Chapter 45

" In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free. " 

- Abraham Lincoln

(University of Bern Grounds, Bern, Switzerland: 7:00 PM)

The dark, humid, and enclosed environment of the Swiss slave den had made the working crowd sweating and exhausting. The Kree, Lizards, and some cyborgs kept walking and monitoring around the toiling slaves through the whole day. In the hallway, a tall Kree-Lizard hybrid accuser man dressed in a dark battlesuit with bluish-green and silver trimmings. The star of Hala on his chest remained shining which was noticeable on his suit. 

The hybrid looked around the processing area and noticed some slaves chattering around. One of them was German woman named Masha who remembered how notorious Amnon-Selah was. She was glaring at him when Methu-Selah felt uneasy to see her and gave her a wryly smile. The others kept murmuring and worked around to assemble the parts of a Kree machine. 

" Dieser verdächtig aussehende beobachtet uns, (That suspicious looking one is watching us.), " the middle-aged bald Caucasian man lowly spoke and tinkered some metal parts. " Er füttert uns nur in die Kakerlaken, wenn der andere krank wird oder faul ist. ( He'll just feed us into the roaches if the other one gets sick or being lazy.) "

Masha heavily sighed and walked away from her when she sat down farther away. The extraordinary heat from her body tormented her. Feeling nauseous and vomiting, the German-Swiss slave remained silent and began coughing hoarsely. Methu-Selah in his Kree-Lizard hybrid disguise felt sorry for her and heavily sighed.

" If only I could help her get well and free, she won't suffer from this unfavourable condition, " he sadly thought and watched her coughing.

Suddenly, a tall and dark haired wolf Faunus man angrily stormed and glared at her. He kept complaining and glaring at the sickly woman. Her fellow slave who was blue Kree approached and touched her forehead.

" Aber Masha soll meine Schicht machen! Sie sitzt nur und tut nichts! (But Masha is supposed to be taking my shift! She's just sitting and doing nothing!) " the wolf Faunus indignantly spoke and pointed his index finger at her. 

" Reiner, hör auf so hart und idiotisch zu sein! Kannst du nicht mal sehen?! Sie hat Fieber! (Reiner, stop being so harsh and idiot! Can't you even see?! She has a fever!) " the Kree slave lady spoke as she found the male Faunus too ridiculous.

Masha was heavily coughing when the other slaves heard her. The two interdimensional people who became slaves also noticed her. A young blonde man and his scarlet haired wife sadly saw Masha was suddenly out of commission. Then, a pink Kree guard entered the assembly area and sternly glared at the slaves. 

" Arbeit Bauern! (Work peasants!) " he loudly exclaimed, calling everyone's attention. " Ihre Arbeitsbelastung wird endlos sein, wenn Sie untätig bleiben! (Your workload will be unending if you remain idle!) " 

" Hier geht er wieder. (Here he goes again…) "  the Inhuman welder spoke and rolled his eyes with disgust. 


The rest of the slaves returned to work. Masha looked at the stern pink Kree guards and the hybrid accuser, feeling more terrified than ever. She thought of returning to her position and continued her duty in polishing the metal. Her fellow slave reminded her not to continue. Methu-Selah helplessly kept watching at her who was still coughing.  On the other hand, the two Inhuman couple from another multiverse saw Masha not feeling well and they felt sorry for her. 

" Jaune, " his scarlet wife whispered and continued fixing the parts. " That lady…" 

" I know, Pyrrha, " Jaune sternly replied. " Just like all of us, slaves. We ended up on this new Earth like one of them, not soldiers like before. " 

" Maybe, we should do something to spare her from this hell. " 

" Honey, one damn action from us, we'll be roach feed! "

" Jaune, can't you see she's sick, " Pyrrha looked at Masha who was still coughing. " We need to get her out of here. "

" Honey, how many times do we have to argue, we're no longer part of the Nui Army! We're all slaves under Kasius! " Jaune lowly and indignantly stressed his words to his wife. " There's nothing we can do, but accept our fate! Nothing's gonna change! " 

Pyrrha Nikos-Arc heavily sighed and felt disappointed at her husband's harsh answers. Somehow, their exile and enslavement into the new universe had changed him. She hoped for a better life, but it was more different than they had expected. She felt sorry for Masha who kept coughing and releasing blood out of her mouth. The blue skinned Kree guard rushed himself to Masha and gently put his right hand on her forehead. 

