~Byun Baekhyun~
The topic fell so suddenly that Baekhyun felt upset. Yixing claimed that he needed to take a walk yet Baekhyun was the only one who forbid him from doing it. Yixing haunted in his tracks and Chanyeol commanded him to go on and do what he needed to do.
"He listens to the Royal blood" Kai explained briefly to Kyungsoo who raised a brow at Baekhyun.
"But he stopped when Baekhyun told him to"
"We know" Chanyeol sighed, his hand dropping from Baekhyun's waist as he fell back onto the couch. "But we can't discuss this without Sehun"
"What do you mean brother?" Kai wondered narrowing his eyes at Chanyeol who smiled softly at him.
"It's the reason I came back, I couldn't leave Seoul without taking the two of you with me"
"You're leaving!?" Kyungsoo gasped standing up taking his place by Baekhyun's side. "The country are you crazy?!"
"That's what I said to him" Baekhyun sighed bowing his head, his eyes taking in the sight of Chanyeol's shoes. "He said we needed to get out of here, because it wants safe anymore"
"Of course we're safe Chanyeol it's Wu's castle, this place is a fortress no one can get in without being allowed in"
"You make it seem like we have a owner of the castle Kyungsoo. Vampires don't need to be invited in, this place isn't safe at all not when Baekhyun is here. We need to leave. The rebels are following our every move we have no choice"
Kyungsoo groaned and turned to look at Kai who was contemplating the whole thing. "You could have just left without us"
"You know I can't do that Kai" Chanyeol voiced out looking his brother dead in the eye. "You're my brother and I want you by my side and away from our father"
"Then let's go pack"
Baekhyun smiled and watched the brothers chat and laugh happily as they left the room to go pack their belongings. Baekhyun deciding to follow them with Kyungsoo.
"Those two really annoy me sometimes" he admitted with a scowl, glaring daggers at the two vampires ahead of them.
"They're not as bad as I figured them to be" Baekhyun joked trying to lighten the mood only for Kyungsoo to send him a weird look.
"Give it time" he breathed "they'll piss you off just as much as they do me eventually"
"Hey Kyungsoo, could I ask you a question?" Baekhyun wondered aloud making the vampire freeze in his steps for a moment before continuing.
"Of course"
"What's it like being mated with Kai?"
Baekhyun watched as the pale cheeks burned red in embarrassment. Kyungsoo's eyes found the carpet they were currently walking on while his fingers bumped against each other on nerves. "It's amazing, you know Vampires are often told stories about the day were they will find their mates. It's not an easy thing you know finding your mate. Each vampire has different traits in order to find them. Kai's was that he could taste whatever I ate and my god did I hate him for it, he figured it before I did so he'd usually force himself go eat bitter or sour things to annoy me"
Baekhyun released a soft giggle which made the smile on Kyungsoo's heart shaped lips widen. "So all vampires have a somewhat physical connection to their mates?"
"That's correct" Kyungsoo nodded leading Baekhyun down another hallway. "The most common one is something called The Compass, it's like this feeling in the pit of your stomach directing you towards them no matter how far away them may be"
"That's pretty cool" Baekhyun gushed secretly enjoying the learning moments he had been getting lately. "Is there anymore?"
"Well.. oh! When Vampires are very young they get to see through their mates eyes for a moment"
"Woah~ really?"
"Yep" Kyungsoo nodded "it happens very early in their lifetime but it never stays very long unless that's the way you are connected with them"
"So you and Kai were connected by your sense of taste?" Baekhyun questioned wanting to get the exact information.
"Yeah, however it has faded since we have been together constantly, you see that's the things with mates. If they have been together for so long they're links aren't needed to show themselves until the mates part again"
"That's very interesting" Baekhyun mumbled trying his hardest to remember the facts Kyungsoo had just told him.
"May I ask you a question Baekhyun?"
"Of course"
"How did Chanyeol find you?"
Now it was Baekhyun's turn to flare up like a strawberry. "Do you have a pen?" He wondered tilting his head.
《Park Chanyeol》
"So Father still hasn't returned yet?"
"He came home last night drunk and disorderly, proclaiming that he had taken out an entire army of rebels singlehandedly. One of the maids was escorted to his room during the early hours of the morning and since lunch she has been recovering in her chamber"
Chanyeol rolled his eyes and made a mental note to stop by the said maids room to see if she was okay and if she needed anything, which was not expected of the Prince.
"Have you heard from Minho?"
"Not since you left Brother" Kai sighed rubbing his temples as the two continued their walk to the west wing.
