Floop 4: The Challenger

Yza was walking to school with Ayaza, discussing about Yza's deck.
"I should take out Carnoswift?! Your going crazy." Yza said, holding tightly to Carnoswift.
"He's not benefiting your deck in any way, hes most of the time BEING cannon fodder, and not the cannon foddee." Ayaza stated back.
"I guess..." Yza said.
"Plus 2 Creatures is a little costy don't ya think?" Ayaza said.
"It's not that bad." Yza said.
"Put your card away, we're at school now." Ayaza said. Yza stuffed the card into his deck case. They entered in the school and went to their form room.
"You want a quick match before registration?" Asked Yza.
"Sure, get set up." Ayaza said.
They sat down opposite one another and placed down their playmats and set out their Landscapes. They shuffled their deck and drew the top 5 cards.
"Floop... AND FIGHT!" Yza and Ayaza shouted.
"Alright, I'll have first turn. Draw! I call Nightcore! Then I end my turn." Ayaza said.
"Draw. I call Beamankylo. His ability gives him an extra +30% Power when he is the only Creature out on my side of the field. Lock on and attack Nightcore!" Yza said.
"Alright." Ayaza said, placing Nightcore into the discard. In the Library, more people were playing Card Wars before registration. Card Wars is a popular game amongst most people, and is VERY popular in Yza's school. Payic and Riku were having a match there.
"Call, Apocalypse!" Riku exclaimed.
"Coming out with a RRR I see." Payic said.
"Yeah, I bought a few more packs and got this new card, so I added it to the deck." Riku said. The Library doors burst open. A spiky blonde haired boy with headphones and wore the school uniform (which wasn't his usual clothing, he would normally have a black shirt with magenta writing, and a purple jacket with short sleeves and black trousers with black and gold trainers.) He was Rino Kanock.
"So this is the place where people play Card Wars." He mumbled. "All Card Wars challanges will be accepted!" He boomed. Everyone looked round at the new kid. One brave boy challanged him.
"I'll go against you!" His voice shaking a little bit.
"Very well." He said. Get set up." He bluntly said.
"Ok!" The boy exclaimed.
They got set up and started to play. There was 4 minutes left before registration.
"My turn. I draw. Calling! Jeweled Colossus!" Rino said. He slammed his card in the table. The boy was shaking with fear. He was using a Fire deck.
"Attack! Invisible Knight!" Rino said. The boy placed the card into the discard pile. "Now, Jeweled Colussus!"
"That wont destroy my Creature!" He said.
"I activate his Finishing Move Ability! When he attacks, I can destroy him and the attacking Creature will also be destroyed! This ability can't be negated either!" Rino said.
"No!" He said. He placed the card into the Discard.
"Now the rest of my cards will go for your 2 Landscapes!" Rino said. "That's game." The bell rang and he picked up his deck. Riku and Payic collected their cards and Riku mumbled,
"Who was he?"
Meanwhile, Yza and Ayaza were playing their match still.
"Here comes Avior's finishing attack!" Ayaza exclaimed. People crowded around them.
"Damn it... You won again." Yza said.
"You can't blame me. I came 2nd in the Tornament." Ayaza said. Once the bell rang, the class scattered into their seats, along with Yza who was trying to pack up quickly and go back into his seat.
"Good morning class!" Said Yza's and Ayaza's Form Tuter, Mr. Nakitu.
"Good morning sir!" Yza said. The whole class laughed at Yza.
"Anyways, I want to give a big congratulations to Ayaza for coming 2nd place in that Card Wars tornament, I was watching live from the television, and that was some spectacular playing. Now speaking of Card Wars, we have new boy entering the class. His name is Rino Kanock." Mr. Nakitu said. "He himself is a Card Wars player. Come to the front Rino." Rino got up and gave a dirty look to the class.
"The name's Rino. I'll accept any Card Wars challenge, anytime, anywhere." Rino said.
"Then I challenge you now!" Ayaza said. "I'm Ayaza! 2nd Ranked in the Town Tornament!"
"2nd huh? Well I guess we both got unlucky. I came 2nd for my Town Tornament. It was a week before I had to move. Anyways, lets fight already." Rino said.
"Hang on!" Mr. Nakitu said. "We need to do Registration first. Then you two can play."
"Alright. We'll get set up." Ayaza said. He dashed off to get his bag and moved to where Rino was. Rino came over to Yza and gave him a dirty look.
"Rino huh? Ayaza's gonna kick his butt." Yza thought.
"Alright, respond with here!" Mr. Nakitu said.
After Registration was complete, the whole class surronded Rino and Ayaza. Some were even betting on the match.
"Step away." Rino said. "I'll start."
"Go for it." Ayaza said calmly.
"Floop... AND FIGHT!" Everyone said in unison.
"Draw! I call Storm Gladiator! This turn she can't attack, which is fine for me, as I can't attack first turn." Rino said. "End."
"Draw, call Extreme Sword! Attack!" Ayaza said.
"Alright." Rino responded.
"End of my turn." Ayaza said.
"Draw. Call! Skeletal Lich! Bellona! Invisible Knight! Hoplite! And my star card... JEWELED COLOSSUS!" Rino exclaimed. "Lets end it right here, right now. I activate Fierce Spirit! All attacks I make can't be stopped and all Gladitor cards on the field gain Double Attack!"
"W-what?! Your going to clear my entire board!" Ayaza exclaimed.
"You must have had some easy opponents to make it to 2nd place. THIS IS TORNAMENT LEVEL!" Rino shouted.
"T-tornament Level?!" Ayaza said.
"ATTACK! Jeweled Colossus' Ability! When this card attacks, it can destroy itself to destroy the attacked Creature! Extreme Sword, die!" Rino said.
"Damn it.." Ayaza mumbled. "I'm screwed." He thought.
"All my Creatures will launch two attacks on your 4 Landscapes!" Rino shouted.
"I-I've lost..." Ayaza said, placing the Landscapes into the Discard Pile.
"A TTK? Not bad." Rino said, collecting up his cards. Everyone was shocked. He had beaten one of the best Card Wars players in 2 turns.
"A two turn kill?" Yza mumbled. He gritted his teeth. The bell rang and it was time for lesson.

