Perplexion washed over her face at her uncle's words from the other line of phone. "Wait wait wait so it's like from 8 'o' clock to 10 'o' clock  I will be in my university and the rest of the time in that institution? Why?" . The older man on her phone could be heard sighing at his niece. "Fumi only one skill isn't enough . You must excel in every aspect and that's what the institution does. You won't be alone there, many other students would be there too just like you. C'mon now hang up and leave for the academy."  She hung up the call after muttering a goodbye. 

'what excellence? This just sounds like school for grown ups' 

Fumiko felt the exhaustion well up inside her even before the day had begun. It was her final year, and her uncle had abruptly transferred her from Kyoto to Tokyo to study there. And now, her uncle had enrolled her in a prestigious academy in Tokyo specifically for students from influential and powerful families, with the expectation that she would excel in both her chosen college major and other pursuits. 

the car pulled up to the prestigious academy in Tokyo, Fumiko was struck by the impressive sight before her. The campus was sprawling, with modern architecture and lush greenery everywhere. The buildings were well-maintained and exuded an aura of elegance and sophistication. Everywhere she looked, there were students dressed in uniforms. 


As the driver reminded her about the package from her uncle, Fumiko let out a sigh. She knew exactly what was inside - a brand new uniform, tailored according to the strict specifications of the academy. The thought of conforming to the same uniform as everyone else made her feel a pang of rebellion, but she also knew that it was impossible to argue with her uncle's decision.

she stepped out of the car, Fumiko steeled herself to face the reality of the academy. She made her way through the bustling campus, carefully navigating her way to the restrooms. Once she reached the girls' restroom, she stepped inside and changed into her new uniform which consisted of a crisp white shirt, a navy blue blazer, a knee-length skirt. 

As Fumiko sauntered through the corridors of the academy, she noticed a group of friends standing nearby. They were all roughly around her age, but to her surprise, they were not wearing any uniforms. The only member of the group who was donning a uniform was a petite girl who appeared to be a first year.

Intrigued, Fumiko glanced at the group of friends once more . The scene that unfolded before Fujiko was quite striking giving her a wrong idea .A guy  with stark white hair, appeared to be forcefully pulling at the blazer of a petite girl who seems to be a first year . The white haired guy's aggressive pulling created wrinkles in previously neat blazer, making it clear that she was not willingly participating in this exchange.From her vantage point, Fumiko was convinced that this was a case of harassment.

Fumiko was a girl with a fierce temperament, known for her impulsiveness and tendency to act on her anger. When she saw the scene before her, it was almost as if a switch flipped inside her – her anger flared up, and she immediately started moving towards the group of friends.

In a quick and unexpected move, Fumiko reached out and spun the white haired menace around by his shoulder, causing him to face her. Before he could even react,he felt a stinging pain on his cheek as a loud slap echoed through the corridor.The sudden, unexpected slap caused him to freeze in shock for a moment, the drink in his hand slipping from his grasp and splattering all over Fumiko in the process. The liquid soaked into her uniform, staining it.

For a brief moment, there was silence as both of them  stood there, surprised at the unexpected turn of events.

He took a moment to size up the girl who had slapped him, taking in her confident, fiery demeanor. "What did I do to deserve that?" he asked, feigning innocence, and his eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief "Mind telling me why you decided to assault me out of the blue?". Fumiko's expression became increasingly serious and irritated. Her eyes narrowed, and her lips tightened into a frown, making it clear that she was not amused by his nonchalance.

"If you consider a little slap like that assault, I can only imagine what you'd think of what you was doing to the girl."

it dawned on him that she had misunderstood the situation. He realized that his actions with first year girl might have appeared suspicious from afar, but the truth was that she was his cousin, and the reason he was tugging on her uniform was because she had insisted on wearing it despite they can easily break rules and get away due to their family's lax policies. 

The white haired guy let out a low chuckle, realizing how this whole interaction must have looked from the outside. He immediately had the idea to play as the bad guy to get on nerves of the new girl in the institution. 

The white haired guy feigned a look of mock surprise, a hint of sarcasm evident in his tone. "Harassing her, you say? Well, what if I was?"irritation show in his expression, as if he couldn't believe that she had the audacity to slap him."And Who do you think you are, coming in here and slapping me?"

Undeterred by his attempt to act offended, Fumiko stood her ground. With equal confidence and a hint of defiant arrogance, she met his gaze.

