Chapter 1 Part 1/9 - The real show begins
WARNING! - Swearing, Blood, Violence, Lewd Jokes, Deaths, Crossover Pairings, OCXCanon and Yaoi (Though, one of them will be very one-sided and it will appear much later on to the story, not now)
Ps: The characters are mostly will be mostly OOC, but that's because they're basically parallel universe versions of the canon characters that will appear, including two certain OCs who are parallel universes of two canon characters (If you know Blazblue, then you know what I'm referring to), so some of them will be OOC or a bit of it, but there's a reason for it like I explain just recently, so if you complain that one character is OOC or I got their back story wrong, then that's because they're not the same person; same souls and names, but slightly different personality, appearances and back-stories.
Enjoy, Comment, Vote and be nice to me and everyone else in the meantime to let me know to improve and, generally, have a good time.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Video made by Im Hendrik)
(24 Years later in some forest at midnight)
"Take this, you son of a bitch!" Ragna shouted out as he sliced a bull-like Pokemon, as he puts away his large sword on his back and takes out a dagger, which he starts to take out some of its organs, "Alright, I got some food for ourselves."
Ragna looked the same, except the blue bits are replaced with vibrant red, his shirt is black, his hair is silvery white and his eyes are mismatched; his left eye is green while his right eye is red. Then, a Raichu appeared out of the bushes and runs up to Ragna, who smiled at it.
"Do you really have to kill that Tauros?" A talking Raichu asked as he jumped on Ragna's right shoulder and relaxed there.
"Naturally, we ARE camping, after all," Ragna told him, "Or do you have any other ideas?"
", let's just meet up with the others." Raichu shakes his head.
"Glad we have an agreement," Ragna said as he puts away his dagger and gotten all of the organs in a bag. He walked away from the corpse along with Raichu, as the duo meets up with a group who is all sitting on a log with a fireplace on, which consists of a catgirl with platinum blonde hair tied in braided pigtails, dark skin, beady red eyes and sharp teeth, she is wearing a beige hoodie with cat ears. A floating yellow ball with black beady eyes with eyelashes, brown shoes, a floating star on her head and has no limps at all.
A muscular man with tanned skin, an X-shaped scar on her face and brown eyes. He wears a red scarf and an olive green ninja uniform.
A young boy with blonde hair, pale skin, blue eyes and wears glasses and a purple 1800's, higher-class and London-style magician outfit.
Finally, a young girl with very long peach-blonde hair tied in four pigtails with green bows, pale skin, dark green eyes with a green heart-shaped pupil and wears a teal/white coloured magical girl clothes. And finally, a humanoid pink hedgehog wearing a red dress.
"GOOD GUY!" The catgirl shouted out as she leapt into Ragna's arms and hugged him, "Did you bring any food, meow?"
"Yep, I got some food, Tao," Ragna responded with a smile, "Now, let me cook it up and wait like a good little kitty, okay?"
"Okay dokie, good guy!" The cat girl named Tao cheers out as she lets of Ragna and sits back down on the log.
"What did you get master?" The young girl asked the red-coated bounty hunter.
"I got some Tauros meat," Ragna told her, "Is that alright, Luna?"
"Ewww...Seriously?" The hedgehog gasped in pure revolt.
"Well, do you have any better ideas, Amy?" Ragna asked her.
"Well, you could have brought some berries or something like that!" Amy told him off.
"But...I doubt some berries would be enough to survive through the night," The yellow ball told her off.
"Oh..." Amy realised, but then she denies it; "But I'm still not eating that disgusting thing, even if Carl, Bang or even you, Starlow, have a good point."
"Oh stop being such a fussy bitch, hoe!" Luna outright insulted her, which made her twitch her left eye in pure rage, then she quickly turned to her and suddenly, a big red hammer appears her right hand.
"SAY THAT AGAIN YOU BITCH!!!" Amy shouted out until the boy named Carl covers her mouth by surprise, "!"
"Don't be loud Amy!" Carl told her off, "Or else you gonna attract some Zubats here!"
"...Oh..." Amy muttered as Carl lets go of her mouth and she just sighs, "Fine, I'll just find my OWN food, thank you very much."
