Part Two: A Shift in Spirit
{*~•••~*Nova's House*~•••~*}
<20:00, May 29>
"What are we going to do about this? She can't stay here forever. Not while they think we've kidnapped her." I heard Emily say in a urgent tone. I bit my lip as I realized what they were talking about.
"What are we supposed to do? Send her back? She'd never trust us again." Pitch shot back. I closed my eyes. This was not happening. Not today. I'm so close.
"Both of you stop. She's going to that camp tomorrow. Hopefully things will calm down by the time she gets back." Angel said calmly. I let go of a breath I didn't realize I had been holding.
I picked up my phone and looked at the messages.
/Clan Chat\
Who's ready for today?
Or technically tomorrow still?
@ Oreo Prophet
I have the moonsugar
And matches
Jackie Boi:
Will they even allow matches?
Will they allow a picnic between two campers?
Jackie Boi:
You know what your planning.
Oreo Prophet:
@ Denza
I'm bringing Shwarma
Jackie Girl:
Do you think they'll have hot chocolate
Yes! Matches! Let us burn down all the cabins!
Arson? Can I join?
What can I burn?
*slides Fire my homework from the school year*
🔥*burns the homework*🔥
Has anyone heard from Caroline and мама?
I can't sleep with my phone going off every five seconds.
They told me they were going to be CITs. Not sure what cabin though.
@ Lily
Join us.
Jackie Girl:
So their going to meet us there?
Peter and I are ready to go! Just waiting on Morgan.
@ Blair
Go to sleep
Happy's driving us to your place now.
Jackie Boi:
Me, Artie, and Nova should all be leaving at the same time right?
Jackie Boi:
Umm. So are you not coming??
You're not coming.
So many notifications...
(Jackie Boi: Let me in? Lol.)
Knock knock knock
I jumped, quickly looking around the room before my eyes landed on the window.
"Jack!" I jumped up and quickly ran over, "what in the name of First Light—"
"Heh. Wanted to make sure you had everything packed." He chucked.
"How did you even get up here? I'm on the second floor."
I pushed him and he laughed.
"Nova! Are you ready to go? The plane leaves in three and a half hours, and we told Aster we would pick up Jack." Pitch yelled up from the kitchen.
"No need! We just have to pick up my stuff!" Jack yelled back.
"Jack!" I shoved him again. He fell back onto my bed clutching his side.
The door opened to reveal Pitch, who looked back and forth between the two of us with a tired expression.
"Why do I even bother with you two?" Pitch asked.
"Maybe... because you love us?" I guessed.
"Pitch!? Love? It's the end of the world!" Jack gasped.
We both starting laughing as Pitch just shook his head.
<22:30, May 29>
As we drove into the parking lot, I looked over at Nova, who was looking out the window at the stars. Her fingers tapping against the small, light blue, box in her lap.
We were supposed to be meeting Artemis and Nova's Aunt's Boyfriend here (or something like that). From my knowledge, he was just here to make sure we got to camp alright.
I looked down at my phone and Nova glanced towards me. I opened the messages.
/Clan Chat\
@ Nova
What in the world is taking you two so long?
I should probably sleep before we have to drive for two hours tomorrow.
I have literally been telling you and Rose that for two hours now.
But I can't sleep
Jack and Nova aren't there yet?
Hmmm. I wonder what's taking them so long?
@ Jack?
Jackie Boi:
Sorry @ Artie
We had to make a quick stop to get something.
Pitch stopped the car and we unloaded our things before going into the airport.
"Took you long enough!" Someone said as soon as we walked through the doors.
"Artie!" Nova jumped. "Don't sneak up on us like that."
Artie looked between the two of us.
"So, what did you guys have to stop for?"
"Happy Birthday!" Nova smiled and handed them the light blue box.
"My birthday is tomorrow..." he said, opening the box. "It's a blue cupcake."
"With yellow frosting! It's vanilla."
