If there's one thing Bangtan boys didn't like after an exhausting and way too long practice, it was the stretching after.
So there they were...
Practicing almost all day long for their new upcoming online concert, and as much as they were excited to do their best and surprise their beloved ARMYs, they were just tired. So tired that they were literally lying on the floor, not moving an inch, unable to breath properly.
That's when their choreographer decided to just let them rest for a bit, and than they could stretch later, when they come back to their dorm.
That was the deal, and the boys did just that.
It's just that Jimin had some extra stretching done, but well come to that later...
As they entered their nice and cozy dorm, the boys immediately got lazy and decided not to stretch, as they promised they would do to their choreographer.
Jin casually layed on their comfy couch, Namjoon resting beside him, the others fund themselves nice spot on the floor, just laying there, mind filled with new steps they had to remember, new formations, new lyrics... all of it was too much, but one of them was always so stubborn, and always so keen on doing the right thing, so he couldn't stand for them not to obey the thing they promised, and he got angry.
The little one got angry.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Get your asses up, and stretch right now. I'm not even joking."
"Come on Jiminshi, chill a little, we're tired. We don't have to do it if we don't want to." Tae said and they all agreed, nodding and humming at his words.
"No. We promised. All of us did. Do I need to remind you that we have a concert tomorrow, and that all of you will feel so sore and exhausted if you just stay laying there, like a lazy cows?" Jimin was determent in not letting this go cause he had seen it way too many times. Lazy boys who didn't stretch properly, always get the worst muscle ache and soreness that seems like it will never go away.
"Please Jiminah, just this time... let us live. Don't be such a push over..." Namjoon was practically begging at this point, but they all knew the harsh fact.
Jimin would not give in.
After some whining and protesting, they all stood up,unwillingly, and agreed on a simple stretching that Jimin would show them.
He turned his back on them, and started stretching his neck first. Just usual, simple moves, head on one side, head on the other side, than circular motions...
Than he did the shoulders, just moving them up and down, slower, than a bit faster, and now it was time to bend his upper body couple of times forward, and that's when the pretty loud gasp caught Jimin's attention.
"What?" he innocently asked, but the boys just kept with the work out, some of them just acting clueless like they haven't heard a thing.
Jimin bend over again, his white sweatpants tightening up around his ass, giving the boys amazing view.
"Aghhh..." another whiny sound came behind Jimin, and he turned around, just to see all of them standing in their positions, lips pursed, eyes wide open, trying not to laugh.
Jimin turned around again, and then he spread his legs more apart, and squatted down a little, trying to stretch his hips, but the noise behind him got him distracted again, and he turned around to see why they were making all of this fuss for.
"What's wrong with you today?" Jimin asked all serious, and boys started laughing.
"Sorry Jiminah, it's just, your ass..." Hobi tried to talk, but kept giggling.
Jimin thought that maybe he ripped his sweatpants right on his ass, and they were laughing at him because of that, so he looked back, trying to find something, but there was nothing there.
They found his action cute, and kept smiling even more.
"No Jiminah, there's nothing there, just as Jin hyung said the other day, your butt looks so nice, when seen from behind." Namjoon said and all of them started laughing again.
"I still can't believe that he said that on our Vlive." Tae remembered Jin's bold statement, and they all agreed.
"Well if you're gonna bend in front of my face like a pro stripper, I might as well compliment it." and Jimin felt his cheeks flush pink.
"He does tease us a lot. Remember when we did the War of hormones choreo, and he couldn't stop shaking his booty? I was practically waiting in anticipation for that part where I used to slap him, just to feel it bounce off of my palm." Tae said, looking all nostalgic cause that choreo was not on their to do list anymore, and Jimin just slapped him across his chest playfully.
" Tae, stop it! That's just your dirty mind! " Jimin whined, and than Hobi continued.
" Sorry to break it to you, but remember that time on the MAMA award show when we got up on the stage to say our acceptance speech? Well you were in front of me, and you accidentally bumped onto my crotch with your round ass, and I felt so hot and bothered, that I unconsciously had a dream about you, and I'm sorry cause I have to tell you the truth, but the dream was about your ass. "
Loud laughter was echoing through the room, and Jimin finally gave in, and started laughing himself.
