I Will Protect You Forever

Hello my people. So i know it's been quiet a while since i last updated. I have been really busy with home life and my hobbies. I hope everyone is doing okay. As i begin to write this i wanted to let you know that it has been a good while since i have started this book and long since i have reread any of it other then the last chapter i have posted. I do hope that you can forgive any mistakes i have made. If they are really big feel free to contact me in the comments or thought the messaging on here. Thanks and i hope that all of you will enjoy this new chapter and i hope to start to reread this and continue with writing it. Thank You!

Previous in Captured Outcast:

"Yeah sure thing Hunk." I held over there and look around after a few seconds I hear a crash in the kitchen. I run out to find Hunk trying to hold back Shiro who has purple-ish eyes. "Keith! Run!" Hunk yells out as he kicks Shiro away. "Sorry!" We run out of the room and down the many halls. To the twins room.
"What happened?" I ask while we run.
"I was stirring things and he tried to hit me in the head with a pan, but I had moved to grab something. But I don't know why hes doing this." As he finishes we start to hear stomping coming closer. We try and run fast as we come to the hallway where the twins rooms are hunk stops pulling out his gun. " get the kids I'll hold his off... Hopefully... Hurry" he says. I run into the room and quickly and carefully pick up the twins. I tap a button on my wrist to notify Lotor that we are in trouble. I run out of the room to find Hunk having troubles. He looks back at me but then gets hit in the back of the neck by Shiro. "Run." He says before knocking out.
I quickly run in the other direction as Shiro chases us.

On to the story:

Keith's POV

I run fast. I can here the thuds of Shiro's feet right behind me. If i were to slow down there is no doubt that he would catch us. I can't let him hurt the kids. I have to get them to safety.

Lotor's POV

The meeting with the new fraction was going a little bumpy but we arre finally starting to get somewhere with agreements and what not. To be quite frank this meeting could have been delt with by one of the commanders. But of course that would only make a back impression on my part. Nearly an hour later a get a ringing coming from my bracelet on my wrist. My eyes widen with worried.

"I know that this might be out of our-"

"I'm really sorry but i need to cut this short if you would like one of my commanders can take over for me. I have some urgent matters i have to take care of." I shoot up from my seat and dash out the door with out another word. I run down the long corridor. "Get my ship ready NOW!" I yell into one of my communicators. Not long after i run into the launch pad. I see a ship waiting for me. "Call the command center at the castle of lions this instance and tell them to look for the empress and the princesses. make sure they are ready for anything." The gaurd nods. I start up the ship and make my way to the castle the fastest i could. It takes me about ten minutes to get there. I zip into the landing pad and get out quickly getting my sward ready and run for the central unit of the ship. I make it there with record time and see no one there. I bring up the security footage. I scan them and see Keith running down a hall way near the confence rooms. I run out of the room and dash to the rooms. 

Lance was right this whole time. Shiro is bad. But is it really Shiro?

Keith's POV

It's getting harder to run. I can't catch my breath. I can't hide with how much the twins are cry. They can sense they are in danger. They can feel the fear coming from me and the pure malice coming from Shiro.

I don't know how much longer i can keep up with this. Before i had the twins and i was taken i might have been able to out run Shiro but i haven't been able to train as much and my body is still trying to heal from everything.

Please Lotor, help me, I'm going to die. The twins aren't safe. I can't do this. I need you.

My breath grows more uneven by the minute. i'm going to pass out soon, but i need to hold on just a little long. Lotor should be here soon. He has to. He need to.

Lotor's POV

I'm so close. I hope i make it on time. I have to get there on time. I need to. I can't lose him again.

No One's POV

Lotor runs and foot steps other than his own are heard and start to get louder.

"Get back here mutt!" Shiro yells out. Keith falters, tripping over his own feet. Shiro reaches out almost grabbing him by the shirt. But suddenly Shiro is thrown back with such force it would have knocked anyone else out. He growns as we slids down the wall grabbing at the back of his head. "Damn you..."

Keith stopping hearing the loud sound and looks behind him in fear. His eyes widen when he sees his mate. "L-lotor... you c-came." Keith smiles his breath still hard and labored as he falls to the ground on his knees holding the twins to his chest tightly as they cry out in fear and worry. Lotor looks back at Keith for a quick moment with a look of distress and worry. He goes up to shiro only to be knocked onto his back with a heavy weight on top of him.

"I'll kill you!" Shiro takes out a dagger from his belt try to stab at Lotor as Lotor defends himself with his long sword. He kicks Shiro in the balls shoving him off, gaining a small cut on his cheek, he knocks Shiro out completely hitting the pressure point in the lower back of his neck. Lotor breaths out a sigh of reliefe putting a pair of hand cuffs on Shiro. A thud comes from behind him making him turn back only to see Keith breathing heavily on the floor holding their twins protectively to his chest. Lotor rushes over in a panic picking keith up into his arms and resting him in his lap.

"Keith! Hay, its going to be okay. I've got you." Lotor picked him up being careful with both him and the twins resting on him, their cries quieting as the sense of danger is gone and the smell of their father near. Lotor rushes to the infurmary laying keith on a table. He tries to take the twins but keith pulled them closer to his body. His vision blurry as his consciousness tries to slip past him. "It's okay love. Their safe, your safe. I'm right here with you." He rubs Keiths hands and cheek trying to sooth him. Keith losens his grip and lotor take the twins setting them in a near by crib. He picks keith up again opening a pod and places him inside. The glass closes.

While the pod got to work lotor tended to the twins. Once he had finished he held the two grils close kissing their foreheads and says sweet nothings to them as they look at the pod holding Keith. The girls mother, and Lotors mate. Lotor smiles the smallest of smiles as he watches his mates peaceful look of sleep.

"Don't worry my love. I'm here now. I will protect you forever. My beautiful mate, and my two beautiful daughters."

Alright everyone. I hope you liked the new chapter. And again I' sorry that i haven't been able to post in so long. So much as happened. I hope your day/night is going well and hope to write again soon. This chapter came out a little later then i exspected it to so please forgive me. Stay safe and health everyone. Love you all, and thank you for all of your comments and support.

Keith Anime Anything Out!!!! Until Next Time My Dudes!!!!! BYE BYE!!!!!!

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