Chapter 58
" If thy brother wrongs thee, remember not so much his wrong-doing, but more than ever that he is thy brother. "
- Epictetus
" Amnon, Arnav, " Samara called the two men's attention. " I have to go with my son here. You'd better find someone else to help Chandresh right now. "
The pink Kree and the Indian Inhuman shared glances and nodded as they both understood what the Remnite-French nurse had meant. Amnon's mind had diverted to his new friend's older twin brother, instead of dwelling on his unfortunate past. He looked at Arnav with 2 and remembered those days how Ella had treated him badly.
" It seems I have to set aside my personal issues and help Arnav and his brother get reconciled, " Amnon thought. " Perhaps, this is the reason why I got to this group therapy. "
" Amnon, are you coming with me? " Arnav curiously raised his eyebrows and asked, noticing his friend's silence.
" Right, right, I'm coming, bud, " he nodded and turned to his older cousin. " Samara, I'll talk to you some other time or next Sunday. "
" Sure, " she nodded back. " Just take care of yourself. "
The two men left the facility's hallway when a crowd came and went. They were like stuck in the ocean of people who were about to exit the premises. Suddenly, they noticed a familiar face who was talking to a couple of MTF Troopers. The grey haired bearded Inhuman wearing a pale greyish-blue shirt and a pair of dark pants tirelessly kept asking questions to the armored people, but they couldn't answer him. Uldrin Vanasoul sadly sighed, thanked them, and walked away.
" Uldrin? " Amnon curiously called his other friend's name and asked.
" Hey, there. Guys, " Uldrin slightly smiled and greeted. " I never expected you to be here. "
" What's going on? "
" The MTF Troopers couldn't directly answer me if they find Lenia elsewhere, " he gloomily spoke and bowed his head. " I guess this is pointless to pursue in searching for..."
" Uldrin, this is no time for sulking, " Arnav seriously replied and raised his right hand in interjection. " My brother and I had an argument earlier. When he gets angry, something bad will happen. "
" You guys usually fight, I take it. "
" Obviously, we do, but if it gets serious..."
" What do you mean? " Amnon asked.
Arnav heavily sighed and anxiously spoke, " Chandresh might cause a tremendous earthquake. Please help me to calm him down or else Europe will be in great peril! "
Uldrin and Amnon shared glances as they heard him. The pink Kree glanced at his two Inhuman friends and thought of helping them at this moment.
" Arnav, I don't have powers, but the only thing I can do is talk to him, " Amnon replied and turned to the other Inhuman. " What do you think, Uldrin? "
" I don't want to fight Chandresh, Amnon, " Uldrin anxiously answered. " From what I have heard, he's too dangerous. You're right, we'd better talk to him and let's see how it goes. "
" Thank you, my friends, " Arnav slightly smiled and felt relieved.
" You're welcome, pal. Let's go then. "
The three men hurriedly left the premises and headed themselves onto the silent Parisian streets. The French tangerine and royal blue skies had met the bright golden sun, peacefully setting down. Amnon walked along with his two friends and looked concerned at them. The other one suffered from a tremendous depression while the second one was becoming anxious of his angry twin brother.
" Well, I'm not the only one who suffered so much. There are a lot of people with a different degree of issues which remain unresolved. Master was right about this, " he deeply thought and sadly sighed. " I guess all I have to do is to help them. Maybe, this is the only way I can change my negativity into positivity. "
Amnon turned to Arnav and asked, " So tell us, how did you get into France in the first place? "
" Through those men, " Arnav instantly replied.
" You mean the Mobile Task Force? "
" Yes, " the Indian Inhuman nodded and looked at the sky turning dark. " Chandresh and I have come all the way from Mumbai, India, travelling all the way from the Middle East to Europe. We have been escaping from those invaders for several decades, ever since our parents had perished when we were sixteen years old. "
" We're sorry to hear that, bud, " Uldrin empathized. " I have never known in that during the past sessions. "
" Well, Mr. Summers would harshly criticize our story. Then, my brother would argue with me afterwards, " Arnav sadly sighed and bowed his head.