" Since we're talking about Jimin's ass, do you know I actually grabbed it once? " It was Yoongi's turn to confess, sounding all proud of himself and Jimin blushed at his words.
"No hyung... That was so long ago, I don't even remember it happen anymore."
"When did that happen?" Jungkook said sounding all curious, and Jimin just sat down on the floor, the others following him immediately to do the rest of their neglected stretching.
"Well it was on our Bon voyage trip. Jimini and I shared the room, well the bed actually, and since it was so hot, we slept in our boxer briefs only. I think I had a nightmare or something, and while I was turning around, squirming on the bed, my hand just landed on something thick, but squishy, and at first I didn't recognize what it was until Jimin asked me what I was doing. Yoongi told the story and Jimin giggled, remembering how surprised he was at his action.
" Yah, hyung kept telling it was an accident, but then he squeezed it two times more. What was that all about hm, hyung? " Jimin asked while spreading his legs in middle split, the others following him being all clumsy.
"It was too good not to." Yoongi teased, and Jimin put both of his hands on his head, feeling blush taking over his pretty face.
"Well all of those sounds great, but I've seen it naked, in all it's glory." finally Namjoon decides to tell his story, and all of them came closer, watching him in anticipation while Jimin just shook his head, feeling defeated.
"Well you know how our cute little Jimini loves to just interrupt my Vlives? So the last time he did that, I decided to just go and scold him in his room, but when I entered inside, he was no where to be found, and I saw the light coming out of the bathroom, and just came closer, wanting to see if he's in there, and that's when I saw it. Bare Jibooty, fully exposed, thick and round as an peach. " Namjoon was talking and all of the boys kept looking at him as he was telling the most interesting story they've ever heard.
" So, what happened next? " Jangkook asked, his fluffy hair falling on his forehead.
" Nothing of course. I just stood there in shock, but Jimin was definitely more shocked when he saw me. God, do you remember how loud you screamed?" Namjoon asked while all of them were putting their legs together and trying to reach their foot with their hands.
" And that's why I never interrupted your Vlive again."
" And that's when Namjoon got lost in his room for a half an hour. " Jin teased and they all choked on air after loud laughing, but Jimin got a bit annoyed.
"Jin hyung I'm gonna kill you." Jimin warned him still playfully, but his brows were furrowed like he's about to get angry.
"Can you choke me in my sleep? I'll just lay down and you can sit on my face with that thick ass." Jin continue with the teasing, and Jimin got uncomfortable and decided to leave their pointless stretching.
"I'll just leave you now.Seems like this whole quarantine situation, no sex and no hook ups is getting into your heads, so before you say something more stupid than you already did, I'll just leave." Jimin decided that's the best thing to do, since he was a horny mess himself, and talking about all of this did no good to his poor needy ass.
"But don't go, Jungkookie didn't tell his favorite story about your ass." Jin yelled while Jimin was walking, and he almost stopped at those words, wanting to hear nothing more than that, but he just kept going until he came alone inside his room,inhaling deep, and grabbing a quick shower.
Jungkook felt bad.
Was this way too much teasing? Is Jimin mad at them? Is he mad at Jungkookie?
At the end, Jungkook was the only one who didn't say anything about Jimin's fabulous ass, although there's so much to say.
He would never admit in front of the others, but he loved Jimin's ass and felt hopeless whenever Jimin did any kind of dirty move on him, and it seemed that Jimin did all of those on purpose.
How could he forget that time Jimin came in the middle of their concert and decided to just sit in Jungkook's lap and rest a little.
The moment that Jimin's ass touched his crotch, he knew he's doomed. That's why on their first break, instead of eating something like the others, he found himself in the bathroom jerking off thinking about that perfect, round, well defined ass, and what it could do on top of him.
One of the boldest things Jimin did was definitely when he sat down on Jungkook's lap in the middle of some award show and if that wasn't enough, he started bouncing, just a little movement, up and down, and Jungkook felt his dick twitch in his black slacks, trying to cover it so badly, but failing hard, so he decided to just sit through all night, trying to calm down as much as he can.
Jimin did that on purpose. He was witty and smart, and there's no way he did that unconsciously, cause the pace of his bouncing and the way he grind down Jungkook's hard length felt too good not to be done on purpose. Felt just right.
