Turn 34: Mass Retire and Revelation
Wyvon was repeatedly punching his pillow in anger. "AAAARGH!!" He was extremely mad, mostly at Max's reappareance. "FRIENDS?! YOU BETRAYED ME, SO YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHTS, BASTARD!!" He shouted. Ryu knocked on his door as Wyvon growled and opened it angrily.
"Dude, chill, I can hear you from next door." Ryu said as Wyvon growled at punched Ryu in the face.
"SHUT THE HELL UP." Wyvon growled angrily. Ryu wiped the blood dripping from his nose and looked at Wyvon.
"Calm down. Deep breaths." Ryu said as he looked at Wyvon. Wyvon then gave Ryu another sucker punch to the face, bruising his face. "Argh!" Ryu held his cheek in pain. "Look, Yza's turn to fight. Lets cheer on your future brother." He grunted. Wyvon looked at Ryu, gritting his teeth and slammed the door shut, punching the wall.
"...I hurt one of my own friends... What the hell is wrong with me..." Wyvon broke down into tears.
(Insert theme song here)
"Its now Yza's turn." Kyle smirked as Rukia and Aqua peered over his shoulder to see the match.
"Payic, your gonna do great! Now beat this guy!" A girl exclaimed to her friend, Payic. She had long black hair that reached her upper back and purple eyes. She wore a magenta blouse and blue skinny jeans and brown sandals.
"Yeah, I got this!" Payic giggled.
"Well, its time for me to make my appearance." Yza stretched and grabbed his blue deckbox, walking out of the hotel room and locking it, and running to the arena.
"The seventh match will begin shortly." The announcer said as Maxios ran to where was sitting before hand, exicted as ever.
"Aw man, my little bro is gonna crush this girl!" Maxios cheered.
"Your overexictable." Rachel giggled as she sat down next to him.
As Payic walked down the cream coloured hall, she held tightly in her hand a red coloured tag with gold string and gold kanji saying, "Good Luck" on it.
"I can do this..." She breathed in and out. "I've come all this way to win, after all."
"Time to rock this arena with the power of Shadow Paladin!!" Yza cheered as he ran past Payic, she looking at the boy.
"What the?"
"In the blue corner, its the beautiful beast that has been released for this match only! Its-" The announcer exclaimed as Yza ran out suddenly, screaming,
"Huh?!" The announcer exclaimed as a blue light was then shot down to Yza.
"The names Yza Blade, nice to meet ya!" Yza smirked confidently.
"Yza, your meant to come out of that hall when I give you the signal." The announcer said as he pointed at the opposite hall.
"Ooooh." He nodded and sprinted to the other hall, waiting there as the blue light flickered off.
"Ahem. Its Payic Ikuo!" The Announcer exclaimed as Payic entered, a blue light following her as she waved at everyone.
"Hi!" She exclaimed.
"And in the red corner, a blackened soul cursed to fight, its Yza Blade!!" The announcer exclaimed as Yza sprinted out, a red light following him.
"Its time!" He exclaimed and looked at Payic. "Oooh, your a girl."
"Yeah. Sorry about my name. Infact, I was confused on if you were male or female, until my friend said you were a guy." She giggled.
"Huh," Yza nodded and set down his deck. "Lets make this a good ooooone..." His nose started to bleed as his eyes struck on one point: Her chest.
"Are you okay?" Payic asked as she set her deck down.
"I'm fine, ahaha..." Yza laughed it off as he wiped his bloody nose. "SHE HAS BIGGER BOOBS THEN RUKIA!!" He exclaimed in his mind.
"Alright then." Payic nodded and the stadium lights flickered off and two lights flickered onto the two players.
"Okay Yza, just don't focus on that and vanguard." He nodded and they exclaimed,
"Stand up (the!) Vanguard!"
"Fullbau "Diablo"!" Yza exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding purple.
"Fetter Creator, Van!" Payic exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding light lavender.
On Cray, Fullbau "Diablo" appeared, and across the dog was a young boy with short brown hair, and a black headband along with a white jacket and black shirt underneath and black shorts appeared, teal eyes closed and boots on the ground.
"Genesis... You can start." Yza bowed.
"Alright, stand and draw. I ride Skoll, pull back Van and end." Payic said.
Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Hand: 5
Damage: 0
"Stand and draw! I ride Claudas and pull back Diablo, attack! (7000 > 12000)" Yza declared.
