Chapter 90

" Give me but a firm spot on which to stand, and I shall move the earth. "

― Archimedes, The Works of Archimedes


" I'm glad that you quit that job before, " the half-lizard SHIELD Director smiled at his best friend and subordinate who had finished his working and shut down the holographic computer.

" It's just that everything came up to me in 180 to 360 degree turn, " Amnon surmised and scratched his chin. " Like I already knew the truth thanks to my father. "

" How? " Jared asked.

" Well, it's a series of reflections I have learned, starting from myself inheriting the blue blood from the Kree Eternal, the Supreme Intelligence appeared from my dream, prophecies that I have seen from him, until my father and my friend told me my real identity. Not gonna lie, Jared. Those things were life changing and mind blowing. "

" So, somehow they are intertwined? "

" Well, yeah. Learning from Dr. Strange that we can't defeat the Darkness, but there are forces associated with them. I think anybody can fight, but I hope Kai and the lady with the mask can. "

" Lady with the mask? Who is she? "

" The lady who holds the Mask of Leadership, she came from a different universe, " Amnon replied.

" A different universe? " Jared curiously repeated and looked baffled. " Isn't it far-fetched that there are some people living in an another universe? Perhaps, the multiverse theories are real like people from another dimensions came to play in this prolonged Kree-Lizard bugaloo. "

" Yeah, pretty peculiar, isn't it? "

" I agree, " the half-Lizard nodded in agreement. " Perhaps, they're all looking for a new home and life after this. "

" Well, I think so. Going back to the lady, " Amnon returned to the topic. " Old Methu-Selah told me that I will rescue her and I am willing to take risks. "

Jared looked at his best friend with concern and sighed, " I see, but it will be dangerous in your part. "

" It doesn't matter. At least, my father will come to help. "


On an evening operation, a small squad of the FW legion awaited their personnel that they were assigned for a scout mission on the one of the strongholds of the Kree Empire and the reptillian allies. They were getting aboard on an old SHIELD Quinjet preparing their way to the Arctic-Pacific area.

" Hey, have you guys ever thought the one of the former SHIELD or MIB personnels could be our commanding leader for this work? " the FW Trooper asked.

" That's what we're about to find out, " his fellow trooper answered.

" Yep, I'm in charge and observing how you guys work, " an old male craggy voice echoed when the FW Troopers turned their attention to an old man with a scanty hair and a quiver on his back. He was holding his bow and standing beside a young Ethiopian man.

" I am his junior aide, " Kamal interjected.

All of the soldiers got up and saluted at them. Elder Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye nodded at them in response. The Inhuman Kamal Abdul curiously tilted his head and waited for the senior Avenger to speak up.

" We've got some Kree androids along Alaska. They were several cases of invading the free nomadic village. The Rebel Forces have been waging war against them in decades, " Elder Hawkeye informed them. " It's about time to end their hunt in the Western Arctic Circle. I'm also assigning former Captain Daisy Johnson from the Nui Army as your guide. "

" Mr. Barton, Did Mrs. Tellumo give her some instructions? " Kamal asked.

As the senior Avenger was about to respond, a younger brunette woman confidently walked over to them. She smiled and placed her hands on her waist. Everyone turned their attention to her.

" Let's say, I gained some tips and tricks from Old Lady Quake herself, " she replied.

The FW Trooper jumped down from a cargo crate and readied himself, " Then, I guess we're all ready for action. "

" Well, let's get it a go! "

The FW Sargeant turned to his subordinates and reminded, " You heard the Captain, Let's move! "

" HOORUH! " they loudly affirmed in unison.

Everyone began to board the Quinjet as the pilot on the ship began to take off. The rest of the passengers had taken their seats.

" Be sure to hang onto something, this doesn't have autopilot. And also no stops either. " the pilot reminded.

Looking at the troopers, the younger Daisy Johnson remained silent and reminisced those days back in the Nui Army from the old universe. She heavily sighed and sadly bowed her head as she missed those scenarios.