Just as Jungkook was getting lost in his own dirty thoughts, Jin snapped his fingers in front of his face.
"Yah Jungkookah, you're the youngest, go and see how he's doing. If he get's too mean to you, don't come crying to us, cause we're going to sleep, finally."
"Aish, why me? Always the Macnae." he whined, but got up immediately, always being so good and obedient, pleasing his hyung's.
Soon he was in front of Jimin's room, knocking softly.
"Jiminie hyung. Can you open the door." he whispered- yelled, but knew the older will hear him.
After a while, Jimin opened the door, only slightly, his head poking out.
"What do you want?"
"Can I come in?"
"Why? To tease me some more?"
"No hyung. I never said anything in the first place." Jungkook assured him, and Jimin finally let him in.
The worst thing wasn't the fact that Jungkook got semi hard cause of the thought of Jimin's ass and their "Fan service" interactions, but the fact that Jimin was standing in front of him, freshly out of shower, hair damp, sexily pulled back,wearing only a soft, white bath robe.
"What are you watching?" Jungkook asked as he entered the spacious room, some movie playing on the big screen in front of the bed.
"Hot chick. I needed something to cheer me up. You guys were mean... " Jimin continue talking while taking some of his body milk, spreading it all over his shaved legs,and Jungkook's mouth started salivating at the sight.
The thing is he always found Jimin attractive.
I mean who wouldn't?
He was just the perfect combination of pretty face and hot body.
But there was also something in how Jimin would act all shy sometimes, but than other times he would be shameless, squeezing Jungkook's thigh on purpose, or putting his hand inside Jungkook's front pocket,during their photo shooting, making him flustered and unable to breath, or just asking the younger to give him a kiss... Just all the little things he did were so inviting, just luring Jungkook to act on it.
"Wanna watch the movie with me Jungkookah? Hyung's gonna cuddle you to sleep, hm?" Jimin asked while laying on bed, next to Jungkook, his stomach down on the mattress, ass sticking up in the air.
"Sure. I'd love that." Jungkook said in low voice, his gaze fixating on Jimin's fine ass.
Somewhere around the middle of the movie it's an understatement to say that Jungkook watched five minutes of the movie in total.
It's just the previous talk and his current view made it impossible for him to concentrate on anything at this point , and his dick was playing against him too, cause all he could think about was how soft Jimin's legs looked and how the arch of his back pointed his curves even more than usually, and just as he thought things couldn't get any worst, Jimin started giggling at some scene in the movie, and his ass started jiggling, just bouncing and looking hot as fuck.
"Jimin hyung, stop laughing so hard." Jungkook said, unable to concentrate on his own breathing anymore, hopelessly trying to look away.
"Oh sorry, is my laugh deconcentrating you?" Jimin asked, giving Jungkook a small glance.
"N-no. It's your ass. It's jiggling." Jungkook said, stuttering, and Jimin turned to look at him, brows furrowed, lips parted.
"My ass is jiggling?" Jimin repeated after him, sounding a little confused.
"Y-yes. When you laugh too hard. It's hard for me to watch the movie or anything else..." Jungkook tried to explain, and Jimin just hummed, getting back to his previous position.
The next scene was obviously something hilarious, or at least that's what Jungkook thought, cause Jimin started laughing frantically, which made his bath robe to come up a bit, reveling Jimin's thick thighs and just a little bit of his ass, and that's when Jungkook realized.
Jimin was not wearing underwear.
Is this for real?
He can't be serious?
What was he supposed to do now?
Jungkook was caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't notice the movie ended.
"You're starring, aren't you? ." Jimin said, sounding cheeky, not even looking at Jungkook's direction.
"A-am not." the younger lied.
"Pffff liar." Jimin snorted, and slid his body a bit down, towards Jungkook so the robe got up a little bit more, reveling his perfect round ass cheeks.
"Shit hyung."
"I thought you're not starring. Just wanted to check." Jimin teased, and Jungkook bit his lower lip harshly, gulping hard, unable to focus on anything else except that divine sight.
"So are you just gonna sit there and stare?" Jimin asked, voice sultry, eyes half lidded, while giving Jungkook an over the shoulder look.