1 and a half hour time skip

"Want a match?" Asked Riku to Ayaza.
"I'm not feeling it today.. I'm just gonna watch some matches." Ayaza responded.
"Whats up with him today?" Riku asked.
"He got TTK'd." Yza replied.
"TTK?" Asked Riku.
"Two turn killed. Rino beat him in 2 turns flat out." Yza said.
"Two turns?!" Riku exclaimed. "But he's-"
"I know that he's 2nd best! I want to beat Rino so bad right now! Yet my deck and playing skills are horrible." Yza said.
"Huh.. Hey, can I see your deck?" Asked Riku.
"Sure." I said, passing it to her.
"Ok... I see. Your deck isn't synchronised!" Riku said.
"How in Flooptopia's name is that noy synchronised?" Yza asked.
"What is Obelisk Reaper doing in the deck?" She asked.
"Um..." Yza was trying to respond with a reason.
"Exactly." Riku said. "How about we mod it in the Library?" She asked.
"Sure, lets go." Yza said. They rushed to the Library.
They bursted open. People and cards were on the ground. Rino was about to leave.
"R-rino? W-what happened here?" Yza asked.
"Rino? Your the new kid right." Riku asked.
"Yes and I beat all these fools. I also took their star card." Rino said.
"You did what?!" Yza said angrily.
"They accepted the bet. Besides, now that your here... I CAN BEAT YOU ASWELL!" Rino said. "I'll play you first." He was pointing at Riku.
"She doesn't have a deck." Yza said quickly. "She just borrows a deck to play from friends."
"I see. Your not worth it then. Yza, FIGHT ME! You seem to have potential." Rino said.
"Thanks." Riku whispered to Yza. He smiled then smirked. He stepped forward.
"Alright Rino! I'm going to fight you! If you win you take Tyrannolegend! But if I win, you give back the stolen cards!" Yza exclaimed.
"Lets hurry then." Rino said. Yza and Rino rushed to a table. Riku went slowly behind them and saw the Librarian's desk. She was on the floor and cards scattered around her.
"Floop... AND FIGHT!" Yza and Rino shouted.
"Alright, I'll take first move. Draw!" Rino said. "Call! Storm Gladiator!"