"No guard." Payic said.
"Drive check! (Bloodstained Battle Knight, Dorint) Nothing." Yza said.
"Damage check. (Battle Maiden, Azusa) Nothing on my end either." Payic said.
"I end." Yza said.
Hand: 6
Damage: 0
Hand: 5
Damage: 1
"Stand and draw! I ride Lawping and call Battle Maiden, Kotohona! Her Revelation!" Payic exclaimed.
"Revelation, Genesis' new keyword!! When placed on the specific circle, you can check the top card of your deck, and either place it into soul or back on top of your deck! If you place it into soul, rest a rear-guard." The announer exclaimed.
"Check. I'll place it into soul. (Claimer Harry) I rest Van. Van's skill, 2000 power to vanguard. (8000 > 10000) Next up, Kotohona's skill, when a card is placed into soul, add 1000 power! If it was from Revelation, add 1000 power! (9000 > 11000) And then, call Gelgja. His Revelation! Check. I'll keep it there. Kotohona starts it off! (11000)" Payic exclaimed.
"And I'm royally done for... No guard. (Dark Night Maiden, Macha)" Yza gritted his teeth.
"Okay, vanguard! (10000 > 17000)" Payic shouted.
"Undead Angel, shield me from getting critical'd! (7000 > 17000)" Yza exclaimed.
"You actually fell for it, hehe. Drive check! (Boulder Fetter, Gjoll)" Payic smiled.
"Oh c'mon!!" Yza exclaimed.
"That was easy." Payic giggled and said, "I end."
"Great, I wonder how many more times I'll be tricked..." Yza anime cried. "I SWEAR TO GOD IF SHES ACTUALLY FLAT CHESTED AND TRICKED ME LIKE THAT I'M GONNA RETHINK MY LIFE. And Kyle, you ask why I don't trust black haired people!!"
Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Hand: 4
Damage: 1
"Stand and draw! I ride Macha and call Dorint, go for it!! (9000)" Yza exclaimed.
"Guard with Skoll. (8000 > 13000)" Payic said.
"Hey, a question." Yza said.
"Yes?" Payic asked.
"Are your boobs real?" Yza asked as the whole arena slowly dropped into silence and Payic looked at Yza, mostly annoyed and angered.
"Are... Are you asking that in THE MIDDLE OF A FIGHT?!" Payic exclaimed.
"Yeah, I am!" Yza exclaimed.
"You sure are gutsy... And yes my boobs are real idiot." Payic tched.
"Thank you, you are the first black haired person I'm trusting!" Yza bowed to her.
"Okay, are you now trying to trick me?!" Payic exclaimed, creeped out by Yza.
"Hell yeah I am!!" Yza lied as he shouted that.
"Well then, that failed you idiot." Payic rubbed her eyes, wondering how she was pitted against someone at the likes of Yza.
"Oh, right..." Yza laughed awkwardly and attacked. (14000)
"No guard..." Payic said.
"What was I thinking?" Yza asked himself in his mind as he flipped the card. (Blaster Dark "Diablo")
"How did this idiot get a Hot Stamp Diablo?!" Payic eye's twitched as she took her damage. (Goddess of Decline, Hel) Yza gave a signal to end as the arena was in complete silence.
Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Hand: 3
Damage: 2
As Payic stood and drew a card, thoughts on how difficult or easy this match would be. "This guy doesn't look special. Infact, he looks like your normal guy, yet... Its something about him which makes you respect him. Is it his bravery to say what his mind wishes? Or is it the simple fact that he made it this far? What is it..." Payic pondered as she raised a card into the air and moved her arm foward, it pointing to Yza. "Beautiful beast that devours all, take their soul and hold it captive! I ride my avatar, Mythic Beast, Fenrir!" The vanguard circle expanded lavender.
As a lavender light engulfed the figure, transforming it into a powerful and beautiful deity with long dark blue hair, wolf ears and shining blue eyes and a confident smirk. He had gold chains on his arms and blue material as clothing, one piece covering his nipples and arms, another in a dress like fashion covering his bottom half, made of purple, blues and whites.
"Devour and destroy..." Fenrir stared down the blue haired girl with black armour and purple highlights with a sword in her right hand.
"We'll see about that-" She was hit with a mass amount of bullets.
"No guard! (Little Skull Witch, Nemain)" Yza gritted his teeth.