"How am I supposed to get it through security?"
"Better eat it quickly." Pitch commented.
Artie quickly started eating it as we moved on to find our chaperone, who was waiting for us at the airport Starbucks.
'Coffee!' Nova whisper shouted, taking her wallet out of her backpack before getting in line. I followed behind her as Pitch and Conri stopped to talk.
Five minutes and $5.95 later, me and Nova walked over to get straws to find Artemis taking napkins to get yellow frosting off their shirt.
"Do. Not. Laugh."
Nova held a hand over her mouth, her shoulders rising and falling a bit.
"I said don't laugh."
"I'm not!"
"Nova?" Pitch walked up, glancing once at Artie still trying to get rid of the now dried frosting. "A word please, dear."
"That's four words actually. But I suppose you want a few more?" When her joke didn't settle with him her expression shifted into a more serious look. "Yeah. We can talk."
They walked over towards the bathrooms, leaving me and Artie with our chaperone. A tall man with broad shoulders and rather unruly hair. Not that I could talk, since I hardly ever did more then comb my fingers through mine ever once in a while. He eyed us like we might tackle him at any second, stealing glances at we're Nova and Pitch where as if he thought they might disappear on top of that.
Finally, Artie decided to break the silence.
"Hello?" He raised an eyebrow.
"What's your name?"
"How do you know Nova and Pitch."
"I'm her uncle-in-law."
"Are you a werewolf?"
"What makes you ask that?"
"No reason." Artie shrugged before looking over at Nova and Pitch again. I followed his gaze and realized they were walking back our way.
"Right then!" Pitch clapped his hand together, "I believe you're all set to go. I won't be joining you at the gate, but Confir will be making sure that you three get to your destination safely. Any questions?"
I glanced at Nova who seemed very determined to get every last bit of her Cookies and Cream Frappe out of the cup.
"—then. I wish you all—"
"...A great trip."
"I was done talking."
Pitch sighed. "Have fun at this... camp of yours."
"Mm-hm." She hummed. He placed a hand on her shoulder before squeezing it a bit.
"I love you."
"Thanks. Now c'mon guys. We're gonna miss our flight." She grumbled, shoving her shoulder to get Pitch's hand off before walking towards the gates.
Confir quickly followed as not to lose her and we decided it would be best to do the same.
I stole one last glance at Pitch before turning out of view. It's funny, though. He looked concerned. I looked back ahead, just in time to see Nova disappear into the terminal for our flight. Suddenly, I found myself wondering just what the pair had been talking about.
[Author's Note, Credits]
1270 words guys......
I hoped you liked this part of the story!
Happy birthday in advance to The_Artemis_Malfoy! I hope you liked the cupcake!
So... that's a wrap!
I think I'll do a Blooper reel after Part 5.
̶(̶P̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶a̶s̶/̶t̶h̶e̶o̶r̶i̶e̶s̶)̶
Cue the credits!
[Morgan — MadiaEvans]
[Denza — Cadenza — Seasong — Seasongtheseawing]
[Artie — Artemis — The_Artemis_Malfoy]
[Mir-Mir — Miriam — Mum — Geek-Of-Utah]
[Jackie Girl — Jacqueline — @The-Story-Weaver]
[Nyxie — Nyx — -nyxiemaxf-]
[Shawn — ShawnSpencer28]
[Sage — SageFalcon0_o]
[Evie — Evelyn — Parkers-In-Crime]
[Lily — Lily_Lupin-Black]
[Fire — Ember — FireDragon20]
[Rosie — Roselyn — crazyfornovels_26{
[Blair — -ireneadler]
[Snaped Snek — June — Severely_Snaped]
[Oreo Prophet — Shade — Deez_Cats_ded]
[Pitch — Pitch Black]
[Confir — Skreeklavic Shadowbent (In his most human form)]
[Jackie Boi — Jack Frost]
[Nova — Asta — @Ilovetoreadandwrite — Me]
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