④. 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞

Rory dragged Victoria's sorry ass out of bed so they can go school supply shopping for Chilton.

Even as they headed for Doose's Market, Victoria still didn't know why Rory wanted to get school supplies.

"Shopping for school supplies – party," Lorelai said.

"Nobody demanded that you come," Rory stated.

Lorelai asked, "Are you kidding? How often do you get to do things like this?"

"Once a year when school starts," Victoria stated.

"You're crabby," Lorelai told her. "Have you been drinking enough coffee? Anyway, I was thinking, while we're going crazy, we should get some toilet paper and a plunger next."

"We'll just do this later," Rory said.

"No, I'm teasing. Come on, get that list of yours," Lorelai said.

"Okay," Rory said. She started taking a list out while Lorelai grabbed a hand basket. "We need legal pads."

"I need pads," Victoria realized.

"You're on birth control," Lorelai told her.

"I need some in case Rory forgets to bring hers and I get a period at school," Victoria said.

"Got it," Lorelai stated.

"Tons of pens," Rory continued reading from her list.

"Right," Lorelai added.

"Some #2 pencils, three highlighters, an eraser, a staple remover, and a folder," Rory listed.

"You need three highlighters?" Lorelai asked.

"Yes," Rory replied.

"Three?" Lorelai questioned.

"Yes," Rory repeated.

"That's a very random number," Lorelai stated.

"Three isn't that random," Victoria replied.

Lorelai said, "No, but I mean, how did you get to the number three?"

"One dries up, one gets lost, I have one left," Rory pointed out.

"You have really thought this out," Lorelai replied.

"Yes I have," Rory stated.

"What came first – the chicken or the egg?" Lorelai asked.

"Can we get back to this list please?" Rory asked.

"The egg came first because chickens didn't exist back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth," Victoria stated.

"You seriously thought about that?" Lorelai asked her. She spotted some legal pads. "Ooh, hey, legal pads." She grabbed a legal pad and started sticking them in the basket.

"No, those are purple," Rory said, taking the legal pads and putting them back.

"Yes, purple is festive," Lorelai pointed out.

"I feel red is more festive," Victoria said, thinking of Christmas which was a festive holiday. "Or orange." There. Halloween was more festive, because her favorite holiday was Halloween.

"I can't have purple or red or orange," Rory stated firmly.

"Yes you can, they're on sale," Lorelai pleaded with Rory.

"I'm going to a serious school now, I need serious paper," Rory stated.

As opposed to silly paper? Victoria wanted to say.

Lorelai didn't get it, "Paper's paper."

"Not at Chilton," Rory stated.

"All right, fine," Lorelai grumbled. "Here is your serious paper." She took a yellow legal pad.

"It should be white, because yellow means it's happy," Victoria joked. "And we can't have happy paper. We need serious paper."

"Ooh, good point," Lorelai said, liking Victoria's line of thinking.

Rory put the yellow legal pads in the basket.

"Ooh, and here are you somber highlighters, your maudlin pencils, your manic-depressive pens," Lorelai started, grabbing at the writing impliments.

"Mom," Rory chided.

"Manic depression is not a joke," Victoria told Lorelai.

"Who do you know that has manic depression?" Lorelai asked Victoria.

"Abraham Lincoln," Victoria stated.

Lorelai took some erasers, "These erasers are on lithium so they may seem cheerful but we actually caught them trying to shove themselves in the pencil sharpener earlier."

"I'm going home now," Rory stated, leaving the aisle.

"No wait! We're going to stage an intervention with the neon post-its and make them give up their wacky crazy ways," Lorelai told her, taking some post-its, as she followed after Rory.

"You're never coming shopping with us again," Rory told her as they went into another aisle.

"Ooh, here's a card tray," Lorelai called, grabbing a card tray.

They got dropped off by the city bus, and Victoria helped Rory with some of her bags, since Victoria brought the day's books with her.