"Vanguard attacks!! (11000 > 18000)" Payic exclaimed.
"No guard!!" Yza exclaimed back.
"Lets do this!! (Battle Maiden, Kukurihime, Claimer Harry) Critical trigger! All effects to vanguard! (18000 > 23000/1★ > 2★)" Payic smirked.
"Damage check! (Pitch Black Sage, Charon, Deathspray Dragon)" Yza gritted his teeth.
"I end." Payic replied as the crowd was now going wild.
Hand: 5
Damage: 4
Hand: 5
Damage: 2
"Stand and draw! Surge up from the dark abyss once more, I ride my avatar! Blaster Dark "Diablo"!!" Yza exclaimed as he slammed the card down, vanguard circle expanding pitch black.
As Blaster Dark "Diablo" appeared, he pointed his sword at Fenrir. "Its time for your demise, Mythic Beast."
"Ah, how are you gonna do that brilliant master of Shadow Paladin?" Fenrir asked as he laughed.
"Make sure your mouth doesn't run as much." Blaster Dark "Diablo" growled as a pitch black light engulfed him and Aurageyser Dragon appeared, a roar coming from his steed.
"Stride, Aurageyser Dragon!! Next up, I call Claudas and Charon! Aurageyser, break them down!! (26000 > 31000) Skill, counterblast, soulblast, retire Charon and G Persona Blast! Reveal the top two cards of deck! (Blaster Dark "Diablo", Dark Heart Trumpeter) One grade 1. Add 5000 power! (31000 > 36000)"
"No guard!" Payic replied.
"Triple Drive!! (Howl Owl, Deathspray Dragon, Bloodstained Battle Knight, Dorint) Draw trigger! Power to Dorint and draw! (11000 > 16000)" Yza smirked.
"Damage check! (Goddess of Youth, Hebe) Heal trigger! I can't heal a damage, but power to vanguard! (11000 > 16000)" Payic exclaimed.
"Hey, Dorint and Claudas, lets go! (16000 > 27000) Countercharge!" Yza exclaimed.
"Liberating the Generation Zone, Generation Guard! Goddess of Seven Colors, Iris! Skill, send Hebe and Skoll to soul from drop zone and add 5k! (16000 > 31000 > 36000)" Payic exclaimed.
"Damn, she even soulcharged two... I end." Yza sighed.
Hand: 8
Damage: 4
Hand: 4
Damage: 3
"Stand and draw!! Liberating the Generation Zone! Mythical Beast that destroys all, come forth and smash my opponents into nothingness!! Generation Stride!! Mythical Beast Destroyer, Vanargandr! Fenrir's stride skill! Soulcharge! (Battle Maiden, Kotohona, Unappeasble Biter, Gleipnir, Dreaming Dragon) And add a new skill. Call Harry and Gjoll! Gjoll's Revelation! Check. Into soul and rest Van. (Mythic Beast, Skoll) Van's skill, since it was rested, add 2000 to vanguard! (26000 > 28000) Kotohona's skill, add 2000 power! (9000 > 11000) Next up, Gjoll's other skill! Counterblast, add 4k (9000 > 13000) And new skill! Then, Kotohona attacks!! (11000)" Payic declared.
"Dorint, intercept and shield me! (11000 > 16000)" Yza exclaimed.
"Then, the vanguard attacks! Skill activated, soulblast six!! (Goddess of Youth, Hebe, Battle Maiden, Kotohona, Claimer Harry, Dreaming Dragon, Mythic Beast, Skoll, Mythic Beast, Skoll) Add a new skill! Then Fenrir's added skill from stride, counterblast and call Kotohona and use her Revelation! Check. Into soul! (Boulder Fetter, Gjoll) Then add 2000 power! (9000 > 11000) Harry's skill, Hebe to bottom of deck and countercharge one! (28000 > 35000)" Payic exclaimed.
"Nemain, perfect guard!!" Yza exclaimed.
"So be it, Vanargandr's new skill! Check the top four cards of deck and place two on top and two on bottom! Check. Triple Drive!! (Goddess of Decline, Hel) Skill of Van! Into soul and draw a card! And the rest! (Stake Fetter, Thviti, Mythic Beast, Fenrir) Critical. All effects to Gjoll! (14000 > 19000/1★ > 2★) Then, with a boost, Gjoll attacks! (19000 > 26000, 2★)" Payic exclaimed.
