Chapter 1 Part 9/9 - Observe meeting
WARNING! - Swearing, Blood, Violence, Lewd Jokes, Deaths, Crossover Pairings, OCXCanon and Yaoi (Though, one of them is very one-sided and it will appear much later on to the story, not now)
Ps: The characters are mostly will be mostly OOC, but that's because they're basically parallel universe versions of the canon characters that will appear, including two certain OCs who are parallel universes of two canon characters (If you know Blazblue, then you know what I'm referring to), so some of them will be OOC or a bit of it, but there's a reason for it like I explain just recently, so if you complain that one character is OOC or I got their back story wrong, then that's because they're not the same person; same souls and names, but slightly different personality, appearances and back-stories.
Enjoy, Comment, Vote and be nice to me and everyone else in the meantime to let me know to improve and, generally, have a good time.
(Meanwhile somewhere in space)
A unique looking spaceship that is similar to a circus floating in space. Rosalina looked at the blue screen that is showing Ragna and Sabrina sharing a laugh, with a concerned look on her face, which worried the adorable-looking chubby stars with round cute eyes, who they looked concern for her.
"Mama, are you okay?" A green baby star asked it's 'mother'.
"Yes, do not worry about me, my child..." Rosalina ensured the young stars, which only made them, even more, concern, ("I just hope Ragna can accomplish his goal...")
"What is the matter, Rosie-daring?"
Rosalina gasped as she turned around and behind her is an androgynous person with violet hair tied in a bun and blue eyes with dark pink eyeshadow and red lipstick. They wear a flowing pink and red kimono that exposes their shoulders underneath is a sleeveless black skin-tight turtleneck, black shorts and legwarmers, and red platform sandals. They also sport a translucent pink scarf which appears to levitate through unknown means. They are wearing a royal white geisha outfit underneath, they have a pink and red-coloured checker pattern kimono.
"Amane! What are you doing here?!" Rosalina gasped in shock.
"Relax, relax, I'm only here to check on you, I mean, we are friends, right?" They told her, who nodded.
"Oh...of course..."
"Uncle Amane!" The stars cheered as they surround the androgynous male, who just smiles warmly at them.
"Now now, my dears, calm down," Amane told them, as he grabs a small pouch up, "I manage to get some star bites for you, dearies."
"Yeah! You're the best, uncle Amanie!" A yellow star cheered, as Amane gave the heavy pouch to the young stars, who they all bounced around and trying to eat the star bites he gave to them.
"Now, where were I?" He asked himself, "Awe, yes I remember now, I wonder what you are doing?"
"...Just observing..." Rosalina told her friend, "After all, that is a Bystander's duty, correct?"
"...Yes, you are correct..." Amane nodded, before his face became more serious, "That means no getting involved with the events, like the last time you did."
"Amane, I know I shouldn't recreate the world since that is against our duties..." Rosalina shook her head violently as she put her head down, "But, I didn't have a choice, I mean...all of my friends...were killed in that universe!"
"...You're lucky Arceus forgives you for that since that universe is now completely ceased to exist thanks to the destruction Wuji causes and the fact he was involved with it..." Amane told her, "But I'm pretty sure if you do it again, he'll strip you of your powers and give the role to me, right?"
"Yes...I am aware of the consequences." Rosalina nodded.
"Sorry if I sound rude, darling," Amane apologises, "I was just trying simply reminding you because I don't want you to get into trouble like last time, okay?"
"I know, you were only looking out for me."
"Good, because I'm worried that I might have gravely upset you or something like that," Amane looks at the screen and became very interested, "Well, who is that adorable boy next to Raggie?"
"Umm... that 'adorable boy' is actually a girl named Sabrina, his adopted sister and daughter to the Toadstool royal family." Rosalina corrected him with a slightly annoyed look. "And how do you know Ragna?"
"Oops! My bad!" Amane apologises, "I thought Sabrina is a boy, because she's just so flat-chested that it's hard to tell if she's really a girl or a really good cross-dresser, and for the Ragna thing... well I promised him I never speak of our first meeting, so I rather not break a promise."
"...I...see..." Rosalina said uneasily, ("I should stay out of it...for now.")
Amanelaughs out of embarrassment while Rosalina rolls her eyes and look back the screen, ("Please this my friends from going through that awful fate again...")
(Meanwhile back on the ship)
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU'RE A PRINCE!!!?" Luna shouted at Ragna, who was just putting his feet on the table while sitting on the wooden chair and picking on his right ear with a bored expression.
"Because I thought it isn't important."
"Well, 'not important' my ass!" Amy shouted out.
"Oh shut up," Ragna told her off, "Besides, I rather not have my royal status get in the way of my bounty hunting."
"Oh! But why did you do it, Blood-I mean, Ragna?" Bang asked the white-haired man.
"Simple; so I can have control over my powers," Ragna told them.
"Then, why did you run away?" Raichu asked his white-haired friend.
"...I did because I thought going out of the world would improve my experience and fighting skills by myself better than staying at the castle and trained by experts," He told them, "So, I ran away."
"That still doesn't excuse leaving out of your own family," Starlow told him off.
"But, I did leave a note in my bedroom to tell them what I'm doing, right?"
"But still-"
"Starlow, stop," Mario told her, "What's done, is done, though I wish you didn't though."
