③. 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐖𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐮𝐧, 𝐘𝐞𝐭?

Victoria avoided Dugray at all costs, mostly because he kept calling Rory, Mary. Rory didn't like how Dugray (somehow) inadvertently caused Victoria to have a panic attack.

The thing about Chilton was that apparently they had to play a sport which was mandatory. Victoria debated between tennis and volleyball, but she ultimately decided on tennis.

In a way, despite being a month behind, Victoria found that she liked Chilton. It wasn't the same without August, Reyna, and Gabriella, hell, even Basil, but she liked Claire, Brandon, and Brooke, who Victoria shared a history class with. She wasn't entirely sure if she considered them friends or if they considered her a friend yet. Claire, however, would glare at Dugray every time he got near Victoria though, which was a bit of a bonus.

Dugray did end up giving his notes to Rory so she and Victoria can make copies. Victoria suspected that it was his way of apologizing for accidentally triggering a panic attack in her.

"Tori, what is on your mind?" Emily asked over dinner on Friday.

"My friend, August, says that his mother is pregnant," Victoria said.

"Oh, that's wonderful," Emily said with a smile.

"He says that his mother knows that she's having triplets," Victoria continued. "And she knows the genders of her kids already; two boys and one girl. She'll name them October, November, and December. Toby, Nova, and Dex are going to be their nicknames."

"But Mrs. Chan is barely showing," Lorelai replied.

"Mother's intuition," Victoria said. "She knew she was having two girls when she was pregnant with Jan and Ember."

Emily asked, "Was she right about August?"

"No, he's adopted. Hard to not notice, with a very white boy with Asian parents, but they haven't told him about it yet, but he's knows it's clear, because again, he's shockingly white," Victoria said.

"Well, her triplets even it out," Rory said, "Three boys and three girls."

"Yeah," Lorelai said. "Remind me to place a bet down on two boys and one girl."

"Already ahead of you," Victoria told her.

"Well, dinner was lovely, Emily," Richard said.

"Mira does make a perfect cassoulet," Emily replied.

Lorelai asked, "Who's Mira?"

"Our cook," Emily stated.

"I thought the cook was Heidi," Lorelai replied.

"Oh, no, we let Heidi go months ago." Emily explained, "She had a problem closing things. The door, the refrigerator..."

"The liquor bottle," Richard added.

"Then it was Trina, then Sophia," Emily continued listing the cooks.

"Oh, I like Sophia," Richard said.

"You did not," Emily told him.

Richard asked, "I didn't?"

"She was the one who sang," Emily said.

"That's right – terrible woman," Richard said with a shudder.

"And after Sophia, we had Anton," Emily continued listing.

"That's right," said Richard, "Anton was the one that I liked."

"I'm sorry, dad," Lorelai said. "How do you mix up Anton and Sophia?"

Richard seemed confused, "What do you mean?"

Lorelai pointed out, "Well, one is a man and one is a woman."

Richard looked like he still didn't get it, "And your point being?"

"That one is a man and one is a woman," Lorelai said.

"I knew a person who said they didn't have a gender and chose to go by Alex," Victoria told Lorelai.

"I know who're talking about," Rory told Victoria. "They refused to let me do all the work on an English project and insisted that they help. Very nice person."

Mira walked in with a cake.

"Oh, the dinner was so wonderful, Mira," Lorelai told Mira.

"It's Sarah," the cook not-named Mira, told her.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Lorelai told Sarah. Sarah walked away. She spoke to Emily, "Mom, her name is Sarah!"

"I thought she said Mira," Emily replied, apparentally not caring about getting the name mixed.

Lorelai groaned.

"Hey, Grandma, these plates are really pretty," Rory said to Emily, trying to divert an argument.

"Thank you, Rory." Emily didn't sound happy about it, "They were your great-grandmother's."

"Lorelai the first," Richard said.

"I thought Mom was the first," Rory said.

"No, no," Richard said.

"Not in the name," Emily replied.

"No, but in so many other things, I was a regular trail blazer." Lorelai said to Emily, "Just finishing your thought, Mom."

"Well, Lorelai the first is my mother. She's an extremely accomplished equestrian, a distinguished patron of the arts and she's also world-famous for her masquerade balls. She's quite a woman, my mother," Richard said, sounding proud of her.

"Yes, she is," Emily said in a flat tone, clearly having issues with Lorelai the First. She called out, "Mira come cut the cake please!"

