Connie 1.5
Sitting back down at the table I take ahold of my half empty one glass and down it in one large gulp. The churning in my stomach heightened as I thought back to what I had seen. It was impossible. It took him a few seconds away from me to have his -penis- inside that average blonde woman.
Gritting my teeth, I politely asked for another glass of wine.
My heart panged and my eyes watered as I pursed my lips and nodded in thanks to the bartender. Tears blurred my vision as I took another gulp of liquid therapy.
Ridiculous. Absolutely downright ridiculous.
Despite everything I just saw, everything he's done, all the times he's lied or manipulated his way out of trouble...I still love him. It's stupid, I know.
Kevin is a selfish, arrogant businessman. He'll do whatever it takes to reach the top. My father had put it out to the colleagues that there was a position opening up in Brazil. Ever since then, Kevin had been the sweetest man on earth.
And...I really thought he had changed.
My mouth crumpled in an attempt to start sobbing. Instead I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I am 23 years old. I will act like it. 'It's not like he hasn't been cheating on you.' I think to myself. 'It's just the first time he let himself be caught.'
Standing up, I leave a tip and go to sit at my assigned table. Grabbing my purse, I'm about pull out my phone and text my father, when I hear a low husky laugh.
I turn to loo and instantly wrinkle my nose in unadulterated disgust as my mouth curves downward. It's him. Of course it's him. Out of all the parties he didn't make it to, he had to make it to this one. Or perhaps, he was at all of them but I just never noticed. Steven Universe, head of the design and advertisement for the company.
And he's with... Lapis, of course. Seeing her makes my frown turn into a scowl. She's his lover or something. They are seldom not seen talking and have been spotted around town on multiple occasions. They never discuss their relationship, although everyone is extremely curious.
Well, everyone except me. I couldn't care less. I can't stand either of them. Lapis is conniving and wicked. Ruthlessly stomping her spiked heels on anybody below her on the corporate ladder.
Steven Universe, I swear that's not his real name, came only a year or so after Lapis. It was obvious she had gotten him the job since as soon as they saw each other, they exchanged a knowing look and smirked. Right in front of my office. It was obnoxious, to say the least.
Although, Steven had caught on quick, doing things that seemed nigh impossible for any normal human, but what did I care? As long as he did his job correctly, I could stay as far away from him as possible.
Lapis placed her hand on his and leaned in to whisper something that had them both giggling and leaning in even closer. He grabbed her hand a squeezed it, saying something that made her bite her lip and respond with a sultry look on her face. He smirked at the beautiful woman, seemingly enraptured with her every movement.
How could he not be? With long, straight black hair and lightly tanned skin, she was a knockout. Her body was curvy and voluptuous in all the right places, her dresses were always the most expensive and elegant. The men would be lining up for blocks if it wasn't for fear of Steven. Many people had seen him do something incredible at one point or another. And most of them weren't about to anger a man who had literally punched through a tree.
He could rip them apart easily if he so chose and still be on time for his early morning jam and biscuits. (A/N: *insert Peridot laugh here* nyehehehehehe!!!)
Steven was stupidly gorgeous, anyone with working eyes could see that. Even though she couldn't stand him, she could begrudgingly agree that he was easy on the eyes. His hair was long, dark brown and curly as all hell, almost like he had never once brushed it. He always kept it up, at least in public. His jawline so square and sexy, most people regardless of gender would stop to look. His lips were unnaturally full and his eyes were black pools of mystery and carnality. A well built largely framed body accompanied his wide, football quarterback like shoulders. He never looked as though he were trying. He always had a light smirk on his face that left me unreasonably annoyed. The way he sauntered around and acted as if he owned everything in sight made me nauseous.
But no matter. If all goes as my father has planned, Kevin will be the future CEO of the company. My father always tried to keep everything looking as clean and proper as possible. He advised me to stay with Kevin, since he was a valued employee and a great businessman.
"Wouldn't you like to try to make it work?" My father had said repeatedly. "I mean, cheating is such an ugly discussion and we know how...emotional you are at times. Better to give him a clean slate and keep being my perfect daughter."
Yes, without a doubt, rich, debonair and determined Kevin was the future CEO.
Or me. Grandma Mahaswaren has always said that she would have lived her life to the fullest if I became CEO. It's been a secret dream of mine for 3 years.
Returning my attention to Steven, I see him give a charming smile to Lapis and run his thumb across her hand lovingly. Kevin almost never did that to me. He tended to touch me as little as possible, even the night he proposed. Had we even hugged that night? Had he even put the ring on my finger? No. I can't recall if he had.
How depressing is that?
I squint, wishing I could listen in on their conversation. Just to give me something to do.
Stevens face is shrouded with shadows in the low lighting of the gala room. The candles on their table make his jawline even more defined, amd his eyes even more mysterious. He's a five course meal and a milkshake on the side in his dark grey business suit. His shirt was lightly tucked making me wonder if he and Lapis had done anything together prior to coming here.
He gave a filthy, seductive laugh at something Lapis had said, making me shiver as a chill ran down my spine.
Not because I'm interested or anything. He's too dangerous. Too charming. Too wolfish for my taste. I prefer vanilla, charming and bland. He seems like the kinda guy to tie you to a ceiling fan and leave you there like Christian Grey. I shuddered in disgust.
No, he's too dark and calculated and full of secrets... His lips curve in a wicked smile as he brings Lapis' hand to his mouth for a kiss. Lapis gives a chuckle drenched in lust for the man. He drops her hand and glances over at me. Then his gaze lingers.
The world stops. I've been caught.
His heated gaze holds mine for a good minute before recognition sparks in his eyes. I feel my heart trying to crawl up my throat as I turn away, face hot and red. He didn't even recognize me at first. I'm sure he thinks nothing of me. About as little of me as I think of him.
I swallow as I see Kevin making a beeline for me. I feel Steven's intense stare shift over to Kevin.
He takes my hands and cries and blubbers quietly about how sorry he is.
It'll never happen again.
He must have had too much to drink.
He wasn't thinking.
I can still feel him staring. Is he still staring? The small of my back tingles in confirmation.
Pulling Kevin close, I kiss him deeply. He stills, and cups my face with more gentleness than he ever has.
"I'm so glad you forgive me, baby. I have some good news." He beams down at me, oblivious to Steven still staring. Ugh. My skin crawls at the thought.
"Your father's considering me for the job in Brazil!" He exclaimed.
I stop and let out a fake huff of laughter. "...But what about-?"
"Us?" He gives me a rueful grin. "If I'm going to be moving to Brazil, even temporarily, we can't be together yet."
I blink as the dread in my stomach expands.
"Wha-what do you mean?" No answer, just a small sad shake of his head. "You're...calling off the engagement?"
"Just until I'm back. I wouldn't hold you back. So don't do it to me." He said. " I've worked so hard for this position. You get everything handed to you on a silver platter because you're the CEOs daughter and the founders granddaughter." His voice drops to an irritated husk. Does he even notice? "But me? I have to work for it. Please Connie. I just need this. I'm not the only one he is considering, which means I won't have time to play 'House' with you." He reached for my hand and slipped the ring off. "I don't see myself staying there for more than 3 years." He said happily, as if he didn't just call of my entire life plans with a single tug on my ring finger. "We can get married after that."
I smile. Despite all of the raging emotions in my chest I smile. And I take his hands in mine, giving them and excited squeeze. "Gee, Kevin! I'm so happy for you!"
He pulled away and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I knew you'd understand. You always do." He pats my shoulder and says, "I'm sure it'll all work out." And then he walks away without so much as a goodbye.
And I stand there, in shock, as he happily drifts away.
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