"Yeah...Ragna, next time you try to run away, I'll shoot your feet." Sabrina threatened him.
"Yeah yeah, I know," Ragna replied as he turns away from his sister and to his childhood friends, "Anyways, how was everything?"
"Us?" Zack asked, which the prince nodded, "Well, I was training to a royal knight by a superior of mine, just like my father was...who died a few years ago."
"Yikes, sorry about that,"
"Nah, it's cool," Zack told him, "I was pretty upset at first, but I manage to recover thanks to your family's, El's and Ram's help, and at least I have his sword as a memento." He said as he looked at his sword on his back.
"I...see...sorry I wasn't there for you."
"Don't worry man, I know you wouldn't do much since you're pretty bad at cheering people up," Zack laughed out care-freely.
"Hey!" Ragna took offence, until realising he's right, "Oh yeah, you have a good point."
"Anyways, are you okay with this, Ragna?" Elphelt asked her childhood friend.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Ragna asked back.
"Well...I thought...since you were kinda forced into this all the sudden, so..."
"I'm okay with it, though I kinda wish something like this never happens," Ragna told her, "Besides, I'm gonna reunite with my parents and sis sooner or later anyway."
"...I see..." El says, ("Though...the look on his face says otherwise.")
Ragna was about to walk away until Kokonoe calls him out; "HEY! Where do you think you're going?"
"Bed...I'm kinda tired after all this drama that was happening."
"Wait!?" Kokonoe calls out to the white-haired man.
"What?" He asks.
"That sword...what is that?"
"Oh? This?" Ragna took his great sword that looks rather futuristic, "It's my Blood-scythe, pretty neat, huh?"
"Wait, isn't that just a sword?" Zack asks him.
"True, but it can transform into a scythe, watch this." Then, Ragna made his sword suddenly transform into a scythe with a crimson blade.
"Whoa!" Zack awed, "I wish my giant sword can transform into something, a giant gun!"
Then, Kokonoe hits him in the back of his head. "HEY!" Zack cried out.
"Don't be stupid," Kokonoe insulted him, "Only an idiot would do that."
"Aww..." Zack groaned a bit.
Then, she turns to Ragna and asked, "Where did you get that sword?"
"This...I...well, believe it or not," Ragna answered her, "When I ran away, I just found that sword just lying around the forest."
"I...see," Kokonoe spoke, "And that's not its actual name, is it?"
"No, that's the name of its scythe mode," Ragna responds to the cat girl, who became deep in thought.
"How about Aramasa?"
"Yeah, the name is named after the sword used by Susanoo used to kill Orochi."
("...Susanoo...") "Sure, why not?"
"Okay, you can go now."
"Finally." Ragna yawned as he turned his scythe back to its sword form and walks out while stretching his arms and yawning at the same time.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, but," Ragna turned his head around and asked, "Where's Jubei? I haven't seen him in quite awhile now."
"..." Ragna's parents looked at each other and looked back at their son with a troubled expression on their faces, with Mario gulps and Peach responds; "He's...he's missing."
"..." Ragna gasped a bit, takes a deep breath and said, "I...I see, well, thanks for being honest with me."
"Well, I hope you sleep well, Ragna!" Peach smiled warmly,
"Good night my Bambino." Mario smiled happily.
"Night bro." Sabrina waved her left hand lazily, which he responds with a wave as well and walks away while everyone else starts having a discussion.
Ragna opens a wooden door to a wooden room, which he takes off his clothes and replace it with a white sleeveless shirt and black boxers. He hopped on to the bottom of the bed, wrapped the white blanket around his bed and looked at the roof, then to the window, showing the starry night sky.
("Wow, night already, I guess time flies when batshit insane things starts happening, but still...") Ragna sits up and thinks, ("That man...his voice sounds can't be him...I mean, he's supposed to be dead now, after all, I know because I killed him, so why? No, I'm sure it's just someone else with a similar voice as him, after all, the dead can't just come back to alive and the idea of him being just an alternative version of someone is just a coincidence, right?...I should get to sleep now.") And Ragna lies down on the bed and closes his eyes as he starts snoring.
(Meanwhile in the desert)
A mysterious woman with very long white hair that who looks rather robotic with the joints and folds being shown and only wearing a single black panel of tattered fabric over her chest, gloves and boots, and underwear, as if all of her clothes were torn apart to living in the harsh desert. She also carries a large, thin sword behind her back telepathically and looks at the desert from a large rock, as she sighs and jumps into the ground, where she walks through the desert with no clear idea where to go.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Video made by Christine Ortega)
A/N: I think I did pretty good and I understand some of you guys are very annoyed with those changes, but the reason I did is because of the lack of comments and votes is because of those very long chapters I made, so I thought maybe I should separate those chapters into different parts. Sorry about this guys, but please understand I did it to get you guys catch up more quickly. I hope you guys enjoy it, so give a vote, comment and have a nice day, bye my fellow ninjas and kunoichis!
Amy Rose belongs to Sega
Ragna, Bang, Luna, Carl, Taokaka, Elphelt, Ramlethal, Amane, Kokonoe, Lambda and Tager belongs to Arc system works.
E. Gadd, Peach, Mario, Starlow, Raichu, Arceus, Bowser, Rosalina ,Lumas and Luigi belongs to Nintendo.
Sabrina belongs to me and Nightmare and that woman...well...that's a secret.
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