"Yes, and why don't you bring Sarah out here with you!" called Lorelai.

Emily asked, "So, Lorelai, how are things at that charming little inn of yours?"

"They're still charming and little and we're just crossing our fingers it doesn't assert itself and become rude and large," Lorelai said.

"Mom's having a huge wedding there this week," Rory explained.

Emily said, "Really?"

"Yeah, actually there's people coming from all over the country," Lorelai added, sounding proud of herself.

"Well, isn't that nice," Emily said.

"Yeah," Lorelai said.

Emily turned to the two girls, "Rory, Tori, how's Chilton?"

"Okay, done with me now," Lorelai stated.

Emily asked, "I'm sorry, was there more to the story?"

"Uh, the girls have to pick a team sport to play," Lorelai explained.

"It's a requirement," Rory added.

"Physical fitness is as important as intellectual fitness, so says Plato, and so say I," Richard stated.

Emily asked, "What sport are you two going to pick?"

"I'm not sure," Rory said, "I'm not really the athletic type."

"I told them that they should go out for the debate team," Lorelai told Emily.

"It's not a sport," Rory countered.

"It is the way the Gilmores play," Lorelai replied.

Victoria nodded, because yeah.

Emily asked, "So, what are your choices?"

"God – there's like a thousand of them," Rory said. "Basketball, lacrosse, swimming, track, golf—"

"Golf?" interrupted Emily.

Rory said, "Yeah."

"Well, your grandfather's a golf player," Emily said.

"We know." Victoria said, "On the first day of school, the headmaster says that he plays golf with Grandpa."

"He plays every week at the club," Emily explained. "He can teach you both how to play like a pro."

"Emily," Richard started.

"Why he could take you both there on Sunday." Emily smiled, "It's perfect."

"It's not something you can teach in an afternoon," Richard told her.

"That's okay, Rory and Tori can pick something else," Lorelai cut in.

"Why should they pick something else?" Emily said, "They need to learn a sport and Richard can teach them a sport."

"But I already picked tennis," Victoria replied.

That went unheard because Emily continued, "You can use your mother's clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential."

Victoria snapped, "She's the executive manager of an inn and Grandpa is the executive vice-president of an insurance business. The only difference is the business avenues and positions. How is Mom wasting her potential again?"

Lorelai quickly asked, "Okay, Mom, could I maybe talk to you for a minute?"

"No, I want to hear what Tori has to say," Emily said, looking at Victoria, as if her daring her to say more.

Oh, she had a lot to say, especially what happened during the summer, but Victoria couldn't even voice anything anymore.

"I know, but I'd like to talk to you fast before the sugar set in and makes me crazy," Lorelai told Emily.

"You are the oddest person," Emily replied.

"Yeah, too easy," Lorelai said.

They went to another room.

They returned later and dessert went slowly, but Victoria didn't like how smug Emily seemed.

As they were getting their overcoats on, Emily said, "I'll be seeing you both on Sunday."

Victoria asked, "Why?"

"You two will be spending the afternoon at the country club with Richard," Emily said.

"But I picked tennis," Victoria repeated herself.

"They have tennis courts there," Emily told her.

For a moment, Victoria's world tilted, but she forced herself to stay steady.

They walked outside and Lorelai sighed, "Thanks for backing me, Tori. Did you both get blindsided? I'm so sorry!"

"That's okay," Rory said.

"I tried to stop it – I swear," Lorelai said.

"I know. Maybe it won't be that bad," Rory said.

"Maybe it won't," Lorelai said.

"Maybe I'll like it," Rory said.

"Maybe I'll join a cult and commit murder for the cult leader," Victoria stated.

"Maybe you will," Lorelai said.

"Maybe you could come with us," Rory said.

"Oh, is there a 'you're crazy' team? 'Cause I think they'd make you captain," Lorelai said to Rory.

Victoria tuned them out, more because she'd rather do a lot of things than go to the club, like pick up trash on the highway, or put up with Dugray...or get chased by a naked chainsaw wielding Patrick Bateman...

She needed to see if any of her friends would be willing to go with her.

The next day, Victoria spoke to her friends, "I need somebody to accompany me to this country club tomorrow."

Gabby asked, "For what?"

"My grandmother wants Rory and me to go golfing with our grandfather," Victoria told them.

Rey seemed confused, "Why do you need someone to join you on that?"

