Chapter 41

" It is not flesh and blood, but heart which makes us fathers and sons. "

        – Johann Friedrich Von Schiller

(Paris, France: 3:30 AM)

After the elderly half-Kree woman was put to sleep in her room, the Kree-Lizard hybrid sleeplessly spent time sitting on the rooftop and thinking about so many things. His father descended from the skies and walked over to his son after he spent time monitoring.

" Master, is that how you observe the entire planet? " Amnon curiously asked and instantly stood-up. 

" I have been doing it for several centuries, son, " Methu-Selah smiled and stood beside him. " Ever since I got enlisted back in the Kree Imperial Army until now. "

" So, you put your pure dedication out of this, " he said and changed his topic. " I have a lot of questions for you. " 

" Go on, Amnon, " his father nodded and smiled. " Take your time in throwing me what you have in mind. " 

Amnon-Selah spent a long silence and deeply thought of some enquiries to his father. It took so much time when the Kree Eternal patiently waited for him. 

" So, first question, how old are you? " 

" In Kree or Earth years? " 

" Earth years, " the Kree-Lizard hybrid intently smiled. 

" Is it normal to ask a man how old he is? " his father grinned and chuckled. " That seems too impolite and ridiculous to do that. "

" Just for curiosity's sake. I didn't mean to..."

" Fine, " the blue skinned man heavily sighed. " I am around 1,900 years old. "

" Okay, it's fair enough that you have experienced a lot and gained such great wisdom. " 

" Go ahead, ask me anything. "

Amnon scratched his scaly chin and nodded, " Right. Second question, why are the Kree and the Skrulls long time enemies?  Do they have a chance to reconcile or something? " 

" Son, that is a good question, " Methu-Selah nodded and took a deep sigh. " The Skrulls were once peaceful beings who wanted to keep in contact with various races for trade and alliance. Because of that terrible mistake of our race, the Kree has developed that intense hatred against them. " 

" I don't understand, Old Man. Why? " 

" The Skrulls chose to gain allies with the plant beings called the Cotati which they also resided in Hala. So, our people thought they had betrayed us. " 

" Hmmm, that was a senseless and stupid issue they have, " Amnon commented. " I mean, I have understood that the Kree are one of the most powerful races in the universe. This is really absurd and ridiculous. " 

" I agree with you, son. Forgive me for our fellow people's stupidity and narrow-mindedness for such horrible fascist and uncivilized militaristic society. " 

" Right, I have seen that too here on Earth. What they have done to these people is driving them insane. " 

" You have another question in mind, Son?" 

" Thirdly, how come you have a lot of aliases and alter-egos? " 

" Remember what I have told you, I have been hiding from them and journeying throughout the cosmos? " 

" Oh, yeah, " he nodded and recalled the meeting with Dr. Vandark. " You have been through a lot, haven't you? I mean you're being hunted and chased all along. I know how that feels, Master. It's disturbing and sad that you can't have a normal and peaceful life. " 

" That's true, son, " his father nodded. " On the bright side, I have seen and met a lot of people throughout the cosmos. I knew how they lived. Perhaps, you have been longing for that steady peaceful life."

" Yeah, " Amnon nodded back and said. " I guess I will restart everything from scratch."

" I see what you mean, " Methu-Selah looked at the skies and saw the stars. " Do you have any questions? " 

" Still, I have a bucket of them. I can't stop asking you until I am fully satisfied and aware, " Amnon nodded and intently smiled. " My mother mentioned to me about the object called the Tesseract. What is that? " 

" The Space Stone. " 

" Space Stone? " 

" It's an Infinity Stone which the Four Cosmic Beings have created. These are the ancient relics of the universe. " 

" Like they're some important objects or something? " Amnon curiously raised his tone and queried. " Who are those four cosmic beings? Where do they come from? " 

" They live on the farthest edge of the universe and create the other stones , " he explained. " Death, Infinity, Eternity, and Entropy. " 

" Interesting, and how many stones have they created? " 

" There are six major stones which they have made along with the other six. They remained mysterious and missing. " 

" What are those? " 

" The Power Stone is lilac in color that gives a being strength beyond their imagination. The yellow one is the Mind Stone that gives an individual such great intellect and information. The green time stone has the ability to warp and travel through different timelines. The one which you called Tesseract is blue in color. It can bring anyone across the universe and beyond. " 

" Amazing, " Amnon smiled and became intrigued by what he heard from his father. " How about the other six? Where can we find them? " 

