Chapter 23

" Humankind seems to have an enormous capacity for savagery, for brutality, for lack of empathy, for lack of compassion. "

- Annie Lennox

(Dream Sequence)

The brainwashed Amnon-Selah held his accuser hammer dripping with red blood after he had slaughtered a lot of rebellious slaves within the slave camp. The bodies were scattered on the ground when he kept walking. The total bleakness and skirmish had been roaming around Brooklyn to the edge of the planet. The Kree-Lizard hybrid was responsible for these mass murders which his master ordered him to do.

Without noticing, a tall hooded figure was behind him. The manipulated accuser instantly turned around and angrily hissed. He was ready to hit the being behind him, however it instantly ceased the hybrid by grabbing the weapon. The mad murderer was furious to confront it. The being unveiled its hood and revealed to be a blue skinned man with short silvery-white locks. The brainwashed hybrid got terrified and shaking to confront the Kree Eternal himself who was wearing the old grey tunic.

" Who the hell are you?! " he indignantly asked and lowered his weapon.

" Who am I?! " the Kree repeated the question and glared at the accuser. " Of course, I am you for Hala's sake! Why are you so dumb not to recognize?! Oh, you have just been manipulated, that's why..."

" You disgusting putrid..."

"...Of blue mud? " the sane Amnon-Selah continued the thought. " You know I'm so tired of hearing 682's lame statements. The fact is I want to break free from the nightmares and manipulation. You just exist out of the Kree mind-control equipment. "

" But that Telekill metal has bothered me and you returned! You have hindered me to slaughter these incompetent fools! "

" You know killing people is not my normal cup of tea, " the sane Amnon sternly replied and put his hands on his waist. " I was so glad that the Telekill incident made me return to my normal self, but Kasius and his lot had me brainwashed like you once again! "

" This is not brainwashing, it's liberation! I have the freedom to destroy lives! "

" Is that what you called liberation?! No, you are damned controlled for Hala's sakes! Snap out of it! "

The Kree-Lizard accuser became more infuriated than ever and held his weapon once again, trying to hit the sane Amnon-Selah for the second time. The younger Kree Eternal illuminated his both hands with blue light and instantly blasted the hammer. His manipulated self thought of retaliating the sane one. Amnon studied his monstrous self's possible attacks when he learned his combat skills from Spider-Man and the other members of the Rebel Forces. He grabbed the hybrid's tail and crushed it. The accuser yelled in excruciating pain when Amnon indignantly glared at him.

" You foolish..." he angrily moaned.

" You're the one who's telling me that, " the Kree Eternal sternly replied. " Even Kasius tries to hinder me, I will always keep an eye on everything and wait for my turn to snap out of this damned condition! You don't know that someone will hurt my body! Now, wake up! "

The brainwashed Kree-Lizard hybrid instantly opened his eyes and got awakened from that dream, thinking of ignoring it. He sat up and thought of another usual workday to monitor and catch another delinquent slave.

(Manhattan, NYC: 12:30 PM)

The blue skinned man was busily picking out some grapes from his orchard when Gourai turned to him.The blonde cyborg woman approached and bowed at him.

" Master, someone is here to see you, " she said.

" And that is? " Kasius replied.

" An important guest. "

The brunette lizard woman with synthetic humanoid skin dressed in a long sleeved scarlet gown. She was accompanied by another hulking yellow-orange lizard who had some gold ornaments on him. He had a velvet feather headdress with some gold trimmings.

" Basha, it's good to see you again. What a pleasant surprise, " he greeted and smiled.

" I have come to visit you, Kasius and check one of the slave dens in New York. Then, I heard from your brother, Faulnak about what happened to that encounter with the MTF, " Basha replied and turned to the other lizard who was grinning evilly.

