory.
"Weaklings like you shouldn't have made it this far anyways." He took his cards and walked off, as Serena looked at Ayato, slightly annoyed at his attitude.



So... Narukami won this time round XD
Well, atleast one of the biggest threats in this tournament is gone now, so everyone, take a breather, Ayato slayed the Angel Feathers XDD

Ayato: Wasn't a challenge to start with

So with this match outta the way, lets move on to the most trolliest match ever, Nhis vs Ryu!

Btw, send even more questions for Q n A or your dares and truths, because the next one will be FUN to write >:3

Fox out!

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