In Mr. Medina's class however Victoria was worried since she was getting her test back.

"Decent effort by most," Mr. Medina said. "Good effort by some, exceptional effort by two. Miss Geller, Miss Grant, Miss Graham. Miss Gilmore and Miss Gilmore."

Victoria looked at paper. She somehow managed to scrape by with a C+. It was better than she expected.

Mr. Medina continued talking, "Take these home, learn from your mistakes. Look at the large red circles around various parts of your paper as friendly reminders that to err is human. And that here at Chilton we try to beat that humanity right out of you."

Too late. I already had my humanity ripped out of me before I came here, Victoria thought. She realized it had gone oddly quiet and a few students were looking at her weirdly. She had said that out loud.

"Anyway, next up. The test – the dreaded test. Shakespeare! The man we've been droning on about for the last three weeks, finally comes back to haunt us on Friday. This is a big one, my friends – multiple choice with an essay section that will count for twenty percent of your grade for this semester. And don't be fooled by my kind face and charming personality. This test will be hard, and there will be no make ups," Mr. Medina continued, as if one of his students didn't say something a little concerning. The bell rang. "Refer to the study materials that I gave you at the beginning of the month and those extensive notes I know you've been taking."

"Hard paper," Paris said.

"Killer," Louise added.

"How'd you do?" Paris asked.

"A," Louise said.

"Me too," Paris responded.

"Oh, small world," Louise replied.

"Isn't it?" Paris asked, "Madeline, what'd you get?"

"You know I got a B," Madeline told them.

"A B's not bad," Paris said.

"Oh, not at all," Louise added.

"Respectable even," Paris continued.

"I'd be proud," Louise said.

"A D and a C+ however, that would be cause for concern," Paris continued.

"A cry for help," Louise said.

"A job application at McDonald's," Paris said.

"Would you like fries with that?" Louise asked.

"I'm surprised that you even know what McDonald's even is and what they even sell," Victoria snapped at them. "Don't you have your big ol' fancy cooks cooking food for you?"

"Miss Victoria Gilmore," Mr. Medina called.

Paris smiled, smug, like she was glad that Mr. Medina was going to get her in trouble for that comment.

Victoria went to the teacher. "Yes?"

Everyone filed out.

"Is everything fine going on at home?" Mr. Medina asked her. "Sometimes you're spacing out during my class and I can't tell if you're staring into space or at me. And I hear you've been on the verge of a few panic attack a few times. And those two books you've been constantly rereading..."

"Don't worry, I don't find you that attractive," Victoria said without thinking. She cringed. "The panic attacks are because the school is new." That was because Tristan seemed to come near her when Claire wasn't around and Victoria ended up working herself up thinking of the girl who shouldn't be mentioned. "And the books are really good. Although that sweater you're wearing is cute because it's a nice shade of purple. Did your wife make that for you?"

"I'm single, but I need to know if I should schedule you to see the school psychiatrist," Mr. Medina told her.

Victoria almost panicked at that, "Everything's fine at home. You can ask Rory. I really need to go."

She booked it out of the classroom and turned around a corner.

"I can't figure out why we're not friends. I think it's because I make you and your sister nervous," Tristan was saying to Rory.

"I think it's because you can't learn our names and you make my sister nervous in a bad way," Rory told Dugray.

"Do either of you have a boyfriend?" Dugray asked.

"That's none of your business," Rory snapped at him.

Victoria went to her locker and Brandon smiled at her. He greeted, "Hey, Locker Neighbor."

He always says that to her and sometimes Victoria would say it to him when she got to her locker before him.

Victoria had put a magnetic dry erase weekly calendar to track tennis games on the inside of her locker door, along with a magnetic pad of to-do lists and a homework tracker.

It was easy for her to rip off the to-do list and homework tracker to take home so she wouldn't rely on memory alone.