" That Telekill case is one of my failures aside from keeping the Kree-682 nuisance. I need another back-up, more skirmish than him. "

" Of course, I would like you to meet Kadoom. "

Kadoom nodded solemnly and bowed graciously, " Kadoom had heard much buzz around stars. You in need of enforcers of hire? "

" Yes, I need to know more about you first, since your headmistress has introduced me to you, " the Kree tyrant said and put his scissors down. " To begin with, my name is Kasius, son of Taryan, soon-to-be rightful leader of the Kree Empire. How can I accommodate you? What is your purpose? "

" I am Kadoom, son of Realgan Hindrice, rogue warrior of the quazaquatle race and keeper of the Genesis Stone. I've been in the slave trade for sixty years. I was a wrangler for the tyrant, Wrath the Mighty. "

" Perfect, it seems your Lady Basha gave you an opportunity to work with us. "

" Indeed, he is..." Basha nodded in agreement and turned to Kadoom. " You may have a lot to offer. Now, show Kasius you are worthy. "

The Genesis Stone on Kadoom's belt began to glow green as his form changed, becoming more impressive in physique and height. His body was adorned with bright jewels and wielding his laser axe in one hand and his anti-gravity club in the other hand. He breathed fire into the air and snarled, " Does Kadoom impress? "

" Impressive..." Kasius intently smiled and clapped his both hands. " Where did you get those? "

Kadoom smirked, " Blight axe and Anti-gravity smiter. Part of transformation from stone. No idea where from..."

" So, Kadoom. Are you willing to work with him? " she asked.

" Yes, it would bring Kadoom pleasure. "

" Good..." Basha grinned, revealing her sharp lizard teeth and turned to her male tyrant friend. " What do you think of him? "

" He's perfect for my back-up accuser when that foolish one is still no value, but I have decided to put that idiotic and gullible Kree Eternal's son to be a tourney slave, soon enough, " Kasius replied and turned to Kadoom. " Sorry about that slide-off topic question, do you have an idea of who the Kree Eternal is? "

Kadoom's eyes narrowed angrily and sighed some fire. He had the worst experience which he recalled with an encounter of the mysterious blue Kree. The lizard tightly clenched his fists and furiously gritted his sharp teeth. The blue Kree tyrant curiously raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

" Enemy..."

" Tell me more about it. What made you think he's an enemy? " Kasius asked.

" He tried to take the Genesis Stone from my race's planet and said we were a threat with it... possession..."

" Did he? "

Kadoom laughed proudly and stomped his clawed feet in dance. Kasius heavily sighed to his disappointment in seeing another annoying lizard and grimly looked at Basha. The lizard woman shrugged and wryly smiled. Finally, the lizard man's laughter had ceased when the two waited for him to respond.

" No, Kadoom stopped him. He is no match for Genesis Stone. Genesis Stone, dangerous. Stone, Anti-Kree Eternal weapon. We have dealt with him before. They no win. "

" Did you know he has been a long-time traitor against the Kree Empire? "

Kadoom maliciously grinned and nodded in understanding, " Then, this drive away...KILL! "

" Good, now come with me and you will be meeting a very significant person, " Kasius smirked.

Gourai remained silent when she couldn't hear anyone from her end and understand any word from the conversation. She saw Kadoom loudly laughing along with Kasius and Basha and flashing his sharp teeth. Walking around, she was aiding them to the processing area and the slave quarters.

" I forgot to tell you about the Genesis Stone, " Basha broke her silence. " From Kadoom's planet millions of years ago, it is a crystal absorbed over time from a strange Infinity Stone. "

" I see, it must be an important relic from your race then, " Kasius concluded.

" Yes, it is. This is the most important object of the entire lizard race itself. It unified the minds and helped us to become stronger than ever. Until the Kree Eternal, Methu-Selah had appeared and attempted to stop us from using it. "

" I see. Now, I understood Kadoom's frustration, then. This is why we need to exterminate him. "

Kadoom turned to the slaves working around the area. He was very familiar that the slave den was back on his planet. Kadoom noticed how the Kree and the Lizard guards handled them and got interested in how they oppressed them. Just looking around the corner, he intently stared at the Kree-Lizard hybrid wearing a dark Kree Imperial Army and holding an accuser hammer from head to toe. The newcomer angrily hissed at him.

