Chapter 12
Logan drove between Dom and Brian as the other two were just ahead of them, they waited for the go ahead and they didn't have to wait long.
Gisele: Satellite linkup engaged. Keep proceeding northbound at current speed.
Dom and Logan then heard and engine to their left, they look to see Fenix's car as he joined them in front, they all then filed into a straight line as Dom took the second spot as Logan went behind him and Brian got the 5th spot right at the back.
Gisele: Stay close to Fenix. He'll lead you across.
They continued to follow the instructions as a camera at the Mexican border went from looking to the left then to the right, in the control room a beep came onto the screen as the guy put his coffee down.
Border Agent #1: I got a heat signature northbound along Legardo Ravine.
Another agent came behind him and looked at the monitor.
Border Agent #2: Thermal imaging window on the Mexico side's gonna be down for about 45 seconds. Get the camera on it.
He says as the first agent types away at his keyboard trying to get the camera to the spot as quickly as possible.
Border Agent #1: Manual override. Rerouting camera to designated coordinates.
Logan continued to be behind Dom as Fenix lead them to wherever they are going.
Gisele: Hurry it up. You guys have just been tagged.
Basically that means, get a move on or your going to someones bitch in the back end of San Quintin, Logan then watched as Dom pulled out and made his way towards Fenix.
Gisele: Toretto get back in formation.
Fenix then pressed a button on his car that opened up a door to a hidden tunnel that goes right under the border, Dom managed to get back into the line just behind Fenix, before he crashed into the solid brick wall, Brain was the last in as the border control looked for the heat signatures.
Border Agent #1: I don't see anything. They're gone.
The door then closed behind Brian as the other Agent gave an order.
Border Agent #2: Get the helicopters to cover it.
Logan made his way through the tunnel that was literally just big enough for the car, it had stupid corners that had no right being there at all but here they are.
Logan didn't mind as it was making him focus and with his ADHD it was pretty difficult but luckily he has great reflexes, all he had to do was focus on the guy in front's tail lights and boom, easy.
Gisele then got on the radio to tell Fenix that they sent out a helicopter as Dom continued to be right on Fenix's tail, Logan had a feeling Dom was going to do it now, and that kinda worried Logan as if one of these beams gets the slightest nudged then this whole tunnel is coming down on them, Logan's point about the beams was proven as the guy in front of him nudged one and made a small amount of the caves ceiling to come down towards Logan, luckily Logan managed to dodge it before he could crash, Gisele kept on giving times as to when the window of opportunity was closing and she was up to about 15 seconds, this made all of them speed up as Brian scrapped a wall.
Gisele: You're running out of time.
They couldn't really go any faster as Fenix pressed the button for the other side to open.
Gisele: You need to get out now!
They did just that and managed to get out the tunnel and around a corner just before the helicopter arrived, Logan sighed as he hadn't had to focus that much whilst driving in a while, they all then slowly made their way to the next meeting point, Fenix joined Campos and some other guys as Dom pulled up first then Logan and the others between them and Brian came last and parked right at the end.
Fenix got out his car as some guys got whatever was in the case's out the trunks.
Fenix: Sloppy! Very sloppy!
One of the guys shouted at Dom as he made his way to Dom's trunk, Dom turned his nitrous hose on making it spew invisible explosive gas, he then pressed the cigarette lighter so when it's heated the car will be a nice distraction, the only thing is that Logan didn't know about this as they all got out there cars.
The guys started to get really on edge as they started to push them around, Logan got annoyed and dropped his guy with a punch making Fenix pull his gun out and aim it at Logan.
Dom: Ay, boss man!
Fenix lowered his gun and looked at Dom.
Fenix: What did you say?
Dom: I said only pussies run nitro-meth.
Logan looked at Dom as the guy Logan just punched got up and kept his gun aimed at Logan, Logan didn't know they were doing this now, but that is why Logan has made it this far... he wings it.
Fenix: You looked under my hood?
Logan: We both did.
Fenix looked pissed at Logan.
Logan: And I gotta say, your defiantly overcompensating man.
Logan said with a chuckle, but then the guy Logan punched hit him in the stomach with the but of his gun, Logan dropped to one knee.
Logan: Okay, one all, let's call it a draw.
Fenix: I'm talking to you.
