Chapter 4

Ok this is where stuff is really gonna start!

A few days had passed since the entrance exams and both Ibara and Pony had passed and gotten in. To their delight, they were both in the same class, 1-B in the hero course. It wasn't 1-A but hey, it was better than failing all together. They had managed to keep in contact, despite neither really having a phone as Pony's was an American one and was pretty much useless for texting and calling people in Japan, and Ibara just didn't have one, which she found stupid, as she was almost an adult. But regardless, they were currently at the park together

"-so yeah, you can see why I wanted to get into UA instead of an American hero school." Pony finished explaining why she'd applied to UA specifically "well I guess that does make sense..." Ibara mused "oh, hey, I gotta question!" Pony suddenly exclaimed "how do you know English? You said you've never left Japan before, so why did you bother and how did you learn it?" She asked "oh, well, my parents...really like the idea of me being great at They got me to learn a new language and I chose English. Seemed simple enough; only 24 letters and about 60 sounds, as opposed to the hundreds- honestly probably thousands of Japanese characters. Will admit some of it is why do you have multiple words that are pronounced the exact same but mean completely different things? Like there, their and they're? That's just a nightmare!" The vine-haired girl ranted. Pony laughed "ok, gonna be honest, most people in America struggle with those as well but I'm pretty sure that..they're spelt as t-h-e-y apostrophe r-e, is an abbreviation of 'They are', so, you'd say 'they're going to the park'. Then you have t-h-e-i-r. That's a possessive so, you'd use it to say stuff like 'that's their dog', then t-h-e-r-e, is a place, so, 'there is the dog'. Ya get me?" She explained.

Ibara furrowed her brow "I..think so..but why use the same word? Why not think of a different one? I mean..they're makes sense if it's an abbreviation but the rest have no excuse!" The taller girl said and pony laughed again. "You're right, they don't. But then again, in Japanese, you have 'Kawaii' and 'Kowaii' which mean Cute and scary! They have complete opposite meanings! And then there's 'Kyuu' which is nine and 'Kyo' which is Today! That's annoying!" She retorts and Ibara sighs "languages are annoying..." Pony nods in agreement "oh yeah, 100%." She says. Ibara suddenly looked like she'd remembered something "oh! Oh no, I was meant to be going to see someone today..oh I hope it's not too late.." she looks at the clock tower they were conveniently walking by "ok, I should just have enough time if I go now.." she sighed in relief and pony tilted her head slightly "where are you going?" She asks "oh, I gotta go meet with someone. Don't worry about it. I'll see ya later, alright Akaguro?" Ibara explains "alright! See ya!" Pony waves as Ibara smiles and walks off.

After a long while of walking, she finally gets to a dodgy, run down building. She checked the address and sighed as she walked in. She made her way to one of the top floors and stood In front of the door, shaking slightly. Was she really about to do this? ..yes. She was. She couldn't chicken out. Not now. She'd come too far for that. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. She heard a raspy voice reply "What do you want?" The speaker sounded irritated. Oh no. " name is Ibara Shiozaki..I'm here because I wanted to join the league of villains" she waited a minute for a reply "fine then. Come in. Just close the door behind you." The voice eventually said. Shiozaki opened the door and walked in. A thin, scraggy man she recognised as Tomura Shigaraki was sat at a bar. She closed the door behind her and turned to face him "So. why do you want to join us?" He asks. "..well..I haven't really had the best parents are horrible..honestly most of my family I wanted to get back at them somehow..." she explained "that it? Or is there anything else? And what can you offer us?" The man scratched at his neck "well..I recently got into I figured I could spy on the heroes for well as that my quirk is considered generally strong..I can control these vines" she points to her hair "I can also create new ones from the ground and control those. I can make an array of different kinds of plants, mostly thorny ones." She carries on. Shigaraki seemed to be in thought, though it was hard to tell because of the hand on his face. "...we already have a spy at UA. But it wouldn't be a bad idea to have multiple. Just in case one gets caught. Hmph. Fine. Names Tomura Shigaraki. Ibara Shiozaki, you said?" He asked "yes. And, thank you." She smiled "yeah you're welcome or whatever...anyway. This is Kurogiri." He gestures to a man made of a purple mist behind the bar that Ibara had only now noticed. "He's our warp gate. He's used to get from place to place. And I guess he gives decent advice too. If annoying at times. And..I guess you should meet the other spy too..Aoyama!!" He yelled out, looking to a doorway with a beaded string curtain. A boy a similar height to Ibara walked through, he had blonde hair, purple eyes and seemed...sparkly, if that was a way to describe a person. "Oui, Monsieur Shigaraki?" He Looks to see Ibara. "Oh...someone else is joining the league?" He asks, dropping the french accent. "Yes. Her name is Ibara Shiozaki. She goes to UA. She's gonna be a spy along with you. Be nice." Shigaraki replies, turning back around so his back was facing them both.

A few hours later, Shiozaki and Aoyama had started talking and got on surprisingly well. They were currently sat at the bar, still talking. "-so yeah, after that all went down I decided 'forget it, I'm just gonna become a villain, why not? They need someone to put them in their place.'" Ibara sighed "wow. You've really not had a great life, Huh?" Aoyama asked "personally, I was born without a quirk but I still desperately wanted to be a hero. Years and years ago, I think I was like what? 4? 5? Don't know. I was young. I was at this hero event or whatever, and there was a villain attack. I ended up being separated from my parents and then I ran into the guy in charge, not Shigaraki, another guy. He's called All For One. So I ended up finding him, and this place had been massacred, dead bodies everywhere, blood and guts spilled all over the floor, it was just-" he gags "and he said something like 'come with me, I have great things planned for you' and he brought me back here. I've been with 'em since. Never gave up wanting to be a hero though, don't really know why." He shrugs ", did you ever find your parents again? Sorry if that's a sensitive subject.." Shiozaki asked "oh, yeah, I did, and I live with them most of the time, I just stay here overnight sometimes. It's chaotic here, just a warning. And I can only imagine it'll get worse as we gain more and more members." He replies "oh yes, I assumed that." Ibara said bluntly and Yuuga laughed.

"Ah..I should probably get parents are gonna yell at me otherwise.." Ibara said, looking at the clock, panic washing over her. "It's fine, just stay here tonight. Tell them you were at a friend's house or something." Yuuga shrugged "no you don't understand, they'll kill me. Possibly literally." The girl replied with a deadly serious tone. "Ah..I see..well, would you like me to walk you home?" Aoyama suggested. Ibara shook her head "I'm not allowed to be friends with boys." She replied "man you really aren't allowed to do anything, Huh?" He asked "nope. But I'm used to it, I guess. It's been what? 15 years?" She sighs. Yuuga stands up and hugs her "well...I guess I'll see you tomorrow then..." he says quietly and Ibara nods. She picks up her bag and leaves. The sooner she could convince them to let her live in the 'dorms' the better.

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