" Only the four Celestials know where and what the other stones are. " 

" Now, that's a bit cryptic, " he commented and sighed. " How about the other Infinity Stones? Is it the most powerful one? " 

" The Soul Stone..." the Kree Eternal seriously replied. " It is the most powerful and dangerous of them all. "

" What is that? How does it work? Why? " 

" It can collect souls, restore, and destroy. Six of them are placed in one gauntlet. The one who could collect the twelve stones and destroy the universe can make it happen in one snap of his finger. "

" Wait?! Who could ever do that? " Amnon raised his voice in shock and asked. " Why would that being do such a thing? Was he an ally of the Kree and Lizards?! " 

" Son, that being only works by himself despite having allies. He is not connected with the invaders that you have seen. " 

" Have you ever encountered him? " 

" I almost defeated him years before I returned to Earth, but he was so enormously mighty, even my Light Soul powers could not handle him. Darkness and Greed has him. Your cousin Mar-Vell had failed to take him down. " 

" Is he the one of the reasons why he exiled to Earth aside from helping my mother? " 

" Yes. "

" Why did Mar-Vell never mention that to me? "

" Amnon, your late cousin was very occupied in protecting and taking care of you during your first few days of exile from the MTF, " Methu-Selah answered. " He never wanted you to banter your mind aside from 682 or anyone else. " 

" I guess he had to let me find out soon enough, " the hybrid realized. " Tell me, who is he? " 

" Thanos the Mad Titan. " 

Amnon sadly sighed and looked at his father with concern, " I'm sorry to hear that, Master. If only I were there to help you in defeating that evil one, but I don't know if I could..." 

" You will be able to do that for me, my boy..." Methu-Selah sincerely smiled and gently patted his back. " I know in the future, you and your friends will fight against him in this universe and the other one. " 

" You mean here and another universe? Is he returning? " 

" Yes, son. You must be prepared before he strikes anyone. " 

Amnon seemed puzzled and looked at his long sharp blue nails. He sadly sighed and turned to his father. 

" How can I fight that brute with such a terrifying appearance? " he asked. " Master, in that nightmare earlier, I was supposed to have another body? Was this true or just a useless illusion? " 

Methu-Selah understood his son's question and remained silent, composing his thoughts before he could respond. Amnon-Selah waited for his father to answer and curiously raised his eyebrows. It took a long time for them in silence before they could speak. 

" Amnon, there's something I need to tell you, " the Kree Eternal seriously answered. " Your mother and I have been so hesitant to tell you this for a long time. " 

" What do you mean? " he curiously asked. 

" Son, the MTF has kept a male pink-Kree infant for around three decades in Paris. A friend of mine has been taking care of your new body for decades. Six months ago, your mother was supposed to bring you here, but you got abducted and enslaved. You are the true recipient of that new body. You are the Project Marvel child. "

Amnon widened his eyes in shock and disbelief and couldn't respond to his father. He never knew there was something in store for him for a long time. The Kree-Lizard hybrid's eyes burst into tears. Methu-Selah instantly hugged him and gently patted his son's back. 

" Why?!  I...I d-don't know anything about this!! " the hybrid shakingly spoke and sobbed as he fell onto his knees. " The Foundation has lied to me about who I am and plotted to kill me! Why did they ever give me a new body?! I don't understand! This is so frustrating! Why did they have to do this to me?! Why did mom never tell me of this b-before?! " 

" Amnon, I do understand how you feel, " his father empathized and calmly answered. " I know how hard you have experienced for the past five decades. You have been tortured, chased, and enslaved. Your mother was so afraid to tell the truth to you. You might hurt and get angry with her. Son, you have to understand this. " 

" She just took care of me and taught me everything for two years! " Amnon cried. " She could have told that to me in the first place! I wished I had met her when I escaped from that facility!! I should have never experienced such horror..."

" Amnon, the past has passed, " his father carefully wiped his son's eyes and face with his left hand. " You should not regret what happened. What is important is that you need to sort this out in the present and make your own future. It's your choice if you are going to sulk from your past or recover and rebuild yourself. Please consider this new body as a gift from us. " 

" What am I going to do now? " 

" Now, we should go downstairs and check at the laboratory. Don't worry, I will be with you if trouble arrives. Change your clothes, you can't go with your pajamas. "

The Kree-Lizard hybrid took a deep breath and wiped his both eyes with the sleeves of his blue robe. He and his father returned to the room. Later, they went downstairs and saw Kai meeting the other scientists. Amnon curiously moved his head around and began to search for his mother everywhere.

