Chapter 21

It was the middle of the night and Chase was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, staring into his own eyes. They appeared to have their sparkle back because even he could tell he was in a better place than just a few weeks previous. He was hiding in the bathroom for a reason that was just a little bit different to his past habit.

Despite it being almost three in the morning, his body didn't have its usual shakes that suggested he was in need of a certain something. He was still wearing a long-sleeved shirt to cover the scars but there was just more life to him in general. His hair was still dishevelled but because he had just been laying in bed rather than because he had been pulling it amidst a breakdown.

He opened his mouth slowly, whispering the words, "I'm bisexual," as if to test the waters. Seeing the water was shallow and calm, he stepped in further, repeating the words but that time a little louder and with more confidence. He repeated it again and again until he reached the volume of his usual speaking voice. Someone knocked on the door so he yelled out, "I'm in here!" Then he took one final glance at his reflection with a small smile on his face and opened the door. He didn't even take time to notice who was standing outside because he slipped passed them and headed straight back to his bedroom where he cried.

He sat on his bed, staring up at the ceiling as tears trailed down his cheeks but they weren't his usual tears of hopelessness and desperation. He was crying because he had finally figured it out. His name was Chase Brody and he was a bisexual man.


Reaching out and intertwining his own hands with Marvin, he whispered, "There's something I need to tell you," Marvin nodded, his eyes filled with concern. He placed a supportive hand on his boyfriend's knee, letting him know that he could tell him absolutely anything. Chase knew he could tell Marvin anything. He knew it that time. "I've been thinking a lot... I even did some research because I'm just sad like that," Chase closed his eyes and took a long, deep breath, mentally reassuring himself that Marvin was going to support him no matter what. "I think I'm bisexual."

Despite knowing the door to the room was wide open and the other guys were at home, Marvin leaned forward and kissed Chase softly. It was short and only lasted a few seconds and, when he pulled back, he still remained close. When he whispered, "I love you, Chase, no matter who you are," Chase could feel his warm breath against his face. It made him shudder slightly.

"I love you too, Marvin." Chase smiled because he seriously meant it. The magician sitting in front of him had made him happier in about a week of dating than Stacy had done in so many years. He always knew exactly what to say in the bad moments and he could tell when Chase was lying and something was wrong with him. He didn't shout or push him to speak when he didn't want to and he was just so patient, even when Chase was having the panic attacks that would usually just make Stacy scream at him until he felt a hundred times worse.

"Oh and, just so you know, doing research isn't sad. I think it's sort of a part of learning who you are."

"What, spending hours looking through definitions of words you have never heard of before?"

"Yeah. Your research sounds slightly better than what I did when I was a questioning teenager."

"What did you do?"

"You don't want to know, man," Marvin chuckled and Chase frowned for a second before putting two and two together and letting out a soft laugh of his own. "So... when do you want to come out to the others and your kids?"

"I haven't really thought about it. I mean, I've literally just come to terms with my sexuality so I need more time."

"I know. I'll wait..." Marvin stood up and turned to leave. Without facing Chase, he muttered, "I don't want to wait forever though, alright?"


Returning to his research, Chase was sifting through different methods of coming out. Most of them were directed at teenagers and their families and not fully grown men who had children which was a bit demeaning but he ignored that feeling. Most of the pages and articles basically just said that no one really cares all that much and coming out is for you, the not-completely-straight person, not the person you are talking to. They also reminded you to ensure the environment was safe and it wasn't one where you could be potentially kicked out or disowned in anyway. Chase was fairly certain that Marvin would ensure he wouldn't be disowned or kicked out so he was alright on that front.

Chase wasn't sure if he was ready but he felt guilty making Marvin wait. He didn't want Marvin to leave him and, although he thought that was an unlikely scenario, he still feared it. He closed his laptop and headed down into the living room, calling everyone. It was almost eight o'clock so most of them were hiding in their bedrooms but eventually everyone was sat on the sofa, including Alex who had brought Sammy down with him. Marvin was sat on the floor because there wasn't enough space and he was hugging his legs, staring at Chase was a high amount of curiosity. Chase bit his lip and glanced around at everyone's faces.

He fiddled with his hands, trying to give himself a mental pep talk. He was trying to remind himself that they were all the people who he loved and who loved him. They wouldn't disown him after everything they had been through. He was sure of it. He took a shaky, deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. He knew everyone's eyes were trained on him, probably worried because of how he was acting. Chase then opened his mouth and there wasn't any going back. "There's something I need to talk to you all about," Marvin was staring at him with a wide smile on his face, encouraging him to continue, even though he felt like there was a possibility he would vomit at any moment. "You all know I was married to Stacy for a long time, a woman... well, I think it's time for me to tell you that I like guys too. I identify as bisexual and am-" Chase felt the urge to vomit and just raced into the nearby bathroom, slamming the door and locking it as quickly as possible before turning and throwing up the contents of his dinner. He started to sob, anxieties swirling around in his head and telling him that they all hated him after his confession. He gagged again, squeezing his eyes shut as an endless amount of tears trailed down his cheeks.

A knock sounded against the door and it just made him feel dizzy. He sat down on the floor and hugged his knees against his chest, his breathing raged. The world was spinning around him but he never wanted to leave the bathroom. "Dad?" Surprisingly, it was Alex who spoke. "I hope you know no one judges you. I still love you and Sammy doesn't understand but she will always love you too. The guys all said they support you too and would even if you murdered somebody."

"I'm not going to murder anybody." Chase mumbled, just to let them know he was alive. He sniffed, rubbing his fists against his eyes. He hadn't found the energy to stand up though.

"We know which is... good but please come out, shit- not a pun-" Chase started to laugh. He was still sobbing and pretty hysterical but he just started to laugh really enthusiastically. The pun wasn't even that funny but it had just come at such a bad moment that it was almost good. It helped Chase forget about his panic for a few moments. "Just, come out, dad. I want to hug you. I know, I hate human contact and stuff but I'll make an exception just for this moment. That must prove how much I love you, right?"

Chase finally stood up, his legs trembling. He leant on the wall for a moment, waiting for the dizzy spell to pass. It did eventually and he unlocked the door, practically tackled Alex into a hug. Everyone else joined in the hug, including Anti, and Chase had never felt more loved. When he backed up, he glanced down at the floor, exhaled deeply and said, "Oh and Marvin's my boyfriend by the way."

Everyone turned to stare at the magician with wide eyes. Marvin's response was to wave at them all with a timid expression on his face.

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