 " Mediziner! Bring sie hierher und sei sicher, dass du sie sofort wieder auf den neuesten Stand bringst! (Medics! Get her over here and be sure you get her back up to speed, immediately!) " he alerted. 

Methu-Selah immediately approached them and replied in German, " Dort kann ich sie zum Arzt bringen. (There, I can take her to the doctor.) " 

The Kree guards raised their eyebrows in suspicion when they saw the Kree-Lizard accuser who acted odd and offered help. All they knew was he got brainwashed by the overlord himself. Methu-Selah, who was disguised as his son's former body, waited for their response. 

" Gut? (Well?) " the disguised Kree Eternal gave them a suggestive look. 

" Also gut, Hybrid. Wir werden Sie von unseren Wachen begleiten. Stellen Sie nur sicher, dass Sie sie hierher zurückbringen.(Alright then, hybrid. We'll escort you by our guards. Just be sure you bring her back here.) " 

" My, you are such a gullible breed. I hope you will be changed, " Methu-Selah thought and nodded when quickly took Masha away.

An old half-Lizard man carried a load of stolen Vibranium from Wakanda and carefully stacked the crates. He was panting and leaning his back at the corner. Suddenly, he felt a crack from his lower back until his tail which he screamed in excruciating pain. His grandson rushed from his area to his grandfather's position and understood that he had a minor accident and got injured few days ago. 

" Hilfe! (Help!) " he shrieked.

" Opa! (Grandpa!) " the young lizard boy cried. 

The Kree guard walked over to the old Lizard hybrid and assisted to get him up, " Arbeite weiter. Wir schicken Ihnen die Hilfe eines Sanitäters. (Continue working. We'll send you paramedic the help.) "

" Opa, du wirst in Ordnung sein (Grandpa, you'll be okay.) " 

" Hilfe! (Help!) " the elderly lizard hybrid cried. " Nein! Nein! Nein! ( No! No! No!) "

" Entspannen! (Relax!) "  the blue skinned official sternly spoke and dragged the slave child away from his grandfather. " Kind, mach dich wieder an die Arbeit! (Kid, get back to work!) "

Methu-Selah sensed even more trouble when he looked back to the elderly Lizard-hybrid and his grandchild. He thought of making any diversionary tactic, but he was waiting for his son and the others to start with the rescue mission. Suddenly, the two Lizard guards walked to the disguised Kree Eternal as he turned their attention to them. 

" Was willst du? (What do you want?) " Methu-Selah sternly asked, imitating 682's dark and rude tone of voice. 

" Hybrid, wir haben eine Nachricht erhalten, dass wir Sie begleiten müssen.  (We have received a message that we need to escort you.) " the lizard guard answered. 

" Folge uns einfach, okay? (Just follow us, okay?) " his companion added. 

Methu-Selah secretly read their minds and gave them an evil grin. He already understood these two had an intention to hinder this undercover slave operation and would discover who he really was. Thinking of another diversionary tactic, he gave them a loud and hardy laugh when everyone turned their attention to him. 

" Begleiten?! Eh? (Escort?! Eh?) " the disguised Kree Eternal taunted and laughed at the two reptilians. " Warum brauche ich sie? Mir geht es jetzt gut! Ich brauche sie nicht! Verstehst du überhaupt, dass ich unzerstörbar bin?! Also, warum brauche ich ein paar Escorts? Sagen Sie mir?! (Why do I need them? I'm alright, now! I don't need them! Do you even understand I am indestructible?! So, why do I need some escorts? Tell me?!) " 

The two lizards shared glances with each other and found the Kree-Lizard hybrid ridiculous and lunatic. Methu-Selah ceased his manic laughter and waited for their response. 

" Was ist die lange Stille? Warum beantwortet ihr zwei meine Frage nicht?! (What's the long silence? Why don't you two answer my question?!) " 

" Schauen Sie, wir folgen nur Befehlen. Wir helfen Ihnen, was immer Sie wollen oder nicht. (Look, we're just following orders. So we're helping you whatever you like it or not.) " the lizard guard answered.

