Turn 41: Space and Thunder

Ayaza cracked his knuckles. "I'll strike down those who dare to defy me..." He said with a deathly calm tone, a singe of hate and destruction could be heard as his aura was growing cold and eyes lifeless.
"Stop trying to be emo," Ryu said in his best Ayato impression, before Ayaza shot a deathly glare Ryu and walking off.
"Rest in small chunks, Aya." Yza did the cross on his body.

"I guess it's my turn~!" Aya giggled as she got up and ran to the stadium.

(Insert theme song here)

"In the red corner, it's a crashing of thunder and lightning from the Twin Kaiser Dragons, it's Ayaza Ganki!" The announcer exclaimed as Ayaza walked out, back hunched slightly as a red light followed him, hair covering his eyes.
"And in the blue corner, it's the Queen of the Warp and Leader of the Witches, it's Aya Shinju!!" The Announcer exclaimed as Aya walked out with a smirk.
"I've got this!" She pumped herself up as Ayaza put his deck on the GIRS and stratched the back of his head, a menacing glare could be seen from under the shadowed eyes.
"...are you ready...?" He asked monotonously, it was like Ayato entered the arena and wanted to get the match over, nothing like the normal Ayaza.
"This is nothing like the guy I faced in the Prelim's. What happened to him?" Aya joked as she drew five cards.
"I made him burn in Hell..." Ayaza said as he hovered two fingers over the face down card.
"(...)Stand up! (The!) Vanguard(...)!" Ayaza and Aya exclaimed.
"Little Warper, Chara!" Aya exclaimed as the vanguard circle expanded sky blue.
"Lizard Soldier, Saishin." Ayaza said as the vanguard circle expanded orange, before fixing his hair over his eyes and drawing a card. "Make sure not to look at her or else..." He thought before taking a deep breath silently, placing a card onto the vanguard circle and moving Saishin, before signalling the end of his turn.

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw! I ride Tarazet and pull back Chara. I attack! (7000 > 12000)" Aya declared.
"No guard." Ayaza said with a deadness in his voice, like he wasn't enjoying it or seemed to want to do something else.
"Drive check! (Galaxy Warper, Andromeda) No trigger." Aya said.
"Damage check... (Dragon Dancer, Anastasia)" Ayaza said.
"Turn end." Aya replied.

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. I ride Brightlance, call Mighty Bolt and Chatura and attack with him! (11000 > 16000)" He declared with a bit more passion as he tried to keep his hair over his eyes.
"No guard. (Galactic Healer, Atrias) Wasted heal trigger. Power to vanguard. (7000 > 12000)" Aya laughed it off.
"On hit skill of Chatura... Counterblast and draw a card. Brightlance! (10000 > 17000)" He exclaimed, accidentally lifting his head up, and his hair flicking upwards as he could see Aya and became red faced. "NO NO NO AYAZA FIX THE HAIR!!" He thought, panicking and dropping his cards on the floor to cover his eyes with his hair again. Aya raised a brow at him as she said,
"No guard...?"
Ayaza picked up the cards from the ground and did his drive check. (Yellow Gem Carbuncle) "Good, a critical! Everything to vanguard! (17000 > 22000/1★ > 2★)"
"Damage check! (Dimension Pegasus, Weiss Galaxy Officer, Subra)" Aya gritted her teeth.
"Turn end." Ayaza said.

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw. I ride Zaurak and call Sagittarius! Sagittarius attacks Chatura! His skill adds 2000 power! (9000 > 11000)" Aya exclaimed.
"Shield him, Thunderstorm! (8000 > 13000)" Ayaza exclaimed.
"Then the vanguard to vanguard! (9000 > 14000)" Aya declared.
"No guard." Ayaza replied.
"Drive check! (Army Droid, Biham) A stand! Everything to Sagittarius! (9000 > 14000/[< ] > [^])" Aya exclaimed.
"Damage check. (Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion)" Ayaza replied simply.
"Sagittarius to vanguard! His skill! (14000 > 16000)" Aya declared.
"Guard with Yellow Gem. (10000 > 20000)" Ayaza replied.
"That's it for me." Aya smiled.

