Chapter 7

(2 uploads in one day, I spoil you lot)


Brian ran out the caravan leaving Logan and Katherine confused, Logan then nodded for them to follow Brian out as they watched as Brian stopped Mia.

Brian: Mia, what's going on?

Mia: What? 

Brian: You know what I'm talking about.

Mia: No, I don't.

Logan then gets curious as to what Brian's talking about so he follows them as Katherine followed him.

Brian: What so you always have tears in your eyes when Dom drives away?

Mia: What is the matter with you?

Brian: Come on, what's he racing off in the middle of the night for? I'm talking about the trucks! You know about the trucks?

Mia: No, Brian! What trucks?

Logan was now on full, as he looked at Katherine.

Logan: Was he always a cop?

Kathrine was about to cover for Brian but she noticed the look in Logan's eyes, so she just nodded as Logan stormed over to the now standing still Brian and Mia as he heard.

Brian: Mia, I'm a cop.

Logan: You son of a bitch.

Logan then punched Brian to the dirt, but Brian got back up and tackled Logan to the dirt, the two rolled around as Katherine stood next to Mia as Logan overpowered Brian, Logan had his left hand on Brian's throat, not squeezing just holding Brian down and his right hand lowered to his side.

Mia was about to walk away but then Brian called out to her.

Brian: Mia! Listen to me!

Mia actually stopped as Logan looked to her then back to Brian who's still under his grasp.

Brain: Everything I ever said I felt about you was real. I swear to God. You have to believe me, Mia. But right now isn't about you and me. Your brother's out there, he's about to pull a job. We're running out of time. Those truckers aren't laying down anymore. Maybe they'll make it through tonight, but every law enforcement agency in California is coming down on them, including you.

He said looking at Logan, he then looked back to Mia.

Brian: If you don't want anything to happen to them you have to get in that car with me right now and help me. Mia, you are the only person that can help me right now. Please, Mia. Please help me.

Logan looked at Mia as she indicated for Logan to let him go.

Logan: You can't be serious... we can help Dom ourselves--

Mia: Lo!

Logan looked from Mia to Brian then to Kathrine, he then let Brian go as he got up and brushed himself off, Logan then got in his car as Kathrine followed him.

Logan started the car as he saw Brian's Supra following him.

Kathrine: You didn't react like that when you found out I was a cop?

Logan didn't answer her as he just drove ahead and never took his eyes off the road, Katherine was obviously sad that Logan wasn't talking to her but then Logan pulled his phone out and called Mia.

After a few ring she answered.

Logan: I know where they are, tell the buster to keep up.

Logan then hung up as Logan pushed the car to full and tried to find his brother before something bad happened...


Dom and Vince pulled up to a old looking area that had an unused building near it, Dom got out as Leon got out the same car, Letty then got out the same car as Vince as Dom throw the dust covers off three cars that matched the description of the vehicles that have been stealing from the trucks in recent weeks.

Dom: Alright, were two men short. Letty, I need you on the left side.

Dom then caught a helmet that was thrown his way as Letty and Vince got some more gear out the third car and headed towards Dom.

Leon: Your sister's right about this one. This don't feel good.

Dom: Don't do that.

Letty: Something's wrong.

They both complained handing Dom the harpoon guns that normally would be fired by Vince and Logan, but tonight there going to be fired by one car and one man.

Dom: Stop.

Letty: We shouldn't be doing this with Logan or Jesse.

Dom then put the harpoons in the front car as he started to take off his jacket and Vince was getting ready.

Dom: Look, this is the mother lode. We've been on this for 3 months. After this, it's a long vacation for everyone. Let's go.

Leon went towards the back car as Letty still was unsure about this, so Dom reassured her.

Dom: Listen, the other night I had a dream... that we were on a beach in Mexico.

Letty: Really?

Dom: Really.

The two then shared a kiss as Dom pulled away.

Dom: Come on. Let's make this happen.

Vince then got to the front car that Logan would normally ride with Dom, but tonight things changed, Vince looked at Leon and the two gave each other a 'I'm watching you' sign, as Letty got in the middle car and Dom got in the front one with Vince, they then took off to get their next hall...


Logan is still driving with Katherine in the passenger seat as Logan is given her small talk now, it turns out he was just pissed that Brian betrayed them and not at her, she was worried that Logan was mad at her for not telling him about Brian, yes he was a little annoyed at her for that but he can't be mad at her.