" Son, I knew you're looking for her, " Methu-Selah whispered. " She's still sleeping and in hang-over. "

" Right, " Amnon nodded. " She could have seen this Project Marvel coming to life. " 

" Maybe, later. "

" And once we have his soul transferred into his newer body, please do not cremate the body. Let's keep his original body as a spare. I know it is morbid as that sounds," Kai instructed them when the father and son overheard the conversation. 

" Well, that vision of me having a humanoid body will come true, " Amnon whispered back to his father and smiled. " So, I guess I have to look forward to it. "

" Apparently, your pink Kree body is attempting to have a terrigenesis, " Methu-Selah smiled back and placed his right hand on the hybrid's shoulder.

" Really? " he approached and curiously looked at the blonde haired Caucasian man in his twenties to thirties, sleeping inside the glass containment cell full of water when the scientists were ready to place the terrigen mist. "  In this chamber? " 

" Yes." 

" I see. " 

" Elite Commander, monsieur. What of the terrigenesis process that the body has undergone? " the French MTF scientist asked. " Dr. Fedorov has not yet ordered for this one."

" Well, I was going to announce that too, " Kai answered. " But you guys went along with it, anyway. If possible I want you guys to stop and reverse the terrigenesis process. I don't want him to be made another huge threat to the Kree. "

Amnon-Selah overheard the conversation and felt dismayed. He never wanted his new body's treatment to be halted and then looked at his father. Methu-Selah sighed and gently rubbed his son's shoulders, reading his son's mind and feelings. 

" Son, I know you're a bit disappointed, " he lowly spoke. " I'm sorry if they have to..."

" Nevermind, master. It's okay, " Amnon slightly smiled and sighed with a hint of frustration and sadness. " As long as I could have that new body and that's fine. I could be out of this monstrous form for good. I know you guys have set up for this a long time ago. " 

Kai overheard the conversation from the father and son and turned back to the scientist, " Give me one moment. " Then, he turned and approached them, "  You two seem to be up early, it's 5:30 in the morning. " 

" This boy has been sleepless for hours and decided to have a chat with me under the starry skies, " Methu-Selah smiled. " Just let us be. "

" The old guy might use this lizard body! " Amnon loudly laughed when his father gave him a sarcastic look. 

" Very funny..." 

Kai shook his head slightly and smiled, " Anyway, about the whole new body thing. Originally, our scientists basically made and they decided to create another Kree. Now, they were testing to check if the terrigen would have an effect on him.  I was quick to make the call though, and decided to have Amnon to inherit the body.....but without any Inhuman powers. "

" But why? " the hybrid raised his voice in doubt. " I still don't get it..." 

" Actually, I helped them, monsieur, " the French scientist added. " It's for your safety. Dr. Fedorov has spoken to me of this one. "

The Kree-Lizard hybrid nodded no furiously and started to understand, " Okay, then. You are all concerned for my safety. " 

" Oui. " 

" I'm having a vision that Kasius is still hunting me and my master, somewhere else. I think that will be better, " Amnon recalled the nightmare earlier and opened up. " I don't even know if this makes sense to you. " 

" And what would be better? " Kai asked.

" A vision that Kasius has been looking for us and imprisoned us into his lair. He might regard me as a threat to him, including my master. " 

" Okay, but that still hasn't answered my question. " 

" That's a vision from his nightmare if you mind, " Methu-Selah sternly answered. 

" Nightmare? What happened in it? " Kai got intrigued and asked. 

"  All of us became slaves, I think that dream is a distorted reality. " 

" Is it like an illusion? " 

" It is not even real. " 

" So it's an Alter-Vau, then. "

" Yeah, " the hybrid eyed the blonde pink Kree without any hesitation and said, "  Anyway, I'm ready. " 

" Well, hold your horses real quick. " 

" What do you mean? What is it? " 

" You see, the scientists, Dr. Fedorov and his colleagues wanted to make you another Kree from decades ago. Well, they did bring up valuable points as it will make you stronger and such. But there are two major problems with that, " the Elite Commander explained. " First, the least important is the Equivalent of Power Law. Basically, what it is that the body can't handle so much energy or power within its soul. If it has too much, then the souls would implode onto itself and will disappear from existence. Secondly, and more importantly, this would raise Amnon as an even greater threat to the new Kree Empire that they will send more and more troops to capture and kill him. " 

Amnon more doubtfully raised his eyebrows than before and turned to his father. He couldn't believe or trust in what Kai had said. Methu-Selah glanced at his son and then to the MTF Official.