"I-I... Can I touch it?" Jungkook said, stuttering, face flushing pink, and Jimin laughed at his cuteness.
"How about you try."
And Jungkook did.
He leaned forward, trying to hide his own fully hard dick in his jeans, just put both of his hands on top of each cheek, and gasped at the smooth and soft feeling.
"Hyung... Your ass feels so good." he cooed while starting to squeeze the flesh a bit harsher, earning a moan from Jimin's plump lips.
That moan got straight down to his dick.
Than he started kneading the hot muscles and soon enough he leaned down, and started kissing the cheeks softly, just small pecks all around the older's ass.
"Mmmm Jungkookie, feels so good." Jimin said while pushing the robe all the way up to his waist, finally reveling that heavenly creation.
Soon Jungkook's kisses became open mouthed which made Jimin to mewl some more, and after Jungkook started nibbling all around his thighs, coming up to his ass cheeks, Jimin took things in his own hands, seeing how unsure of his next move Jungkook was, deliberating what he should and shouldn't do, Jimin grabbed his cheeks and spread them apart, revealing his tight pink spotless hole.
Jungkook cursed under his breath.
It was Jimin.
His Jimin.
His hyung.
His hottest hyung.
How could he ever get used to this?
"Play with me Kookah, would you?" Jimin's word's echoing inside his ears, and before he could think about it too much, Jungkook leaned down and licked one long, wet strip over Jimin's hole, leaving Jimin in shock.
"Shit I didn't mean it like that... Kookah... I thought aaahhh...."
Jimin tried to say something, but Jungkook was way too deep now. All he wanted to do was this.
To kiss and lick and nib around that perfect little hole and to make Jimin feel good.
"You were saying?" it was Jungkook's time to tease, while he was rubbing his finger over Jimin's hole.
"Just... The lube... Top drawer..."
Jimin felt hard to say a full, reasonable sentence once he felt Jungkook's tongue slowly poking inside his hole, stretching him nicely, thoroughly.
"Mmmmm hyung. You taste so good." Jungkook felt bold so he decided to speak his mind, which made Jimin even more eager than before. Bucking his hips up, trying to fuck himself on Jungkook's tongue.
Jungkook opened the top drawer and saw unpacked bottle of lube, and some sex toys Jimin obviously loved to use. He grabbed one particularly pretty, and decided to play a bit with it.
The sound of bottle cap opening echoed through the room, and Jimin thought he knew what's coming next.
He was obviously expecting Jungkook's fingers, but instead of that, Jungkook coated the long pink toy, thick approximately as Jungkook's two fingers, with a nice amount of lube.
He pushed the tip of the toy in, and Jimin jumped a little.
"What, what's that?" he asked and Jungkook laughed.
"You don't recognize your own toys hyung? Seems like you don't use them very often."
"Ummm... sometimes... I-I ahhhh I prefer something warmer..." he said sounding already so far gone, while Jungkook was thrusting the toy deeper inside him. The sight so fascinating, just the way the toy was disappearing and reappearing in between his cheeks, making Jimin to pant fast and hard.
" Shit Jungkookah, don't s-stop..." As soon as Jungkook found older's prostate, Jimin started bucking his hips even more, now practically fucking himself on the toy.
"Hyung you sound so pretty... And to thought that your singing voice was the prettiest melody to my ears..."
Jimin loved the way Jungkook praised him, and all of this felt so good and too much at the same time, and all he wanted to do now, was come.
Jungkook was abusing his prostate for so long now, that he felt like he could come just by simple touch of his hand on his hard neglected cock.
Before he got a chance to touch himself, Jungkook turned on the small button on the pink toy, that turned out to be vibrator and only than Jimin started moaning hard, sexy sounds coming out of his mouth. Luckly his head was pressed in the pillow beneath him, so that the other boys don't hear them.
"That's right hyung. You're doing so good... Would you come for me, make a mess between the sheets, hm? Jungkook felt all of it too overwhelming, and his hard dick started hurting inside his sweatpants, so he slowly took it out, and started pumping it firmly with one handy while the other was fucking Jimin with nice persistent pace.