Meanwhile, the sane Amnon-Selah looked at Kadoom in the outside environment and sarcastically said in his mind, " Well, well, well, it's another amazingly disgusting putrid of mud that has come to this hellhole. Now, what on Hala does he have to offer?! Another brainwashed canon fodder slave like me? I hope Kasius has manipulated him, again. "

" Who are you?! " the brainwashed hybrid turned to Kadoom and angrily asked. " Why don't you answer my question?! "

The other lizard indignantly stared the boy down and answered, " You are not worth Kadoom's time. Not in charge of mind...Go away! "

" I demand answers from you!! "

" Oh Great Pama's Butt, this is a waste of time, " the sane Amnon exasperatedly sighed and listened to the confrontation from the outside environment.

" Answers, no demand... answers earn..."

" Then show me what you can do..."

" Oh noes, here we go again..." the sane Kree-Lizard hybrid muttered inside his mind and waited for Kadoom and his brainwashed self which they would do. " Tell me, what's next?! You're gonna do all the horrible skirmish. "

Kadoom's Genesis Stone glowed green as his eyes narrowed. The brainwashed Amnon held his accuser hammer and furiously glared at the other lizard. Kasius, Basha, and Gourai were watching at this sudden confrontation. The sane Amnon thought of hindering his monstrous shell and returning to his normal self.

" Careful what you wish for...not in your best interest...." Kadoom sternly spoke.

" I am not affected by this, " the Kree-Lizard hybrid accuser replied.

" Really?! Not affected?! " the sane Amnon loudly yelled and felt more ridiculed than ever. " You gotta be kidding me, 682! You don't even exist at all for Hala's sakes! Before you and Kasius manipulated my body, I have faced so many tortures and deaths for five decades! I may be a clone of that damn demon like you! But you forget one thing, I may die in seconds! So, go ahead kill me and let my head get crushed if you dare!! "

Kadoom loudly growled as the Genesis Stone turned blue and his form changed again. This time, his both arms had bright energy shields. His body was covered in aerodynamic armor.

" Kadoom not need battle mode for this, " he said. " Mobile mode enough to teach lesson..."

" Make me..." the brainwashed Amnon-Selah instantly replied.

" Just stop this nonsense crap! If I get that Telekill moment again, I can get out of here for good! "

Kasius and Basha grinned as Gourai watched the hybrid accuser facing another lizard to beat him up. Kadoom was ready to teach him a lesson for sure when he breathed blue flames turning the ground to emerald. They scorched the ground and then he teleported in front of the accuser back, handling him with a devastating force. The brainwashed Amnon-Selah quickly dodged and readied himself to strike the newcomer down.

" Please, I need to return to my senses now! Just for another time! To civilizedly talk to him and make him stop this madness! " the sane Amnon muttered.

Kadoom teleported again,rained a stream of darts on the upstart, and threw his energy shields like boomerangs trying to slam the enemy into the ground. The hybrid instantly fell down from the attack, but slowly standing up and managing to fight back. He was hitting the newcomer's head with his hammer.

" You are no match for me..." he darkly chuckled and evilly grinned, showing his sharp teeth.

Kadoom grabbed the hammer and instantly teleported, taking it with him. He was behind the hybrid accuser and smashing him, flying with his own hammer. Amnon-Selah was smacked down by his opponent.

" A lot to learn to battle...too weak and young to defeat me! "

The Kree-Lizard hybrid became unconscious when his face got wounded and bled with blue blood. Kadoom crossed his arms and waited for the accuser to regain consciousness. Kasius and his lizard girlfriend were pleased how the accuser was beaten up. They would surely make Kadoom as an effective and efficient replacement. Gourai widened her eyes in shock to see how Amnon-Selah fell down. Finally, he slowly opened his eyes, returned to his original senses once again, and got surprised to see himself bleeding from his nose.

" Wait...what?! I'm back! " he exclaimed and turned to his opponent who was evilly grinning at him. " NO, STOP! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!! "

Looking at Amnon-Selah returning to normality, Kasius frowned and sternly turned to Gourai as he thought that the second mind-controlling activity was effective to the hybrid. Basha smiled and watched her fellow Lizard confronting the accuser. Kadoom loudly laughed and sneered as Amnon thought of running away from the attacker.

