Chapter 18

The next morning, Dom, Logan, Brian, Mia and Kathrine went to a secluded building  so no one can hear them, they looked over to the city of Rio as they put together their team.

Brain: Let's run through the bases real quick. Who do we got?

Dom: First we're going to need a chameleon. Some one who can blend in anywhere.

Dom and Logan had a guy in mind as they both thought about their friend Han Lue.

Mia: What else?

Dom: A fast talker.

Logan: Someone who can bullshit their way out of anything.

Brian smiled as he thought about one man... Roman Pearce.

Brain: I got that.

Mia: This guy is going to have a lot of surveillance. W're going to need someone who's good with circuits.

Brian once again had that covered as he called in his friend Tej.

Dom: And with those circuits, Reyes is going to have walls. We're going to need guys to punch through those wall.

Logan: You know we got that covered.

Logan was obviously talking about the crazy Spaniards Tego Leo and Rico Santos.

Mia: What else?

Logan: Utilities and weapons. Someone who ain't afraid to throw down. Someone to back up every position. And I know just the girl.

Brain: Yeah what else we need?

Dom: Most importantly, we're going to need three precision drivers. Guys that don't crack under pressure. Guys that never lose.

Brian: You know we got that.

They all smiled as the plan seemed to come into place.

Logan: Hold up, we got two of them, Brian I don't think you have ever won a race.

Brian and Logan started to laugh and push each other as they all made their way to the meeting place where the team is going to meet for the first time...


A yellow taxi pulled into the car park of an old run down warehouse, Roman payed the driver and got out the car and made his way into the building to see it clearly not in use anymore, he looked around till he heard the engine to a car come into the building, Roman looked to see a Ford Galaxie 500 XL pull into the area whilst playing hip hop music, Roman makes his way over as Tej steps out the car and the music stops.

Tej: Aw, hell, na! I see they really scrapped the bottom of the barrel, huh?

Roman: I guess they did, since your ass is here. When are you going to give Martin Luther King his car back?

Tej: As soon as you give Rick James his jacket back.

The two then laughed as the shared a bro hug, they were about to say something else till a motorbike came speeding into the building, they both watched as the bike stopped not far from them as they made their way over to the new arrival.

Roman: Sexy legs, baby girl. What time do they open?

Roman said with a smile, but that smile was wiped off his face when Gisele pulled her gun out and aimed it straight at Roman.

Gisele: They open the same time as I pull this trigger. Want me to open them?

The crazy Spaniards then entered the building as their Spanish caught everyone's attention.

Leo: I told you the skinny chick had balls.

Santos: Looks like she started the party without us.

Roman and Tej then started to get defensive and the four of them started to argue as Gisele put her gun away, Han then came beside her and made his present known.

Han: I thought cockfights were illegal in Brazil.

Han said putting a crisp in his mouth then offering one to Gisele, but before she could answer, Dom, Logan, Brian, Mia and Kathrine entered the building.

Dom: I see you all have met.

The five then made their way to the group of new arrivals as they all shared greetings.

Gisele: You know when you called me to come to Rio I assumed it would be for something more exciting than this.

She said giving Dom then Logan a hug, Logan then introduced Gisele to Kathrine and Logan was a little bit worried when they started to laugh and get along, Logan was then introduced to Tej and Roman as everyone got to know  each other.

Han: Nice digs.

Dom: Yeah, well, the Ritz was sold out.

Han: So what's this all about, Dom?

Han asks as everyone stands around waiting to get the info.

Tej: Yeah, man, why did you drag us halfway around the world?

Dom: Because we got a job.

Everyone then makes their way to a table in the centre of the room as they all crowed around to hear what, Brian, Dom and Logan have to say.

Brian: All right, so our target's name is Hernan Reyes. And he runs the drug scene down here. 

Logan: He's never been busted because he doesn't leave a paper trail.

Gisele: No paper trail means no banks. And no banks means cash houses.

Logan pointed to her to prove that choosing her was a good call, Brian nodded with a smirk as Logan did a fist bump.

Brian: That's right. Ten of them, to be exact. Spread throughout the city.

Brian said unfolding a map that had circles surrounding where Reyes' cash house are located.

Dom: And we're going to hit them all.

Everyone was surprised by what Dom just said.