Amy stands up and walked through the forest as she left the group. Ragna sat down on the log and started taking out the organs. As he starts preparing the food, Bang looks at the path Amy took with a concern expression, which Carl takes notice of and asked; "Are you okay, Mr Shishigami?"
"Oh! Sorry about that, I'm just concern about Amy's safety that is all, my young apprentice." Bang answered him honestly.
"You don't need to worry about her, Bang," Ragna ensured him, "Knowing Amy's fighting skills, she should be fine."
"...You are right, Bloodedge."
"Hey! I'm back!" Amy called out as she came back with some light berries on her arms. Which shocks everyone out and that confuses her, "Hey! Why are you guys so shock?!"
"Is just got here so fast!" Starlow tells her.
"Well, I got to be quick if I ever want to be with my handsome Sonic." Amy fangirls a bit, which made literally everyone groaned, even Bang, "Oh what now!?"
"Can you fucking shut up about this Sonic guy!" Luna shouted at her, "We get it! He's awesome, he's sexy as well and other amazing things, WE. GET. IT!!! Now, shut the fuck up!!!"
"Why you little-"
"Hey, how about figure out what to do tomorrow," Starlow suggests while trying to avoid a fight between the young girls, "For now, let's sleep for tonight."
"GOOD IDEA STARLOW!!!" Bang shouted out, which made everyone, cover their ears.
"Mr Bang! Too loud!" Carl complains, "Have you forgotten about the Zubats!"
Immediately, a massive group of blue bats appeared out of nowhere and starts flying around the group. "AHHHHH!!!"
"There's Zubats everywhere!" Amy shirked as everyone waving their hands wildly as those Zubats started screaming out of their mouths as visible sound waves are being emitted, causing everyone covers their ears.
"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" The talking Raichu shouted out in pain as electricity is sparking out of his yellow cheeks, "THUNDERBOLT!!!"
Raichu generates a powerful thunder at the Zubats, which made them fell to the ground as smoke comes out of their body. The group let's go of their ears and breathed out heavily, then they all glare at Bang, who looked around, make an awkward smile and shrugs. The Zubats got up very slowly as they fly away painfully. Ragna sighs out of relief and tells; "Well, what's done is done, so we can't really do anything with it."
"But we nearly got deaf because of him!" Luna shouted out.
"...I...I am dearly sorry, Miss Glassfille." Bang sincerely apologised.
"Yeah! You better be sorry you dumbass!!!" Luna shouts at him.
"That's enough Luna!" Starlow told her off, "Now we should sleep, as it has been a long night, so we need to rest like I suggested earlier, too bad a certain nuthead ruins that moment."
"Ha ha ha...." Bang laughed nervously, knowing full well she is referring to him.
"She's right," Ragna agreed with her, "Let's get to sleep to have enough energy to get prepare for tomorrow."
Everyone nodded in agreement while Luna just looked away grumpily with her eyebrows narrowed and put on some puffy cheeks. Nearly everyone get out of their own sleeping bags; Bang has an olive one, Luna has a teal one, Carl has purple, Ragna has a red one and Tao has beige.
The group entered their own sleeping bags and closed their eyes peacefully, as Raichu sleeps on Ragna's chest and Starlow sleeps next to his head
(Next morning on Kagutsuchi)
As the group is walking though Kagutsuchi, where dozens of people walked through the futuristic-looking city, which makes those people notice the group as they stand out the most. Of course, they noticed the white-haired man himself out of everyone, which made some people start gossiping quietly to each others' ears.
"Is that Bloodedge?"
"You know, Bloodedge, as in, the world's second greatest Bounty hunter of all times."
"Woah! Wait, then who's first?"
"Sol Badguy."
"You mean the guy who mostly does jobs that involve those creepy-ass Gears?"
"That's the one."
"Honestly, only over-powered dudes like him would be tough enough to go against those Gears, since they're near impossible to kill."
"Well, it's a good thing we have the Gear hunters to take care of them, at least."
"O...MA! Is that Bloodedge!?"
"Wow! You're right! That is him!"
"You know, he is a lot more handsome then those rumours said he is."