" No, please...I'm just...."

" Kadoom sees weakling change of mind! Finally, true self coward!! "

" You don't understand! I have been controlled as 682! My real name is Amnon-Selah, a Kree-hybrid! I ask you to stop this! "

Kadoom faked out a swing at him while chuckling darkly and answered, " Dark being in head not enemy, but gift. Rejection causes resentment. You own enemy! "

" No, you don't understand..."

He yawned and intently looked at Amnon's bright verdant irises in his humanoid eyes which reminded him of Methu-Selah's. Gourai was silent and became more concerned to see the hybrid being terrorized. Basha turned to the blue tyrant and gave him a "nevermind" look when they kept watching and listening at the two.

" Accept dark one, make one, become strong. You afraid of strength, why?! " he asked.

" You don't understand what I have been through with 682. He caused me a lot of troubles aside from this tyrant here! " Amnon-Selah indignantly spoke. " Just leave me alone and stop this! "

Kadoom angrily growled, grabbed the hybrid's neck, and glared at his opponent. He reminded Amnon of the Kree Eternal from his both eyes and uncanny facial features whom he had despised. Then, the lizard threw him a foot away and leapt at him. Kadoom's jaws opened, trying to take it away from his neck. Amnon-Selah became more terrified than ever and remembered his early days in the MTF Facility, being terrorized and abused by his tormentor, SCP-682. He couldn't break free from the clutches of the indestructible lizard when he received such brutality from the dreaded one. This time, he experienced the same scenario in the slave den. Amnon was struggling to fight back, since Kadoom repeatedly beat and bit him.

" STOP! STOP!! " he yelled in pain and bled.

Amnon was still unaware that his both hands began to spark up with little blue light like an active electric shock from an open wire. The cyborg slave girl was startled to see the hybrid's illuminating hands. She couldn't believe in what she was seeing from him. Basha raised his eyebrows as her Kree boyfriend became unamused. Kadoom kept biting Amnon's neck and tightened, choking him to death.

"...S-STOP...I CAN'T.... BREATHE!! "

" You remind Kadoom of HIM...KILL! KILL! KILL! "

" Let me go...let me...GO! "

With the harsh and bitter memories from the MTF Facility flashing in his mind, Amnon-Selah was more triggered than ever when he unintentionally pushed him, combining with a superstrength and photon energy blast and sending Kadoom flying. The Kree-Lizard hybrid was panting and astonished from what he did. He was unaware that his Kree powers were gradually unleashing. Gourai thought of approaching and taking him out of trouble, but Kasius sternly glared at her. Basha heavily sighed and assisted Kadoom in standing up. The lizard angrily growled as the Genesis Stone glowed red. His form changed when he grew wings and blades on his arms and legs.

" Kadoom use special mode! You...DIE NOW!! " he angrily explained.

" No...get away from me! Please stay away from me! " Amnon cried, slowly crawled away, and started to regenerate.

" Now, punish him! " Kasius crossed his arms and sternly broke his silence, looking at the other lizard.

Kadoom heavily breathed in crimson fire at the Kree-Lizard hybrid and took out several lizard slaves in the process, turning them into dust. Amnon-Selah widened his eyes in shock and quickly evaded Kadoom's attack. Then, the blue light from his both hands began to spark once again.

" P-Please make it stop! " he muttered. " I don't want this anymore! "

Kadoom instantly grabbed the hybrid by the throat and took off into the air. His hands tightened as they reached the ceiling. Amnon-Selah was still struggling and gasping for air as he was about to face death in a matter of seconds.

" You are weak! Give in to darkness and hate! Reveal to Kadoom, the lizard warrior who Kadoom seek! "

" No, just...GO AWAY!!! "

Amnon instantly pushed him down and stunned his opponent with his radiant blue spark. The blue light from the Kree-Lizard hybrid intensified as the red light of the Genesis Stone faded, wrapping Kadoom in hot red fire and sending him crashing to the floor. Finally, his form was returning to normal.

" Gaaahh! Blue Light!! " he yelled in pain.