He said to Dom as Dom looked to Logan, Dom gave a slight nod making Logan fully understand what was happening.
Fenix: Got something on your mind?
Dom: '70 Plymouth. Her name was Letty. And somebody wrecked her car.
Fenix looked at Dom for a second before looking straight into his eyes.
Fenix: I wrecked her car. You remember her face?
Logan watched as a side to Dom he hasn't seen since the day his Father died, came back, Logan saw that look in his eyes and if Fenix got out of here alive then it's a blessing for him.
Fenix: Huh? 'Cause I don't. Last time I saw it, it was burning. Now what?
Fenix asked as he cocked his gun, Dom smiled as his car filled up with nitroxide just waiting for the lighter to set it a light and send the SS to the sky.
Dom: I'm going to enjoy what happens next.
As if on que Dom's car blow up also destroying everyone else car, including Logan's Mustang, Logan took this moment to disarm the guy that was aiming at him as the explosion sent everyone back a bit, Logan took the gun and started to shot, Fenix's guys, Logan looked to see Brian in a prone position using a body as cover doing the same, Logan and Brian covered Dom as Dom used his fist, Logan then ran out of bullets as he made his way to Dom, Logan noticed a guy aiming at Dom ready to shoot.
Logan pushed Dom out the way and took the shot to the left shoulder, Dom looked at the guy and made his way towards him an started to punch away, Brian meanwhile throw his gun and got into a nearby truck, he then pulled up near Dom and Logan.
Brian: Dom, get in!
Dom continued to beat the guy that just shot Logan, Dom looked to see Brian driving as Logan layed on the floor bleeding.
Brian: Get in! Both of you come on!
Dom gave him one more hit just in case as an alarm started to go off.
Brian: Come on! Get in the fucking car! Let's go! Get Logan, and hurry up!
Dom put Logan's right arm over his shoulders and got Logan into the back seat as he got in the passenger seat next to Brain, Brian then got them out of there as he went completely off road to avoid the in coming helicopters.
After a while of driving Brian parked under a bridge as Logan stayed in the back seat as Brian made a phone call, it was to the FBI that are tracing anything they can get from Brian.
Penning: What have you got, Trinh?
Trinh: We're contacting agencies in multiple countries. Unfortunately, most of them have to manually scan their prints for us to upload.
When she finished an agent came over to them and looked to Penning.
Agent: O'Conner's on line five. And, sir, you should see this.
Penning took the file that agent was handing him.
Penning: Thank you.
Penning opened the file as he pressed line five on a nearby phone line.
Penning: Talk to me, O'Conner. Where the hell have you been?
Brian: I got the shipment.
Penning: 'I got the shipment', or 'we got the shipment'?
Brian: What are you talking about?
Penning flipped through the file as her looked through the photos.
Penning: Traffic cams in the area picked up pictures of you and Toretto together, there is a third in the car that traffic cams couldn't identify, seen as its Toretto I willing to bet that's its his side kick Kenway. Am I right?
Brian stayed silent as he looked around the area that he parked.
Penning: Listen to me, O'Conner. Bring in the shipment and bring in Toretto and Kenway.
Brian: But I thought the point was to get Braga. We got an opportunity here.
Penning: Brian, the clock stopped ticking. Bring them in. Are we clear?
Brian then looked to see a trail of blood on the floor, he followed it to see Dom opening a case as Logan now stood beside him.
Logan: So this is what $60 million look like.
Brian then looked to Logan's shoulder to see a few drops of blood coming out of him.
Brian: Yeah, we got to get you to a doctor.
Logan: We got to find a place to hide this.
Logan and Dom looked to Brian as he looked back.
Brian: I got a spot.
They all then got back into the car as Logan took his shirt off and tide it around his wound as best as he could as Brian pulled up to a Police impound lot, Brain stopped and pulled out his badge.
Brain: 502, wet reckless. I need a 48-hour hold.
Logan thought quickly and hide in the backseat, it would be pretty odd for three potential cops to take one car to an impound lot, but two is a bit more believable, the guy looked at Dom for a second but he didn't seem to recognise him.
Security guard: Out back. Any spot you can find.
Brian did that and drove into the compound, luckily it didn't take them long to find a spot as Brian parked and they all got out, Logan wasn't looking to good at this point as he got hit pretty badly, but he didn't show it as Dom looked back to the car.
