Chapter 27
" The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart. "
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
(Six Months Later: Rouen, France)
In the morning, Karena decided to help Carol in teaching the Kree-Lizard boy in having his French lessons. The boy seemed to be interested and wanted to learn more, since he couldn't communicate and understand the language. After Carol's sessions with him, the boy had a hard time to read and pronounce the words and phrases which he got used to speak in English like anyone else. For him, he felt being lost in translation which he couldn't understand any word, but he tried his best to learn and cope up.
Karena used some picture words to let him read and pronounce every word correctly. Even he found some of the letters unusual, the hybrid was very determined to make it well. Somehow, the French lady found him as a fast learner for a beginner like him. He could easily read, speak, and write the language from several days into months. Even Karena strictly ordered him not to speak in English during French class, he had no choice but to obey the rule.
Finally, he was able to express himself in French which his second teacher conversed with him. The elderly half-Kree woman was observing from the doorway as she got pleased to hear her son communicating the language of love.
" Mademoiselle Lesproux, à quelle page dois-je commencer à travailler? (Miss Lesproux, which page should I begin working?) " the Kree-Lizard hybrid asked, holding a pencil on his left hand.
" Vous commencez à écrire aux pages 35 à 36. (You start writing on pages 35 to 36.) " she answered and assisted him on the pages which he should start working.
" Écrire des paragraphes? (Writing paragraphs?) "
" Non, vous écrivez un essai sur l'endroit où vous voulez aller. Vous devez écrire 1 à 3 paragraphes. (No, it's writing an essay about where do you want to go. You need to write 1 to 3 paragraphs.) "
" Je pense que je peux le faire. (I think I can do this.) " the hybrid confidently smiled and thought of any places.
" Génial, vous pouvez commencer à écrire! (Great, you can start writing!) "
The hybrid began scribbling and composing his words into sentences. He never missed any word or punctuation which the boy wanted to complete his essay. Although he erased some misspelled words or unworthy additions to his composition. Karena and Carol waited for him to finish.
" So, how is he? " the elderly half-Kree woman asked. " Did the French Only Policy work for him? "
" At first, he was complaining he had a difficult time to remember how he can say. "
" He used to do that when I was teaching him how to read and write. "
" But surely, that discipline made him more focused and willing than before. It really worked! " she chuckled. " Actually, I caught him reading aloud a French article about Captain America. "
" Oh, that magazine he has been keeping! " Carol grinned. " Well, this Kree-682 clone is surely a First Avenger fanboy. He stared asking so much questions about him. Then, I answered those which he got satisfied. to learn more. "
" Now, that explains why. Also, he began to listen to an old French jazz music. "
" No wonder why he asked Jared and Allen to fix the old phonograph in his room last time. It was several months ago when he and I spent cleaning in the attic. We found some dusty long playing discs of various singers and musicians from the past. He was curious of how they would work. Then, I told him it must be rusty or broken. But thanks to his friends, he was very happy to make it work. He listened to different kinds of music. "
" That proves him to be a fast learner and a curious one, " Karena smiled.
" Maître, j'ai fini d'écrire! (Teacher, I'm done writing!) " the Kree-Lizard boy called the brunette woman's attention and teased. " Je pensais que nous n'étions pas autorisés à parler anglais! (I thought we're not allowed to speak in English! ) "
" Je suis désolé, nous parlons hors sujet. Quoi qu'il en soit, vous pouvez lire votre essai. (I'm sorry, we're talking off-topic. Anyway, you can read your essay.) " she wryly smiled.
The boy took a deep breath and turned the pages where he wrote his essay. Karena and Carol were both interested to listen at his work.
" Je veux sortir de cette planète et voyager dans les planètes, les étoiles et les galaxies. J'ai lu des livres sur les objets dans l'espace et regardé les étoiles. Je sais que c'est impossible pour moi de quitter la Terre. Tout ce dont j'ai besoin est un vaisseau spatial et une combinaison spatiale pour survivre dans les conditions difficiles de l'espace. (I want to go outside this planet and travel into the planets, stars, and galaxies. I have been reading books about objects in space and looking at the stars. I know it's impossible for me to leave Earth. All I need is a spacecraft and space suit to survive the harsh conditions of space.) "
" Voir et visiter ces corps célestes sont très intéressants, car ils me font savoir comment ils sont magnifiquement fabriqués. Dans ce voyage, je peux découvrir différents types de races extraterrestres dont mon ami Mar-Vell m'a parlé. Entrer dans les planètes, je peux faire le tour et faire un voyage de ce que ça ressemble. (Seeing and visiting these heavenly bodies are very interesting, because they let me know how they are beautifully made. In this travel, I can discover different types of alien races which my friend Mar-Vell told me about. Going into the planets, I can go around and take a trip of what does it look like.) "
" D'une certaine manière, c'est juste un vœu pieux. Je ne peux pas aller dans l'espace, ce qui est très impossible pour moi en tant que monstre ridiculisé et discriminé. Il m'est impossible de trouver un vaisseau spatial ou une combinaison spatiale. Mais je sais avec certitude que je peux réaliser mes rêves. Je dois juste le faire et me mettre la tête aux étoiles la nuit. (Somehow, this is just a wishful thinking. I can't go to space which it is very impossible for me as a monster being ridiculed and discriminated. There is no way for me to find a spacecraft or a spacesuit. But I know for sure, I can make my dreams come true. I just need to do it and put my heads-up to the stars at night.) "
Carol wept after hearing the boy's work and wiped her eyes using red sash. Karena heavily sighed from the last paragraph which she felt moved. The boy curiously looked at the two women as they applauded him.