"Well, my grandfather and Rory are going to be golfing, while I apparently go to the tennis courts by myself," Victoria explained.

"I can't," Gabby said, looking apologetic. "I have things I got to on Sunday."

August shook his head, "I would love to go with you, but I have to work at the restaurant since Jan has some project she's got to do."

Rey seemed like she was thinking about something, "I think I can go. My parents are nagging at me that I need to get out of the house more instead of making cardigans and doing tap-dancing." She paused, "Unless they're actually talking to the cat."

Victoria felt relieved, "Thank god."

"I want all those rich white people to see that there is a different color out there other than white," Rey said with a rather evil smile.

"You're an evil genius," Victoria told her. "I'm proud of you."

Rey smiled, "My world domination plan is slowly coming together. I just need flying monkeys."

August told her, "As long as we all live together in a castle, I'm all good."

"Obviously," Rey told him.

"Be prepared to get up early. We're supposed to meet him at eight," Victoria told Rey.

Rey groaned, "Aw, man, you know I need like six hours of beauty sleep."

Gabby seemed confused, "I always thought it was eight hours."

"Eight is for wimps," Rey told her.

August and Victoria looked at each other before laughing.

Lorelai dropped Rory, Victoria, and Rey off at the mansion and took off. Victoria had some tennis rackets with her.

Rey looked up at it in shock. "So, who wants to bet that this place has an ancient Native American burial ground underneath it?"

"I don't think it does," Rory said. She looked at her watch. "We're going to be late."

"We're already at the house," Rey said, as Rory went to the door and rang the doorbell. "I feel like I shouldn't be here. I'm to poor."

Victoria and Rey went to the door, right as Emily opened it. "Rory! Tori! Hello!" She noticed Rey. "Who's your friend?" She let them in.

"I'm Reyna, but you can call me Rey," Reyna said. She stuck her hand out and Emily shook it.

"Grandpa, that's Reyna," Victoria said.

Richard shook the girl's hand, "Reyna?"

"Reyes," Rey said.

Richard obviously never heard of anyone with that last name, "It's good to meet you."

"Likewise," Rey said with a smile. "My parents are redecorating and wanted me out of the way."

"Sorry we're late," Rory said.

"Nonsense, you're right on time," Emily said. "This is a perfect day for golfing and tennis, isn't it Richard?"

"It's cooler at eight," Richard said.

"Am I dressed okay? I didn't have any of those short pant things," Rory said.

"Well, actually there is something missing," Emily said. "Oh, wait a minute." She put a colorful beret on Rory's head, "There you go; now you look just like Tiger Woods."

"Yeah, if Tiger Woods was a white teenage girl," Rey said with a smile.

"It's some hat though," Victoria said.

"Okay, off you go you four," Emily stated. "Have a wonderful time."

"We will," Rory said.

"You bet," Richard said.

They went to the car.

While Richard drove, he struck up a conversation with Rey, because Rory and Victoria couldn't figure out what to talk to Richard about.

Rey told Richard about the Philippines, a place that Richard had traveled to and a place that Rey had visited during winter break.

They got to the club and walked in.

Rory asked, "Is it hard to become a member here?"

"Well, everyone has to go through a thorough screening process," Richard said.

Rory asked, "Kind of like the FBI?"

"Oh, we're much more thorough than that," Richard stated.

"Wow," Rory replied.

"The FBI could learn a lot from this club," Rey muttered.

"Yes," Richard agreed. "Do you know the merge of Forscape and DSS happened right on this lawn?"

Rey looked as confused as Victoria felt.

Rory asked, "Really?"

Richard hummed, "International finance will never be the same and all because of a lost golfing bet."

"That's insane," Rey stated.

"Well, that's high finance," Richard told her. He pointed, "You see, there's the tennis courts."

Victoria and Rey spotted the tennis courts and made their way to them.

Rey said to Victoria, "I feel like I'm in a bowl of chemical-dyed grassy milk."

"You, my friend, are a genius with words," Victoria told her.

"Thank you," Rey replied with a smile.

They went to the tennis courts, but Victoria was surprised to see that Mrs. Calgary was there.

Mrs. Calgary looked surprised as well, "Victoria, what are you doing here?"

"My sister and grandfather are golfing together," Victoria stated.

"That's nice," Mrs. Calgary replied.

"This is my best friend, Reyna," Victoria explained to Mrs. Calgary, "She goes to Stars Hollow High."

Rey smiled, "Hi."