Dom: You sure about this?
Brian: Yeah. The last place they'll check, their own impound yard. Trust me.
Dom didn't really have any other choice as Logan stood next to Brian, Dom then gave the car one last look as he walked beside them, Brian in the middle and Logan to his left as Dom walked to Brian's right.
Brian: You know, I've been thinking, when you blew up your car back there, you blew up mine too.
Dom: Yeah?
Brian: Yeah.
Logan looked to his right as he had a good idea as to where Brian was going with this.
Brian: So now you owe me a 10-second car.
Dom: Is that right?
Dom and Brian looked to Logan as he just chuckled.
Logan: You couldn't get me a 8-second car even if you tried. I am pissed at you tho... I loved that car.
Dom then looked around as his eyes landed on what looked like a street racing car, Dom went over to it as Brian and Logan followed, Dom put his elbow throw the window and opened the door for Brian.
Dom: Now we're even.
The two smiled as Logan passed out from the blood loss, Dom got Logan in the back seat as Brian got the car ready to go, Dom got in as they made their way to a old oil pumping factory that looked unused, Dom got out and then made a call...
Mia and Kathrine drove form LA to Dom and Logan location as they got out the car and entered a small hut, Mia knocked as Brian opened the door for them both.
Mia: Is this your way of keeping me away from him?
Brian: Your the only one I could call.
Mia: He's like my brother, of course.
Mia and Katherine made there way into the hut as they saw Logan and Dom sat talking and drinking as if nothing has happened.
Logan: Hey, baby what you doing here?
Kathrine then took of Logan's shirt that was covering his bullet wound, Kathrine smiled at him as she kinda expected him to be in a body bag at this point.
Kathrine: You got shot, you goofball.
Logan looked at his left shoulder to see the blood.
Logan: Oh yeah. Ha!
Mia then gave Kathrine the med kit as Kathrine took Logan into a different room and got him patched up, Kathrine put Logan on the make shift bed as she knelt in front of him.
Logan: Careful, you normally get freaking when your down there.
Logan said with a chuckle as he was obviously a little bit drunk, Kathrine chuckled at him as she took the beer out his hand and used it to clean his wound, Logan didn't even flinch at it, in fact he just seemed to be more annoyed that she used his beer, Logan then let her patch him up as she layed him on the bed.
Kathrine: Get some rest.
Logan nodded and as she was about to leave Logan pulled her onto the bed and held her so she couldn't leave, Logan layed his head on her stomach as she played with his hair till he fell asleep, Kathrine got up and left as Logan rested and she made her way into the main room with Dom, Mia and Brian...
They were having a few drinks and laughing and joking, but Kathrine wouldn't be doing her job as Logan's girlfriend and potentially more if she didn't talk to Dom about her concerns.
Kathrine: Dom, how much do you like Logan?
Dom, Mia and Brian looked at her as she wasn't drinking and she looked worried.
Dom: What do you mean? I love Logan he's my brother.
Dom responded.
Kathrine: I'm only asking, so I can ask something else.
Mia: What is it?
Kathrine: Logan will die for you Dom... he already has once, he might not come back the next time.
They all listened as Kathrine wasn't being disrespectful she was just looking out for Logan, being only the third person to do so since his parents died.
Kathrine: Let him go, Dom.
Dom sighed as he took a drink.
Dom: I never told him to help me in this.
Kathrine: No, but you didn't tell him not to.
Dom didn't have a response as Kathrine made her point.
Kathrine: Logan feels like he owes you something, Dom, not just you but to your family, he sees it as he owes you his life.
Dom: He owes me nothing.
Kathrine: Then please tell him that before it's to late.
Mia and Brian just sat and listened as Mia agreed with what Kathrine is saying but Brian just stayed out of it. Dom nodded to Kathrine making her smile as their attention was drawn to the bedroom door.
Logan: What's too late?
Logan was then told a lie as he just excepted it and sat down as Kathrine layed her head on his shoulder, Logan pulled her as close as he could as Dom smiled at the two as Logan and Kathrine had their own little conversation.
Not long after that, Kathrine and Mia went to get Chinese take out as Dom looked to Logan, Logan noticed and looked back.
Logan: What?
Logan asked with a chuckle, Dom just shook his head and they went back to their conversation till Mia and Kathrine came back with the food, they set it out on the table as Dom took the first bite.