" I see, " the Kree Eternal nodded.

" So that's the case, " Amnon realized and joked. "  I'll be on my own body and my master uses the old one.  Well my joke just came true! " 

" HA! HA! " 

" Hey, Old Man! It's gonna be alright though! " 

" I know, Amnon-Selah, " his father sighed and crossed his arms. " You do not need to tell me twice. "

" Well, there's also one more problem that I just realized, " Kai continued. 

" What is it? " 

" If we were to switch your soul with another body, you will remove your powers from the previous body and have to start off fresh with the new one. So essentially, you'll lose the ability to basically regenerate, adapt to any format of resistance, and the power as a seer when you do switch the new body. And don't think you can come along into his new body too, Methu-Selah. From one of our biggest accidents, we tried to transfer two souls from two bodies into one body. The ending result causes the two souls to form into one, permanent soul that basically gave new life with all the combinations, as well as some mutations of new personalities and powers. It's a process called power conversion. "

" Well, then, " Methu-Selah nodded in agreement. 

" Whatever it is, I'll do my best to protect the old man even though we're in separate forms, right? " 

" I'm sure Methu-Selah would be fine, he'll have all of the abilities that you will have, and basically be invisible to any physical harm, " Kai assured. " Anyway, the body will be done within a 12-15 hour range. " 

" Sure, I'll wait..." 

" Okay.....Oh, and before you go, can you guys do me a favor? If you guys aren't busy..." 

" Yes, we are willing, what is it? " the Kree Eternal curiously asked.

" It's really embarrassing to ask you guys this, since I am her friend after all, " Kai answered. " But can you wake up Skoúro for me? Her alarm should've gone off an hour ago. " 

" Sure. "

" Thanks, guys. I know I could've done it myself, but I'm currently busy know, scientific stuff. " 

" Well, the new seer is excited for his new body! " Amnon happily beamed.

Kai smiled back at him, "  I know how excited you are, and don't worry, I'll be sure it would be perfect for you. " 

" Thanks! " 

" You're welcome, Amnon, " Kai put his hand out for a handshake when the Kree-Lizard hybrid responded with the same gesture. 

The two left the laboratory and headed to the quarters when some people were walking around in the hallway. Methu-Selah and his son spent talking, laughing, and joking at each other when the others curiously eyed and heard them. 

" Most likely, you'll be back from square one, " the Kree Eternal smiled. 

" I know, I'm gonna wait for my terrigenesis before my powers will come true, " his son replied. 

" When it happens, you will have the same abilities as I have. For now, we'll just let you be normal for the meantime. "

The two reached the room when both knocked at the door. There was no response. Amnon-Selah shared glances with his father and shrugged. 

" Weird, " the hybrid commented. 

" No worries, son. I can pass through walls, " the Kree Eternal smiled and freely entered the room.

Then, he saw Skoúro was still peacefully sleeping on her bed. Suddenly, a bright bluish-white light gradually awakened her. She was still covering herself in a soft purple blanket and snoring when she moaned.

" Hm?.....No......Five more minutes......" she said. 

Methu-Selah chuckled and imitated Amnon's voice, " Hey! Wake up, sleepy head! "

Just outside the room, the Kree-Lizard hybrid sensed his father's antics and silently laughed at him, while he was waiting for his turn to enter. 

" No......No....." Skouro moaned and covered her face with a pillow. 

" Bonjour, mademoiselle. Je suis Monsieur Amnon Montmartre! Bon matan! " 

Amnon was still laughing at his father and slowly opening the door to watch him and the dark angel. Skouro burrowed her body deeper into her bed and smiled peacefully in her sleep. The Kree Eternal heavily sighed and facepalmed. 

" This isn't working! " he angrily thought and loudly yelled.  " Hey, the Elite Commander is looking for you! It's an emergency! Wake up!! " 

" Off.......duty....." 

Methu-Selah illuminated his body with a bright light and formed into a carbon copy of the Kree-Lizard hybrid. He was gently shaking her with his right hand. Entering the room, the real Amnon stood beside his father in disguise and loudly laughed. 

" What? " she asked and felt uncomfortable when she got disturbed.

"  Bonjour!  "

" AH!! " 

Skouro widened her eyes in shock at seeing the two Kree-Lizard hybrid men in front of her. Amnon was still laughing and seeing her jumping slightly before falling from her bed. 

" Oooowww..."'