Yes, it would be easier to use a planner, but she didn't want to flip through one, even if it was bookmarked with a paperclip. Besides that, the little boxes in the planner wouldn't be able to contain all of the homework workload that Chilton dumps on them.

Rory however decorated her locker with pictures of black and white inspirational women.

Brandon asked, "How did you do on your English quiz?"

"I got a C+," Victoria grumbled as she set her books inside the locker. She wrote, 'Shakespeare Test – multiple choice – Friday' on a post-it note and put it on her locker.

Brandon made a face, like he never even heard of a C+ grade before. He probably hadn't. He looked at the to-do list, calendar, and homework tracker, "Huh. That's a good idea. Maybe then I would stop asking Claire what we have to do in math and I don't have to hound Brooke on what's for history. And I don't have to ask you to remind me what's for astrology."

Victoria joked, "Should I give you a page of my to-do list to remind you to buy a to-do list and homework tracker?"

"Yeah," Brandon said.

Victoria wrote it down on a clean page of to-do list and stuck it in Brandon's locker.

Brandon smiled, "Thanks." He looked at the calendar, "And a calendar. I sometimes forget when basketball games are coming up, too."

Victoria passed him the pen so he can write it down on the to-do list.

Brooke came up to them and looked at the to-do list, "What's with the list?"

"A reminder to buy what Victoria has on her locker. I realized I need to organize my crap," Brandon admitted.

Brooke looked at Victoria's post-its and to-do list. "Hmm. Yeah, I'll admit that's handy."

Victoria did notice that Brooke seemed to be kinder to her now that Brooke knew that she didn't want Brandon.

Rory came up to Victoria, "What did Mr. Medina want to talk to you about?"

"He told me that I need to stop spacing out in class," Victoria said. "He thinks I have a crush on him."

Rory asked, "Why are you spacing out in class?"

"His lectures are kind of monotonous," Victoria lied.

"I'll give you that," Rory admitted.

After school, Victoria and Rory went to the inn and to the kitchen. Clove and Basil were there, because they sometimes helped out.

Lorelai looked at them, "Oh, behold in theaters now, The Thing That Reads A Lot and The One That Barely Talks Now."

Rory dropped her bags, "Chocolate?"

"Glass measuring cup," Sookie said, pointing in the direction of the chocolate. "Lorelai, look, look."

"I'm sorry," Lorelai said, returning to the magazine she was holding.

"Jeez, who's naked?" Rory asked.

"Uh, Lucent Mills – food critic," Lorelai told them.

Victoria couldn't help but ask, "Does his butt look good?" She noticed the weird look that Basil was giving her for that comment. It was the Nick situation all over again.

 "Yeah," Rory agreed. "How's his butt?"

"He was supposed to write a review of the restaurant," Basil told them.

"Oh, I think I remember him. He did a review of Sing for My Bowl," Victoria said, referring to the restaurant that August's parents own.

Sookie looked at Victoria, "Is he mean? Should I cry?"

"He's very nice," Victoria told her. "He said that the food is flavorful and the wait staff were very nice."

"Here we go," said Lorelai. She started reading, "'The words divine, delectable, and delirious don't begin to describe the delicious experience of dining at the Independence Inn.' Oh, I'm smelling rave!"

Sookie brightened, "Really?"

"'Only chef Sookie St. James can make a simple salad of hot house tomatoes and assorted fresh herbs seem like a religious experience. Her lobster bisque is worth every sinful cream filled rich sip'," Lorelai continued reading.

Victoria grabbed Sookie's shoulders and shook them slightly, "I told you Sookie. There was nothing to worry about." She looked at Basil and smiled at him. He smiled back at her.

Sookie started explaining, "See I don't use that much cream. I just use a very concentrated lobster stock and it really makes it—"

"Sookie, he's not here," cut in Lorelai.

"Okay, go on," said Sookie.

Even Victoria was growing excited for all the praise that Sookie was receiving.