Mia: Dom, what are you doing?
Dom looked at her as if she was crazy till Mia smirked.
Mia: You reached first, you have to say grace.
Logan laughed as this almost never happened, and in all honesty, Logan nearly fell for it as well, they all put there chop sticks down and put their hands together.
Dom: Thank you, Lord, for blessing this table.
Mia: With food, family and friendship.
Mia said finishing off what Dom was saying, Dom nodded in agreement as he looked to Logan.
Dom: And Brotherhood.
Logan looked at Dom and noted that he's acting weird, but Logan shook it off as they both havent had a proper meal in a long time, they all eat and laughed till the meal was over, Dom went into the room that Logan woke up from and looked at a box that had Letty written on it, meanwhile Brian asked Logan.
Brain: You know, I've heard stories about you, but nothing about how you ended up and orphan, so what's up?
Logan looked around as he has never actually talked about this to anyone, he told Mia about his parents dying in a house fire but no one knows what Logan knows, Logan downed his drink and thought might as well tell them.
Logan: Okay, sure why not... It was when I was 9, i was walking home with some friends from school, I lived the furthest away so I had to walk by myself for a little while, one of them invited for me to stay to play video games or something, but I had a bad feeling so I told him I had to get home, and when I did i saw it was up in flames, my parents never got out and my sister was never found.
Kathrine hugged Logan's arm as he was telling the story.
Kathrine: Have you never found her?
Logan: Who?
Kathrine: Your sister.
Logan: If I ever find her...
Logan stopped for a second as Kathrine, Brian and Mia waited for him to continued, but what he said next they didn't expect.
Logan: I'm gonna put a bullet between her eyes.
Kathrine was shocked as she looked at him confused.
Kathrine: Why?
Logan: She started the fire... she was jealous because I need the extra help with things, like reading and writing, so she killed them.
Kathrine: How do you know it was her?
Logan: Because, on my 11th birthday a letter came to the orphanage I lived in at the time, it just said 'See you soon Speed racer. No one called me that except my parents.
The conversation was interrupted by Brian's phone ringing, Brian looked at the caller id and had a look of worry, Brian then looked back to Dom as he stood up and Logan got worried, Logan stood up as he now knows that Dom knows.
Dom: When were you going to tell me?
Mia: Dom, what are you doing?
Dom: When were you gonna tell me you were running Letty?
Logan: Dom stop.
Logan said stepping in as Dom tried to push Logan out the way, Logan pushed Dom, Dom then punched Logan putting him on the floor as Dom grabbed Brian and throw into a nearby shelf destroying everything on it.
Dom then picked Brian up and pinned him to a wall as he had his hands around Brian's throat.
Brian: You don't understand.
Dom: I don't understand?
Dom then throw Brian to the floor and before Brian could say anything, Dom started to punch Brian, Logan then got up and tried to pull Dom away only getting elbowed in the nose, Brian then got Dom in a arm bar but Dom just lifted Brian up and slammed him in to the floor.
Logan regained himself as he tackled Dom through the nearby shelf and table destroying them both, Dom tried to punch Logan again in a blind rage, but Logan slipped the punched and got Dom in a choke hold taking all the air out of Dom.
Brian then got to his feet.
Brian: She did it for you Dom! She did it for you. Letty came to me to clear your name in exchange for bringing down Brage. She heard that I asked for Logan's help but he turned me down.
Dom felt Logan's grip loosen as he shook Logan off and looked at Logan.
Dom: You knew?
Logan: Not until it was to late to stop it.
Dom: You could have saved her!
Logan: You don't think I don't know that!
Kathrine and Mia looked on as Dom stared daggers at Logan.
Logan: I have to live with this for the rest of my life... you think I'm here to get shot... to get a criminal record again after I got cleared!
Logan then walked up to Dom with no fear as Logan never was scared of Dom.
Logan: I want to have kids one day and get married, you think I want to be on the run with your ungrateful ass... Letty wanted you to come home like we all did, I'm sorry Dom, if I can take her place i would have.
Dom then walked away as Mia loomed to Kathrine, Mia smiled at her as she smiled back, Logan left the hut as Brian kicked as nearby table...
(To Be Continued)
(Rate this chapter 😁, also sorry it's a bit longer then the others, I got a little carried away)
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