Meanwhile Dom and the others are about to start the plan, Dom goes in front of the truck as Letty goes to the left as Leon is on the right trying to box the truck in like they always do, Vince climbs out the sun roof as he shoots the first harpoon at the window pulling it out, this is normally the part that Logan does but as he's not here Vince has to go again.

Vince shoots the second one hitting the target as he ties the other end of the cable to his belt so he can climb across, he fully climbs out the roof he's about to jump till Dom looks in his wide mirror to see that the drive wasn't looking worried at all, he actually seemed to be looking for something, and that made Dom worry.

Dom: Vince! Vince, don't! Get back in!

Vince didn't hear him as he jumped and landed on the truck like Logan's done once or twice before, Vince then pulls himself up slightly but then ducks again as he looks to see that the truck driver has a shotgun pointed at him, the shot missed but it made Vince loss his grip slightly as he hanged off the front of the truck.

Dom: He's got a damn shotgun! Leon!

Dom shouted through his radio.

Leon: Back off, get him off of there.

Vince then takes off his helmet and throws it as he looks back to the driver and quickly ducks out of the way of another shot, the truck then steers his wheel quickly making Vince loss his footing as Dom pulls up along side the truck's front wheels, Dom then rolls down his window to see Vince.

Vince: Get me off this thing! Pull up!

Dom then hangs out his window stretching his arm as far as he can to try and catch Vince.

Dom: Unhook yourself! Do it!

Vince: I can't get--

Dom: You can do it!

The tuck driver then shoots out Dom's left rear taillight making Dom panic for a second, Dom then collects himself pretty quickly as Letty comes on the radio.

Letty: Dom! I'm pulling up to distract him!

Letty does exactly that as she stays in front the truck so Dom can get to the side and help Vince off, but the truck driver takes a shot at Letty hitting her rear window making her drop back a bit, Vince then shouts to Dom as Letty looks under the truck as she looks to be thinking.

Vince: Take me off here, or I'll have to unhook the wire!

Dom: Try it again. 1, 2, 3!

Almost as if the driver could hear them, the truck driver slams his brakes on making Vince fly around from the front of the truck to the right side door, but during this Vince gets his arm caught in the cable pretty badly as Dom still try's to get Vince to safety.

Dom: Unhook yourself!

Vince: I can't get my arm free!

Dom: Vince, grab my hand!

Vince: My arm!

Vince then looks in the little window that is on the truck so the driver can see bikers and other smaller vehicles, only to see the barrel of the shotgun, Vince ducks just in time to avoided getting hit by a shotgun pellet, just as Dom was in reaching range the truck driver swerved and took a shot throw the door, he missed Vince but hit Dom's front left tire.

Letty: Dom! Get out the way, I'm coming to get him!

Dom heard through his radio, Dom moved out the way as Letty drove under the truck, why she didn't go round no one knows as it was much easier, yes it looked cool, but it probably wasted a lot of time as she tried to hype herself up to do it.

Letty then drove next to Vince as she was about to get him the driver turned into Letty making her car hit one of the trucks wheels, Letty then went flying off the road as Leon dropped back to make sure she was okay, Dom continued to try to get Vince off the truck, as Leon was helping Letty to his car, they both watched as a Silver Mazda went flying past them.

Leon: Yes! Go Logan!

Leon cheered as a orange blur followed, Leon didn't care as he got Letty into the car and got her to safety, Vince is still hanging off the truck as the driver took another shot hitting Vince, not badly but enough to start a lot of bleeding out of a hole that shouldn't be there.

Dom: Vince!

The drive then took another shot, but this time at Dom hitting Dom's engine taking Dom's car out of the rescue but as Dom was dropping back he saw the same grey blur as Letty and Leon did and he smiled knowing the Vince is going to be okay, Dom tried to keep up as much as possible, but he wasn't catching up to the truck or Logan.

Logan pulled up alongside the truck as he looked to Katherine.

Logan: Take the wheel!

Kathrine: What?

Logan: Take the wheel!

Logan opened his door and climbed out as Kathrine slipped into the drivers seat.

Vince: Logan!

Logan: Hold on brother!

Logan then looked back in the car.

Logan: Kat in the glove box, their should be a pocket knife...

Kathrine looked in the glove box and did in fact find the knife, she handed it to him but before Logan could take it and jump to help Vince, Katherine held his wrist making him look at her.

Katherine: Be careful, okay?

Logan just gave her a kiss as he jumped on to the side step that Vince was currently suspended on.

Logan: Hey buddy, how's it hanging? You miss me?

Vince let out a painful chuckle as another shot was fired through the door missing them both, Logan then looked in the window at the driver.