" Why would your brother do that? " Amnon curiously asked. " How come you guys have been like that? "
" It all started when our parents died in our hometown, Sindhudurg, " Arnav recalled. " Hours before they were killed, I spent time fishing in the seashore and thinking that the whole place was safe from those monsters. Suddenly, one of my neighbours called me out when the alien madmen arrived in the community. Running around, I saw my parents unconsciously lying down on the floor. Then, Chandresh wept after he went hiding in the room. I felt sorry for everything and mourned for a long time. I tried comforting my older twin, but he refused to be with me. He kept blaming me for that incident and told me I was not even there to help my family. "
" Damn, that's horrible, " Uldrin commented and sighed. " Then, you kept fighting from then on until you guys got captured. "
" That's true. Those mad men found us in Mumbai City and brought us into the slave den. We did nothing, but hard labour and strenuous work, " Arnav continued. " They kept watching us and observing every day. Chandresh and I had no choice, but to comply and unite even though we have disputes and differences. Those experiences made us tougher, but yet we were struggling to survive. "
" So, you got enslaved, too. I know how that feels, " Amnon thought and listened to his friend's story. Then, he asked, " How long have you been experiencing that? "
" Five to six years at the slave den in Mumbai, we had seen hardships, experienced threats, and heard thresholds of death, " the bespectacled Inhuman seriously answered. " One of our fellow slaves died of disease, starvation, and violent causes.
" Was there something or someone who had freed you? " Uldrin asked.
" Well, there was a mysterious man who infiltrated the slave den and rescued us that night. He easily defeated those mad men and found a powerful crystal before we escaped. "
" Terrigen crystal? " Amnon and Uldrin surmised in unison.
" I think that's the name of that thing, " he snapped his fingers and continued. " The man showed it to us when my brother objected and told him it's a dangerous object. He ignored Chandresh and smiled, dropping and breaking the crystal. It formed into a mist and cocooned our bodies. It took hours until we broke our stone cocoons. Chandresh started to shake the ground and then I made sudden tidal waves from the seashore. The man told us to use our powers for good and save our people from those enemies. "
" So, who's that man? Did you ask for his name? What did he look like? " the pink Kree asked and became interested.
Arnav sighed and placed both his hands into his pocket. Then, he looked at his friends and replied, " He never told us about his name, but he was there to remind us to use our powers for the good of the people. "
" I think I remember who, " Uldrin slightly smiled. " It's the same man who saved me and my sister several years ago in Remnant. I met him too. "
" So, Old Methu-Selah has left an impact on these two, " Amnon curiously thought and looked at his two friends who kept conversing while walking. " Somehow, he felt sorry for the Inhumans being badly involved from the Kree-Lizard legion. He was looking for his son elsewhere while helping everyone. Yet, I wonder if they have any knowledge of where the Kree Eternal's son is. "
Reaching the residential side of the street, Arnav and Uldrin noticed the pink Kree's silence. They were wondering why he remained listening and deeply pondering.
" Amnon?! Earth to Amnon?! Hello! " Arnav called his blonde friend's attention and snapped his fingers when the grey haired chuckled at him.
" Cheese! Why are you doing this?! " Amnon startled and raised his voice.
" You have been long silent! " Uldrin laughed. " Did the cat get your tongue?! "
" No! No! No! " Amnon nervously chuckled, pointed at the sky, and made an excuse. " I'm just stargazing while walking! "
" We don't believe you, my friend! " Arnav snickered and reminded him. " By the way, we're here! "
" Oh..." the pink Kree moved his head to and fro and never realized that they had reached the Patel Brothers' flat.
