Chapter 2 Part 9/11 - The Sleeping Android

A/N: I DON'T OWN THESE CHARACTERS AT ALL. ONLY A FEW MAIN OCS AND THE REST ARE JUST BACKGROUND CHARACTERS OR MINOR CHARACTERS. WARNING! - Swearing, Blood, Violence, Lewd Jokes, Deaths, Crossover Pairings, OCXCanon and Yaoi (Though, one of them is very one-sided). Enjoy my fellow ninjas and kunoichis.

The trio got out of Daisy's cell and ran to the next room, which is unguarded oddly enough. As they enter the room, which contains a lot of experimental devices and surgeon pieces of equipment on three tables, wires connected to three capsules with deep black windows that you can't see what's in it. It has a very eerie air to it despite looking like the halls with the dark green and black colouring, but it has a tint of blood, more noticeable on the surgeon pieces of equipment. This horrified the trio as Daisy puts her hands on her mouth as she gasps as Ratchet and Clank both move back a bit. As Clank looks around, he notices one of the capsules and empty.

Clank walks up to that opened capsule, he jumps inside the capsule, which Ratchets notices and slowly walks up to him while looking around. Daisy did the same as well. "Wha...what are you doing, Clank?" The cat-like creature asked his robotic best friend.
"Why, I'm investigating, of course." He simply responded it as he saw a pool of blood, but also wires, bolts, nuts and spurs. Clank grabs a bloody-stained spur and looks closely at it, looking at it in every angle, while he is checking on the spur, Daisy looks at one table and notices a blueprint, which she grabs it and opens it.
"Guys, look at what I found." Daisy said to grab Clank's and Ratchet's attention, which works as the two looks at her, "It's some kind of blueprint I found on the table."
"Can you give it to me, Miss Daisy?" Clank asked politely.
"Oh, yeah sure." Daisy cooperated by giving the blueprint to Clank.

He accepts the blueprint and opens it, as it reveals a woman with long hair. As he continues to read on, it says 'Mysterious android, deliver to Dark land, must reprogram and delete memory-bank.' "Odd, why would they want to delete their memory-banks?"
"I wonder why, indeed."
"Hmm..." Clank rolled up the blueprint and walks towards another capsule and read a black screen saying 'memory erase 100% complete, Reprogramming 12% complete' in green. "Maybe if we take those inventions with us, then Dr Nefarious wouldn't be able to use them for his plans."
"Good idea, Clank!" Ratchet complimented his idea.
"Why thank you Ratchet," Clank smiled as he presses a green button on the system board, "Now, all I need to do is interrupt the reprogramming loading and open the capsule, which should be quick and easy."

"Umm...guys..." Daisy tapped Ratchet's shoulder and heard footsteps coming...
"Crap! Clank, you have to do this quick!" Ratchet told his friend.
"Do not rush me, Ratchet," Clank tells him, "I am trying to hack into the loading system, which seems to have some firewalls on it."

Then, a group of five guards came in with gun-like weapons on their hands and aim them at the trio, "Now...FRE-" The tallest one yelled which suddenly got interrupted as Ratchet throws a disco ball at them. The disco ball goes up the air, which starts to glow and suddenly, all of the robots start dancing like no tomorrow with the remix music called 'Robots of the galaxy'. Daisy looks at the group with an expression that screams 'What the fuck just happen?' as she turns to Ratchet, who is wearing a silver and red glove with a diamond on the back of it. She points at the group.
"Oh, that's the Groovitron," Ratchet told her as he takes off his glove, "It distracts enemies and allies alike to dance."
"...That's...very useful, not gonna lie." Daisy admitted.
"...And...done!" Clank reported back as he presses a blue button, which the capsule opens and smoke comes out of it, unable to see what's in it. The smoke makes Ratchet and Daisy coughing while Clank rubs his robotic, big eyes due to it getting too dirty, the guards stop dancing and start cleaning their lens as well.

Suddenly, two pairs of small red lights appear in the smoke as it disappears, a black shadow jumps out of the capsule at lightning speed and runs towards the guards as the shadow kicks a guard powerfully, causing him to fly away from the room, then to a wall and finally, crashes through a wall.

The smoke slowly disappears. The trio and the guards notice one of the guards was gone. "What the!"

The mysterious shadow punches the guard in the face and rips his head off from his body; this causes the other guards to aim their guns at them while backing away the thing.
"Whoa! Who's that lady?!" Ratchet asked in pure shock.