" Folgende Bestellungen?! "Ja wirklich?" Ich nehme an, Sie bringen mich zurück zu Kasius in New York und erledigen viele Aufgaben, wie Sie es normalerweise tun.  (Following orders?! Really? I take it, you'll take me back to Kasius in New York and do a lot of tasks like you usually do.) " Methu-Selah replied and turned to the grandfather and his grandson, taking them away from their handlers. " Behandeln Sie Ihre Sklaven übrigens so? Sie könnten sehr bald aufhören, sie zu töten. (By the way, is that how you treat your slaves? You might end killing them very soon.) "

The Kree and Lizard guards exchanged glances and became more suspicious than ever. They already knew Amnon-Selah had been controlled as the brutal accuser, but they never realized that the Kree Eternal Methu-Selah disguised himself as his son. They thought of confronting and interrogating him soon enough. Suddenly, they were being interrupted by a group of undercover medics who arrived in the area. Amnon was dressed up in a white coat with an armband on his left sleeve, showing a red cross. He was wearing clear protective glasses and a face mask. The young Kree man's short wavy golden locks were covered with a clear plastic head cover.  He signalled his companions to scatter around and headed to their positions. 

" Nous allons avoir un contrôle complet. Tout le monde, veuillez nous suivre. ( We'll be having an entire check up. Everyone please follow us.) " Amnon called everyone's attention in French. 

Jaune, Pyrrha, and the others noticed some medical personnel in the place. Some of them walked over to the medics as Methu-Selah smiled and felt relieved to see his son and the others in disguise. The other German speaking Kree and Lizards never expected them to arrive and summoned a French speaking colleague who could confront the medics. 

" Arrête! Leur changement n'est pas encore terminé. Vous devez attendre que ce soit fini. (Halt! Their shift has not completed yet. You have to wait until it's over.) " the cyborg soldier stood in front of Amnon and harshly replied.

" Monsieur, nous l'avons compris. (Monsieur, we have understood that.) " Amnon calmly replied and watched the others being assisted by the other medics. " Ce sont les ordres du suzerain. Nous avons vu vos travailleurs malades et blessés. (It's the overlord's orders. We have seen your workers sick and injured.) " The young pink Kree called the other slaves and pointed at the main exit, " Tout le monde, par ici! (Everyone, right this way!) "

The rest of the slaves left their stations when the medics assisted them. Methu-Selah and his son also joined to evacuate everyone as they could. The guards were dumbfounded as they were not expecting this to happen. Masha was being carried by the other medic along with the others. The cyborg soldier attempted to scan everyone as he became very suspicious with the medical staff. Then, he turned to Amnon and hindered him to help another slave.

" Vraiment? Alors montrez-moi votre carte d'identité et le signal du seigneur lui-même. (Really? Then show me your ID and the signal from the overlord himself.) " he demanded. 

Amnon raised his eyebrows and paused his work as he showed his IDs. Some of the guards hindered the other medics and inspected theirs. The cyborg soldier and the others were convinced and letting them to call out the slaves. 

" Merci pour votre coopération, monsieur. (Thank you for your cooperation, sir.) " the pink Kree spoke and nodded. 

The rest of the slaves followed the direction where Methu-Selah and his son guided them. The cyborg soldier realized something's wrong with this medical examination and turned to his colleagues where they all noticed where they were going. Reaching the hallway, they approached the Kree-Lizard accuser and thought of hindering them. Amnon looked at his father and raised his eyebrows while he was helping the slaves to leave.  

" Hé, tu ne vas pas dans le bon sens! (Hey, you're not going the right way!) " the soldier called them. 

" Monsieur, c'est un détour. Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? (Monsieur, it's a detour. What's wrong?) " the disguised Kree Eternal curiously asked and shrugged. 

The cyborg soldier signalled two Kree soldiers and appointed them towards Methu-Selah and the others. Amnon looked at his father with a concern and then to the slaves and medics. 

" Take the medics and the slaves back into the den, this shift is over, " the cyborg soldier ordered. 

" Yes, sir! " they responded in unison. 

The disguised Kree Eternal remained calm and thought of another plan to make the guards more terrified. Then, he looked at his son and assuringly said in telepathy, " Amnon, just watch what I will do. " 

The young pink Kree nodded in agreement and watched the guards surrounded and blocked them. The two soldiers walked towards Methu-Selah and the other medics who had the slaves. 

" Medizinische Zentren befinden sich innerhalb der Einrichtung, wir bringen Sie alle dorthin. Folgen Sie uns jetzt, sonst kommt die Konsequenz. (Medical centers are inside of the facility, we will take you all inside of there. Now follow us, or else the consequence will arrive.) " the German speaking Kree soldier explained to the slaves. 