The nineteenth century structure remained standing tall and greeted the three men. Amnon smiled and sighed in relief as he and his friends were safe and not spotted by those mad invaders. Suddenly, they began to feel such intense tremors happening on the street and saw some cracks forming on the ground and the building walls. Amnon and Uldrin were surprised to witness an unexpected seismic activity on the streets of Paris, however Arnav remained emotionless and knew it was his brother's rage that caused an earthquake which he was used to.
" Have you two experienced an intensity 5.9 Earthquake before? " the Indian Inhuman asked.
" I guess, " Uldrin nodded.
" Well...yeah, " Amnon added, becoming anxious of what would happen next.
" It was my brother, Chandresh who's responsible for this. Just a fair warning, please don't trigger him to get angry and start a fight. He could destroy things and places. Don't wait for him to get you both. "
The men nodded and entered the flat as there were people who safely got out of the place. The other residents were curious and concerned when these three arrived when a sudden shaking happened. Amnon and his companions reached the room where Arnav and his brother lived. The bespectacled twin kept knocking on the door when his other friends waited to open it.
" Chandresh, ye jhatake band karo! hamen baat karane kee jaroorat hai! (Chandresh, stop making these tremors! We need to talk!) " Arnav loudly exclaimed. " Chandresh! Chandresh! "
" Main yahaan rukane vaala nahin hoon, jab tak ham is desh ko achchhe ke lie nahin chhodenge! (I am not going to stop here, unless we will leave this country for good!) " a deep male voice sternly echoed.
Amnon and Uldrin exchanged glances and never understood such arguments for they were speaking in their mother tongue. Still, they noticed the shaking became wilder than they saw earlier. Just inside the room, Chandresh snapped his fingers and caused everything to shake and fall off. His frustration towards his younger twin and this prolonged invasion had made him that way. Arnav kept banging the door and loudly cried to stop. The bearded Inhuman ignored his younger twin brother's cries.
Just outside the room, Uldrin thought of how to pacify these two and instantly phased into the room. Amnon and Arnav were surprised at the other Inhuman's act. Suddenly, he made it inside and eyed the other bearded one. Chandresh indignantly glared at the newcomer and ceased his tremors.
" What do you want, Uldrin? " he spat. " You should be knocking first before you enter, not that idiot!
" Look, I'm not gonna hurt you, pal, " Uldrin calmly replied. " I don't even understand what you two are saying, but your brother needs to talk. "
" Why should I talk to him? "
" Because he needs you to stop and reconcile, " the grey-haired Remnite answered and walked over the door, carefully opening the knob and letting Arnav and Amnon enter.
Chandresh heatedly glared at his younger twin brother and crossed his arms. He was not pleased to see him home. Arnav walked over and remained calm in confronting his older twin brother. Uldrin stepped back and stood beside the pink Kree when they witnessed this confrontation which they hoped for a peaceful and meaningful end. They both understood that the brothers had a long term conflict.
" Chandresh, I need to talk to you, " Arnav calmly broke his silence. " I know you're upset about why I decided to stay here. I realized people need our help without using our powers. "
" How?! " Chandresh indignantly responded. " Don't you even realize that the Foundation has been chasing us since we left India and travelled from Pakistan to Spain! They labelled us as indestrucs because of our powers! "
" We used our powers for good, brother! I understood we have been so dangerous because we caused such calamity for the invaders. I didn't take it negatively when we reached here! "
" But we have a country to protect, Arnav! We can do work and save lives without the Rebel Forces and the Mobile Task Force's help! I'm sick and tired of them discriminating against us as dangerous beings! I don't want to live and remain here anymore! I felt being watched and controlled here! "
Amnon heard the words of the Indian older twin and felt sorry for him. He understood his experiences back at the MTF Facility in California and looked at Chandresh with concern. Then, he turned to Arnav and kept listening to the discourse along with Uldrin.
" We have been travelling for years, my brother, " Arnav continued. " After that terrigen experience, we have fought our enemies together, but those people were also chasing after us. I knew about your suspicion back then, but now we have to forgive and understand them! "
" Forgive and understand them?! They shot some of those people on our way to Egypt! How could I forgive their brutality?! They never realized they killed some fellow people turned into manipulated slaves of the madmen! You are trying to make friends with our enemies who have been living with us! "
" Chandresh, you don't get my point..."