Logan: Hey! That's not very nice!

Logan then noticed the driver reloading his gun, so Logan stopped pissing around and unclipped his knife and started to cut through the cable that's cutting throw Vince's arm, after a few seconds of cut the cable snapped allow Vince and Logan to get Vince's arm free, Logan helped Vince up as Katherine got as close to the truck as possible, Logan then basically throw Vince onto his car as Vince was able to use his good arm to grab a hold and pull himself in through the passenger window, Logan then got ready to jump, and as he did the driver finished reloading and took a shot hitting Logan badly.

The sudden pain made Logan forget about grabbing a hold of the car as he just hit the roof and rolled off, Kathrine stopped the car instantly as she made her way to where Logan hit the tarmac, she stopped the car and got Vince out the car as Logan layed on the road with a pretty bad hole in his stomach, Leon managed to pick Dom up on the way to where Logan, Katherine, Brian, Mia and Vince are as they got out the car, Dom saw the condition of both his friends, Katherine was helping Logan as Mia and Brian are helping Vince.

Brian used Vince's belt as a way to stop Vince from losing blood out his arm as Dom helped Logan out.

Brian: If they don't get to an ambulance in 10 minutes, their dead.

Dom the put a lot of pressure on Logan's wound as Logan started to talk.

Logan: Dom... Dom, listen. 

Dom looked at Logan with tears in his eyes.

Logan: This is it man, you remember your old man said I had to use my breaks in life.

Dom let out a sad chuckle as he remembered that.

Logan: I think I took it literally as I just went through life's windscreen.

Dom chuckled again as Logan turned serious.

Logan: Thank you my brother.

Logan started to cry as he thought this was the end for him.

Logan: I love you man.

Dom was also crying as this is his best friend... his brother dying and Dom can't help him, Katherine was also crying as she loved Logan but never told him, hell she didn't know it was love till just now, but then what Dom heard next made him look at Brian with furry.

Brian: Yeah. Yeah, this is officer Brian O'Conner. I'm off-duty MAPD.

Dom looked in Brian's direction as if he can't believe what he's hearing, but then snaps out of it when Logan starts to cough blood, Dom still try's to help as Katherine can only hold Logan as close as she can.

Brian: I need a life flight roll out right away. My 20 is Highway 86, mile marker 147. I got two trauma victim, both about 24 years of age. Both 6 foot, one is about 180 pounds the other around 200 pounds. One has got a deep laceration to his right arm with arterial bleeding. And he's got a shotgun wound close range to his left flank. The other has a close range shotgun wound to his midsection.

Dom looks back over to Brian with hate as Brian continues.

Brain: Yeah, one's going in shock as the other has passed out!

Brian then hung up as Dom looked to see that Logan had in fact passed out and his breathing had slowed massively, as Brian and Mia made sure that Vince was okay, not a few moments later two helicopters landed as one quickly got Logan on board as Dom gave him a kiss on his head, then Katherine climbed on, Dom then stepped back so the helicopter could get Logan help, he then looked to see that Vince was already on his helicopter as he went towards Logan's car, Mia looked to and from Brian and Dom as Leon got in his car ready to take off as Dom stood near Logan's car obviously not able to leave it behind, Dom's just luckily that Katherine left the keys.

Brian then watched as Mia got in Logan's car as Leon drove of with himself and Letty as Dom got in Logan's car and Mia got in the passenger seat and Dom sped off down the road, Brian then got in his Supra and sped off towards LA, once he got there he headed straight for the Toretto house, once he arrived he saw Dom walking towards his Dodge Charger with a shotgun in hand, Brian grabbed his pistol and got out his car and used his door as cover.

Brian: Dom, put the gun down now!

Dom: Move your car.

Brian: No bullshit! Out it down now! No more running!

Brain shouts as Dom was about to get in his Charger, Dom then slammed the doo shut.

Dom: I'm not running!

Dom then started to walk towards Brian as Brian stood from behind his car door.

Brian: Where's Leon and Letty?

Dom: They're long gone!

Brian: Then it's over. I didn't call the police, but don't push me! Put the gun down. I swear to God!

Dom: You're a cop! You're a cop! Brian, I got to find Jesse before they do. Logan and I are all the kids got... and now that Logan...

Dom couldn't finishes what he wanted to say as Brian calmly said.

Brian: I'll call in the plates. PD will pick him up way before Johnny even gets near him.

Dom wasn't taking that for a option as he just pumps his shot gun.

Dom: Move your car.

Mia then came out the house and shouted.

Mia: Dom, stop it! It's over. Please.