" Außerdem, warum sie in die Außenmauern und in den Wald bringen, es sei denn, ihr seid überhaupt keine Mediziner. (Besides, why take them into the outer walls and the forest, unless you guys aren't medics at all!) " his associate added and darkly chuckled. 

Sensing and predicting any possible unfortunate events, Methu-Selah became more anxious than ever. The troops of Kree and Lizard guards pointed their weapons at them. The cyborg soldier signalled his companions to initiate any genocide. The rest of the slaves and the medics were terrified of any outcome that would happen very soon. Amnon turned to his father and gave him a facial expression of go. The disguised Kree Eternal looked back at him and nodded when he instantly snapped his fingers as the lights went off. Darkness had devoured the hallway and made such confusion to the guards. Finally, every slave was able to escape in the hellish condition of the Swiss slave den. 

" Je ne vois rien! (Can't see a thing!) "  the French speaking pink Kree yelled. 

" Wo sind sie? (Where are they?) " his German speaking associate added. 

" They all escaped! " the Cyborg Soldier exclaimed and scanned the perimeter when the lights went on and the place was empty. He ordered them and said, " Search all outside areas within a 50 miles radius, and find where they have gone and kill them! " 

" Sir, we lost 3 hours and 30 minutes, " the blue-skinned man looked at the clock and said. " It's 10:30 pm. "

 " Was it just 0700 earlier? " the Lizard asked and became more confused, scratching his scaly head. 

The cyborg soldier also looked at the clock, showing it was half-past ten and realizing the time had skipped. Then, he robotically sighed, " Report back to the New York slave den, there may be a breach. " 

The others began searching for the escaped people from the slave den and some had been monitoring the place. Some two Kree soldiers were mind blown of what happened while walking on the streets of Bern. 

" Did you see any of those escapees? " the Kree lieutenant asked and saw some shadows from a distance. 

" I don't know, " his associate responded and scratched his head. " It's just an illusion of them! " 

" How? " 

" I'm not sure, but I may be just paranoid. "  

" That hybrid accuser can be someone else, " the lizard added and recalled the brainwashed Amnon-Selah's killing sprees a few months ago. " How come he speaks fluently in another Terran language and cares about those slaves? " 

" Possibly, he betrayed us, " the Kree lieutenant replied and watched at the University grounds for any escapees or intruders, flashing his neon torch to the darkest corners. " Either way, we should report to Dennis and the rest of his race. Kasius should be aware of this as well. " 

(100 miles away from the University of Bern Grounds onto the streets of Bern: 10:40 PM)

The moon had finished kissing the Swiss Alps and the dark clouds when it rose above the starry skies. The rest of the MTF troopers and Rebel Forces had set up for any evacuation routes for the slaves. Just then, an  FW MTF Scout Trooper was using his scope and spotting Methu-Selah, Amnon, the undercover medics, and the slaves who were approaching them. 

" I see the movement, it's Methu-Selah and the others along with the slaves, " he said and turned to his colleagues. " Should we prepare for the vehicles going to the airport? " 

" Yeah, we have to execute this as soon as possible. We have to wait for Commander Bav-Tek and the Stealth troopers. We have just received their message that they had a lot of people coming in. " 

" Yes, sir. " 

(Formerly Institute of Political Science, University of Bern Campus Grounds) 

The more than two centuries old campus buildings were still intact and standing as they had witnessed how dreadful the Kree and the Lizards treated the mixed-race people who have been living on this planet for fifty years. This particular building remained preserved from the outside, but the interiors had drastically transformed into an arena of fighters instead of a place to study. 

Entering the place, some people from the MTF and the Rebel Forces were disguised as extraterrestrial bidders. The crowd kept glaring at them as some rolled their eyes in disgust. Absalom disguised as the richest Lizard bidder and felt humiliation by the other bidders' daunting looks. They ignored the crowd and focused on the purpose of purchasing the Inhumans and other fighters involved. 

The arena was full of notable people from  every part and boundary of the entire cosmos. Absalom signalled his companions to the audience area and took their seats. The disguised Kree-Faunus man was attentively watching the match for more than three hours. 

Just beside them, there was a tall bald blue skinned Kree named Faust who looked like a middle-aged man. He was wearing a dark velvet coat and becoming more unamused than ever, before he and his brother landed on Earth. Faust served as the headmaster of the Inhuman fight tourney and was an unbeliever of Taryan and Kasius's reign on Earth for five decades. For him, he wanted to do business and decided to live on Earth for a long time. This Kree-German entrepreneur warmly smiled and welcomed the undercover members of the Rebel and MTF soldiers when he noticed them. 