"'The entrees are as heavenly as the starters. Though the much lauded risotto was perfectly fine, it was the simple handkerchief pasta with brown sage in a butter sauce that sent me through,'" concluded Lorelai. "Sookie this is unbelievable."

"You should have framed and put in the dining hall," Victoria joked.

"You and I sure think alike, because that's what I was going to say," Lorelai said.

"Oh, yeah. That'd be swell," said Sookie, not sounding to enthused now. "Can I see that again?"

"Yeah," said Lorelai handing the review to Sookie to reread. "So we should celebrate huh?" Victoria looked over Sookie's shoulder to reread the review, feeling proud of Sookie. Lorelai asked, "Girls on the town?"

"I can't. I have to study," replied Rory.

"You know, I should really get started on this shopping list," said Sookie.

"I would, but I have to go to the restaurant," replied Victoria. "Maybe we can later."

"Sounds good, but what about the others? Where's 'to hell with it all'? Where's 'Throwing caution to the wind'? Where's – oh shoot – the linen delivery!" Lorelai took off.

"You go girl," Rory said, eating another piece of chocolate.

Victoria walked in the house to see that Lorelai was watching TV.

"Oh, good, you're home. The news is on," Lorelai told her.

"One sec," Rory called to her. She was at the kitchen table, studying.

Victoria sat on the couch next to Lorelai.

"For our top story tonight, a grisly horrible thing that happened in a small town where no grisly things ever happen," Lorelai said, "Everyone's shocked. House slides down hill. Liposuction kills, stay fat." She turned the TV off and tossed the remote on the couch, nearly hitting Victoria with it. "Sorry. How about I'll buy you ice cream to make up for it?"

Victoria asked, "Are you bored?"

"Yes," Lorelai replied. "So ice cream?" She went into the kitchen. "Hello?"

"Mom, I'm studying," Rory told her.

"Yeah, but I'm talking ice cream," Lorelai said. "Can't you take a break?"

"I can't take a break right now," Rory said.

"Okay, when?" Lorelai asked.

"Take Tori with you," Rory said.

Lorelai said, "I would but she barely talks and it's no fun when I'm just droning on. I might as well take a brick wall with me."

"Hey, that's uncalled for," Victoria said.

"And I'm hungry," Lorelai said.

"Have some more pizza," Rory told her.

"It's cold," Lorelai stated.

"Heat it up," Rory told her.

"It's not the same," Lorelai replied.

"I agree," Victoria said. She didn't like reheated food.

Rory ordered, "Lorelai, go to your room or go bother Tori!"

"Wow, smart girls are mean," Lorelai stated.

"If you let me study now, I'll play with you this weekend," Rory told her.

Lorelai asked, "Promise?"

"Yes, we can do anything you want," Rory told her.

Lorelai asked, "Will you go to the shoe sale with me?"

"Yes," Rory replied.

Lorelai asked, "Will you me try on anything I want?"

"Yes," Rory said.

Lorelai questioned, "Will you help me push other people out of the way if they're going for my size?"

"I'll even run interference for you and look the other way when Tori starts throwing things," Rory said.

"All right, you've got a deal," Lorelai said. She went into the living room and looked at Victoria. "Get your coat on, we're going to get ice cream and you better talk to me."

Victoria nodded, "Okay."

Lorelai asked, "Hey, are you this nice to my kids?"

"Yeah, it's easy. Rory's a sweet girl, but Victoria is a little closed off," Max replied.

Lorelai said, "Yeah, Rory is, but Tori will be easy going once she gets used to the school change."

Max pulled Lorelai aside, "How are they liking Chilton?"

"Oh, Rory loves it. It's a change that Tori is getting used to," Lorelai explained.

Max asked, "Really?"

"Oh, yeah," Lorelai said. "I mean it's an adjustment of course, but Rory always wanted to go to Harvard while Tori wanted to go to M.I.T. but she decided to go to Yale, god knows why, and this is how they'll get there."