Tej: All of them?

Logan: Every... last... one.

Roman: That sounds crazy. You bring us to a whole other country so we can rob the dude who runs it?...

All eyes are now on Roman as he gives his little rant, Kathrine and Logan watch as Roam keeps on going and going.

Roman: ... I thought this was business. Sounds personal to me.

Logan nodded because it is kinda personal, but it's mainly so they can all leave this life.

Roman: Is that what this is? I got love for y'all, but personal ain't good business. I can't do this, homie...

Roman then started to walk out the warehouse as Dom said something that brought his attention back to the job.

Dom: So what we're talking about is $122 million.

Roman stopped in his tracks as everyone watched him.

Roman: You say what? Hundred... See, sometimes I be over thinking, man, and I know we just met, but you just, kind of, got to...

Logan laughed as Roman stuttered his way back to the table.

Logan: That's right, $100 million, and everything we take, we split even.

Tej: That's a little over $11 million apiece. I am down.

Santos: I'm in.

Roman: 11 million. Sounds like a whole lot of vaginal activity to me.

Logan heard this and looked to Brian. 

Logan: Where did you find this guy? The horny house.

Brian just chuckled and shrugged as Roman said that he is in, but Gisele had her doubts.

Gisele: You can't pull off 10 heists on the same mark. You just can't.

Han: As soon as we hit the first one, they're going to do everything they can to protect the rest.

Logan: That's the plan my drift loving friend.

They all looked at Logan like he was crazy, but instead he, Brian and Dom had a wide smile on their faces...


Everyone was now waiting outside one of Reyes' cash houses as they waited for the daily cash in, it's a simple plan, wait for the only man that they will open the door to and once the door's unlocked rush in and take the place, piece of piss right.

The guy buzzed the door and it was shortly opened, Logan took point as he hit the first guy in the face knocking him out cold, everyone followed him in and took down all the armed guards. On e guy went for his gun but Brian knocked him down as Dom made sure no one tried anything as he pointed his shotgun around the room, it didn't take long for them to tie everyone up and get all the cash into one place.

Brian place a stack on the pile as Logan followed.

Brian: That's all of it.

Brain and Logan stood to Dom's sides as one of the guards tried to scare them.

Guard: You're all dead men! You don't have a place to hide.

Dom then pulled his face covering off as Logan and Brian shortly followed.

Dom: Who's hiding?

Everyone else lowered or took off their coverings as their faces can now clearly be seen.

Guard: Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Do you know whose house this is? Whose money are you stealing?

Dom then picked up a nearby gas can and poured the gas all over the pile of money, Dom then stepped away as Logan pulled a lighter out.

Dom: We ain't stealing it.

Dom nodded to Logan and he throw the lighter on the pile of money making it go up in flames, Logan looked to Roman and swears that it looked like Roman was about to cry, Logan then walked right up to the guard that has been shouting his mouth off.

Logan: You tell Reyes exactly who did this. Tell him there's plenty more where this came from.

Logan then turned to leave as everyone followed them leaving Reyes' guys to watch the money burn.

Meanwhile back at the temporary hideout, Fusco and Wilkes finally got the GT40 back together as they lowered it back on to the floor

Fusco: Voila

Hobbs: Turn it over.

Fusco did and the engine roared to life.

Fusco: She's running on all eight. Checks out fine.

He then turned off the engine, but Hobbs still wasn't convinced.

Hobbs: Keep looking.

Both Fusco and Wilkes sigh as they are clearly tired from doing this worth out any rest, so Fusco said something about it.

Fusco: Boss, if something was missing, we'd know.

Hobbs put the gun down he was inspecting and made his way to the car, Hobbs took a few seconds to look around the car, he then opened the car and looked towards the dashboard and noticed the miniature computer that has been installed in to the car.

Hobbs: It's a goddamn shame putting bullshit like that on a classic. You may as well slap neon lights on it.

Hobbs then pressed the power button and as soon as the computer came to life, Hobbs got his answer as the screen came up with the message 'Erro!'

Hobbs: They took the chip.

The computer that Mac was on started to beep as he turned and got Hobbs' attention.

Mac: We got a hit on the police scanner. Armed robbery at a house in Leblon. Address cross-checks against property owned by one of Hernan Reyes' corporations.