" You missed someone? " Kamal chimed in and looked at her.

" Yeah..." she nodded in reply and slightly smiled at him. " I hope to save the general this time. "

" Was he your leader? "

" Indeed, he was my superior back in our own army before we came into this chaotic world. "

" Were you able to save him from them? "

" No..." Daisy instantly replied when her face turned too serious.

" I'm sorry to hear..." he paused.

" It wasn't your fault, Kamal, " she said somberly. " When we ended up here, I got scared when he became that murderous cyborg monster which I never expected him to be. I'm too worried if we find him somewhere and see him killing those people. "

" I understand, " Kamal nodded, sincerely smiled, and assured the Nui army captain. " We will rescue him someday. "

" Thanks. "

Just then, the FW Sargeant walked to the cockpit and sat on the chair next to the pilot. He said, " We are clear for take off, Pilot. "

" Copy that, " he began taking off and controlled the Quinjet to bolt out of the hanger bay, heading to the blue skies. Then, he turned the vehicle to the direction according to their navigational map. It quickly took off at the speed above one hundred miles per hour. " We'll arrive there in only about 4 hours. Destination: Nome, Alaska. "

Elder Hawkeye turned to the troopers and interjected, " Listen, our indestrucs can be anywhere in this point. Kamal and Captain Johnson will aid you along the way. "

The FW Troopers responded in unison, " Yes, sir. "

" Don't forget about the harsh conditions within the place. There will be a blizzard ounce we land there, " the other trooper added. " And if so, we will set up a small base to operate for this mission. "

" Wow! Now I wondered why the cargo was so heavy then. We could've made this an hour trip without it, " the FW Pilot remarked.

" If those goons eat you, I'll quake them right away! " Daisy joked.

" She is really the Destroyer of Worlds! " the FW Trooper commented and laughed.

" And a fiesty one at best, " his colleague replied.

" People. Enough chatting, let's move, " Elder Hawkeye seriously reminded and let out a sigh.


The Arctic-Pacific winds roamed around the area with a surge of heavy snowfall. The Quinjet had reached their destination while experiencing such turbulence. The heightened fear and anxiety was present inside the passenger area. Elder Clint Barton or Hawkeye took some deep breaths to calm himself. Just then, Kamal and Captain Johnson overheard a conversation from the cockpit area.

" Damn, this blizzard is really messing me up. I can't see our landing point, " the pilot whined.

" Then scan the area for one, private. " his superior replied.

" Cheese, forgot about that, " he looked back at the other comrades and asked. " You all okay in there? "

" WE ARE FREEZING IN HERE! " the trooper yelled.

" If only Dr. Pyromaniac and his wife were here with us, " Kamal sighed.

" Oh the oldies, " Daisy recalled the other pyrokinetic Inhuman spouses.

" Or maybe the Elite and general Commander too, " the other trooper added.

The younger Quake nodded in agreement and peered at the window. She intently looked at the wooden cabin at the forest and near the seaside. She turned to the others and said, " I'm seeing a safe haven over there. "

The Ethiopian Inhuman added, " It looks like an inn. "

" Do you honestly think that a small cabin can fit an entire squad of 14 troopers, a sargeant, two technicians, a pilot, a rookie, and two leaders in charge? "

" Well, we better give it a try to stay. It's better than nothing and freezing in this harsh weather, " Daisy remarked and sighed.

" Just hope they're charging dirt cheap, " the other FW trooper commented and snickered.

" Keep it up, folks. We're going there, " Elder Hawkeye reminded the other troopers.

" Copy that sir, " the pilot answered and guided his control of the ship and makes a safe landing three miles behind the inn. " Good out there you guys. "

He pulled down a lever that opened the lift on the back of the quinjet. Then, the six Fire Wing Troopers immediately went out and aimed their weapons to any hostile sign they could see.

" All clear, " the twelfth Fire Wing trooper said and signalled them.

