Chapter 11
That if you say
goodbye today
I'd ask you to be true
Brendon was awoke to the sweet sound of a recording he took. It was a secret recording he took of Dallon singing a while ago. He had set it as just Dallon's ringtone, so he knew it was him when he called. Brendon smiled, hoping Dallon just wanted to have another late night talk. They had been having those for a while. Dallon would be unable to sleep and he'd reach over to call Brendon and put it on speaker. He didn't really talk himself. He just said a few words here and there. He listened to Brendon tell him these stories. They always calmed him down and made him less scared of the world.
Brendon had been thinking and even had another story. He couldn't wait to tell Dallon this one. So Brendon picked up the phone, "hey Dallon, love. I have another story for you. It's about a soldier."
There was a quick response. It scared Brendon. Dallon usually didn't respond. All he'd say is a 'love you' at the end of the call before Brendon had to hang up for him. But that was only on nights that he didn't stay with him, which was only 2/7 days.
He was really surprised when he actually heard someone talk, and then recognized it as the nurse's. "Hey, Brendon..."
The younger boy could hear sirens in the background and his heart sunk. He didn't freak out because he felt like it was the police outside or something. But also, that nurse never actually called him. She of course talked to him while he was there... But never when him and Dallon would have their nightly chats. "Hey... How's my Dalpal?"
"Actually... He's not very good... Uhm... We're in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Brendon- could you meet us there? I don't know how to tell you."
"He- he's not dead, right!?"
"No. No. He's not dead... But he slipped into a coma. I'm just going to give you the truth. He probably won't wake up from it."
Brendon started shaking, his stomach was churning. He couldn't take this. He was trying not to cry. "I won't be allowed to leave. It's late... Do you think he'll hang on till the morning?"
"Yes. I can get them to keep him alive till the morning if thats what you need to happen."
"Oh god... Can you put the phone up to his ear... I know- I know he can't hear me... I need to talk to him."
She of course complied to his wishes. Dallon wasn't breathing on his own. The paramedics had tubes all down his nose and throat to keep him going. They also told her that it would be pointless to keep him alive. The cancer was aggressive. It was eating him away. His brain was shutting down. The nurse wouldn't let them just pull the plug. She knew how much Brendon loved him. So she held the phone up to his ear.
Brendon covered his mouth and sniffled loudly. "Dallon... Baby... I love you so much. I'm gonna tell you that story okay? The one about the soldier... This soldier was always afraid. He hid and didn't want to fight... But with the help of his friends he did fight. And he became very famous for doing some deeds. That soldier got shot in his final battle. Right in the chest. But you know what? When everyone said he had no chance of living... That soldier made it out stronger than when he went in. And you know who is going to do the same? Dallon, you are. Because you're my strong little soldier and I believe in you. You can do anything you put your heart to. You can overcome any obstacle. I just know you can, as long as you dont stop fighting. Please keep fighting, for me? I really and truly do believe in you... I love you so much. You're my whole universe. I know you can do this..."
When Brendon got there the next morning. He was too late. Dallon couldn't hang on... Despite all the machines, his brain completely shut down. Brendon cursed himself. Dallon James Weekes died at 9:09am that morning. Brendon got there at 9:15. He didn't even cry when he first saw him. He was laying there peacefully. Brendon went over there and sat beside him. Usually he'd be skittish around a dead body. But this was his Dallon. And there was no use in being gentle with a dead person... But he was gentle as he took one of his cold hands and ran his fingers over his knuckles gently. "I know you tried your best, darling. I'm so happy you're not hurting anymore." He leaned over to kiss him, but his skin was cold- a lot colder than normal. He was so much more pale as well...
Everyone knows that when someone dies, they release everything in their intestines. Thats what the room smelled like. Piss and fecies. Brendon couldn't have cared at all, because he ended up collapsing against him. He wrapped his arms around him and wouldn't let go. He sobbed against the boy's shoulder. "I'm not- not religious... But I know you made it to heaven. I bet you're an angel..." He looked up and watched him as his body was falling apart. "I know you're okay now, but I love you... And I'm selfish. I want you back here with me... Because its too long of a wait for me to be with you."
A male nurse had to grab Brendon and drag him away. Since he wasn't blood family, he couldn't have more time with him. But he watched from outside the door... They moved him to a gurney to take him to the morgue. They weren't as careful with him as Brendon would have liked. And he cried out. "B-be gentle..."
"He can't feel it." One of them growled back.
Brendon started crying again. Dallon was so weak even before his death, surely the way they were handling him wasn't very good. It looked like bones in his arms had broken...
That wasn't the last time Brendon saw him. Apparently on a night when Brendon didnt stay with him, Dallon and the nurse had planned Dallon's funeral. It was an open casket. He had his beanie on. A guitar pick in one of his hands... And a little bit of his fancy eyeliner on. They had even fixed his face into the slightest smile.
Brendon chuckled because it looked like his Dallon... It was his Dallon... But different. It was a complicated situation. He grabbed one of his hands and leaned down to kiss his cheek. "You still look beautiful..." It wasn't a traditional funeral. Dallon wasn't even in a suit. He was dressed up in jeans and the Elvis Costello shirt that Brendon had given him.
He kept talking to him for a while... Just standing by the casket and looking at him. He didnt realize how much time went on before he was told to go sit down.
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