Hobbs: All right, if that's our guys then whatever was on that chip led them directly to that house.

Elena: It's them, for sure.

Everyone turned to look at her as Wilkes walked passed her.

Wilkes: How do you know that?

Elena: Because no one else in Rio is stupid enough to rob Reyes.

Later in the day the guard at the cash house was standing in Reyes' building as Zizi went to get Reyes, it wasn't long till Reyes and Zizi came back.

Reyes: Explain.

Guard: They invaded the Leblon house. 

Reyes: Who invaded?

Zizi: The men from the train.

Reyes turned to look at Zizi with anger all over his face, Reyes then looked back to the guard as he started to walk around him.

Reyes: How much did they take?

Guard: They didn't take anything. They burned it.

Reyes: They burned my money?

Guard: Yes. And said there's more where that came from.

Reyes: Okay... 

Reyes says as he starts to fiddle with stuff on the nearby desk.

Reyes: Then this... is what we're going to do.

Reyes then grabbed an heavyset object from the desk and hit the guard on the head, killing him. Reyes then placed the bloody object back on the desk as the blood dripped off it and he looked to Zizi.

Reyes: Clean the houses. I want that money under lock and key... within an hour. Understand?

Zizi: Understood.

Reyes' guys got to work as they packed up all of Reyes' money into bag and put the bags into cars, Dom and his crew separately followed these cars as they all arrived to the same location... the police station.

Everyone is now standing on a level of the nearby car park as they all look to see the police station right in front of them.

Brian: Well, this job just got a lot harder.

Roman: If he's moving it into a police station he's got some serious brass in his pocket.

Santos: Looks like this is going to be a shorter trip than I thought...

Leo: Hell, yeah, we can't do this.

Han: 'Can't'? You mean, 'shouldn't'.

Logan: Can everyone stop with the negativity, this doesn't change a thing.

Dom: Logan's right, the plan stays. I say we stick to the plan.

Roman and most of the group looked at them both like they were crazy.

Roman: You say what? This just went from Mission: Impossible to Mission: In-freaking-sanity. Whatever man.

Roman then started to walk off as he shouted over his shoulder.

Roman: I ain't scared, I'm just letting you all know, going in that building is crazy.

Logan sighed as he looked to Brian.

Logan: Bro, get your guy in line... I'm sick of his shit already, he keeps walking off, then we can get another guy.

Brian: Chill, bro, I got this.

Brian then took off after Roman as Mac was running through the camera around the Leblon house trying to find Logan or anyone associated with him.

Mac: What time was the robbery?

Elena: About 11:00.

Mac then pressed as few buttons as Hobbs joined them on to the computer.

Mac: Here we go.

Mac then froze the image as it showed a Mazda MX-5...

... The computer then scanned the image as Hobbs looked on like a hunter trying to find his prey.

Hobbs: Enhance it.

Mac did that as the image zoomed as the driver can now been seen, there was two people in the car but they all had their faces covered.

Elena: Their faces are covered.

Hobbs: Run it through FRS.

Mac did that and the computer scanned the faces and even tho the faces are covered, the computer still picks up a match for Logan as Logan's profile comes on the screen.

Hobbs: Well, hello, you son of a bitch.

Hobbs paused when Gisele's profile also came on the screen meaning that Gisele was riding with Logan as they went to the heist.

Hobbs: Wilkes! Run the photos of known associates of Kenway, Toretto and O'Conner against customs entries into Brazil in the last two weeks. Check planes, trains, boats, everything short of the goddamn space shuttle.

Wilkes got on to it as, as he was pressing buttons the profiles of everyone came onto the screen.

Hobbs: they can change their names but they can't change their faces.

Elena: Something big is going down.

Hobbs then looked back onto Mac's computer and looked at Logan's car.

Hobbs: That's a Mazda MX-5. Fusco! upload these specs into the database. Have the computer cross-check it with overhead satellites every 15 minutes, the van behind it, too.

Fusco walked over to the phone and started to make a call.

Hobbs: If these vehicles move in the streets of Rio, I want to know about it.

Hobbs took another look at Logan's profile as even in his mug shot he was smiling, almost as if he was mocking Hobbs from the past...


(To Be Continued)

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