"You know Betty, you're right, he is pretty handsome..."
("Not this bullshit again.") Ragna groaned under his thought as he just ignored those gossips around him as they reach to the docks. "Here we are guys."
"So, who are we waiting for, young Bloodedge?" Bang asked him.
"I hope it's Boobie Lady?" Tao asked excitedly.
"No," Bloodedge told them as he shakes his head, "Let's just say we're waiting for a certain surprise."
"Huh? What do you mean sensei?" Luna asked her mentor.
"...You'll see." Bloodedge said with a bit of a mischievous smirk, which confused the others, until they saw a wooden ship appears in the dock, "Oh, there he is."
"Howdy there!" A Blue Toad wearing a captain hat shouted out as he drove his boat to the docks, then as he parks the boat on the side, he got out of the boat.
"Hey Toad, can you ride us to the Mushroom Kingdom?" He asked the blue Toad.
"Yep, but only if you pay me sixty coins, sir." The Toad told him, "You know how businesses are like."
Ragna nodded his head with a smile, "Yes, I do, here you go"
Ragna took out a small bag of coins to Toad, who looked inside the bag and grinned.
"Alright then, now," The blue Toad smiled, "Hop on board."
"You heard the Toad!" Ragna called out to his team, "We're leaving!"
"Right, come on everyone, let's go." The Toad called to the team as Ragna walks back to his ship and shouted, "OI! You guys should get going or we'll miss the seas!"
His shouting catches the others' attention and they all run up to the ship while telling him to wait, making Toad and Ragna chuckle.
"Alright, is everyone ready?" He asked the team, who all nodded, "Good, hit it, mates!"
The other Toads nodded and got the ship ready, where it starts to sail into the sea.
"And we set sailing the seas, my crew!" The Toad captain cheers as everyone hops around happily while Ragna smiled at a very happy scene.
(At night)
As the group got into their pyjamas and slept into the beds the captain offered them, as Ragna starts sweating through his skin despite wearing a white sleeveless loose shirt and black boxers. He is turning his head uncomfortably and his face starts to slowly turn red...
(In Ragna's dream)
"JIN! SAYA! Where are you guys!" Ragna shouted out as he ran around the burning church. Ragna was much younger, around twelve, but has blonde spiky hair instead of white, both of his eyes was green and wore a white plain T-shirt and shorts.
He was looking through a burning church as the smoke goes through the air, as he was coughing due to the smoking, he noticed a younger boy around ten years old, wearing the same clothes as him, but his hair was stylised and not spiky, unlike Ragna. "JIN! There you are!"
Ragna ran up to the boy named Jin, until he noticed what he's holding...a katana, "Jin...why do you-GAH!"
Jin suddenly thrusted his katana into Ragna's chest, causing him to felt an intense pain as he coughed up blood, as he suddenly collapsed to the floor. Then...everything turns black as the last thing he sees is the boy's sadistic grin...
(Dream ended)
"JIN!" Ragna shouted out as he stands up while still in his bed, he breathes in a panicky way as his eyes widen in pure horror and skin turn pale as if he sees a ghost. He closed his eyes and his breath became more relax and his skin became a little less pale. Ragna put his hand on his forehead, realising he is sweating, he takes a deep breath once again and shakes his head, ("...That was a very long time ago, Ragna. You need to get over it...I...I need some fresh air.")
He looked around noticing Raichu is sleeping on his lap, along with Starlow and everyone else is still sleeping. He sighs out of relief and carefully gets out of his bed, trying to avoid waking up Starlow and Raichu. Ragna puts on some red slippers and went out, without realising a certain human girl is actually awaken up and saw him leaving, making her show a concern expression on her face. "Master?"
A/N: Sorry everyone I did this, it's because of the fact nobody commenting on my story and it's making me concern of the fact it's because it's too long, so I shorten by making separated parts. I hope you guys don't mind it too much, so enjoy it, give a review and have a nice day, bye my fellow ninjas and kunoichis!
Amy Rose belongs to Sega
Ragna, Bang, Luna, Carl andTaokaka belongs to Arc system works.
Starlow and Raichu belong to Nintendo.
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