Hand: 3
Damage: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 3

"A catastrophe that cannot be undone, a crimson attack that can't be stopped!! Ride my avatar!! Dragonic Kaiser Crimson!!" The vanguard circle became crimson and expanded. "Now, Chatura with a boost from Saishin!! (11000 > 16000)" Ayaza growled with passion from his voice.
"Biham stops you! (9000 > 19000)" Aya exclaimed.
"Vanguard! (11000 > 18000)" Ayaza exclaimed. At this point he could see Aya clearly, his fringe wasn't long enough to cover his eyes to begin with, and being so focused on the match, he completely forgot about facing his crush.
"No guard!" Aya exclaimed.
"Twin Drive!! (Dragon Dancer, Anastasia, Dragonic Deathscythe) No triggers." Ayaza replied.
"Damage check! (Epsilon Star Blazer, Skat) No trigger." Aya replied.
"Turn end." Ayaza replied simply.

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw! Going beyond galaxies and limits, a new age shall succumb along with her victory! I ride, my avatar, Galaxy Warper, Andromeda!" Aya declared, vanguard circle expanding light cyan. "Liberating, the Generation Zone! The future of space lies within her hands, Stride the Generation! Galaxy Princess, Andromeda! Stride skill! Add a new skill to Andromeda. Then I call Pegasus and Subra. Saggittarius starts! His skill! (9000 > 11000)" Aya exclaimed.
"Old Dragon Mage, stop it! (11000 > 16000)" Ayaza said.
"Then, with a boost, Subra! (9000 > 16000) Skill of Subra, counterblast! Warp, Sagittarius! Warp is a skill that puts a unit to the bottom of the deck and call a unit from the deck which is the same grade! I call, Sagittarius back out!" Aya smirked.
"I'm so done for..." Ayaza's eye twitched. "No guard! (Old Dragon Mage) Power to vanguard and draw! (11000 > 16000)"
"Sagittarius at Chatura! (9000 > 11000) Aya exclaimed.
"Chatura, retreat!" Ayaza gritted his teeth.
"The vanguard attacks! (26000 > 31000) Skill added from Stride! Counterblast, and call Skat to rear-guard! Add 5000 power! (7000 > 12000) Then, Andromeda's skill! Counterblast, soulblast, and G Persona Blast! For every face up Andromeda in G Zone, Warp a unit! Subra, warp back into yourself! Then, Chara's skill! Into soul, and warp Pegasus! (31000 > 26000) And Pegasus' skill, since it was placed to bottom of deck from an ability from one of my cards, I soulblast to countercharge 1! Warp, into Pegasus!" Aya exclaimed with passion.
"She'll use Subra again to Warp Sagittarius back, for a total of 5 attacks... I have 5 cards in hand... I'll waste two to stop this one... 3... Take an attack of hers and guard the last. Sagittarius' row will attack for 23, and the other will attack for 16. I'll take Sagittarius and guard Subra." Ayaza thought. "Anastasia, perfect guard!"
"Triple Drive!! (Howling Dragon, Quasar, Dimension Archer, Sagittarius, Starlight Protector, Aleli) Critical! Everything to Subra! (9000 > 14000/1★ > 2★) Then, with a boost from Pegasus, Subra attacks! (14000 > 21000, 2★) Skill, counterblast, warp Sagittarius!" Aya declared.
"No... This wasn't supposed to happen!" Ayaza gritted his teeth. "Guard with Yellow Gem! (16000 > 26000)" Ayaza gritted his teeth.
"With a boost from Skat, Sagittarius! (9000 > 11000 > 23000)" Aya exclaimed.
"No guard... (Dragonic Deathscythe)" Ayaza sighed.
"On hit skill of Sagittarius, countercharge and soulcharge. (Galaxy Familiar, Alpha) Turn end." Aya smiled.

Hand: 1
Damage: 4

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw! Pair up and surge, show me the true thunder!! LEGION!!! And seek mate!! Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion!!" Ayaza shouted. A Legion symbol apppeared between the cards. "Call, Crownholder. Now, I activate the LIMIT BREAK!!" He smirked. "Add 2000 power and I'll attack the front row! (22000 > 24000) Skill, I soulblast and add 2000 power! (24000 > 26000) Then, with a boost from Mighty Bolt, Crimson and Vermillion attack the front row! (26000 > 33000)"
"Subra and Sagittarius retreats, and Aleli stops your attack!" Aya declared.
"Crownholder's skill, add 2000 power to it and Saishin for every hit! (7000 > 11000) (5000 > 9000) Twin Drive!! (Demonic Dragon Nymph, Seiobo, Red River Dragoon) Heal trigger! Healing a damage and power to Crownholder! (11000 > 16000) With a boost from Saishin, Crownholder! (16000 > 25000)" Ayaza exclaimed.
"Generation Guard! Galaxy Saviour, Bellatrix! (11000 > 26000)" Aya exclaimed.
"Dammit, turn end." Ayaza sighed.