The group had walked into the dark and snowy forest. The two leaders, Captain Daisy Johnson and Elder Clint Barton lead the way going to the cabin. The retired Avenger looked at the speck of sun kissing down the cold azure waters of the Pacific Ocean. He sadly sighed and checked his watch, showing it was 5:54 pm. He looked at the cabin and turned to Kamal, implying to check the premises.

The young Ethiopian Inhuman nodded and instantly passed through walls. He inspected the area and walked around which he could only see some furniture covered with a white blanket tainted with grey dust. Then, he turned around and saw a grandfather clock stopped at 1:25, checked the rooms for any people or intruders, and found there was none. He instantly opened the door and saw his group waiting for him.

" It is safe to live, " Kamal said and gestured them. " You can all come in. "

" Move out, Troopers! " the sargeant commanded.

The rest had entered the abandoned cabin and found their respective rooms and stations. Daisy headed upstairs and found a room when she opened its door. She looked at the cold gloomy view of the Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea and sighed. Then, she checked the furnitures and others things.

She sat on the bed which it was untouched for decades and thought of resting. On the side table, she found a chocolate colored leather diary from a person who lived in this room and curiously looked at it. Daisy started to flip the pages and took one which she began reading it.

Date: 04-March-2040

" A few weeks ago, I spent working on the streets as a laborer slave but a group of blue and pink skinned men invaded this town. The lizards were with them when they hindered the supposed Bering Bridge construction. I realized that Russia and America would never be connected as the Kree-Lizard continued their never ending exploits. "

Daisy kept reading the paragraphs, flipped the other pages, and found an interesting part of the diary as she looked upon the mixed race slaves are being dumped on the Bering sea.

Date: 23-July-2040

" No progress has been happening ever since I got captured and enslaved by those space bastards. All I can see is tragic deaths of those who rebel against them. I have no choice, but to remain silent and play along with them in order for me to survive this bloody hellhole. Here I am seeing my own people drowning in the middle of the Bering Sea and Pacific Ocean. I can't take to look at it! This is horrible! When will this prolonged horror end?! "

Those were the last words which the writer had observed. Daisy found there were no succeeding written pages and sadly sighed upon reading them. She turned to the diary's first page and found a name and a note enscribed on it.

Z.A.E.XL.Williams, chief construction engineer.

" Please bring this diary to my family. This will serve as an evidence of how harsh the Kree-Lizard legion treats the people."

The brunette Inhuman instantly stood up from the bed and left the room as everyone noticed her coming from downstairs.

" Guys, I found an evidence! " she called out when the MTF Fire Wing troopers and Elder Hawkeye approached her.

" Captain Johnson, what did you found? " the sargeant asked.

" The Bering Bridge construction had been cancelled which the writer tells all, " she answered and passed the diary to everyonen when they saw and flipped its pages.

" It's from Z.A.E.XL.Williams, " the first trooper replied.

" Anyone know who he could be? " the third one asked everybody.

" Oh for god's sakes, that's Doc Pyro and Madame Firefly's other son! " Elder Hawkeye remarked in shock and flipped the pages. " His journal is dated around 30 years ago. His name is Zachary Anthony Edward Xiao Long-Williams aka Zed the engineer! "

" This must've been a hideout of his, I take it? " the ninth FW trooper surmised.

" So, he knew everything? " Kamal asked.

" Exactly, let me read, " the senior Avenger answered, flipped another page from Zed's diary, and began to loudly read.

Date: 05-March-2040

" The half-Lizards are being starved to death when I see them being captured on the streets along with the other normals and Inhumans. I'm afraid of being found as they will discover me as an Inhuman. The Kree and their minions are good in taking down so many slaves. I need to keep normal as possible. Watch out for androids, they are worse muderers than the Lizards or Kree soldiers. Dad told me that they are powerful and grim like Ultron."

" That's quite dark, " the sixth trooper commented.

" Then, how the heck did Shade and Mist were able to get all the slaves out and safe if they said themselves that they encountered the androids? " the seventh trooper queried.

