Chapter 29: It's a Decoy!


Logan made it back to home base after his little one to one with both Letty and Owen, he didn't do as much with Letty as he wanted but he was able to apologize for something that's been eating him up inside for years, he never showed it to anyone because that's the marks of a stubborn man.

Logan: Hey...

Logan looked over to see Dom walking into the room, he has his jacket on, a smile on and his cross is missing, after seeing Dom wear that thing for years, you notice the small things when their not around.

Logan: ... Where's that gone?

Logan asked indicating to where a necklace would lay on himself, Dom looked down to where it should be while continuing to walk over to him, Logan was just tinkering with that car Tej got for him, he does prefer sports but it is fun to drive American Muscle sometimes.

Dom: I ran into Letty...

Dom still smiled as he took his jacket off and placed it nearby, Logan stopped what he was doing and looked to the man he's grown up beside, the man he's called family for a long, long time, he was about to say something but before he could, Dom got there first.

Dom: ... What, you'd think I'd let you go to a street race without me?

Dom chuckled as Logan laughed a little as well, he should have expected Dom to have gone as well, maybe he saw him chasing Letty, he followed then when Letty left again after Shaw got there, maybe Dom tagged behind her, eventually getting the chance to speak to her without getting shot.

Logan: You run into Shaw as well...?

Logan dried his hands from the grease off the car, and looked to Dom, he shook his head "No", making Logan huff from amusement because of their little talk earlier, he didn't expect to see Shaw there but he was glad he got to punch him in the face, that felt really good.

Logan: ... He's charming...

Logan sighed as he tossed the rag away and leant on the hood of the car, Dom looked around and saw Gisele looking over at him, then quickly look away before he could see her looking but that was too late, Dom smiled to himself, Gisele's always been a fan of Logan, even when they first met all back when.

Dom: What did he say? I know he got you worked up.

Logan took a deep breath then told Dom everything Shaw said, none of it made sense until he said about Shaw threatening his wife and kid, if you told Dom 10 years ago that Logan would be married with a kid, he'd call you inside but here they are, they've changed a lot over the years but one thing has stayed the same, family comes first.

Logan: ... I got to say I'm sorry to Letty as well. I know she didn't understand why but I needed that. If I just accepted Brian's offer then...

Dom knew Logan's been tossing and turning about this since that night, he nearly killed all of Brage's crew because of it, luckily he didn't because if he did then Brian wouldn't be able to get some insider info for them, he did kill the guy that tried to kill her in the first place so he did get that but saying it helped him a lot.

Dom: ... Then you'd be in her place...

Logan looked to his side as Dom looked to him, it's been a long time since they had a little 1 to 1, things have been going 100 mph for them lately and as much as they love that shit, Dom's dad was right, at some point you got to slow down and reach that finish line, Logan's not sure where his finish line is anymore.

Dom: ... Your my brother as much as Mia is my little sister. If you ever strayed from who you are. We'll bring you back too.

Logan needed to hear that, it's nice to know you got people at your back, sometimes it's easy to forget just how much people are willing to help you until you know, Logan has no intentions of turning his back on these guys though, their his family and he loves them as much as he does Katherine and Nathan, maybe he loves them a little more but the point still stands.

Logan: Thanks, Dom.

Dom nodded and patted his back, Dom stood up first then pulled Logan into a hug, it's out of the blue but they've grown up together, ever since his parents were killed in the fire, Dom's helped him learn so much in life, Katherine taught him to forgive, that's why, when this is done, he's going to find his sister and tell her that he forgives her, it's going to be tough but he can do it, he has to...


Hobbs and Hicks managed to figure out where Shaw has been set up basecamp and went in alone, only to find nothing but a trail of paint on the floor, Hobbs got a sample then called Tej, when he did, Tej's phone showed that "Samoan Thor" was calling him, which made him pick up as everyone else was just pottering around doing their own thing.

Tej: Yo, it's Hobbs!

Hobbs is driving right now while on the phone, imagine a law man breaking the law, the team though looked over to Tej as he put the phone on speaker so they can all hear them, Gisele is playing with her guns again, Logan was talking to Dom as he worked on his car, Han was just doing Han things and Roman was probably eating.

Hobbs: What have you got, Parker? Give me something good.

Tej told them about the paint sample and that he was running it through the database to get a match for something, Logan isn't so sure about it, it seems a little too easy, unless it turns out to be nothing in which case it was either there since before Shaw used that place or it was just to toy with them, he's obviously hoping he's wrong.

Tej: Yeah, that paint you got from Shaw's place is highly specialized. Anti-thermal low-IR coating.

