Chapter 6
I will not kiss you
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you
"Brendon leave!" Dallon cried. Brendon had just been trying to calm him down the entire time, but ended up making it worse. Since they didn't catch Dallon's cancer until stage 3, he had gotten a wish from the genie's. Brendon's heart was stuck on the fact that Dallon would get better. More pills, trestmeant, blood transfusions... He'd be okay. But the money issue... His father couldn't keep sliding this, he needed money from the boy's family. But they weren't going to.
Dr.Boyd sent his son home since he was just making Dallon more upset. He just told Dallon to stop being so pessimistic, and that he'd gotten a wish... But Dallon had drifted to a bad state of mind. He told himself he was going to die. That was his brothers fault. He was doing good until his brother put that idea back in his head.
Brendon just wanted to help him, but he couldn't when Dallon took everything the wrong way. He couldn't stop loving him though... He couldn't stop thinking about Dallon! He'd helplessly fallen in love with the boy and now he was trapoed. He knew Dallon liked him, but he had no chance with him because of his mindset. Brendon wanted him despite the sickness... Brendon was going to worry himself to death with trying to make sure the sweet blue eyed boy was okay though.
Even if he was just his best friend, he couldn't leave him alone like that. But they needed some space.
In the weekes that followed Dallon's mental breakdown, Brendon had only brought him his schoolwork that he was missing and he'd ask him how he felt, but he'd only ever get a short answer. Best example; bad.
Brendon's grades were slipping. He didn't do anything besides listen to music and check on Dallon, who wanted nothing to do with him. Even Brendon's 'band' that he was trying to start wasn't doing so good. He lost the will to listen to his favorite album 'the black parade' by My Chemical Romance. Only because he ended up connecting ever song to his situation with Dallon.
They went on barely ever talking until one day when Brendon came in, Dallon was out of his bed. He was pacing the room, Brendon was confused as to why he was up. Or how. He'd been to weak, that he could barely move. "Dallon? Why are you up?"
"I need to get out of this hellhole before I scream again. I know you don't exactly like me right now, but I need to get out." He said calmly, but looked really angry.
"Where do you wanna go?"
"Anywhere! And I need to talk to you also.." He started out at a yell, but his voice got softer.
"You up for it? I don't want you to give out..."
"Brendon I'll be fine. New medicine I'm on gives me energy. It's some pill that they're still developing and they let me try it. Surprisingly it's made me have less headaches and nosebleeds. Those are just side effects of chemo... Not the cancer itself. So I guess that's good?" He shrugged and smiled.
Brendon raised an eyebrow. Dallon hadn't talked that much to anyone in at least a month. But then he smiled, seeing as he felt better, and that warmed Brendon's heart. "Well, we're gonna go actually hang out. McDonald's. Then the store. Then my house. And the field behind my house. Sound good?"
"Yeah yeah. Sounds like an adventure. I need one of those. And bro, let's just say the last month of our friendship doesn't exist... Please... I feel awful for acting like that towards everyone..."
"You never talk like that... You're so proper. Are you okay?"
"I told you I feel good Brendon. For once. I was writing some more songs. There's a new one, called Boring. Its about this place. They think they're helping you, but they're killing you slowly... Its scary. But I've come to terms with it. Oh, did I tell you I got these pretty pills too. There pink and black. Antidepressants. I think they're working..."
"When did you start them, Dallie?"
"The day after that first breakdown.. I have had a few more after that. But now nurses don't leave me alone and I'm happy.. And I feel bad for being mean to you Bren."
Dallon wasn't really acting like himself... Well he was still Dallon, just the happier Dallon that was present before his mother turned into a wicked witch. Brendon had only seen that once. They were in 2nd and 3rd grade... And there was a joint recess because of a 2hour early dismissal... And Dallon was just the happiest little boy ever... And that's how he was acting now...
A nurse checked on them and then let them go... She just made sure Dallon could safely go, and he was able to. Brendon took his uncles car and the fake license he made to McDonald's. He forgot Dallon was a vegetarian and they just ended up getting ice cream and they made peanut butter and jenny sandwiches back at Brendon's place. They decided to do that before they went to the store because they were both hungry.
Dallon had a steady hand as he spread the peanut butter, and he was anol, so he used a different knife for the grape jelly. He licked each knife as well, trying to be sexy, but he just laughed at himself when Brendon stared at him with raised eyebrows.
"Very seductive dal pal." Brendon said sarcastically and then he went back to making his own sandwich. He somehow ended up getting jelly on his chin, but he didn't notice it. Dallon looked over at him and smiled, grabbing his face with his bony fingers and wiping it away, just smiling as Brendon made eye contact with him. Brendon let out a happy sigh and bit his lip. Even after Dallon wiped it away, he stayed that close to him, just looking at him with a smile.
Brendon wanted to try his luck with him. That tall dorky innocent boy that he loved, and he tried to get closer, and try to kiss him and tell him everything was okay... And when he tried.. Dallon backed away awkwardly before their lips met. "I gotta go wash my hands now."