They walked past beautiful pieces from history, every now and again Chanyeol would throw his eye behind him to check on Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, his heart warming each time as he noticed them get along every well. They stopped at some of the artefacts and Kyungsoo briefly explained the historical period and what it was used for, before leading him on again.
"Have any other letters arrived for me?" Chanyeol questioned halting outside his bedroom which was down the hall from his brothers.
"Nope" Kai shook his head "Not one, are you expecting one?"
"I just thought Appa would have sent one but you know he's probably busy with the twins"
"Can't blame him for that" Kai shrugged glancing back down the hallway waiting for their mates to turn the corner. "He hasn't seen them in so long"
"Try pack as quick as you can Kai, I don't want to be here when Father gets back"
"Don't worry Brother, you can count on me and Kyung we hate it here, he always wanted to travel and now that we have that opportunity to he'll have our stuff ready in 10 minutes"
"Good" Chanyeol nodded placing his hand on his brothers shoulder.
"There you are!" Kyungsoo cried turning the corner with Baekhyun hot on his tail.
"You really like disappearing don't you?" He joked taking his place in front of Chanyeol who was already smiling down at him.
"Sorry it's a habit" Chanyeol apologised bowing respectfully to Baekhyun who watched him with shock written all over his face.
"Right come on Kyungie we have packing to do, and we need to go asap chop chop move that cute ass of yours" Kai announced clapping his hands forcing his lover to walk towards their shared room.
Baekhyun watching with a smile as they left, Kyungsoo's cheeks red and Jongin's lips holding a smile so content Baekhyun could practically feel the love radiating off them. "They're adorable" he said turning to look up at Chanyeol who was already looking down at him with a smile.
"I know" he nodded in agreement before turning towards his door and opening it up. "You can come in if you'd like"
Baekhyun thought it over for a minute choosing to allow Chanyeol entry first, then he wondered inside taking in the sight that was Park Chanyeol's room.
A bed was pushed into the corner of the room while a window stretched behind it. A study table was pushed up next to the bed while a cabinet and closet covered the entirety of the other wall. Shelves filled with books filled the last wall, drawing Baekhyun's interest for the time being giving Chanyeol the time to focus solely on packing extra clothes and other essentials he would need.
"Can you talk all these languages?" Baekhyun wondered, never one taking his eyes off the spines of the books before him. Different covers showed different languages and words that he had never seen before.
"Some of them" Chanyeol answered looking up from his sock drawer "others I'm still currently learning I'm not that good but I have to admit I do have some good vocabulary up here" he tapped his head yet it went unnoticed by the curious smaller who now was taking interest in the photos hanging on the walls by Chanyeol's bed.
"Is that your father?" Baekhyun wondered pointing to a tall frowning man in the picture standing just behind Chanyeol and Kai who both sat on a couch out in the garden.
Chanyeol grinned in responce sliding up behind Baekhyun to wrap his arms around his waist and rest his head on his shoulder. Baekhyun expected his body to react in a way that would make Chanyeol upset with him yet nothing happened. Baekhyun sat comfortable in Chanyeol's arms without the fear of shivering or cringing away from his touch. "Yeah that's the king, my sperm donor"
Baekhyun held back a laugh turning around in Chanyeol's arm so he could look up at the taller as they shared their embrace. Chanyeol taking in the moments they shared now since Baekhyun seemed comfortable with his touch. "Why do you call him that?"
"Because I hate him" the taller admitted earning a soft nod in reply. Baekhyun understood without needing an explanation after all the stories he had heard from Yixing and the few rude comments Chanyeol threw at his father's name Baekhyun just knew.
"Come on you want to leave early right? Hurry up packing"
Chanyeol took his time pulling away but he did it none the less. His lips forming a secret pout as he went over to his closet to check one last time that he had everything he needed.
Baekhyun took the time to view the room again. It was slightly smaller than he would have thought, being a Prince's room he thought Chanyeol would have a whole floor to himself and not a small room west of the castle main building.
"I don't like to consider myself a Prince" he spoke almost as if he had read Baekhyun's mind. "I come from money sure but I'm not one that goes out and spends it on useless shit like the lastest car or the next IPhone. I like Samsung and I have a Jeep that's about all I care about"
Baekhyun didn't know why but he suddenly felt his stomach flip. Chanyeol was more human than other humans were and he wasn't even human if that even made sense.
"I believe that knowledge is the most important thing in life not money, many people may beg to differ but that's their opinion it's not mine"
"Money can't buy happiness" Baekhyun nodded feeling Chnayeols eyes bore onto his skin. "Sure it might allow you to buy the things that will make you happy but if your money was to ever run out you'll have to sell it all anyway"
"Exactly" Chanyeol smiled "That's why I choose the simpler life"
"And that decision was a good one" Baekhyun commented having no clue on just how much Chanyeol was fallening harder for him.