"Nice to meet you, Reyna," Mrs. Calgary replied. She walked away and Victoria found a tennis court. They found one and got a few swings in when Brooke came up to them.

Brooke was probably the only other teen girl there besides Rory and Rey. She asked, "Mind if join you?"

"Go ahead," Victoria said. She looked at Rey, "Rey, this is my..." she looked at Brooke. She wasn't entirely sure if Brooke was even an acquaintance. "—locker neighbor's girlfriend, Brooke. Brooke this is my best friend, Reyna."

Brooke and Rey nodded at each other. Brooke greeted, "Hi."

"Hey," Rey responded.

While Brooke did something with her tennis bag, Rey whispered to Victoria, "I love how you paused on that, like not even you knew what she is to you." Victoria couldn't help but grin. "Hey, what's up with you, August and Basil?"

Victoria shrugged, "Nothing."

Rey looked at her, "'Nothing' as in there's nothing between you and them, or 'nothing' as in 'nothing' 'nothing' as in there's flirting but you're not wanting to do anything yet?"

"'Nothing' 'nothing'," Victoria mumbled. "I don't even know who to pick. I just don't want the other to feel left out. That is, if they even like me."

"Oh, they like you," Rey said. "Even a blind man could see it."

Brooke turned around, putting a tennis bracelet on and then pulling her hair into a ponytail. She held up a tennis ball, "Who wants to go first?"

Victoria looked at Rey, who looked at her.

"You go first," Victoria told Rey. She wanted to see how good Brooke was.

It turned out that Brooke was amazing at tennis. Or maybe Rey just sucked at it, but Victoria found herself a little intimidated by Brooke's prowess.

They got a few games in when Richard and Rory came to get Rey and Victoria. They said bye to Brooke, before they started heading towards a building.

"I finally hit the ball," Rory told Victoria with a big smile.

"That's good," Victoria replied.

"It landed in the pond, though," Rory added.

Rey said, "The most important question needs to be asked: was the splash cool?"

"It was very impressive," Richard told Rey and Victoria.

They walked to the front of a building.

"This is the steam house," Richard told them. "That door is to the women's steam room. We'll meet back here in forty minutes?"

"Okay," Rory replied.

"And then, if you'd like, we can get some lunch," Richard added.

"Lunch would be nice," Victoria said and Rey nodded.

"Fine," Richard replied.

"Great," Rey stated.

"Yes," Richard replied, almost as awkwardly as Victoria was feeling.

Rory ushered Victoria and Rey into the women's steam room. There were lockers and a woman at a desk booth.

She gave them keys to specific lockers and some towels.

Moments later, they were sitting in a steam room with two other women.

Victoria felt very uncomfortable sitting in a steam room with nothing but a towel on, covering her – especially being surrounded by women older than her.

"And you know, she took the house," a woman was saying.

"And she deserved it – putting up with that tramp for all those years," a second woman replied.

Rey prodded Victoria, who looked at her, "Speaking of cheaters, Devon dumped Clarissa."

Victoria was surprised, "Really?"

"He found her cheating on him," Rey whispered.

Rory asked, "With whom?" She was more interested in gossip of the teenage variety.

"With Helena," Rey answered.

"Wow," Rory replied, eyes wide.

"I know," Rey said. "Also, Mr. Madera was sleeping with Miss Soloman and Mrs. Fielder in the art room. At the same time."

"Gross," Rory replied.

Sure, Mrs. Fielder was married, but to Victoria, it didn't sound that awful if they were involved in a threesome.

"They got fired," Rey continued.

Victoria was slightly annoyed because she missed out on the good stuff, "That's what I get for switching schools."

A woman entered the sauna, "Nannette, Peg."

"Gloria, hi," the first woman greeted. "Good game?"

Gloria replied, "Not bad, you?"

"Oh, I just came for the steam," the first woman admitted. "We must get together and play some time soon."

Gloria asked, "Next week?"

"I'll call you," the first woman said. Gloria moved to the other side of the steam room. She whispered, "The most odious woman alive."

Victoria didn't see how Gloria was being awful.

They meet in the dining hall of the club where Rory started telling Richard about the gossip she overheard in the sauna. She was explaining, "She caught him in the pool house with the tennis pro, not the riding instructor."

"I had no idea," Richard stated, clearly surprised by the gossip.

"That committee of yours is not looking at people as much as you think," Rory added.