Inside a large colossuem, Landscapes appeared and blue armour on the floor started to gather from the wind. It became animated. That was Storm Gladiator.
"Those that wish to oppose me shall die." She whispered.


"End." Rino said.
"Draw! I call Beamankylo!" Yza said. "While Beamanklyo is by himself, he gains +30% Power!"


Arising from the dust, Beamankylo appeared.
"Lock on... AND FIRE!" He shouted. Beams of purple energy came from the shooting bit, and collasped into Storm Gladiator.
"Agh!" She screamed as she became orange dust.


"End of my turn!" Yza said.
"Your to enthusiastic. Draw. Call! Skeletal Lich! Invisble Knight! Bellona! Hoplite! And finally Jeweled Colossus!" Rino said.


A skeleton wearing armour and had a dark aura appeared, that was Skeletal Lich. He appeared along with black armour that was animated, it had no user. That was Invisible Knight. A half lion, half man Creature appeared. 2 to be exact, one was upright and had a sword and a large shield, while the other was on all fours, it had sharp claws. The upright one was Bellona, while the other was Hoplite. A warrior with blue eyes and purple armour, which had colourful jewels on it, with a saber and circular shield stormed the field. That was Jeweled Colossus.
"On my command, attack the opponent!" Jeweled Colossus said. "I'll strike first!" He ran up and backflipped mid air, then slashed Beamankylo. "Invisble, strike now!"
"On it!" He said, he stabbed his sword stright into Beamankylo, turning him into orange dust.
"Bellona, Hoplite and Skeletal Lich! Make charge on the Landscapes!" Jeweled said.
"On it!" Hoplite said. He took charge and crashed through with his claws, and Bellona right behind him, crashed through aswell, with his sword. The Landscape became orange dust.
"DARKNESS OVERLOAD!" Skeletal Lich said. A white card appeared around him. He grabbed it, which shattered it into white dust and threw his sword forward, and dark energy crusaded forward, and destroyed the Landscape with no problem.


"What you witnessed was Skeletal's Ability. He can destroy his target immediately if I discard a card." Rino said.
"I see." Yza said. "In this situation again. Damn." Yza thought.
"Your go." Rino said.
"Draw! I have faith in you deck! Prove me that you can win! Yes! I'm paying the cost! Discard 3 and call the terror of the land, and the king of all Dinosaurs, TYRANNOLEGEND!" Yza exclaimed.


"March forward! AND DESTROY!" He exclaimed. He fired away and destroyed Skeletal Lich and Jewled Colossus. Carnoswift and Velocisprint appeared. Velocisprint was a Velociraptor with armour and sharpened claws. He had 2 mini guns strapped to his arms.
"DEVOUR!" Carnoswift exclaimed. He ate Velocisprint, and Tyrannolegend.
"SOULGUARD!" He became orange dust, but recollected into green dust into his normal form and came back. 2 meteors rushed down from the sky with a purple and orange flames that flickered while it came crashing down, then destroyed a Landscape and Invisible Knight into orange dust.
"AGHHH!" Invisble Knight screamed.


"Tyrannolegend destroys 2 creatures, then Carnoswift will destroy 2 Creatures and he can attack the all Creatures! Tyrannolegend's Soulguard! He comes back and 2 of my discarded cards, Meteor Crash and Meteor Carver, will destroy Invisble Knight and one of your Landscapes!" Yza said. "Then I activate Dino's Battle Ready! Discard a card and all Dinosaur creatures on my side of the field gain Double Attack and +10% Power! Carnoswift attack all Creatures twice!"


Carnoswift rushed in and attacked all Creatures twice. Bellona and Hoplite became orange dust.
"I cleared it out. GO FOR IT!" Carnoswift said.
"DOUBLE ATTACK!" Tyrannolegend said. He destroyed 2 Landscapes. One remainded.