"The name's Kamo Fumiko, you'll get used to hearing it "  her voice firm and resolute. "And who the hell might you be?" The way she stood her ground and demanded to know his name, with confidence and a hint of arrogance, was an oddly refreshing change from the usual response he received from people. He couldn't deny that Fumiko was a breath of fresh air amidst the usual fawning and adoration he received from other girls

The white haired guy watching Fumiko's reaction, couldn't resist a grin as he introduced himself.

"Gojo Satoru," he said, his voice laced with a hint of arrogance. "Does the name ring a bell?"

Gojo knew that his family was powerful and well-known, and he had no doubt that Fumiko's family was just as influential. He could see the flicker of recognition in her eyes as she registered his name, and a hint of surprise at the realization that he was someone notable. 

Fumiko's eyes widened slightly as she recognized the name. She knew of the Gojo family and their considerable influence and power. Seeing the hint of recognition in her eyes, Gojo couldn't help but feel a tinge of amusement.

"Judging by your reaction, I take it you've heard of me before," 

"Ofcourse I have.  Explains your reckless behaviour"


" You are a gojo because you're haughty or you are haughty because you're a gojo " 

The brunette who's usually laid-back member of the group, couldn't contain her amusement at the exchange between Gojo and Kamo."Looks like someone's got his hands full with this one," Shoko chimed in, her laughter filling the air. "Gotta admit, it's kind of entertaining to see him on the receiving end for once." 

The manbun guy who was standing nearby, chimed in with a note of amused resignation.

"Alright, Saturo, that's enough," he teased, his voice laced with good humor. "I know you're enjoying messing around, but it's time to set the record straight. Tell her the truth and clear up this misunderstanding."

Saturo smirked at his best friend, realizing that the time had come to clear the air. He turned his attention back to Fumiko, his expression turning slightly amused yet sincere. "She's my cousin," he clarified. "And she's pretty stubborn about not wanting to wear any non-uniform clothes. I was just trying to get her to match the rest of our group by wearing casual clothes. That's why I was pulling on her blazer."

The realization that she had made a mistake and jumped to conclusions sank in,She felt a mixture of embarrassment, remorse, and confusion.As the realization and embarrassment dawned upon Fumiko, her face flushed a deep shade of red.For a moment, she was completely dumbstruck, unable to find the right words to respond.He let the silence hang for a moment before continuing."You know, we could always start on good terms if you just apologize for jumping to conclusions..."

Fumiko's expression softened slightly as she mustered up the courage to apologize. But her voice still carried a hint of reluctance as she spoke.

"Fine, I'm sorry," she said, her tone a mix of begrudging annoyance. "But it's equally your fault too, you know. You shouldn't have been so rough with your cousin, and it's no wonder I got the wrong idea. It didn't look good for someone like you."

' didn't look good for someone like him'

"Oh, is that so?" he quipped, his voice dripping with feigned innocence. "You're saying it didn't look good for a gentleman like me?"

He chuckled heartily, enjoying the way her words fit perfectly into the playful banter he was hoping for.

"You know, you're absolutely right," he agreed, his tone laced with mock humility.

With a dismissive huff, Fumiko attempted to end the conversation"You Keep going with your delusions. And me I'll get going too"With that, she spun on her heel and stalked off, her strides hurried and purposeful, eager to distance herself from the humiliating encounter.

As Fumiko walked away, she could feel the disappointment settling in. Not only had she made an embarrassment of herself in front of Gojo, but she also had to deal with the fact that her school uniform was now stained with Gojo's spilled drink. The fabric stuck uncomfortably to her skin, a constant reminder of her misstep.

The added inconvenience only fueled her frustration, and she couldn't help but silently curse the entire situation.

"Haibara ! My bag" 


The white haired guy's urgency to get his bag resulted in an unexpected turn of events. As Haibara hastily threw the bag towards him, it missed its intended mark and smacked Gojo square in the face.

"Ow!" The victim winced, rubbing his forehead where the bag had struck. "Damnit, Haibara! You could've just handed it to me like a normal person." Haibara just chuckled rubbing his neck . The white haired guy quickly rummaged through his bag, As he dug through his bag, he was on the lookout for a particular item - a top he had crafted during the vacation. With a satisfied smirk, he triumphantly pulled out a neatly folded top that he had designed and sewn himself. He slung his bag back over his shoulder and set off in pursuit of Fumiko. His strides were purposeful, his sneakers hitting the pavement with a steady rhythm. He knew he had to catch up to her .  his long strides easily matching her pace, quickly closed the gap between them.