Dom: Mia, stay out of it!

Dom was about to say something else but then he heard and engine and looked to see Jesse's car coming towards them. Jesse then parked his car and got out.

Jesse: Dominic, I am so sorry. I don't know what I'm doing, Dom. I'm so scared right now. I don't know what's going on.

Dom then throw his shotgun down as he pretend Brian wasn't there and looked at Jesse.

Dom: Jess, what were you thinking, man?

Jesse: I don't know! I panicked! I'm sorry. I'm scared! I don't know what I'm doing! Will you please help me?

Both Brian and Dom looked down the road as they heard bike engines to see Johnny's bike and Lance's bike coming towards them pretty quickly, they pulled out sub machine guns as the went past and opened fire on the house, Brian, Dom and Mia got out the way but Jesse got hit and fell to the floor, Dom tried to get to him but Jesse was gone before Dom could reach him, Mia ran to his side as Dom hugged Jesse like a little brother... that's two brothers he's lost today...

Dom looked to Brian as Brian got in his car and gave chase to the bikers, Dom then got up and grabbed his shotgun and took off in his Father's Charger, Brian continued to chase them as they went around the streets of LA, they went over little hills and down small roads but Brian kept on their tail, to the point they started to shoot at him, but obviously the bad guys always miss as they hit everything except Brian or his car.

Brian continued to chase as they got bored of shooting at him and Lance went off road and ended up behind Brian, Lance then focused on Brian in front of him but he should have been watching out as Dom came out of nowhere in his charger making Lance knock into him and go flying off a near by cliff, Dom then followed Brian as they both gave chase to Johnny Trans, Brian had enough of the chase tho and stopped his car and shot at Johnny as Johnny was once again shooting at him, Brian hit him twice making Johnny crash, Brian got out his car to check on Johnny and after getting nearly run over three times, he made it to Johnny and checked for a pulse but couldn't find one, Brian then looked up the road to see Dom in his Charger daring Brian to chase him.

Brian: Call 911. You call 911!

Brian shouted to a random citizen as he got in his car and gave chase to Dominic Toretto.

Dom kept on driving with Brian not far behind him as Dom heads to a old stopping ground, Dom eventually get's there as he stops his car and Brian pulls up alongside him.

Dom: Logan and I used to drag here back in high school. That railroad crossing up there is exactly a quarter mile away from here. On green...

Dom looks to Brian.

Dom: ... I'm going for it.

Brian then looks forward as they both get ready to take the next quarter mile at high speeds, the two sat revving their engines till the light turned green and they both kicked off the line as Dom managed to pop a wheelie in his charger...

The two raced side by side as they both over took each other multiple times, but eventually Dom's 900 horsepower overpowered Brian's Supra as he took the lead making Brian use his NOS to be able to keep up, the two then raced side by side for the rest of the race but then a train started to make it's presents know as the train rails came down, Dom had no intention of slowing down and neither did Brian, they both then managed to just make it past the train, the two then shared a smile at each other, but then a truck stuck it's nose out in front of Dom sending the charger and it's driver flying throw the air.

Brian could only watch as Dom's charger landed on it's wheels, Brian then got out his car and ran to the drivers side to see Dom still alive, but badly shaken by the crash, Dom then calmed down as he looked to see Brian by the car.

Dom: That's not what I had in mind.

Dom then climbed out the window of the charger as Brian gave him a hand, the two then stood there as they could hear police sirens in the distance, Brian and Dom shared a glance as Dom waited to be sent away again, but the Brian held his car keys out to Dom, Dom then took the keys and asked.

Dom: You know what you're doing?

Brain: I owe you a 10-second car.

Dom nodded to Brian as he got in the Supra and took of down the road, Brian walked away before the police arrived...

Meanwhile Katherine stood by as the doctor was about to put the white sheet over Logan's dead body, Katherine obviously was upset as Vince was recovering in a nearby room with Leon and Letty by her side, the doctor let the sheet drop and he called the time, Katherine cried as Leon gave her a shoulder to cry on, but then out of nowhere Logan woke up and jumped off the bed breathing franticly, Katherine, Leon and Letty let out cries of joy as there friend and the man they loved came back from the unthinkable... Logan Kenway still lives... No point hitting the brakes yet...


(To Be Continued)

(Holy shit this is actually the finale chapter of 'The Fast and The Furious' I will be skipping over '2 Fast 2 Furious' & 'Tokyo Drift' yes there good movies but they don't really have a massive impact in the main story so it will just be a colossal waste of time, I hope you understand)

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