"Liberating the Generation Zone, shield me, Dark Knight, Ludvik! (11000 > 26000) Skill, move Claudas to guardian circle! (26000 > 31000)" Yza exclaimed.
"Then Kotohona! (11000)" Payic exclaimed.
"Dammit, guard with Howl Owl! (11000 > 16000)" Yza exclaimed as he panted.
"I end." Payic sighed. "Damn, I wasted so much soul on that... Next turn I'll go into Tyr I think then finish him off with Fenrir..." She thought.
Hand: 4
Damage: 4
Hand: 6
Damage: 3
"Stand and draw!" Yza boomed. "Liberating the Generation Zone!! Legends of the one that freed Shadow Paladin! Spread your mighty wings and soar into the heavens! Generation Transcend!! Dark Dragon, Spectral Blaster "Diablo" Stride!!" The vanguard circle expanded pitch black as Yza smirked.
"THATS MY AVATAR!!!" Backlion shouted from the stands.
"Ah chill, Spectral's now in Shadow Paladin, get used to it." Zeon laughed as he handed Backlion a soda.
"But still..." Backlion anime cried and drank the beverage.
"Next up, call Dark Heart and use skill. Soulblast and call Charon! I use Spectral's skill! Soulblast and G Blast an Aurageyser! Retire Dark Heart and add new skill! And since I have a Diablo heart, superior call from my deck Dark Saga Painter! Use skill, draw a card and discard a card! Next up, with a boost from Charon, Dark Saga attacks! (9000 > 16000)" Yza exclaimed.
"No guard! (Battle Maiden, Kukurihime) Critical. All effects to vanguard! (11000 > 16000)" Payic exclaimed. "I'm now seriously regretting striding Vanargandr now..." She gritted her teeth.
"Vanguard attacks!! (26000 > 31000)" Yza exclaimed.
"Hel declines you!" Payic exclaimed.
"So be it! Triple Drive!! (Arduous Battle Knight, Claudas, Blaster Dark "Diablo", Dark Night Maiden, Macha) Damn, no triggers..." Yza gritted his teeth as Payic breathed a sigh of relief.
"Spectral's skill! Counterblast two and retire Charon! Restand the vanguard!!" Yza exclaimed as the stack of cards shot upright, vanguard circle expanding black. "Drive minus two! Attack!! (26000)"
"No guard!" Payic said confidently.
"Drive check! (Little Skull Witch, Nemain) No trigger..." Yza sighed. "I end."
Hand: 7
Damage: 4
Hand: 4
Damage: 5
"At the end of the eighth turn, Payic is looking bleak on 5 damage!" The announcer exclaimed.
"Stand and draw!" Payic exclaimed. "Next turn he'll finish me with a Phantom Blaster... I guess I have to go yolo mode..." She nodded and slammed a Fenrir into the drop zone. "Liberating the Generation Zone!! Heavenly Beast Deity from the depths of Hell, I stride my true avatar! Hellsky Mythical Beast, Fenrir!" She exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding lavender. "Stride skill, soulcharge three! (Battle Maiden, Kukurihime, Boulder Fetter, Gjoll, Claimer Harry) And add a new skill! Next up, Kotohona's skill is active! Add 3000 power! (9000 > 12000) I call Lawping and use skill. Counterblast one and soulcharge three! (Dreaming Dragon, Battle Maiden, Azusa, Mythic Beast, Fenrir) And since I have a copy of Lawping in my soul, draw a card and countercharge one. Skill of Kotohona! (12000 > 15000) Call Gelgja, his Revelation! Because of Fenrir's skill, its becomes check the top two! Check. One to soul, other stays ontop of deck. (Unappeasable Biter, Gleipnir) Skill of Kotohona! (15000 > 17000) And use Fenrir's secondary skill, counterblast and soulblast three! (Flywing Lawping, Dreaming Dragon, Unappeasable Biter, Gleipnir) Draw a card. Claimer Harry's skill, Dreaming Dragon to bottom of deck and countercharge one. Skill of Fenrir, counterblast and call Gleipnir! With a boost from Harry, Gleipnir attacks! (9000 > 16000) Skill, soulcharge three! (Goddess of Youth, Hebe, Flying Lawping, Fetter of Shackles, Gelgja) And since cards were soulblasted, draw a card! Kotohona skill is also active! (17000 > 20000)" Payic exclaimed.