" I do! I am sick and tired of dealing with those people, especially you who had been so ignorant for letting our parents die! You drag me out of my misery! "
Chandresh was about to extend his both arms and push his brother into the window using his gravitational and vibrational semblance. Arnav looked around and turned to the kitchen sink, thinking to release water pressure. The two had enough bickering when Chandresh raised his left hand and began vibrating. Suddenly, Uldrin phased into the older bearded twin while Amnon quickly grabbed Arnav's hand.
The older twin brother felt horrified when someone entered his body. He felt like being possessed by a ghost and loudly kept screaming. He couldn't use his powers at the moment for he was being controlled and observed his inner self. Chandresh loudly cried and cursed in Hindi as Amnon and Arnav watched him in his torment. Finally, the Remnite Inhuman phased out of the Indian man's body and heavily sighed. Chandresh fell on his knees and bitterly wept, covering his face.
" I'm sorry, Chandresh, " Uldrin remorsefully said. " I don't want to banter your thoughts and feelings, but this is getting out of hand. You hated your brother, because of that trouble that got you into a terrible rift. I guess, it's time to start and settle your differences. You are brothers by blood. You should be caring and understanding each other. "
Arnav looked at his older twin brother and then at Amnon. The pink Kree nodded, giving him a signal to confront and reconcile. Uldrin walked over to his friend and stood beside him. Arnav instantly hugged his brother who was sulking and comforted him. Chandresh looked at him like a child who felt guilty after being scolded.
" Mujhe maaph kar do, Arnav. Mainne tumhen varshon tak itanee pareshaanee mein daala hai aur bahut krodhit kiya hai. (Forgive me, Arnav. I have put you into so much trouble for years and been so angry.) " he said and wept.
" Mujhe vah hona chaahie jo aapako bataata hai ki. (I should be the one who tells you that.) " Arnav sincerely smiled. " Mainne aapako lambe samay tak kshama kiya hai. (I have forgiven you for a long time.) "
" It seems your act has made them stop fighting, " Amnon commented.
" Well, Dr. Schnee and Mr. Rogers asked me to use it for good and overcome my depression, " Uldrin replied and turned to the brothers. " Even we don't understand what they're saying, they're making a new beginning. "
" I agree. "
Finally, the tidal twins have reconciled after the long-term dispute which they obtained for good. Amnon and Uldrin sighed in relief and shared glances after looking at them as they felt pleased. Love, peace, and forgiveness had entered the Patel household.
" I guess we should be leaving you both, " Amnon called the other two men's attention.
" Definitely, this is just a beginning to rekindle as brothers, " Uldrin interjected.
" Thank you my friends, we appreciate looking for each other, " Arnav smiled at them. " We will see you this coming Sunday. "
" You're welcome. "
The two men bid goodbye at the brothers and left the apartment when everyone noticed the tremor was gone and entered the place. Amnon looked at his watch and became anxious that he reached the curfew hours. The pink Kree was unaware and facepalming himself to his embarrassment. He was sighing and looking at the yellowish-white full moon hovering above the structures.
" What's wrong, pal? " Uldrin curiously asked. " Are you okay? "
" My master and mother are waiting for me to eat supper! " he sighed. " Now, they'll be asking me to wash the dishes! "
" Heh, I guess you have to do that when they deem you grounded for being late! " the grey haired Inhuman joked and laughed.
" Perhaps, I should invite you..."
" Maybe, next time. See you soon, friend, " Uldrin waved his hands and greeted as he walked into a different direction.
Amnon waved back and smiled as he thought, " Eventually, you will find out who I was. Not now, perhaps soon. Still, I'm so ashamed to tell you and the others about what I have been. "
(Uldrin Vanasoul belongs to Knightfall077)
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