For a moment, he simply kept pace with her, studying her profile. Now what does he want. Everything's settled right? Fumiko couldn't help but click her tongue in irritation. He came to a stop suddenly, forcing Fumiko to do the same. Saturo Gojo, holding the top he had made, extended it towards her. The fabric was soft and carefully ironed smooth. His hard work, dedication, and craftsmanship were evident in every stitch and seam. 

"Take this" 

"You give gifts to people who slap you?" 

"NO. it's for staining your shirt" 

" I see  thanks but NO" 

He wondered how it would look on her, the way the fabric would hug her figure, and how the color would complement her features. But he kept these thoughts to himself, his expression remaining casual.there was a certain satisfaction in seeing someone wear one's own creation. However she bluntly rejected. 

"You know," he quipped, a hint of mischief in his voice, "if you take this top, we'd be even. It would be like my apology, a gesture of goodwill. But if you don't, well..."He paused, feigning a deep thought."Then it would be like you're the only one who owes an apology, making you the lower one in this situation." he could see the wheels turning in her mind. After a moment, she reached out and snatched the top from his hands."Fine," she muttered reluctantly, her irritation still evident in her voice. "Thanks."

Fumiko headed towards the restroom walking through the hallways. Meanwhile the white haired guy trailed behind her, whistling innocently, as if completely unaware of her irritation growing in her with every step.She couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and annoyance as he followed her, like a shadow she couldn't shake off. 

"Ugh why are you still following me?" 

"I'm making sure you go in the right direction. Doesn't want the new girl to get lost on her way to restroom"

"I know where it is. Thank you for your service, you may leave"

"Come on," he said, his voice laced with a hint of feigned sincerity. "You wouldn't want to encounter any rowdy and annoying students on your way, would you? I'm just being a gentleman." Fumiko knew she was more than capable of handling herself. The hint of irritation in her voice was now more prominent."Oh, please," she said,  rolling her eyes. "I can handle myself just fine. I don't need a babysitter." 

He retorted back, his voice taking on a mock-serious tone. "With your track record today, who's to say you won't get into trouble again?you might end up getting into some serious trouble with someone who won't let it slide so easily.I'm just doing my part to ensure the safety of a damsel in distress." 

'damsel in distress! My foot' 

"Fine," she muttered, her tone still carrying a hint of annoyance. "You can follow me, but don't think I need the company or anything." She resignedly let him walk her towards the restrooms, realizing it was easier to give in than continue arguing. 

As they arrived at the restrooms, Gojo stood by as Fumiko walked inside. She quickly disappeared into the privacy of the ladies' room.Meanwhile, outside, he  leaned against the wall, hands shoved into his pockets, waiting patiently.After a few minutes, the sounds inside the restroom ceased. Then, with a click, the door opened, revealing Fumiko in the top that he had made.

His aquamarine eyes drank in the sight of her as she stepped out, framed in the doorway. The fabric fell gently over her figure, the cuffed sleeves adding a touch of flair. The material hugged her curves just enough to accentuate her form. The butterfly sleeves gracefully draped over her arms while the belt, tied at her waist, added a touch of refinement to the entire look. Her decision to tuck the shirt into her skirt gave the outfit a modern and chic vibe. 

He stared at her, his eyes wide and his thoughts a Jumble . It was as if she had stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine, bringing his design to life. There was an overwhelming sense of admiration, a feeling of being enchanted. a vision so perfect it could have been plucked straight from the glossy pages of a magazine. 

He cleared his throat and attempted to sound nonchalant as he spoke, all the while marveling at her in his mind."Not bad," he said, attempting to sound indifferent. 

Saturo regaining his composure, casually motioned for her to follow him towards their classroom. As they walked down the hallway, he struck up a conversation, injecting a carefree tone into his voice.

"So what is your college major?" 

"Material science and engineering"

"Another science gurl added to the list" 


"I can't give you confidential information about my friends unless you became one of us" 

"Nevermind. But what's yours? The college major?" 


Engrossed in their conversation, both of them didn't immediately notice that they had arrived at the classroom. Their footsteps led them right to the doorway of the lecture room.The lecturer's voice cut through the air, effectively stopping their conversation in its tracks."You're two minutes late," he stated firmly, his gaze fixed upon the latecomers. 

'great just on my first day here I'm late to the first class' Fumiko thought , sighing 

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