Chapter 20
Chase walked in the door and straight into the kitchen where his empty cup was sitting from when he realised they were out of milk. He dropped the tea bag in, along with the two sugars, before flicking on the kettle and waiting for it to boil. As he waited, he leant on the counter and ran back through his conversation with Stacy in his head. His left eye was quite sore but he could only hope he could find an excuse that would be satisfactory enough so the others wouldn't worry or ask further questions. He planned to just say he had tripped and hit his head on the side of the table or something along those lines. The kettle boiled and he reached out, lifting it up and pouring the water into his cup. He watched the teabag swirl around in the cup as he stirred before lifting it out and dropping it into the bin. He poured in the milk and placed the spoon in the dishwasher before taking his tea into the living room.
Sammy was sitting on the sofa beside Marvin and Paw Patrol was playing on the television. It didn't appear that either of their attention was on it though because Marvin was holding Sammy's stuffed rabbit and unicorn and putting on funny voices. The rabbit's one was Russian or something which was absolutely ridiculous and the unicorn spoke in the most high-pitched voice that Marvin could do. Neither of them noticed Chase standing there watching them so they continued.
"What is your name?" The unicorn said in its voice that was so high that Chase was surprised he could still hear it. "I am zee Bunsy Bun," The rabbit then replied with its stupid accent. Sammy was clapping, in fits of laughter as the toys continued to talk to each other. "What an original name. I am Miss Rainbow-Princess. It seems my name is also very original." Finally, Marvin turned his head to see Chase standing there, watching them with a cup of steaming tea in his hand. Chase waved a little, forgetting for a moment about the potential bruise covering his left eye.
"What happened to you?" Marvin questioned, handing the stuffed toys back over to Sammy who happily started to try and mimic the voices Marvin had been putting on.
"Oh, nothing. I tripped and hit my eye on a table." Chase replied with a surprising amount of confidence but Marvin wasn't fooled. He reached forward and brushed the tip of one of his fingers over the purple colour.
"Are you sure?" Chase's eyes darted around the room and he started to fiddle with his hands: a sign he wasn't telling the truth. "You're lying."
"Okay, I- I ran into Stacy in Tesco's..."
"You what?! Did she do this? That bitch."
"Sammy's in the room!"
Marvin turned around and muttered an apology to the little girl who wasn't even listening. She was fully enveloped in the little world she had created with Bunsy Bun and Miss Rainbow-Princess. "What happened?"
"She asked me to come home and I basically told her to fuck off."
"How come you're allowed to swear?!"
"It's not like she's paying attention and I'm her dad so..."
"Fine but how did that result in you getting a black eye?"
Chase lifted up his snapback and ran a hand through his hair before placing it back on his head. "I suppose she didn't like it when I told her to fuck off? I said if she ever came near me or the kids again, I'll call the police which I fully intend on doing."
"Good," Marvin reached down and laced their hands together. Chase warily glanced at Sammy who still wasn't in the same world as them. "I hate her so much."
Chase was sat at his computer. Originally, he had been editing his latest video but he had given up on that and was now searching through Google for different types of sexuality. The first ones he came across were the typical homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual but, as he looked further, he found terms that he wasn't as familiar with. He clicked into a page that displayed something similar to a dictionary of terms all relating to the spectrums of gender and sexuality.
He found pansexual was after the ones he knew, at the top, and his eyes scanned the definition. When you are attracted to all genders and/or do not concern gender when you are attracted towards someone. He scrolled further down to view some more, his curiosity suddenly multiplying. He figured out the term 'questioning' was used when someone was unsure and debating their own sexuality or gender. So he was currently questioning. He stumbled across the word asexual- not experiencing sexual attraction. That definitely wasn't him but it was good to know for future reference. Once he reached the bottom of the page, he read through it again, settling on the term bisexual. What made him question whether it was the label for him was one simple sentence added onto the end of the definition: Note that you do not have to be equally attracted to each gender.
So, what he was contemplating, was whether he was bisexual with a preference for women. That would still mean he could have feelings for a man, like Marvin, but still be able to date and love women. A figure appeared in the doorway to his bedroom, making him anxiously slam his laptop shut a little too hard. "Daddy?" The little girl was obviously crying because she kept sniffing and rubbing her eyes. "Alex broke Bunsy Bun!"
"How?" Chase got up onto his feet, examining the poor rabbit whose arm had been torn right off.
"I wouldn't let him have it so he pulled it and I pulled it and his arm fell off." Sammy let out a loud sob so Chase took her small hand into his own.
"I'll talk to him, alright? And I'm sure someone in this house might be able to sew it back on for you," He was slightly sceptical. No one in the house really seemed to have the presentation that suggested an ability to sew but he wouldn't know for sure unless he asked around. "Alex!" Chase headed into the living room where Alex was sitting on his phone, typing away. "Why did you tear of Sammy's rabbit's arm?"
"I didn't mean to. I was just teasing her and I didn't think it would come off... I'm sorry, dad."
"It's alright but I doubt anyone here knows how to sew." Alex shrugged, looking back down at his phone as Chase searched for any of his friends.
Marvin and Anti were the only ones home so Chase spoke to Marvin first, thinking he was the more likely of the two to be able to sew. "Marv, can you fix this by any chance?" He held up the poor, armless rabbit who had tuffs of stuffing hanging out the hole where its right arm would have been.
"Not really... I can replace it?"
"I feel like she'd notice. Can any of the other guys sew?"
"Ask Anti."
"...Alright?" Chase backed out of the room and into Anti's whose just happened to be right opposite Marvin's. "Can you fix Sammy's rabbit?" He showed the stuffed toy to Anti who took it from him and examined it.
"I'll see what I can do."
"You can sew?!"
"Wow, Chase, I thought you were better than judging books by covers."
"Bunsy Bun!" Sammy squealed, hugging the rabbit against her chest before pulling an unexpected Anti into a hug too. His face was absolutely priceless to Chase who was in stitches, just watching Anti's eyebrows raise in surprise. The man didn't exactly want to upset the child so he didn't pull away, as uncomfortable as he was with the human contact. "Thank you, Unc-y Anti!"
"Uh, I'm not..." Anti started before trailing off. He might be seen as heartless from time to time but it was hard for anyone to see a child so small and naive upset.
"Thank you!" Sammy put on that Russian accent again and Anti burst out laughing.
"What the- What was that?"
"Marvin gave the rabbit that accent. Roll with it."
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