" Well, we did a joint effort back in New York, " Daisy answered.

" Probably, the Kree has lost their control on them, " Kamal interjected.

" Only after you guys were at your last stands, " the fourth FW trooper spoke.

The Fire Wing Sargeant sighed and asked, " What is the Kree's endgame other than to expand their empire and wipe anything out that resists them? "

" Only we could find out, " Elder Hawkeye broke his silence and saw images on Zed's diary.

The first image was a tall-half Asian middle-aged man with glasses and a shaggy hair as he took a photo of himself with the humpback whales. Zed took after his father's appearance.

" Please give it to my wife and kids. They like to see whales in Alaska."

Another image was shown which it was Amnon Joseph Montmartre's former body. The senior Avenger showed the image and started to read aloud.

Date: 04-July-2040

" I met this half-reptilian guy and his friends several days ago when they spared me from the same bastards from drowning and brought me here into this cabin. He just saved some civilians. This time around, he frequently visits us for food and clothing. He has secretly aided the people in the cabin. If you see him, I want to pay my high regards on him. He knows about Jared Coulson and the others as he told me. Even he looks ferocious and tough, he has a heart of gold."

Then, another image showed the supposed site of the Bering Bridge as Elder Hawkeye continued reading aloud.

Date: 16-July-2040

" If you wish to cross Russia and America by car, bike, or on foot, it will take more than 45 minutes than travelling by ship or plane which will take days. A future will be coming into this new bridge above the Bering Sea. After this prolonged terror, you will be free to travel from North America to the Eurasian region and vice versa. "

Elder Barton noticed at the back of the diary which he found a hidden picochip inserted at the cover. Then, he continued reading again.

" Please tell the 682 boy, to deliver this chip to his friend Jared Coulson, it contains the blue prints and calculations of the entire Bering Bridge. The 682 boy has been my trusted friend for a short period of time, however he left us to find the mysterious sea creature, responsible for the drownings. "

" It was last evening when we got separated from the Port of Nome. He was so determined to investigate. Critika, Jared and I warned him not to go any further, but Enoch the Chronicom had let him go. My friend was no longer to be found afterwards. Just this morning, Jared asked Gladius and his faction members to have a search party. They couldn't find him all over Alaska upto the Canadian border. I could have presumed he died of drowning. No, I don't want to think that way. All I can think is he could have gone to Russia and sought the Kree Eternal or anyone from there. "

" If you find him, Jared Coulson, or anyone else, please let them keep it, ASAP. "

" So, Montmartre had known Engineer Williams and Coulson in the past? That's a discovery in the latter part of this century, " the Fire Wing sargeant muttered in awe.

" Probably, " Kamal shrugged and turned to Daisy. " Did he have a letter to his former lizard friend? "

" I don't know, " she cluelessly replied and noticed another picochip at the back of the diary. " Wait, could be this one? "

" How are we going to check that? "

" Please give it to me. Let me check it, " Elder Hawkeye gestured the two Inhumans and held his picochip reader device.

Daisy handed it to him when the elderly man inserted it and pressed the button. It revealed to be a holographic video recording dated on the 25th of July 2040 at 2:42 am. He started to play it when everyone turned their attention to the bearded man who had an uncanny resemblance to Dr. Pyromaniac and Colonel Paul Williams of the Nui Army. He looked anxious and took deep breaths which he was feeling in the brink of death.

Zed: (to Amnon) " Buddy, I'm recording this message right now. I'm at the middle of this infiltration. If you find this diary, you can see everything in it, including the blueprint of the Bering Sea Bridge. Keep it until you've decided to revive the idea of bringing the bridge. Please keep it before someone finds it and tell my family that I love them very much and I'll never forget them in my life. Thank you so much for everything... "

From the sudden background noise, a shot from a cyborg had startled him. Zed excruciatingly moaned in pain and touched his bleeding abdomen. He huffed and fell on his knees. Then, another gunshot struck his chest, making him bleeding more than ever.