"End of my turn!" Yza said. He was happy for what damage he dealt.
"Draw. Call! The Riderless Chariot! Its ability! I can call one card from the deck! Call! Roman Emporer, Julius Caeser! Riderless to the soul. Soulcharge 3! He has Soulguard and after he attacks a Creature and destroys it, he can attack again!" Rino said. "Equip Caeser's Lance! I have to discard 1 card to equip. You can't stop my attacks and if this card equips a card with 'Caeser' in it's card name gains +15% Power! ATTACK CARNOSWIFT!"


A roman emporer riding on a large seat which was protected by blue metal and was rode by horses with their manes on fire rushed through. That was The Riderless Chariot. Julius Caeser was wearing beautiful silver armour over his robes and wore a helmet with leaves ontop, as his brown hair flew in the wind.
"SAVAGE SPEAR!" Julius shouted. He threw the spear which was purple with green vines surronding it, and red highlights were on it. It pierced through Carnoswift.
"AGHHH-!" Carnoswift said, before becoming orange dust.
"Once again!" He charged once again, and jumped out of the Chariot.
"EMPORER'S SLICER!" Julius said, his sword became a glowing blue and he slashed through Tyrannolegend, turning him into orange dust. He recollected into green dust and became Tyrannolegend once more. Julius did that another 3 times, and Tyrannolegend was gone for good.
"AND ONE ATTACK ON YOUR LANDSCAPE!" Julius said. He sliced through Yza's other Landscape. It was 1 Landscape to 1 Creature and 1 Landscape.


"End of my turn." Rino said.
"Draw. Sweeping souls with his scythe! Calling, Divine Dragon,Obelisk Reaper!" Yza said.
"United Dragon cards? Your mad." Rino said.
"I'm not mad.. Activating Re-Birth! Calling Velocisprint from the Discard, but at the end of the turn he gets destroyed." Yza said. "Obelisk Reaper, attacks Julius Caeser! His Ability! When he attacks a Creature with any cards in the Soul, it gets immediately destroyed and all souls attached goes to Obelisk Reaper, plus he gains Soulguard!"


A red dragon with a large scythe appeared on the field. Velocisprint reappared on the field.
"Lets reap their souls shall we Velocisprint?" Obelisk asked.
"Sure. You go ahead. I'll hang back and attack after you destroy him." Velocisprint.
"Alright! Let me eat these Souls... ATTACK!" Obelisk said. He charged ij and reaped Julius Caeser. He became orange dust, and white cards entered him. "DAMN ITTTTT-!" Julius screamed.
"Go for it Velocisprint!" Obelisk said.
"SPRINT SHOT!" Velocisprint attacked the final Landscape. "See ya later!" He became a white card and disappeared. Then Ceratoroar came into his place.


"After he attacks, Velocisprint can return to the hand, then I can call a Creature card in his place! I call Ceratoroar!" Yza exclaimed. "END THIS GAME!" People started to awake from the ground collect their cards. There were murmurs from people saying, 'Where is my star card?' Or 'Where is my other card?'.


Ceratoroar swooped in and destroyed the Landscape, ending the game, and he and Obelisk disappeared until the next time they were called.


"I-I lost... H-how?" Rino stammered.
"I guess luck." Yza said. Rino threw the stolen star cards infront of him.
"Give them back. I'm gone." Rino said, taking his deck. He left the Library.
"That was intense. But you won!" Riku cheered after staying silent.
"Yeah. I did!" Yza cheered. He places the stolen cards next to each other on the table.
"If you lost a card, it could be here!" Called Riku. People rushed to the table and took the cards, held them tight. There was 1 card left.
"That must be the Librarians." Yza said. He placed the card on her desk. The bell rang and people rushed out to Period 2.
"Lets go!" Yza said.


Card of the Floop
Divine Dragon,Obelisk Reaper (R)
This card will reap anyone with his deathly scythe! When this card attacks a card with souls attached to it, he destroys them immediately and takes the soul for himself, and gains Soulguard until your next draw phase! Talk about a reaper! You can find him in BT03, Shadows and Secrets! Can you pull one?


Next time
Ayaza pushes himself to his very limit after gets pummeled by a new enemy and friend! Will he be able to prove that he's not useless? Find out on the next Card Wars!

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