" Okay, this is weird! " she got up while covering herself with the blanket and moved her head to and fro, becoming more confused than ever. " Which of you is the real one? "

" Hey! Rise and Shine! " Amnon happily beamed and greeted her when his father reverted into his true form. 

" We're sorry to wake you up that way, " Methu-Selah laughed. 

" The master has been a goofball, recently! " 

Skoúro timely looked at her holographic calendar and sighed, "'s was going to be my day off. I guess hopes are just hopes after all. " 

" No worries, Kai is asking you to join him, " Amnon continued. "  Good news! I'm gonna be a new man later. "

" Oh, " she tiredly smiled at them and gently rubbed her eyes a little bit. " Well congrats, Amnon. " 

" Yes, it is for good. Now, you should come with us, " the Kree Eternal suggested and smiled.  " The Elite Commander is waiting for you. " 

" Well, I need to dress first. Hold on, guys. One moment please, " Skouro stood up and stretched when she headed herself to the closet and the bathroom.

" We'll wait, " Amnon said. 

" Okay, " she nodded and smiled as she closed the door. 

" Amnon, your new body reminds me of my other self, " his father said. 

" Which one? Charles Benoit or Jean Meir Montmartre? " 

" He looks like my old self in my second persona, Montmartre. " 

" Oh, Right..." Amnon was surprised and understood what his father had meant. Then, he turned around the Dark Angel's room and saw the books and pictures of celestial bodies.  " So, she's a big fan of astronomy apparently. Now, I could relate to her, since I have been interested in them. You know the Russian Cosmonaut training, my mother just brought me into the night sky, and such. "

" I can see your correlation with her, " the Kree Eternal smiled. " No wonder, why did you have the same interest? "  

" Hey, Old man, " Amnon teased and gently knocked his father with his elbow. " Were you interested in her for this whole time since you  have met her? I thought you're interested in my mother and your friend, Amelie?! Hmmmm?! " 

" Will you cut it out, Amnon-Selah! " he lowly spoke. " I don't want any trouble from your mother anymore. " 

" Right, " the hybrid laughed. " I'm just kidding! I didn't mean it like that!  Mom is the most wonderful person I have ever met. So, don't you ever mess with her! Also, I knew how different Skoúro is compared to anyone else. Besides, everyone is unique in several ways. " 

" Right, son, " Methu-Selah said and recalled. " I did remember a girl who looked like her in one of my previous alter-egos as a policeman in San Francisco twenty years before the invasion had started. The girl somehow looked like Skouro and brought her great-grandmother on the streets. " 

" Really? " 

" That was a long time ago, son. " 

" Maybe, that's just a coincidence, Master, " Amnon shrugged. " People do look alike in appearance, but they're different from each other. " 

" Right. Perhaps so..." Methu-Selah nodded and looked at the microscope. " This is a rare item from more than five decades ago. " 

" Woah.. It is. Have you seen that one before? " Amnon curiously asked.

" Yes, but you can't easily buy things these days. This one is a precious item, perhaps this could be very expensive. " 

" It's rather interesting. Maybe she's also a part time collector? "

" I think so. " 

" How did you know that? I mean just one look of a valuable item? " 

" Remember, you have asked me if I have several alter-egos? " 

" Yeah, so, your other previous self is also a collector? " 

" You're right. It was around the 1950s, " the Kree Eternal smiled. " I earned a living from heirloom collecting business and trading. I found it very interesting to see the Earth's glorious past from those objects. "

" Oh, right, " Amnon recalled and snapped his left finger. " If we have time, maybe you can go and visit the mansion in Rouen. I have a lot of stuff from the past to show you. Surely, you will like them so much. Perhaps, I can invite you and Skouro for a visit. You will be happy to see more people living there. What do you think? "

Methu-Selah remained silent and knew that the mansion in Rouen was also his property in one of his alter-egos. He had been there when he first met his son while was sleeping two years ago. He sincerely smiled and gently patted his son's head. 

" Master? " Amnon curiously raised his tone. " Are you okay? Why are you..." 

" It's rather interesting, Son. We will go there very soon, " his father nodded. " After this Kree and Lizard's mess, we will have our time together along with your mother. For now, we have to wait for Skouro outside this along with your mother. You have a very important day to do. " 

" Sure, Old man. I understood. " 

(Scenes on this chapter is based from Great War RP by FlashlightMan, Budderwriter1, and yours truly. )

(Additional scenes and dialogues by yours truly.)

(Kai Izaleith and Skoúro Valour by FlashlightMan)

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