The thing reveals to be a young woman with greyish blue eyes, beautiful ivory complexion and silvery white bobbed hair with a black hairband. She wears a black, turtleneck, short dress with long sleeves and a silt that shows off her thighs and a tiny bit of her white undergarment (Though, very unnoticeable), a cleavage, puffy shoulders, white long gloves with black fingers, black very long socks and black slightly above-knee leather boots with high heels.

One guard shoots his gun at her, but she ducks it and charges at that guard, as she did a back-flip kick to his chin and as the guard fell to the ground. The gun flies into the air until the mysterious woman grabs the gun, turns around and headshot one of the guards, which made another guard really angry.
"YOU BITCH!!!" The guard triggers his gun multiple times, but she was too quick as she manages to disappear and appear in thin air in gold dust and points the gun at the guard's throat.

The woman shots the guard as he collapses to the floor in a pile of mess and then shot the other guard in the chest while he is on the ground. The trio can only have their mouth open in awe and pure shock while trying to progress what just happen.
"...I think I'm in love, Ratchet." Clank suddenly spoke out, which made Ratchet looks at him as if he's gone crazy.
"Now, I know why Dr. what-his-face wants them so badly." Daisy pointed out.

The woman turns around and points the gun at the trio, causing them to put their hands up in surrender.
"Wait!" Clank called out, "We are not your enemy, we're your allies!"
"...Do I know you guys?" The woman asked the trio, who all looks at each other and turn back to the woman.
"Well...not really..." Clank answered honestly, "However we are to stop Dr Nefarious' malevolent plan, which might involve you and your friends."
"Do you have a name, babe?" Ratchet asked with a cheeky smirk, which the woman responds by pointing the gun at him, which him gulp.
"First, call me babe again and I wouldn't hesitate to kill you," The woman told him off, "And second...I...My...honestly...I can't remember my name."
"You don't remember?" Daisy asked the white-haired woman.
"Great, the amnesia bullshit." Ratchet called out, which Clank lightly punches him in the shoulder, "Hey!"

"Sorry about Ratchet's rather rude jokes, Miss," Clank apologises to her, "It must be because they erase your memories, the reason? I do not know, but hopefully, we get to the bottom of it."
"...So, Dr Nefarious is a threat to mankind, correct?" The amnesiac woman asked, which the small robot and the cat-like creature both nod.
"Well, duh?!" Daisy said, "That bastard ruined my kingdom! Kidnaps me AND abuse me to no end! Of course, he's a threat!"
They heard a loud siren and the room became deep red due to the lighting.
"Oh dear, the security is coming!" Clank panicked a bit.
"We need to get out of here!" Ratchet called out.
"There! To the vent!" Daisy called out as she points to a vent that is up there.
"Good idea!" Ratchet complimented as he turns to Clank, "Clank, get on my back!"
"Okay Ratchet!"

Clank jumps out of the device and hops into Ratchet's back, where he transformed into some back-pack. "Okay, let's go!"

The woman just nodded and runs up to the wall, where she notices two weapons; a large axe and a small sword. She snitches those weapons and telepathically carries them on her back. The woman jumps high, grabs on to the edge of the vent and pulls out the vent's gate forcefully that the metal is bend. She throws it out of the ground and starts crawling in. Ratchet and Daisy run up to a wall as Ratchet looks at Clank, who nods and transforms his body into a jetpack.

Ratchet lends as hand to Daisy, who is looking at the vent, and then she turns to him and accepts the offer. Suddenly they heard footsteps coming up.
"Clank, now!"

Ratchet carries Daisy to vent as she grabs hold of the edge and lolloping tries to get inside of the vent, luckily she made it and just when he was about to go inside the vent...

He turns his head around and saw eleven guards readying their guns at him, which he takes out a yellow blaster on his hands, "Eat Combustor, A-Holes!"

Then, he launches high-velocity fireballs at the guards, which manage to knock them out to the ground and set the place on fire. Ratchet grabs hold of the edge and Clank transform back into a backpack. He successfully got inside.

"Quick, get the fire extinguishers!"One of the guards orders the other ones. The guards run out of the room.

A/N Eat fire bitches! But all joking aside, I hope you guys enjoy it, so give a vote, comment and have a nice day, bye my fellow ninjas and kunoichis!

Ratchet and Clank belongs to Insomniac games
Daisy belongs to Nintendo.
The woman is a surprise.

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