Max asked, "Harvard and Yale?"

Lorelai replied, "Yeah. Ever since they could crawl, I've really wanted them to go to Harvard, but Tori decided M.I.T. so she can become an astrophysicist, but she decided that she'll go to Yale instead."

"They're great schools," Max told her.

Lorelai rambled, "I actually bought them Harvard sweatshirts when they were four, which of course was way too big for them, but they used it as a blanket for a while, and then Rory had to use hers as a makeshift diaper on this really ill-fated shopping trip and now I've told you a story that would so mortify her, she'll kill me when she finds out you know."

"Don't tell her then," Max said. "It'll be our secret."

"Well, I appreciate that," Lorelai said.

Max asked, "So are you a B-52's girl?

Lorelai was confused, "What?" She looked at her shirt and giggled. "No, I'm a klutz girl who should not drive with a coffee in her hand. I, uh, had it in the car."

Max said, "You know I hope Rory and Victoria adjust to this place. We need them here."

Lorelai said, "Thank you. That's so nice."

Max said, "I hope that Victoria gets past whatever is causing her to stare into space and causing her to—"

"Ah, well, she broke up with her boyfriend, Nikolai, over the summer. They've been together for six months," Lorelai interrupted. "Nick moved away, so I can understand that she's still upset over it because it was her first relationship and she said she was in love with him."

"And I hope they're not too disappointed about their papers." Max said, "Because it's very hard to catch up on all that reading material. I know Rory's D and Victoria's C+ seems pretty dismal—"

Lorelai asked, "Rory got a D?"

Max tried to explain, "Yeah, but—"

Lorelai said, "She's never gotten a D."

Max explained, "It's the first paper they had to turn in; they're bound to falter a little."

Lorelai said, "Oh man, this totally explains the 'no ice cream' thing. God I'm such an idiot!"

Max confused, asked, "The ice cream thing?

Lorelai started, "Look, I-I've gotta go."

Max was a little bewildered, "Well I'm sorry if I've said something to offend you."

Lorelai said, "Oh no-no-no-no. It's just that if Rory got a 'D', she's not feeling too good right now and I'd really like to be there."

Max said, "I understand."

Lorelai said, "So, it was nice meeting you."

Max replied, "You too."

Lorelai told her, "Um, keep up the good work."

Max said, "I will."

Lorelai added, "Don't ever make coffee ever again."

Max said, "I won't I promise." Lorelai almost walked into the globe again, "Oh—"

Lorelai caught herself, "Oh, ha ha ha. Thanks." She grabbed her purse. "Bye."

Max said, "Bye." He realized that he never got to talk about Victoria's panic attacks. Well, maybe that was something that Victoria would have to bring up to Lorelai later.

Thursday evening, Victoria had gone to Gabby's house so she can help Victoria study. August and Basil, with homemade Boston creme doughnuts that Sookie made, showed up a little later to help. Rey couldn't quite make it, since she had her own studies to do and didn't want the distraction of others, since Rey was like Rory in the sense that they prefer studying alone.

Gabby asked, "When was Richard the Third written?"

"Uh...1597," Victoria answered, trying to think of the date.

"No," Gabby said. "Give me a grape."

Victoria tossed a grape into Gabby's mouth, "1598."

"Think smaller," Gabby said.

Victoria asked, "1590?"

"Nah," Gabby said, taking a cracker from the coffee table.

"Just tell me," Victoria pleaded.

"1594," August told her, "How about the Comedy of Errors?"

"1623," Victoria replied.

"Correct," August said, giving her a smile.

Gabby threw a grape and hit Victoria in the eye, "Ow!"

"Sorry," Gabby told her.

Victoria rolled her eyes but she was smiling.

"Changing from plays to sonnets," Basil stated. "What are sonnets made off?"

"At least one-hundred-fifty poems of twelve lines," Victoria told him.