Zed: (to Amnon) " Buddy...I really...g-gotta g-go. This is Engineer Zed Williams, now signing off! "

Everyone heard his final words, bowed their heads, and sighed in sadness. The holographic video playback was ended. Daisy had understood why the engineer wrote his last entry on the 23rd of July 2040.

" That kid could have lived among us, " Elder Hawkeye remorsefully spoke and handed the diary and the picochip reader device to the young Ethiopian Inhuman.

" I'm going to give this to Amnon when we return. He needs to see everything from his beloved friend, " Kamal received the two objects from the old man.

The FW trooper approached the brunette Inhuman asked and saluted her, " Captain, permission to set up base? "

" Go ahead, " she nodded.

" Thank you, ma'am, " he took his leave and signalled the ten others in joining him to set up.

" I hope that 30 year old incident won't happen again, " Elder Hawkeye replied and sat down on the couch.

" I've seen more than that in my former home dimension, " Daisy replied.

" Well, isn't it the whole point of other dimensions? " the fourth FW trooper asked.

" In the World of Remnant, grimms and terrorists are more dreadful than anyone else. But here, It's the worst. Speaking of grimms, Lady Quake talks to me about Republic of Remnant in this dimension have the same creatures, " the brunette Inhuman lady explained and raised her right hand in interjection. " The multiverse is true and far-fetched, isn't it? "

" Hang on, so if you came from your universe and are helping out ours. So, that could possibly mean your universe might not have the same future? " the twelfth trooper asked.

" It's a lot like the "Universe Choice law", made by the Time deity; Clockwork, " the ninth one chimed in.

" My universe is gonna be explode anytime soon. The last thing that I knew that our resources were down the drain and the evil lady called Salem is supposed to ruin it, " she continued.

" Well, you could have come along the way to support us, " Hawkeye said and clasped his hands.

" Exactly, that's what your great prophets have said. "

" Hang on. You mean the Grimm leader Salem? " the fourth trooper curiously raised his tone.

" Yeah, she has a friend named Kang the Conqueror who sent us here. Well, I talked with those two diviners and asked them about Salem and the Abyss. They said they can destroy this planet anytime soon. "

" Well, If it's a Universal War were about too deal with. I'm just glad that the "Banished" isn't coming- " the twelfth trooper interjected.

" You still believe in that legend, do you? There's no way that any dark creatures could defect from the Abyss and even so, how the task would they conquer 2 universes in the span from when they were first recognize and formed to now? " the fourth one argued.

" A: did you already forgot about Shade? And B: They have this item which allows them too be phantoms and invade other worlds within their own universe. " the other added.

Daisy suggested, " Well, ask the guy named Stephen Strange. He had seen so much before he became a sorcerer. "

" Justify "seen so much"? "

" The ancient one, the book of Vishanti, a multiverse tunnel, and Dormammu. You haven't heard them, have you? "

The Fire Wing sargeant overheard the conversation and asked, " Hmm....How did you and your universe friend's get too here in the first place? "

" It's Kang the Conqueror's created wormhole, " she replied.

" Did he ever had any attentions of bringing you guys too this specific universe? "

" We need to find out why. "

" Then, I guess the only solution is to continue fighting for the truth, " the sargeant replied.

" Yeah, certainly, " Daisy nodded back.


It was evening when the others stayed in the cabin as Daisy returned to the room when she had visited earlier. She laid on the bed thinking of the other passengers who had been in the ship. She looked at the window and saw the Bering sea where the bridge was supposed to be built.

" I hope our new world would be better place for us. I wish Efpistons would return to normal and see this place, " she thought and yawned when her eyes were almost closing.

At the porch, only two troopers remain awake as they took sniper positions in case an invasion occurred. The seventh one was looking through the scope of his sniper. The third one was also looking through an outdated binocular for any movement out in a 1000 meter radius.

" Everything still clear, you? " he asked.

" Same, " his partner nodded.