Richard said, "Huh, why would they? From what you've told me, they're all involved in one nefarious activity after another."

"It's a conspiracy," Rory stated.

"It's Peyton Place," Richard replied. He was clearly curious, "Is there more?"

Rory asked, "Can you handle it?"

"Oh, I'll steel myself," Richard replied.

"Okay," Rory said, "Mr. Neville likes all things frilly."

"Good god, he's my broker," Richard stated, horrified.

"One shouldn't affect the other," Victoria stated, not getting why it was a shock. Basil had confided in her that he honestly loved porcelain dolls. He didn't like keeping that a secret because dolls were "feminine" and porcelain dolls were apparently "creepy."

Even Rey seemed confused by why Richard was horrified.

Two men came over to their table and one asked, "Mind if we barge in?"

"Well, look who's here," said Richard. "Ah, Rory, Tori, and Rey, this is Julian Johnson," He pointed with at the guy in the yellow shirt, "and Edward James." Edward was wearing a brown shirt.

"Call me Ed," Ed told them.

"Yeah, you can call me Ed too," Julian joked.

They chuckled.

"It's nice to meet you," Rory greeted.

"Yeah, same," Rey added.

Richard asked Ed and Julian, "Would you care to join us?"

"If the girls don't mind us intruding on their time with their grandfather," Ed stated.

Rey seemed pleased at the fact that Ed thought she was a Gilmore, despite her skin color.

"Go right ahead," Victoria told the two men.

"Yeah, it's fine," Rory added, though Victoria noticed that Rory briefly made a face like she clearly did mind.

"Ah, good," Julian replied as he and Ed sat down at the table. "So, we hear that you three are attending Chilton."

"Oh, it's just me and Rory," Victoria told them.

Rey made a face at being left out.

"We just started," Rory added.

"That's a hard school," said Julian.

Rory nodded, "Yes, sir."

"Rory, Rey, and Tori are excellent students," Richard said, proudly, even though Rey wasn't his grandchild, but he didn't want to leave her out.

Julian asked, "Really?"

"Rory has a 4.0 grad point average and Tori has a 3.8," said Richard. He paused on Rey.

"I have a 3.5," Rey said.

Julian said, "Whoa, that's got me beat!"

"They're going to Fez someday," Richard added.

"Fez?" Julian asked, "What the hell is in Fez?"

"That's for them to find out," Richard stated.

Rory and Richard looked at each other. Victoria and Rey made eye contact with each other.

When evenin fell, Richard dropped Rory, Victoria, and Rey off at the house, before taking off. Rey hurried back home, so Rory and Victoria headed to Luke's.

Luke came over to pour them some coffee. 

Victoria asked, "Can I get a club sandwich with a side of nachos?" Sure, there was food at the country club, but she honestly preferred Luke's food more. Maybe it was bias, but she didn't care. She ate most of her food, but she had room for the 'better' food.

"Sure," Luke said. He looked at Rory's golfing hat, "Interesting hat."

Rory put the hat on, "Tori and I went golfing with our grandfather today."

"Actually, she went golfing while I went to play tennis," Victoria corrected.

Luke asked, "Did you know that golf courses are an environmental blight because of the chemicals they use to keep the grass green?"

"Actually I did," Rory said with a grin. She and Luke seemed to stare each other down. "Bad joke, sorry."

Luke walked away and Lorelai walked into the diner, "My God – this day. The swans, the tulle, my head..." She sat down at the table with Rory and Victoria. She looked at Luke and said, "Luke, I need the largest cheeseburger in the world. Let's break a record here, mister." She looked at her two daughters, "So, the wedding is a nightmare. We got these ten boxes of creepy larvae that are supposed to swarm into beautiful butterflies on the wedding day. They swarmed a little early!" She noticed the hat, "What's with the hat?"

Rory said, "Grandma gave it to me."

"Oh, now, that's just mean," Lorelai said. "How come Tori didn't get an ugly hat too?"

"Because I'm not golfing," Victoria responded.

"And the hat isn't that bad," Rory replied.

"Do you want a mirror?" asked Lorelai.

"I'm taking it off," Rory said, removing the hat.

"So, Rory's golfing adventure and Tori's tennis adventure," Lorelai said, "Tell me!"

Rory said, "It was fine."

"I guess it was okay," Victoria admitted.

"Oh, you two," Lorelai said, sliding two plates towards Victoria and Rory. "I brought you both some of Sookie's chocolate cake to make you feel better."