" Pourquoi? Y a-t-il quelque chose qui ne va pas? (Why? Is there something wrong?) " he asked.
" Non non! Votre essai était très merveilleux! Vous l'avez écrit par le coeur. (No, no! Your essay was very wonderful! You wrote it by the heart.) " Karena smiled and replied.
" Par le coeur? (By the heart?) "
" Oui, c'est votre rêve que vous souhaitez réaliser. (Yes, it is your dream which you want to achieve.) " she nodded. " Un jour, vous trouverez votre chemin pour atteindre les étoiles, pas seulement en levant les yeux dans le ciel du soir. (Someday, you will find your way to reach the stars, not just looking up in the evening sky.) "
" Je suppose. (I guess so.) " he slightly smiled.
" Eh bien, j'ai un livre parfait pour vous. Il s'appelle Le Petit Prince d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. J'espère que vous apprécierez de lire ceci tous les soirs. (Well, I have a perfect book for you. It's called The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. I hope you enjoy reading this every night.) "
Karena handed him a book in two languages which it had a blue cover of a blonde boy dressed in a green suit, standing on an asteroid and looking at the stars and other planets. The Kree-Lizard hybrid's eyes widened in awe and held it. He was so enthusiastic to read it and thinking to start browsing the pages.
" Merci beaucoup, maitré, (Thank you, teacher.) " he replied with a smile.
" Je vous en prie. (You're welcome.) "
(Later that Evening)
The Kree-Lizard hybrid boy began to read aloud in French as his mother-figure kept listening and understood the story of a curious young wanderer who went to the universe in search of wisdom.
" J'avais ainsi appris une seconde chose très importante : C'est que sa planète d'origine était à peine plus grande qu'une maison ! "
" Ça ne pouvait pas m'étonner beaucoup. Je savais bien qu'en dehors des grosses planètes comme la Terre, Jupiter, Mars, Vénus, auxquelles on a donné des noms, il y en a des cen-taines d'autres qui sont quelquefois si petites qu'on a beaucoup de mal à les apercevoir au télescope. Quand un astronome dé-couvre l'une d'elles, il lui donne pour nom un numéro. Il l'appelle par exemple : « l'astéroïde 3251. » "
" J'ai de sérieuses raisons de croire que la planète d'où venait le petit prince est l'astéroïde B 612. Cet astéroïde n'a été aperçu qu'une fois au télescope, en 1909, par un astronome turc. "
" What chapter are you now? " she curiously asked.
" I'm in Chapter 4, " he said.
" Wow, you can finish 3 chapters in one sitting! "
" French is more interesting to read and continue this story. "
" By the way, you're good in reading French. How about reading that again in English. "
" But I thought you could speak and understand..."
" It's just a request, Kid. You're the storyteller for tonight, " Carol rubbed the boy's back and pleaded like a child. " Come on, you can do it! Please. "
" Fine! Sometimes, you're weird..." he joked and continued reading. " In English, this time. "
" I had thus learned a second fact of great importance: this was that the planet the little prince came from was scarcely any larger than a house! "
" But that did not really surprise me much. I knew very well that in addition to the great planets−− such as the Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Venus−− to which we have given names, there are also hundreds of others, some of which are so small that one has a hard time seeing them through the telescope. When an astronomer discovers one of these he does not give it a name, but only a number. He might call it, for example, "Asteroid 325." "
" I have serious reason to believe that the planet from which the little prince came is the asteroid known as B−612. This asteroid has only once been seen through the telescope. That was by a Turkish astronomer, in 1909..."
The Kree-Lizard hybrid and his mother-figure both yawned as they felt sleepy. Carol looked at her son, still covering her mouth. She stood-up and approached him.
" So, do you want to continue the story, tomorrow night? " she asked.
" Yes, it's getting late, " he nodded and closed the book.
" Then, you're gonna ask me to draw a sheep instead of counting it to have good dreams! "
" Wait, what? "
" Kidding! "
The two laughed as they both sat on the bed before lying down and shutting their eyes. The boy turned to the window and looked at the stars.
" Surely, that little prince wants to explore the secrets of the universe even he is alone living on an asteroid, " he said.
" He's just like you, Kid. You're also searching for further answers. You will find them, soon. I know you can. "
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