Daisy was about to fall asleep when she quickly looked at the window again. The Indestruc had destroyed The Russian side from afar. She took her scanner and zoomed in. It was a Cyborg Faunus reaching towards the two Diomedes islands going to Alaska.

Daisy startled her eyes to widen and muttered, " General Efpistons? Nikolai? "

" ....Wait a second....It's the same Cyborg from the video feed in Russia? " the third trooper asked.

" I bet they are returning to the stronghold that resides somewhere here, " the seventh one replied.

" Hold it for a moment, " he zoomed in for a closer look to see where the cyborg was heading.

Daisy rushed herself downstairs as the elderly Avenger and the Ethiopian Inhuman instantly woke up and heard her loud footsteps from the stairs. .

" EVERYONE, HOLD YOUR FIRE! " she yelled.

" Wait, What?! " Elder Hawkeye exclaimed in shock and held his bow and quiver.

" That attacker must have been hunting more civilians, " Kamal replied.

The three people coming from the cabin's interior went to the porch. Daisy stood behind the two troopers and warned them, " Everyone, remain in your positions! We're going to arrest him, don't shoot! "

" Are you kidding me?! The least we could do is wound him into submission! " the seventh trooper exclaimed.

" Or it could be a trap, " his colleague added.

" Look, you can't just shoot him like that! I know this cyborg, he got enslaved! He must have been controlled by the overlord himself, " Daisy angrily reasoned and explained. " I understand how it's like to be a slave. I just removed my inhibitor five days ago. Are you trigger-happy boys so eager to kill slaves?! Do you even guys use your heads first before attacking?! "

The patrolling Fire Wing troopers shared glances, heavily sighed, and felt guilty at the younger brunette Inhuman's words. They levelled their weapons down and turned to her as they needed to consult their action to her.

" I'll see if I could hit his inhibitor, from there, you guys could regain the unconscious cyborg's condition, " the seventh trooper surmised.

Daisy sighed and answered, " Exactly, I have no choice but to quake him down before you remove it. "

" Just don't miss, " the third trooper reminded and held his weapon.

" Relax, I know full and well of how to take down a cyborg from the sky. "

Then, he switched his regular Titanium Ammo with some kind of liquid substance that sparked lighting ounce in a while and loaded his ammo and took aim where the inhibitor chip was within the cyborg. The Faunus cyborg quickly approached to the area and readied himself to attack another trooper who would dare to hinder him.

" Keep targeting..." the third trooper muttered.

The cyborg was very determined to attack another trooper when Daisy positioned her arms forward. With her powerful vibrations, she instantly quaked and pushed him onto the pine tree's log, making him struck down.

" Now! " she raised her voice, commanding them.

The seventh FW Trooper quickly fired as a plasma base beam came out of the rifle at twice the speed of lightning and pierce through the cyborg's head, not killing it but, directly hitting the inhibitor chip.

" Great shot! " his colleague remarked.

The faunus Cyborg had tumbled down on the ground unconsciously. Elder Hawkeye watched the execution and ordered the young Ethiopian Inhuman. Kamal nodded at the elderly archer, passed in and out of the body, and checked the suspect.

" He has a minor concussion in the temporal area of the skull, " he said. " We need first aid. "

The FW Sargeant signalled a trooper and ordered, " Get the medical equipment out of the cargo. "

" Yes, sir, " the sixth FW Trooper nodded, went inside the ship's cargo, and retrieved the medical supplies.

Daisy felt sorry for her former directive as he was found unconscious after the incident. She approached him and knelt down beside him.

" I apologize for this incident, sir. This is the right thing to do. I understood that you've been manipulated, but I had no choice but to arrest you. I hope you can understand as you gain consciousness, " she softly whispered to his ear.

(Scenes on this chapter is based from Great War RP by FlashlightMan, Budderwriter1, and yours truly. )

(Additional scenes and dialogues by yours truly.)

(Nikolai Efpistons belongs to Budderwriter1)

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