Logan didn't need to be smart to know that's a military thing, it just sounds like it is, either that or some top secret government thing which in turn will involve the military so he's got all ground covered with his theory.

Logan: Sounds military.

Logan was just guessing but it was right as Tej looked to him with a nod and a "Exactly", Logan's comment caught the attention of everyone else in the room who were still fiddling around while Tej was on the call until now, the military is no joke, no matter where in the world it is, that's not something they ever aimed to mess with.

Tej: We got a list of bases around Europe that use this paint type and those specific colours.

Logan handed Dom a rag to clean up the grease from the car engine as Gisele walked towards them, Logan gave her a small smile as she gave one back, he's not stupid and knows she is into him, she wasn't exactly trying to hide that when they first met, he's just loyal to Katherine, she gave everything up for him, he's not going to leave her or cheat, that's just messed up.

Hobbs: All right, let's cross-reference that with all of Shaw's military targets. I guaran-damn-tee you one of them is gonna match.

Everyone in the room watched as Tej typed away on his keyboard, it is cool seeing him work with all this tech now, Dom and Logan first met him in Brazil where he did everything they needed him to do with a box started laptop, so he should be able to hack the pentagon with all this tech in a few minutes time, it actually took him a few seconds to get them an answer.

Tej: Bingo. It's a N.A.T.O. base in Spain.

That made them all look to each other again as that meant he's no longer in London and that was a big problem, but Logan saw him the other night, there's no way they could have packed up and dipped out the country in a few hours without leaving a single trace other then a bit of paint.

Dom: That puts Shaw in a different country. That means he's got an either-hour lead on us.

Logan looked around as Gisele and Han put their jackets on and Dom walked towards Hobbs on the phone with Roman just behind him, Logan still didn't think it adds up but maybe he's just over thinking things, he does that sometimes so he just sighed and stood up right, he's ready to get ready.

Hobbs: We gotta move now. Tej, give me that info. Riley and I will go ahead and we're going to lock down the base. We're going to protect that component personally...

Everyone now walked past Logan and towards Tej at the head desk, Hobbs running his mouth again like he can while Logan just stayed where he is, he can't help but feel this is all just too easy, it's like he wanted them to find that paint.

Hobbs: ... Toretto, I'll arrange transportation for you and your cars. You brush up on your Spanish, boys. I'll see you en Espana. 

The call ended and everyone started to get ready, packing their stuff ready to leave for Spain but Logan was still not too sure, something seemed off, something that only Gisele noticed, so she walked over to him where he was packing up his stuff and hopped on the table making him look between her and the bag before chuckling a little.

Gisele: What's on your mind?

Logan looked to her then around her, Roman was packed, the tech was all packed, Tej is packed, Han is packed and so is Dom, even the cars are ready to get shipped out but something's bugging Logan and he needed to tell someone, she's better then no one right.

Logan: Doesn't this just seem too easy? Hobbs has been trying to get him for years, right?...

Gisele nodded while sliding off the table and standing in front of him, she could see it in his eyes that he's going to have a plan, something that the others didn't think of, he's the only one out of them that's had a face to face with Shaw, Owen's scared of Logan for a reason and this is it, he knows how he thinks.

Logan: ... Then all of a sudden, we find his camp and it's clean except one thing. A direct lead to his next target. It doesn't make sense.

Gisele has to confess that it never crossed her mind, their all so heart set on catching him that no one really thought too much about it, however before they could continue with his theory, the elevator pinged and Roman's loud mouth echoed throughout the empty floor now.

Roman: You son of a bitch! You made it!

Logan and Gisele looked over to see Brian walk out of the lift with a smile on his face, he shared a quick hug with Roman, then with Tej, Logan brushed his worries away, he's probably just over thinking things like he tends to do sometimes and grabbed his now packed bag and walked towards Brian, he was honestly worried he'd never see him again.

Brian: ... So, what's going on here?

Gisele watched him walk away and thought about it more, his theory makes more sense then the one of Shaw accidently leaving a trace behind to be honest, now she can't stop thinking about it as they both walked towards Brian.

Tej: Figured out they're hitting an army base in Spain. Border patrol ID'ed Shaw's men crossing through last night.

Han and Gisele greeted him back, Han gave him a quick bro handshake as Gisele gave him a hug, Logan knew that Dom wasn't going to leave without Brian, the plan was for Dom to hang about till Brian got back, Logan can deal with Shaw and Hobbs until they meet them in Spain, although Logan's certain it's a play, it's a gut feeling he has.