" Hello, there! " the undercover MTF stealth trooper greeted him.

" Ja! Güten Nacht!  My name is Faust. Please do not ask for my Kree birth name. I don't like to be called that way. You are all surprised to see a blue man speaking in German, Nein?! You are all welcome to see the matches every 7 to 10 in the evening, " Faust happily beamed and chuckled, using his heavy and strong German accent. Then, he explained, " Listen mein freunden, I am not a follower of Kasius or his late father but my brother Wilhelm is. So, I don't mind their activities. I just do and care about the money. That's all! " 

" What's the business for the money? " he asked. 

" I secretly support Earth like the Rebel Forces and the MTF, especially Germany and Switzerland, not those foolish people of my home planet. When an Inhuman wins with money, I let him go. But if he loses, I still let him go. My brother asks me to continue this fight, but it's under my new management. Wilhelm follows the old brutal ways. I am on the liberal capitalist side. " 

"  I see. "

" My brother goes with slavery, militaristic and scientific things, which I really don't like. After this unending foolishness, I will change my planetary citizenship and move to Germany for beer and wine business, " Faust continued and turned his attention to the other Inhuman preparing his fight against a mutant. " Now, here goes with my contender, Gerard. "

" Hm? " the MTF Stealth trooper nodded and turned to his companions, including Absalom Bav-Tek. 

The white haired Inhuman with medium height and physique stood in front of the fire breathing female mutant and had an ice semblance which he projected some icicles to his opponent. The pyrokinetic girl easily dodged from the attacks and kept throwing flames at Gerard. Absalom and his companions watched in awe when the other bidders got intrigued at the fight. 

"  You treat your fighters well, " Absalom commented to the Kree man and kept watching the match. 

" Ja, fighters should be compensated very well, but my brother never liked the idea. He's going to report to me anytime soon. Watch out for the other fight den in Geneva, they kill Inhumans and starve them to death, " Faust smiled and nodded. " Fighters in Geneva are being treated badly, unlike here I treat them as real athletes. " 

The MTF Stealth Trooper Commander looked over to Absalom when he nodded and heard Geneva. The fight between the Inhuman and Mutant became more intense and took more than an hour to watch. The other bidders got bored as they couldn't take the long fight. Finally, Gerard the Ice Inhuman froze the girl's legs as she got stuck and won the tournament. 

"  My great man, Gerard won! " the Kree-German cheered and laughed when the entire audience clapped for the Inhuman's victory. The extraterrestrial bidders waited for any announcements from the headmaster himself. Faust ignored them, turned to Absalom and his companions, and asked. " So, are you taking him? You can also take the loser if you want? ' 

" We'll be taking both, " the MTF Stealth trooper commander replied and dug his hand into his jacket. He wore it as part of an undercover operation and pulled out an enormous stack of cash, waving at the Kree-German. " All the hundreds equal three million Euros. " 

The other extraterrestrial bidders were not amused to see and overhear the conversation when they exchanged glances and murmured. Faust received the cash and joyfully jumped. 

Danke mehr! I could start my own winery business without the foolish Kree people's help! " he laughed and turned to Absalom and his companions. " I have a favor for you all. Take all those Inhumans and the people at the den, it's all yours. I don't want to continue this dirt. I am tired of doing this for my brother. " 

" Well, I thought people might've bid higher, but I guess that would do, " he chuckled and looked at Absalom again, awaiting his directions. 

The disguised Kree-Faunus man nodded and ignored the other bidders who started to rant in their own language. Faust aided his guests and evilly smirked at the others. 

" Mein freunden, follow me, " he spoke. 

"  Will do. " 

The rest of the troops joined the Kree man as they headed to the lobby area of the slave den. The rest of the unsatisfied and irrate extraterrestrial bidders were frowning and confronting the headmaster. On the other hand, the slaves awaited for his important announcement. 