"No," Basil replied. Victoria groaned and Basil shoved a doughnut in her mouth, "Here. Have a doughnut."

Gabby ended up falling asleep and Victoria looked over her notes one more time.

"Go to sleep," August told her.

"I wish I could but this exam counts for twenty percent of our grade," Victoria told him.

August was incredulous, "Really? They have exams that count for twenty percent of your grade? Are they not worried about getting sued if some parent's precious child flunks a test?"

"It's a hard school," Victoria said. "And there are no make ups either. So fuck me because I got half the questions wrong." She messed up her hair, "I suck."

"I would but I don't think your mother would appreciate it if Basil and I had sex with her daughter," Basil joked. Victoria smacked him on the arm, which made him laugh and she laughed.

August added, "Besides, Basil and I are pretty sure that Nick already did that."

"We didn't," Victoria replied, her face burning. "Shut up about it already. I just don't know what my grandparents were thinking when they decided that it'll be a good idea to send me to Chilton when I clearly suck being there."

"You don't suck," Basil told Victoria sincerely. "The school sucks for making exams that's worth twenty percent of your grade with no make ups. You mean to tell me that parents aren't going to complain when Muffy ends up flunking out?"

"It is a hard school," Victoria repeated.

August said, "And it sucks with its twenty percent worth of grades exams."

"You three suck since it's like one in the morning," Gabby said. "Go. To. Sleep."

"Ooh, punctuated for emphasis," Basil said, in a mock scared voice. Gabby threw a pillow at his head, someone nailing him even with her eyes closed.

August laughed and Basil glared at him.

It was actually eleven-thirty when Victoria last checked the time, which was about two minutes ago.

"Get up! We're going to be late!" Gabby shouted, shaking Victoria awake.

Victoria jerked awake and looked at the time. It was seven-thirteen. "Crap!" She got up and grabbed her backpack. She had to get her uniform on.

Victoria yelled, "I missed the bus!"

"Screw the bus, I'll drive you!" Gabby yelled as Victoria put her uniform in the bathroom.

"August and I will quiz you on the way on there!" Basil called to her.

Gabby passed her some plain bread and breath mints for breakfast, "We don't have time to heat it up."

Then they were on their way.

Victoria hoped that Rory's morning was better than hers.

Although, when Victoria told Gabby to slow down, Gabby said, "Have your richie rich grandparents pay off my future speeding ticket because I had to drive your ass there!"

And Victoria couldn't argue with that logic.

Victoria managed to get to Chilton by seven-fifty. She didn't want to talk about how many laws that Gabby broke just to get her to Mr. Medina's class so she didn't flunk it. She knew that she looked like a mess, but that was okay, it probably looked how she felt.

She got in her seat.

"You look like you slept on a floor," Paris told her.

"You look like your mother dropped you on your face as an infant," Victoria snapped back at her. She was so not a morning person, especially when she rudely awakened.

Dugray started laughing and Victoria bristled at the laugh.

Mr. Medina walked in the class, "All right, settle down." He took the roster, talked about the rules of the exams, before passing the tests out.

She made it on time, considering the speeding laws that Gabby broke.

After getting the test packet, she flipped it to the essay part to get it over with first. She was about ready to start the essay when the door burst open. She looked over to see Rory standing there.

Oh, god, she missed the bus, Victoria realized horrified.

"Everyone back to your tests," Mr. Medina told them. "Miss Gilmore, you're going have to wait in the library."

Rory asked, "But what about the test?"

"I'm afraid you've missed the test," Mr. Medina told her.

Victoria went back to her essay.

"So I'm driving down this road and I stop and I get hit by a deer," Rory told him.

Mr. Medina sounded shocked, "You hit a deer?"

"No, I got hit by a deer. You don't believe me? I've got antler prints on the side of my mother's car," Rory said.

"Rory, come on," Mr. Medina said, using a lot of patience.