Han: Hobbs and Riley went to lock down the base. They're going to meet us there.

Brian then gave Logan a proper hug, arms wrapped around the other and pats to their backs, Logan hasn't really smiled properly in a couple of days so seeing him look so happy to having Brian back was nice for the team, Logan's the moral booster, when something seems bad, he lightens the mood with a joke, he hasn't been doing that lately.

Brian: Where's Dom?

Brian and Logan broke the hug as Brian looked around a little trying to find a bald man in this empty room, it wasn't too tricky but since Dom was around the corner leaning on his car looking to Brian's blue mustang it was pretty tricky to see him through a brick wall.

Gisele: He wasn't going without you.

Gisele pointed to where Dom was hiding making Brian thank her before going over to where Dom's leaning on the car, the others left into the elevator but Logan didn't, he hung by just encase, plus he needs to tell them this is all some sort of a ploy by Shaw, it doesn't smell right, would you eat smelly food, no you wouldn't so he shouldn't keep quite for this.

Brian: I found out what happened to Letty. It's all my fault.

Logan leant on the wall nearby and watched as Brian blamed himself, there's a lot of blame going around because of what happened to Letty, Logan think's it's his fault for not taking Brian's offer and Brian think's it's his fault for offering in the first place, basically it's both of their faults and neither one of them should be carrying the blame on their own.

Dom: Brian, whatever you found out, that's for you. What we're about to do now is for her.

Logan liked this Dom, they've all got girls that they would do anything for, even travel across the world to give them back their freedoms, Logan nodded with Dom's words before leaving with them both, maybe he should just leave it alone, it's probably nothing...


Their all on the plane heading towards the military base that Shaw should be hitting soon, Logan's still un easy because he feels this is a mis direction sort of thing but the longer their on this plane the worst it gets.

Tej: I just got word they caught one of Shaw's men at the base. It's time.

Logan sat there on one of the crates as Tej walked past them, he looked over to Gisele as she nodded for her to tell them, it wouldn't hurt just to get the idea out there, Logan was still sure he was just over thinking things though so he shook his head "No" to her.

Gisele: Logan has something to say.

Everyone in the plane looked to her, then between each other then finally over to him, Logan looked to Gisele as she smiled a proud grin apparently she think's he's right as well now, maybe his gut isn't so wrong after all and just putting the idea out there wasn't such a bad idea.

Logan: I just think this is all too easy. A man that's been giving Hobbs the run around for years, just suddenly leaves a clue pointing us to a military base. Why not just draw a map and leave a giant red "X" on it for us?

They all looked around each other as Dom leant on his car, Roman on his, Tej moved to sit on a crate at the other side of the plane, Gisele and Brian across from Logan with Han chilling just off to the right, Brian looked to Logan as something seemed to click for the former FBI Agent.

Brian: He's right, Shaw wanted us to find that guy. Think about it. At Interpol, you were face-to-face with him...

Logan seemed pretty proud that Brian said he was right, making him hop of the create and stand beside Gisele, Brian walked between Dom and Roman but stopped between Dom and Tej looking between them all as he gave Logan's theory much more of a stable ground for them to believe.

Brian: ... Brage said the only way you get near Shaw is if he wants you to.

Brian indicated at Logan when he said that bit, Shaw wanted Logan to get close to him but why Logan of all people, he's not in charge here, Dom's the team leader, Logan's never tried to be or even wanted to be, although it was just him that cracked Shaw's little game, so maybe he should be in charge.

Dom: Tej, where's the component?

Gisele gave Logan a little nudge and a smile making him chuckle for actually telling them what he thought, again, Logan's just the joker and at some cases, the hard hitter but never really the thinker, so of course he naturally tried to shut it down when he got the idea, turns out it's a good thing he did.

Tej: They're moving it to a secure location.

Dom looked around for a moment like he was thinking, they all were now and it all came from Logan's gut instinct, turns out you should never ignore your gut when you have that confident feeling because nine out of ten times, it'll steer you right.

Dom: Shaw ain't hitting that base.

Dom looked to Logan as Logan nodded with a small proud grin, he has the right to be proud of himself for this, sure he thought that maybe Shaw just wanted them out of the country so he can keep steeling in London with them breathing down his neck but this is still better then still running with the original plan.

Brain: He's hitting the convoy.

Dom nodded and they all got ready for the change of course, Dom patted Logan on his back before he moved, Brian gave him a fist bump but what really made him smile was Gisele, see seemed honestly proud of him for finally stepping into the spot light, maybe Logan's more then just joker after all...


{To Be Continued!}

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