"Thats one long turn... Guard with Ligan! (11000 > 21000)" Yza exclaimed.
"Vanguard attacks!! (26000 > 33000)" Payic exclaimed. "My deck has been thinned out... All my grade two are gone. I still have some grade ones left. Grade three... I have maybe two? And as for grade zero, I've been lucky... Hopefully in my triple drive I can pull my criticals..." She pulled out her good luck charm out of her pocket and put it near her chest.
"Nemain Perfect Guard!! Skill, draw a card, discard a card!" Yza exclaimed.
"Alright... Triple Drive!! (Stake Fetter, Thiviti, Stake Fetter, Thiviti, Battle Maiden, Kukurihime)" Payic exclaimed as she became in shock shortly after.
"No friggin way! Triple Crit?!" Yza exclaimed.
"All effects to Kotohona... (20000 > 35000/1★ > 4★) Kotohona, finish this game! (35000 > 42000, 4★)" Payic exclaimed.
"Liberating the Generation Zone, Generation Guard!! Metal Element, Scryew! Skill, discard a card! Add 10000 shield! (11000 > 26000 > 36000)" Yza panted as he gritted his teeth. "Thats way to close for comfort..."
"Aw man... I end." Payic sighed.
Hand: 2
Damage: 4
Hand: 9
Damage: 5
"Somehow, Payic has pushed back into the lead as Yza is sitting on two cards!!" The announcer exclaimed.
"Two equally matched opponents pitted to battle against one another! Its-o-so exicting!!" Proffessor O exclaimed.
"Stand and draw! Its about time you face the wrath of the true powers of my Diablo deck! Liberating the Generation Zone!! Blackened Wings, Abyssal Blade and Corrupted Soul, drag my opponent into darkness and despair! Generation Transcend, Dark Dragon, Phantom Blaster "Diablo"!!" Yza exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding pitch black. "Stride skill, retire your back row rear-guard behind the vanguard!"
"Then Gelgja goes to the drop zone." Payic gritted her teeth.
"Then I call Deathspray and Charon." Yza grinned as he had nothing left on hand. "Phantom's skill, counterblast, G Persona Blast! 10000 power and extra critical! New skill added! (26000 > 36000/1★ > 2★)" Payic gulped as she knew what was coming. "Then, with a boost from Charon, Dark Saga attacks Gleipnir!! (9000 > 16000)"
"I don't have a perfect guard... As long as I don't let Yza retire him I should be safe..." Payic thought as she guarded with Thviti. (9000 > 19000)
"Then Deathspray to vanguard! (11000)" Yza exclaimed.
"Guard with Skoll! (11000 > 16000)" Payic exclaimed.
"Deathspray's skill. Counterblast and retire Dark Saga. Retire Gleipnir." Yza smirked as Payic placed the card into the drop zone. "Next up, vanguard attacks! Skill activated! Retire Fullbau "Diablo" and Charon! Fullbau's skill! Superior call from deck my avatar! Blaster Dark Spirit! Skill, counterblast! Retire the other front row rear-guard!! What are you gonna do now? Because you need to retire two rear-guards to guard from hand. (36000, 2★)" Yza smirked.
"I retire both and Generation Guard!! Goddess of Seven Colors, Iris! Skill, three drop zone cards to soul! (Unappeasble Biter, Gleipnir, Fetter of Shackles, Gelgja, Fetter of Shackles, Gelgja) Add 5000 shield! (11000 > 26000 > 31000) Thviti also guards! (31000 > 41000)" Payic exclaimed. "I just need the bare minimum and hope he doesn't pull a trigger... I can't waste all of my resources on vanguard..."
"I see you don't have a perfect guard... Its time to end it!! One to pass! Triple Drive!!!" Yza exclaimed as he took the top card of his deck and flipped it over.
"This match is determind by two factors: the three cards, and each players luck." Maxios grinned. "Its a bet on what their future holds..."
Kyle watched the phone screen. "One trigger..."
"Please get it Yza..." Rukia mumbled.
"Better not fail us!!" Backlion and Zeon cried from the stands.
"Thanks you guys..." Yza smirked as the card was finally flipped.
Will Yza pull that trigger?! Or will he fail?! Your just gonna have to read the next chapter!
Thats all from me, Fox out!
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