The strong negative emotions and bad experiences from the Kree-Lizard hybrid had forced him to unleash his Kree Eternal genes. Amnon slowly stood-up and panted, thinking of escaping the slave den. Kasius was not pleased as the "accuser" returned to his normal senses, but somewhat powerful. Basha looked at her boyfriend and gave him a concerned look.

" So, indeed he is the Kree Eternal's son, " she whispered to the blue tyrant.

" Yes, that damn Telekill incident had brought back who he really is. I am responsible for turning him to be like 682, not becoming like his traitorous father, " he sternly replied and turned to Kadoom. " Enough of this. I will give you a chance to work for me. But for him, I'll ask Gourai to send him back to his quarters. "

The blonde cyborg slave nodded and brought Amnon away from the Kree tyrant. Basha glared at the two and watched them going away when she assisted Kadoom in standing up.

" But if you want to find his father, " Kasius continued. " I'm asking you to hunt him down before he meets his futile son. Understood? "

Kadoom flicked his tongue and nodded, " Genesis Stone depleted. Must recharge in moonlight, after Kadoom hunt that mad Kree Eternal. Understood...."

" Good, " he nodded. " I will deal with that boy anytime soon. "

Just then, the cyborg slave lady guided the hybrid into his quarters. She felt pity and sorry for him as he was being beaten up by Kadoom earlier. Gourai was helpless in defending him since she was being watched by the tyrant and the other people inside the slave den. Amnon was silent and tired after that incident. Entering the room, he sat down on the bed when the cyborg kept finding for any first aid kit within the room. She found one inside the cabinet and took it. Amnon looked intently at her and understood what she was going to do with those wounds which he had received from the new accuser.

" I know you can't hear me, " he broke his silence. " But thank you..."

Gourai couldn't hear him when she sat beside him and started to take the cotton swabs and a bottle of alcohol. She was about to swipe the blue blood on his neck and nose, but she got surprised and noticed it was gone.

" Wait, how come his wounds are gone?! " she intently stared at him, astonishingly pondered, and placed the wet cotton swabs down. " He's not one of the lizard people, but he has blue blood. That means he's part Kree and part 682 which Kasius has mentioned. How come?! "

" Miss? Are you all right? Miss? " Amnon called her attention and gently shook her shoulders. Gourai couldn't hear his voice, got startled, and blushed harder. The Kree-Lizard hybrid also blushed in blue. " I'm sorry...I'm not supposed to touch you. You're one of Kasius's female slaves...I didn't mean to... It's just you can't hear me or something. "

Gourai remained silent, but she wasn't able to hear each word from Amnon. Instead, she tightly held his right hand and intently looked at him. The Kree-Lizard hybrid never expected her to do that.

" Miss...I know you have seen that beating earlier... I didn't mean to..."

Still, she wasn't able to hear anything from him, but Amnon got curious from her gesture and started to read her thoughts, holding her hands. He saw the memory of her and his mother having first met in Paris, France and started to compose his thoughts.

" I know you met her before you got enslaved here, I missed her so much. " he telepathically spoke to her mind. " I thought of escaping with you in the first place, but Kasius and his men wouldn't allow us. I'm sorry I failed..."

" Wait, how come I could hear his voice inside my mind?! Is he reading my mind?! " she gasped to her astonishment. " How come I couldn't respond to him?! I don't understand, but I guess this is his way he could communicate to me. I wish I could tell everything to him. "

Amnon-Selah heard the knock on the door and turned to Gourai, " Miss, please stand up. No one should find us here together. "

Gourai followed the hybrid's telepathic instruction. The Kree-Lizard hybrid looked at her with concern, stood-up, and opened the door. A female blue Kree woman appeared at the doorway and sternly glared at the two. Sinara was still holding her two metal balls in her right hand. The cyborg slave was frightened to see her as Amnon stood beside her. The hybrid cleared his throat while thinking of the words he could say.

" What do you want from us, Sinara? " Amnon indignantly asked, imitating 682's tone of voice.