Victoria tried to go back to the essay, trying to drown out Rory's frustration.

"And just what is wrong with you, huh?" Rory yelled at Paris. "You already have everything! You already have the grades and the status. What the hell is wrong with you that you have this constant need to be the biggest jerk in the entire world?"

"Okay, let's go," Mr. Medina tried to intervene.

Rory continued, "Huh? What's up? What's up quippy? Why so silent?" Rory looked at Victoria, "And you! You walk around like something bad happened to you and you barely talk now when we used to bribe you to shut up! How can Mom and I help you when you won't even talk to us?"

Victoria looked at her essay, feeling near tears at Rory yelling at her. She knew that Rory was just frustrated over missing the test, but it still stung a little, because she knew it was true and it was also embarrassing. But they just wouldn't understand.

Rory walked away, before speaking again, "My sister's not interested in you, her name is Tori, and my name is Rory!"

The door closed.

Victoria found Rory, Gabby, Basil, and August sitting in the hall outside the headmaster's office. She sat down next to Basil who had his arms crossed and she looked at Rory, "You got hit by a deer?"

"You can look at the antler prints on Mom's car," Rory stated.

Victoria frowned, "You drove here illegally?"

Rory shrugged, "I was in a panic. By the way, I'm sorry that I yelled at you earlier."

"It's okay," Victoria said. She looked at Gabby, Basil, and August. "And what are you two still doing here?"

"A security guard asked us why we're not in uniform and what we're doing outside after the bell rang," August explained.

"We tried to tell him that we're not students, but he didn't believe us, so he made us follow him here, to explain to the principal, I mean the headmaster," Gabby explained. "He hadn't called us in yet. Honestly, do I look like a rich white girl to you?"

August asked, "And do I look rich white pretty-boy to you?"

"You are a white pretty-boy, though," Victoria pointed out.

"And what about me?" asked Basil, sounding curious.

"Yeah, you too," Victoria replied.

August asked, "How did you do on your test?"

"I so don't want to talk about it," Victoria replied. She put her head back against the wall.

Paris and her two lackeys came by and smirked at Rory. Then she looked at Gabby, Basil, and August.

"They're letting anyone in these days," Paris said to Madeline and Louise.

"Do I look like a white preppy bitch to you?" Gabby demanded as Paris and her two friends walked by. Gabby scoffed and crossed her arms.

Then Basil stood up taking her messenger bag from her and tossed it to August who also got up.

It turned into a game of monkey in the middle with Victoria trying to get her bag. 

She also crashed into Basil, and then August decided that it would be fun to sandwich her.

Dugray walked by, looking at Victoria and how she was in between two boys. Victoria nearly buried her face in Basil's neck as her face heatened in embarrassment. To make matters worse, she felt August get closer to her.

"Holy shit," Gabby said, in shock. She got up and walked right to Dugray, looking him straight in the eyes. "You are the most blandest white guy I had ever seen." She turned him this way and that, getting a good look at him, "And very forgettable too. Damn, sucks to be you." She sat down, crossed her arms, turned her head to look at Rory, her black hair a curtain.

The conversation was over and done with.

Dugray continued on, clearly getting the hint that Gabby had the last word.

Victoria continued with her day at school while Rory left.

She did think that Rory had a point. Maybe Rory and Lorelai wanted to help her, but she couldn't admit what happened to her.

When she got home, Lorelai was sitting on the couch, smiling widely. "Good news, Rory can do make up to make up for the points that she had lost by missing the test."

Victoria smiled, "That's great. She was upset that she missed it."

Lorelai was still smiling, "Yeah."

Victoria was going to tell Lorelai about what happened to her, but decided not to, because she didn't want to ruin her mother's good mood. "I'm going to work."

"Yeah, you go ahead," Lorelai told her.

Victoria went up to her room to get her apron.

One day, she will tell them. Just not today.

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