"I'm gonna..." Jimin didn't get the chance to finish his thought, spilling the white sticky cum on his bed sheets, while Jungkook was tugging on his hard length, and only couple of strokes later, he came hard, shooting the cum all over Jimin's ass and back.
He let himself fall next to Jimin's lifeless body. Both of them still coming from their highs, looking at each other affectionately.
"What did just happen?" Jungkook asked in awe, Jimin just smiling at the younger's cuteness.
"I wanna cuddle." Jimin said with a pout, and Jungkook got up, grabbing a wet cloth to clean Jimin nicely.
"Thank you." the older whispered softly as Jungkook positioned him onto his chest.
Jungkook threw the soft blanket over their bodies, and moved the older even closer to him.
"Were we too loud?" Jimin asked shyly, as Jungkook was caressing his back delicately.
"No. I don't think so..."
"Cause boys could be still in the living room, we need to be careful."
" I think you were louder three days ago while I was fucking you in our dance studio, and others were eating in the room next to us. "
" Don't even remind me! It's your fault you know. Your choreo for My time is just so fucking sexy. I can't even look at you preform."
"Pfff look who's talking, mister Pick your filter... Come on hyung, that part when you grab your crotch... I mean, stop with the teasing... ARMYs are seriously gonna have a heart attack. "
"You're cute." Jimin said while looking at his lover's fond smile, just enjoying their nights together.
"No. I'm manly. " Jungkook said while flexing his biceps, and Jimin pinched him right on top of one.
"You can be both." Jimin finally said, and kissed him softly.
What was supposed to be one little kiss, turned into making out session, so they kissed until their lips felt too swollen, and their eyes too heavy.
The alarm clock woke them both up, making them to whine cause of the lack of sleep.
They got up, and decided that it's for the best if Jungkook goes out first and Jimin would come couple of minutes after him, just the way they always do after their nights spent together.
Jungkook came inside the living room, the other's were already there, eating their cereals, and he tried to act cool, walking over to get some himself.
"Was Jiminie mad last night? I didn't see you after you went there." Hobi asked, and after swallowing the bite he just took, Jungkook shook his head.
"Nah, he was good. We watched some movie... Yeah..." he said and again stuffed his mouth with some cereals.
Soon Jimin came in, and all of the boys started apologizing at the same time.
"Jiminah we didn't mean to make you mad..."
"Are you angry, please don't be..."
"Those were just compliments...."
"Your ass isn't even that great." Yoongi said and than made a pause, than continued:"... Who am I kidding, it's eight wonder of the world to be honest..." Yoongi was his usual self, and after Jimin giggled at their apologies they all loosened up a little.
"So you're not mad we didn't get to stretch properly last night?" Jin asked, knowing how Jimin hates it when they don't do their stretching well, and his muscles start to hurt the next day.
"Actually, Jungkookah helped me with stretching after he came last night, so no soreness for me today. Well on most of my body parts." Jimin said, sounding calm, and Jungkook choked on air.
"Yeah, you did that um... middle split perfectly. Um, hope I didn't push you too far while you were reaching down on the floor."Jungkook stuttered, always feeling super flustered with Jimin's teasing in front of the boys.
"Oh no, Jungkookie, you did it just perfectly. Thank you." Jimin smiled cutely, and Jungkook thought how can someone be so damn cute, but such a tease at the same time.
Jimin went to grab a shower, and Jungkook went to get dressed, and as soon as they were out of the living room, the boys started commenting.
"Do they really think they've been subtle about this?" Jin asked, all the others thinking about his question.
"Not really I guess... Jungkook is practically living in Jimin's room. I think it's so cute the way they sneak out in the morning. They're so silly." Namjoon added with fond smile.
"And the constant moaning... I mean please... Some of us can't get laid. It's like they're doing it on purpose. " Hobi stated while plopping on the couch.
"I swear to God if I ever hear another Oh Jiminah you're so tight, I'm gonna go inside and demand a prof. " Yoongi said, and all of them started hitting him all around his body.
"Shut up you little fucker." Jin said, and they all giggled.
"What, can't handle a little Yoonmin, can you hyungie?"
"Nope. There's only Jikook, and you know it." Jin said and they all agreed.
The one and only, You are me, I am you.
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