"Hurry back." Brendon said softly and plates their sandwiches as he took them to the table, along with 2 glasses of Dr.Pepper.
They ate them slowly, mumbling stuff about their political views before they went to the store. But since Dallon was up for it, they walked. They went to go get sparklers... They did just that. Brendon got like 6 packs of sparklers. On their way home, they weren't so lucky though. The walk sign said stop, but literally no cars were coming. So they went anyways. Brendon decided to be a rebel and walked literally 2 feet out of the cross walk... Little did he know that a cop would be around the corner.
"Hey punk you're breaking a law!" His voice was vicious.
"Me?" Dallon asked innocently, stopping in the middle of the road. It was almost 6:30pm and the sun was starting to go down. He shuffled his feet slightly as he stood there.
"Not you, dumbass. The one over there." He advanced on Brendon. "First of all both of you walked when the sign said not to, and you're jaywalking." The officer sneered.
"Sorry dude!" Brendon held his hands up in defense and sucked in his bottom lip with wide eyes. Dallon laughed half heartedly and got to the other side of the street. He was paranoid despite no cars coming. The officer heard his laugh and pulled Brendon to the street and made him stand up straight next to Dallon. Dallon was holding the bag with all the sparklers in it in front of him and he was looking at the ground.
"Where are y'all headed?" The officer pulled out a pen pad that was yellow.
"My room." Brendon smirked and nudged Dallon.
"God damn fags." He mumbled. "I'm writing you a warning. If I see you breaking laws in the street again, I'm writing you up."
"We have explosives too, if that helps!" Brendon added in, just to be annoying.
"Get your punk asses out of here before I actually write you a ticket!"
Dallon was trying not to laugh and pull Brendon away. "C'mon Bren." He smiled and tugged his arm.
Brendon rolled his eyes and took the warning from the officer and started walking away. When he was sure the officer couldn't see them, he ripped it up and threw it on the ground. "Take that! Boom! Broke the law again!"
"Brendon Boyd Urie!" Dallon spoke up. "You're so bad!"
"I know!" Is all he said, with a devilish smirk as they made their way back to Brendon's house.
It was a Friday night, so Brendon decided to add more things to his plan for a fun night with Dallon. So far they had eaten ice cream, bashed the vice president, made messy sandwiches, talked about medicine, and broke the law, 3 times!
He started a bonfire because though Dallon was feeling better, he was still sick. Still wearing a beanie and glasses. Still skinny and fragile. Still easily cold. They made snores and talked about how hot Elvis and Gerard way were... When it got dark enough, Brendon got up off the ground and helped Dallon with him.
"C'mon." He whispered and grabbed the sparklers, a lighter, and Dallon's hand. He pulled him to the open field behind his house. Dallon followed, smiling in the dark.
They ran around the field, Dallon pretended he was a Tinkerbell for at least the first 5 minutes. Then they started drawing pictures in the sky and had to guess what the other drew. Brendon found out that Dallon only knew how to draw cats. Dallon found out that Brendon only knew how to draw dicks... But they tried their best for a while until it was Brendon's turn again. Instead of drawing, he spelled out a message.
Dallon looked it over, saying each letter out loud as Brendon wrote it in the air. He memorized each before they went away.
"I-L-O-V-E-Y-O-U." After he said the letters, he took a moment and paused before he whispered. "I love you..."
"Yeah.." Brendon turned around to face him. "I love you Dallon..." He got closer to him and wrapped his arms around him, looking up at him and then he kissed him. Something set off in both of them, but Dallon pulled away after only a few seconds of kissing back.
"Brendon, I can't do this. I can't kiss you. I love you. But I can't love you... I'm gonna die like Paul McCartney did," he chuckled and ruined the moment.
"No you're not."
"I am," Dallon whispered, lips still millimeters from the shorter boy's. "I'm sick. I'm a time bomb. I'm going to blow up soon enough. I'm going to destroy anyone in the path of that. And I don't want anyone in that path. I don't want anyone to hurt when I die. I don't want to fall in love with you, but I can't stop myself."
"You're not going to die, Dal.. I believe in you. You're strong enough to get through this."
"Thank you, but I'm not." He shivered. Brendon wrapped his jacket around Dallon, in an attempt to get him warm as they went back to the car. He took him back to the hospital. He promised the nurse he'd have him back by 9, but it was coming up on 10:30 by now...
The ride was quiet.
The hospital was dark and quiet.
The room when Dallon laid back down was quiet. All except for Brendon whispering a good night and kissing his cheek before he left. But Dallon caught his hand. "I love you." He mumbled. "Goodnight Brendon..."
"Sweet dreams Dal.." He smiled and left. Butterflies were having a war in his stomach. Dallon Weekes loves him. He was in love with Dallon as well... And as he tried to sleep that night, he realized, Dallon said he couldn't stop falling in love with him, Brendon knew he was hopelessly tumbling...
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