" Kasius needs you and the slave to have a talk, " she sternly answered. " If you don't respond, I will let both of you die violently. "

" Heh, really?! It's just because I failed to defeat that arrogant and incompetent fool earlier. "

" Not just that, 682....or should I say... Amnon-Selah... Methu-Selah's little hybrid bastard! We have known who you really are. You might take another slave to escape again..."

" What are you talking...."

" How naive you are..."

Amnon widened his eyes in shock and gulped. Gourai raised her eyebrows and couldn't understand anything from them. Sinara signalled the two to leave the quarters as they headed to the hallway.

" What's going on?! " Gourai thought and got confused. " Is this happening?! Are we being called out again by him?! "

Amnon heard the cyborg's anxious mind and gently held her left hand as he telepathically spoke, " I'm not sure, if you can hear me right now. But yes, we're being called out once again. Kasius could punish me. "

Gourai looked at him with concern and felt sorry. She wanted to reply back and held his right hand in response. Sinara glared at the two while walking along the way to the tyrant's flat. They took an elevator going up. Reaching the tyrant's area, Amnon remained silent and sensed something horrible which he was fidgeting his fingers and feeling restless. The blonde cyborg slave noticed his uneasiness when she tightly held his hands. When the doors opened, they headed to the luxurious area of the slave den. The three had arrived and entered the tyrant's room when Kasius was finished talking with Basha. Sinara stood silently at the corner and watched at the door.

" Well, what do we have here, " the blue overlord sternly replied and walked around in circles. " Have you two attempted to escape again? "

" Master, we never meant to do that..." Gourai pleaded and heard the overlord's voice as Amnon heard her speaking. " I was treating the wounds of this accuser. We didn't have any intention to escape here. "

" Liar..." Kasius indignantly answered and slapped her in the face. Gourai cried and moaned in pain. She thought of fighting back, but she couldn't do it. Kasius continued walking around her and said, " You're trying to make excuses like that foolish hybrid and retrieve the Mask of Leadership that is under my possession. You are not worthy to be the owner of it. You are just merely a slave just like anyone else! "

" Master, what you did to me is unacceptable, including him! " she replied.

" I have the right to do the best things for you all. You have failed to meet my expectations, Gourai. I guess both of you deserve to be eaten by the roaches."

Kasius grabbed her left hand as the cyborg woman tried to break free. Amnon saw her crying and illuminated his both hands in anger.

" Get your hands off her! " he yelled and angrily gritted his teeth.

" You're trying to be a hero, but you're just a mere mistake and a misfit, " the tyrant answered and took his inhibitor remote to stun and control him.

Amnon froze in pain and twitched. Gourai gasped and covered her mouth when she saw the hybrid moaning in horrible pain. Kasius ruthlessly glared at him and ordered Sinara to execute the beating up on him. The Kree woman placed her metallic death balls on the table and held a whip. She was ready to give the hybrid a brutal lesson.

Sinara made her first lash and struck at the Kree-Lizard hybrid as he loudly yelled. Then, she repeated the same act when Gourai was helplessly watching him crying and then covering her eyes. She couldn't bear to see more suffering from him. It took an hour to finish that repetitive flogging. Amnon ended up bleeding excessively as his blue blood was stained on the floor. Kasius rolled his eyes with disgust and turned to Gourai. The female cyborg wept, felt sorry for the hybrid, and then looked at the tyrant.

" I ordered you to clean his mess, Gourai," he sternly answered. " From now on, your workload will be doubled. "

" Yes, master, " she calmly spoke and rubbed her eyes when she took the mop and started cleaning.

" Sinara, take him to the chamber and make sure 682's senses have returned. "

" Yes, my Lord..." Sinara nodded no furiously and grabbed Amnon-Selah who was wounded and trying to break free.

" Wait! Stop! Don't take me there, again! " the hybrid loudly cried. " No! Please don't take me there! "

Kasius emotionlessly watched the two going away and returned in picking the grapes from his small vineyard. Gourai felt guilty and secretly wept when she never had a chance to defend Amnon. Instead, she was busying herself mopping the floor which she had no choice, but to follow orders.

(Plot collaboration with valorithsaga as his OC Kadoom belongs to him.)

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