Now the taller knew what Baekhyun felt, he wasn't in this for money and he wasn't in this for his own benefit. Baekhyun generally meant what he said when he told Chanyeol that he wanted to try to become his mate. He promised that he would learn how to love him and be looked after. Baekhyun was doing this for him not for some reward.
So he just stop himself as excitement bubbled over and he sped in front of the smaller who blinked repeatedly trying to comprehend what just happened. "I'm really going to have to get used to you doing that" he giggled placing his hands on Chanyeol's chest, his eyes crinkling as his lips let out the most beautiful melody.
Taking the smaller again by surpise Chanyeol puckered his lips ever so slightly and pressed them against the smallers. Hoping to revisit the spark he felt those two times Baekhyun had delivered them by himself.
Baekhyun was shocked to say the least. Chanyeol pulled back and Baekhyun's wide eyes looked into his own. Chanyeol chuckled nervously before putting distance between them both tossing himself back over by the closet where he quickly resumed collecting extra underwear and socks.
Baekhyun watched him as he worked quickly and silently. The smallers hand running up his side and onto his lips. The taller's still ghosting over them, the pressure still haunting him. Baekhyun's tongue slowly came out and brushed itself along the bottom lip. Savouring the moment for a little while longer as he turned so his back was facing away from the taller's.
"Where the hell were you!" Baekhyun hissed slapping Yixings arm rather harshfully, however not getting the reaction he wanted.
"I stopped by the castles library that's all Baek now get in the car we have to put some distance between us and Wu Castle before the king comes back" Yixing stressed shoving the human towards the back of Chanyeol's jeep.
"I second that!" Kyungsoo blurted while raising his hand in the air his movements quick while he passed his luggage to Kai and sped into the backside. Baekhyun giggled and allowed Chanyeol to do the same following Kyungsoo into the back where they high fived each other and began talking.
"Is it me or we are more scared than they are?" Yixing asked immediately earning nods from the brothers.
Chanyeol hauled Baekhyun's bag from Yixings car into his own before settling his own bag down. They had decided to take his Jeep since there was alot more of them now with Kai and Kyungsoo joining their group. Yixing had a hard time saying goodbye to his baby but quickly forgot about it the more their gap of escape closed.
Finally Chanyeol and Kai closed the back of the car and joined their excited mates in the car. Yixing being the only one who nervous clutched a book to his chest, his life belt on and his nails being bitten off from nerves.
"Start the car!" Yixing yelled to Chanyeol who immediately pushed the engine on from the harsh voice of the elder.
"Chanyeol" Baekhyun called from the backseat, Chanyeol tossing him a glance through the rear view mirror. Kai clicked the button that opened the garage door and Chanyeol pressed down hard on the pedal once he seen the garage door that led back into the castle open.
"Make sure we don't get followed" Kai called back to Kyungsoo who's smile turned sinister. The cook pulling down a secret compartment located in the back of the chair before him. A laptop being made shown.
Baekhyun leaned over the space between them his eyes widening as Kyungsoo typed different commands into the cars systems. Suddenly a loud weird noise took up behind them and Baekhyun watched out through the back window how small balls of silver rolled along the ground coming out form the back of the car.
"What are those?" He asked pointing with his index down to the balls taht just left the vehicle.
"Spike Bombs" Kyungsoo stated surpised that Baekhyun knew nothing about them. "They start off as small balls of silver but as soon as pressure is applied to them even the slightest bit they pop out sharp pieces of spike that can puncture anything"
Baekhyun's eyes and Chanyeol watched through the mirror how his mate shot the balls once last look before they turned a corner and the balls were no longer able to be seen.
"You can relax now Yixing" Chanyeol chuckled turning onto the intersection that would be taking them to the airport in time for them to catch their flight.
"Not until we're in the air" the protector shook his head his fingers grasping the book close to his chest not even allowing the boys in the back to touch it.
"What happened to him?" Kai whispered leaning closer to Chanyeol who shrugged in reply. "The Protector looks terrified and I don't like the look of that"
"You think I do?" Chanyeol hissed hitting a button on the steering wheel that brought up music from the radio so their voices blended into it which made it harder for the good hearing boys in the back to hear. "It freaks me the fuck out but the only thing that's getting me through this is Baekhyun and making sure he's safe"
"How romantic of you" Kai sighed rolling his eyes.
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