" Meine Freunde, ich habe meine Entscheidung getroffen. Ich werde den Betrieb des Slave Den Turniers nicht mehr fortsetzen. Ich verstehe, dass es nicht allen von Ihnen hilft, aber ich denke, dies ist das Beste, um dies zu beenden und mit Ihrem neuen Leben fortzufahren. Ich habe andere Pläne zu erfüllen. Vielen Dank, dass Sie hier geblieben sind. (My friends, I have made my decision. I will no longer continue the operations of the slave den tourney. I do understand it's not helping all of you, but I think this is the best to end this and go on with your new lives. I have other plans to fulfill. So, thank you all for remaining here.) " 

The Inhumans and the other fighters rejoiced as they were all free to go. The other bidders were not amused and ranting at Faust. The Kree-German entrepreneur widened his smile, ignoring them. 

" By the watch-out for Wilhelm and his men, they will kill you all if they find you, " he warned. " Good luck and have a new life! Danke mehr! Auf Wiedersehen! " 

Faust walked away and avoided the rioting crowd of bidders when he took a car to leave the city for good. Absalom and the others took all of the Inhumans and some slaves and escorted them out of the slavery den.

" Well, this was a lot easier than I expected. Besides, how did you get that much money, Sir? " the MTF Stealth trooper commented and asked. 

" U-Um......let's Just say that I borrowed some money from the Elite Commander, " the MTF Stealth Commander shrugged and replied. 

" At least, Faust has given us clues in Geneva, " Absalom removed his mask revealing his blue skin and horns and sighed in relief. " Now, we need to plan for the next raid. " 

" And then, we could do the same thing from there, if not an easier or harder time with it. Anyway, I'll report to the Elite Commander Kai that our mission was a success. " 

" I hope the other group with Old Methu-Selah goes well with us. "

" I've heard it was successful, " the other MTF Stealth trooper replied. 

" Yes, this mission to freedom has just begun! " 

" I feel like there's going to be a quick montage any time soon. Anyway, let's go back to France. " 

(University of Bern Campus Grounds, 1:00 AM)

A tall blue skinned man named Wilhelm in a dark trench coat arrived from Warsaw, Poland by an aircraft and received the bad news from his Kree and Lizard subordinates, frowning and angrily gritting his teeth. 

" What?! How will I report this to the mein führer Kasius! This is not right! " Wilhelm heatedly growled and threw an empty bottle of champagne when the guards got startled and evaded from being hit." It's your job to hinder them from escaping! " 

" Wilhelm, what seems to be the problem? Is it something serious? " the pink Kree guard asked. " You should calm down! " 

" What do you mean I should calm down?! When everything went topsy-turvy, you fools should do something! " the Kree-German tyrant raged and indignantly pointed his right finger to the guards. " Then, guess what?!  My brother Faust just let the Inhuman fighters go! Then the entire slaves are gone! It's all your fault! " 

"  Oh, we're sorry, Wilhelm. We need to report this to the mein führer!

Suddenly, the guards from the other slave den arrived and bowed at Wilhelm. The tyrant crossed his arms and indignantly glared at them. 

" Herr Wilhelm, we have lost track of time in 3 hours and 30 minutes from 7:00 to 10:30 PM! The slaves just disappeared, " the pink skinned one said. " Then, that Kree-682 accuser just appeared along with the medics! He didn't act like he was used to killing people before! " 

" That's the almost exact duration when Faust had let those slaves go! " Wilhelm angrily replied. 

" What did the hybrid accuser look like? " the guard asked. 

" He's still the same appearance and battlesuit as before. He must be someone else under that body! We don't know how he did that! " 

Wilhelm and the other guards understood what and who the pink one had mentioned. The Kree-German tyrant had heard of Methu-Selah and his missing son for decades, since he had known that from his parents before. 

" I have speculation that the hybrid accuser is the Kree Eternal Methu-Selah's son who had been wandering this planet for five decades, " Wilhelm sternly spoke and crossed his arms. " Mein führer Kasius has him as a slave. Yet, I wonder how come he has escaped from New York and got into his real senses. " 

" So, he had found the chosen one after all? " his subordinate surmised. 

" Ja…" 

" If that Kree-682 hybrid was behind all of it, where's Methu-Selah? " the lizard guard asked. 

" That remains a mystery. The Kree Eternal is everywhere and no one knows where exactly he is. " Wilhelm answered and quickly raised his tone  " He and his little hybrid bastard or not, we need to find my brother first! " 

" Last time I saw him was five to six hours ago, he was at the arena with some bidders, " the guard answered. 

" Faust!! I'm gonna track him down! " 

" I'll come with you for some support. " 

(Scenes on this chapter is based from Great War RP by FlashlightMan, Budderwriter1, and yours truly. )

(Additional scenes and dialogues by yours truly.)

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