Victoria grabbed her slice of chocolate cake.

Rory said, "It really wasnt't that bad."

"You are the sweetest kid in the whole world," Lorelai said. "Where on earth did you get that from?" 

Luke came over with Victoria's club sandwich and nachos. 

Lorelai looked at Luke, "Am I mistaken or did that sign on the door say 'open'?" Luke gave her a glare, before he continued on to the counter.

Lorelai spoke to her two daughters, "So, where were we?" She helped herself to some of Victoria's nachos and fries.

Rory answered, "Me golfing and Tori's tennis."

"Right – Rory, you go first," Lorelai stated, munching on some fries.

"Okay, well, uh, by the end of the day I could even hit the ball," Rory explained. "Sometimes it wasn't my ball but the intentions were good."

Lorelai said, "Well good intentions and no physical exertion whatsoever is what the game of golf was built on." She looked at Victoria, "Your turn."

"Uh, I had Rey with me," Victoria started. "So, that made it better. I saw my math teacher outside of school, which was weird. And a classmate of mine was also at the tennis court, so that was interesting." 

Lorelai nodded and looked at Rory, "So, um, did you order too? Where's your food?"

"Oh, I didn't order because I'm not hungry," Rory explained. "We had a big lunch at the club. Tori didn't eat all of her food."

"I was saving space for the good food," Victoria defended herself. 

"With all the other devastators of our land," Luke added, pouring Lorelai some coffee.

Rory spoke to Luke, "Luke, I'm really sorry. I didn't know."

Luke walked away.

Lorelai asked Rory, "You had a big lunch at the club?"

"Yes," Rory said, "it was quite good."

"Quite?" Lorelai asked, "What's with the quite?"

Rory was confused, "What do you mean?"

"You don't ever say quite," Lorelai said.

Rory defended herself, "I've said quite plenty of times."

Victoria nodded, "It's true."

"Whatever." Lorelai asked, "So besides the quite good lunch you had, what else happened?"

"Nothing," Rory said. "We played, I met his friends, Tori, Rey, and I took a steam."

Lorelai seemed confused, "You took a steam?"

"Yeah," Rory said. "I sweated out all my toxins and I stole a towel because Rey talked me into it."

"I remember you talking about how soft the towel was and how you wanted it," Victoria said. "And all Rey said was 'do it for the thrill' and you did."

"Wow!" Lorelai said, "Sounds like you two really had a good time."

"I did," Rory admitted.

"Mine was about average," Victoria admitted.

Lorelai looked at Rory, "So, you had a good time?" 

"Really," Rory said.

Lorelai asked, "Really?"

"Really," Rory repeated.

Lorelai repeated, "Really?"

"Really," Rory repeated.

"Really?" Lorelai repeated.

"I'm about to puke from how dizzying that was," Victoria said.

"Yeah, new word now," Rory agreed.

"Sorry – I just – I'm surprised," Lorelai said. "I thought you were gonna be bored."

"I was kind of surprised too," Rory said. "I don't know – it was pretty there and Grandpa and I talked a lot."

"You talked?" Lorelai said, "Really?"

"You're doing it again," Rory pointed out.

"Sorry," Lorelai said. "You talked?"

"We talked about Fez," Rory said.

"And he thought it was a hat," Lorelai said.

"I thought so too," Victoria muttered.

"I told him about our backpacking trip," Rory said. "He thought it was a great idea."

"Wow," Lorelai said. "So you really had fun."

Rory said, "Yeah."

"That's great," Lorelai said. 

Luke  came over to serve Lorelai her cheeseburger.

"That is really, really great," Lorelai told Rory.

"I thought you were starving," Luke told Lorelai as he ripped off the check.

"Things change. Move on," Lorelai told Luke, who set the check down and walked away.

Rory picked up her golfing hat, "Does this hat really look bad on me?" She put it back on.

"No," Lorelai said. "I think it looks kind of cute."

The next day, Victoria hung out in her room, sitting on her window seat reading Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, which she found in the school library. It was strange because the books there were more 'challenging' books in there. She took the book, along with I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou.

She got a few chapters in Speak when she got up to go downstairs to get a drink. When Rory stomped in, Victoria looked up at Rory, "What happened to you?"

"Mom yelled at me for stretching out her sweaters," Rory said. She looked at Victoria, "You're so lucky to have smaller boobs." 