Hand: 3
Damage: 3

Hand: 2
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw. Generation, Stride!! Ancient Celestial Ruler, Regulus! Stride skill, add new skill! Then, I activate Regulus' skill! G Blast himself! For every two face up G Units, I warp a unit! I have four, so I Warp both Pegasus and Skat, so both to bottom. Pegasus' skill, soulblast, and countercharge! Recall two Skat's this time. Add 5000 to each and Regulus' skill gives them 1k aswell. (7000 > 13000) (7000 > 13000) Then, the vanguard attacks! (26000) Andromeda's skill added from stride! Counterblast, and call Markab! His skill, counterblast, add 4k to vanguard (26000 > 30000) and superior call Zaurak to rear-guard! Add 5k to both him and Markab! (9000 > 14000) (9000 > 14000)" Aya declared with a smirk on her face.
"No guard." Ayaza replied, calm and sure she wouldn't pull two critical on him.
"Triple drive! (Starlight Warper, Maia, Warping Saviour, Bellatrix, Galaxy Familiar, Alpha) Alright, a draw and crit! Critical to vanguard, 5000 to both Zaurak and Markab! (14000 > 19000) (14000 > 19000) (1★ > 2★)" Aya grinned at her triple drive while Ayaza gritted his teeth.
"Damage check. (Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion, Brightlance Dragoon)" Ayaza sighed.
"With a boost from Skat, Zaurak! (19000 > 32000)" Aya declared. Ayaza was struck with the bitter taste of defeat as his hand didn't have enough to guard the powerful attack.
"N-no guard..." He said, like it was words that he didn't-or rather shouldn't-want to utter. "My only bet now... Is for Seiobo." He grinned nonetheless, like it wasn't over just yet. He flipped the top card of his deck and stared at the card, before frowning, the tough face he put on like he just barely came out of a battle alive sunk, as he stared at the card. (Dragonic Kaiser Crimson) "No trigger." He finally said with a sigh.
"And there you have it folks, out of nowhere came a victory by Aya Shinju with her clan, Dimension Paladins!!!" The announcer exclaimed as the crowd went wild. Aya packed up her cards and walked over to Ayaza, who was packing up his stuff in defeat.
"Hey there Ayaza, good game." She smiled as she held out her hand. Ayaza looked at her with slightly pink cheeks and shook her hands.
"Congratulations on your victory." He smiled back.

Ryu clapped. "Well done Ayaza, you idiot."
"Hey, don't be so mean," Yza replied.
"Hey, remember that Яeverse crap that Kaiko told you about and your mysterious dream with Shooting Star Dragon?" Ryu asked Yza with seriousness as Yza froze and said,
"Of course I remember. If I'm not dreaming about doing," He coughed and said something inaudible, before coughing again. "I'm usually having nightmares just thinking about that."
"Ayato is a suspect, right?" Ryu asked as Yza thought.
"Yes and no. While we can confirm that Ayaza and Ayato aren't the same person... We just can't write them off as not being suspects because of their similar look of one." Yza sighed.
"Let's say Ayaza isn't one and Ayato is. If Ayato wins his match, he'll face Aya. And if Aya uses Dimension Paladins, do you think-?" Ryu asked as Yza suddenly stood up.
"...it's pointless. Everything is on television, most likely up on the web soon, and Ayato might've seen it in the stadium. She's gonna get killed... No doubt about it." Yza sighed as Ryu laughed.
"Your such a pessimistic person."
"Well, someone's life is on the life!" Yza retorted.
"True, but lighten up, your too serious unless it's something perverted." Ryu grinned as Yza sat back down and said,
"Fine, but I give the Яeverse a month or two before they decide to kill her. Infact, everyone who has a deck like mine is in danger. It's up on the web, so there's nothing I can do about it..." Yza sighed.
"Yup, and that's why you should do the thing you tried to cough over about." Ryu nodded as Yza looked at him and exclaimed red faced,
"Of course, that you wanna f-" Yza punched Ryu and looked away from him red faced.
"TSUNDERE MAID!!" Ryu hid as Yza had an anime tick mark on his head.



Those who seen my art book most likely got that last sentence Ryu said XD

AND SURPRISE! My lazy ass managed to do something productive

Well, Aya vs Ayaza done after a lot of Procrastination. I have Serena vs Ayato done aswell, anyone want a double update in a day to celebrate me getting 369 followers? (That'll be 3 updates in the span of one day XD)

That's all, Fox out!

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