"I wouldn't take offense to what Mom says. I think she's upset because you had fun with Grandpa and she never really got along with him," Victoria pointed out.

Rory nodded, "True." She went to her room.

Victoria grabbed a can of soda out of the fridge and went upstairs to her room.

On Friday, Lorelai rang the doorbell.

"Oh, good, you're here," Emily said when she opened the door.

"Hey," Lorelai replied, holding a white box that had blueberry cheesecake in it.

"Hi, Grandma," greeted Rory.

"My good ness, what is that?" Emily asked, smiling.

"We brought dessert," said Lorelai.

"Really? How thoughtful, what is it?" asked Emily, looking in the box.

"Blueberry shortcake," said Lorelai.

"I've never heard of blueberry shortcake," said Emily.

"It's a specialty in Stars Hollow," said Victoria.

Emily asked, "Why is it already cut?"

"It's left over from the wedding," said Victoria.

"It was at the inn," clarified Lorelai.

"Yes, I know where the wedding was," replied Emily, closing the lid and looking at Lorelai.

"Oh, sorry," replied Lorelai. "You were just doing that staring thing."

"You brought us used dessert?" asked Emily.

"It's not used, just left over," said Victoria.

"Yeah," said Lorelai.

"How nice," replied Emily. "I'll just put it in the kitchen next to my half-empty box of Cheer." She started leading them to the living room, but she passed the box to a maid.

Lorelai whispered to the twins, "She's in a good mood tonight."

Victoria nodded glad because her mother and grandmother weren't arguing with each other at the moment.

Emily asked, "Can I get you a drink?" asked Emily.

"Uh, white wine would be nice," said Lorelai.

"Coke," said Rory.

"Make that two Cokes," replied Victoria as she sat down on a chair.

"So, Lorelai, did Rory and Tori tell you all about the wonderful time they had at the club?" asked Emily as she poured a glass of water.

"She sure did," said Lorelai, although Victoria didn't even mention it.

"Your father was simply flying all week. They really charmed him," said Emily.

"Ah, well, if anybody could, it would be them," replied Lorelai.

Emily continued, "I mean, in this age of MTV and one hundred television channels, who would've imagined that two young girls could still get a thrill spending a simple afternoon with her grandfather?"

Now it seemed like she was simply rubbing it in Lorelai's face that Rory and Richard had a good day together, Victoria noticed.

"That wine would be real good right now, Mom," Lorelai urged, definitely catching onto what Emily was doing.

Victoria kind of agreed.

Emily asked, "I think we should consider getting them a membership at the club, don't you?"

"If they want, sure," said Lorelai.

"I mean, to have a place to go where they can socialize, that's very important to a young girl," said Emily.

"Well, now especially that the crack den is closed down on the corner, all their really good friends are gone," said Lorelai. Emily tilted her head to the side like she didn't understand the joke. "What do you think, Mom? Should I pursue the career in comedy?"

"It's just very interesting the way things turn out, isn't it?" asked Emily.

Victoria guessed that it did.

Richard walked in, "Oh, you're here. Lorelai."

"Dad," replied Lorelai.

"Tori," greeted Richard, looking at Victoria.

"Grandpa," greeted Victoria.

Richard looked at Rory, "Rory, I have a surprise. Not only did I find that copy of Mencken's Chrestomathy we discussed, I also found a first edition of his memoirs as well."

"You're kidding?" said Rory.

"It's in my office if you'd like to see them," said Richard.

"Oh my God, I totally would," said Rory.

"I'd like to take a look at those myself," said Emily as she passed a wine glass to Lorelai, before they left the sitting room.

Lorelai took a drink of wine and looked at Victoria. "You can go, if you want. You have no obligation to sit here with me."

Victoria moved to sit next to Lorelai, "I'm good. I don't even care about Chrestomathy. Besides...I'd rather be here and talk to you than be in there with them barely noticing me."

"You have plenty to offer, Tori. Don't let them make you think otherwise," said Lorelai. She put her arm around Victoria's shoulders and pulled her close.

Victoria rested her head on her mother's shoulder, "Even if it seems like average compared to Rory?"

"You're not average. You're brilliant. In your own way," said Lorelai.

"It's just that Rory outshines me," said Victoria.

"You both shine in different ways," Lorelai countered. "Don't let anyone make you feel or think differently."

Victoria nodded, but she wondered if Lorelai would think the same if she knew what happened that summer.

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